He’s too powerful for the team, they gotta do some serious hand waving
GOTG3 thread
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>pretending mcu cares about consistent or logical power levels
I think they’re gonna have Adam Warlock, he could be stronger than Thor
Not really, you could easily write your way around him being overpowered.
>Opening has Thor going ham on their enemies, making Quill jealous and everyone else fall in love with him
>Has to split up from the group somewhere in the third act for some vague reason (i.e. excuse for him to meet up with & befriend Beta Ray Bill)
>Shows up in the third act to Captain Marvel shit
Easy enough.
Star lord is half god tho.
Thor holds back in the comic.
Why should it be any different here?
He gave that up in Vol. 2
I hope I am wrong but pretty sure they are going to have him in the film for maybe 15 min if we are lucky. They will write him off as going on his own space adventures.
But let's say Gunn doesn't go that route. They could make Drax a big threat like he is or was in the comics. A subtle buff if you will. Groot as an adult is a heavy hitter, and Warlock is as powerful if not more so than Thor. What they need to do is up the ante for the villain. Look at the avengers Captain America is the leader and yet they take on Thanos level threats and bigger often enough.
Just come up for a plot reason for siphoning away 90% of his power (and putting it inside a horse alien, so two birds one stone)
I'm sure he'll just run across some asgardians or sif in the opening and decide he should leave the team to go tell any stray asgardians that their new home is earth.
>I hope I am wrong but pretty sure they are going to have him in the film for maybe 15 min if we are lucky. They will write him off as going on his own space adventures.
Isn't the point of having a shared Universe so different heroes can work together?
It also works in the comics and comic Thor is usually stronger amd it works so why not here?
Hopefully Thor fucks off since he's to big of a character and will take to much focus
He's going to leave the team by the end and be replaced by Beta Ray Bill
First third of the film had Thor one snorting everything and a montage of Quill looking pissed off that the adventures are over in five minutes and the crew Love him.
Then BAM, they head to a distress call and Thor gets BTFO by Beta Ray Bill, who steals his powers leaving Thor effectively on par with his depowered Thor 1 state. Could have some cool comedy moments like Thor trying to pry off a door and forgetting he can’t, or losing an arm wrestle to drax
Later turns out Bill is a good guy and needed the closest source of cosmic energy to try and stop insert villain here, but knows he has no chance now so he tries to give it all back to Thor
Thor tells him to hold on to a little, then you have Thor, Bill and the guardians attacking the bad guys
That's what I said when I brought up Cap America. He is on the avengers team with ultra powerful people but it still works. So Thor can be on the GoTG.
Pretty sure Thor will die in the first 15 minutes of the movie
I imagine Thor showing up the rest of the Guardians, especially Starlord, will be part of the plot.
Your "easy" solution has a pretty big drawback: it's lazy and would make the Guardians' efforts feel pointless. Easy writing is typically easy because it's not compelling or engaging.
Why not have Thor kidnapped at the beginning and have the guardians needing to rescue him from a clearly vastly more powerful enemy be the main plot?
Raises the stakes high too, since if this dude can kidnap Thor, the guardians are gonna have a hell of a hard time
this is the worst case scenario for in my opinion.It would suck to see this character we've known for a decade die early in a film just to get the plot rolling
Maybe the rest of them could get upgrades
Or they could introduce Quasar, Nova, Darkhawk, Adam and other cosmic heavy hitters to keep up with Thor
They'd better. They only teased it at the end of 2.
Needs a montage of Quill and Thor getting in shape after Adam becomes everyone's hero and flirts with 2014 Gamora.
Because people are still going to complain about why he couldn't one shot kill every threat.
Well as Endgame proved; they can't get it right when they kill people halfway through or at the end of the movie, so let's see what happens when they waste yet another character at the start.
Nothing is sacred in MCU. Anyone can be killed off and it does not seem to matter. Plus Thor needs to be taken out to get rid of that last lingering phase one character.
I'll rather have them die instead of being consistently revived like a zombie.
I want him to get yoinked by Beta Rey Bill in the first five minutes and they have a superfluous yet enjoyable C story.
That would upset thprfags. You should never elevate your hero by shitting on another's hero.
The answer is to not kill off a character for random shock value
>He’s too powerful for the team, they gotta do some serious hand waving
Three Words. Beta. Ray. Bill.
The Guardians are almost as powerful a team without Thor as the Avengers are without Thor.
Strength wise Drax would rival Iron Man and Rocket could probably match him in ranged weaponry, Groot, Nebula and Gamora would out strength Cap. Widow and Clint would take down Star Lord (post Ego's death) and MCU Mantis mind you, but the power gap isn't that wide.
The only thing that makes the Avengers stronger than the Guardians is Hulk. If we look at The Avengers without Thor and The Guardians of the Galaxy WITH Thor, they're actually pretty evenly matched. Unless you bring Wanda, Vision and the others in...
I think they're going to be stupid and pad out the "Beta Ray Bill appears to be a villain" part of his origin. So Bill and Thor are going to spend most of the movie fighting on even terms.
>Thor exists the movie to run a quick errand in the first 10 minutes
>Guardians get distracted and leave him there
>post-credits scene, he shows up with a golden arm and Beta Ray Bill
>Thor 4 is just the story of what happened while Guardians 3 was happening
I see no reason he couldn’t get back to that level
DnA run on guardians of the galaxy was always a mix between cosmic heavy hitters and normal people.
He's been "too powerful" since the start. His whole purpose is to job.
nah, Adam Warlock is gonna shit all over him.
I agree but it could clearly be a moment where Thor (and hopefully Beta Ray Bill) can’t defeat bad guy so the OG crew has to stop him at the source and break the McGuffin giving the climax enough moving parts to create a full scene for it
I could actually live with that. except for the golden arm part. that golden arm look he had was fucking terrible.
Thor will fight Adam and the Guardians will save Rocket from the High Evolutionary
Not too hard, just need to build the action scenes around everybody's strong suit.
>have Thor, Drax, and Rocket storm the gates of something to draw attention away from the rest of the team infiltrating, almost like that one star wars TOR cinematic about the sack of coruscant
>Have Thor act like a tank, with Mantis maybe using her mind manipulation to keep a big monster's attention on him while everybody else sets up explosives
>Have a straight starship fight, where everybody is frantically repairing damaged systems, Thor spends the entire time acting as a backup generator
or my favorite idea
>if Thor is to be believed and he is the only one that can wield Stormbreaker without it destroying his mind, have him get knocked out early in the fight because Stormbreaker is the only thing that can damage the antagonist. To win the rest of the team has to use Thor's body as a puppet to get hits in with stormbreaker
his power was tied to Ego, they explain it in the movie
>To win the rest of the team has to use Thor's body as a puppet to get hits in with stormbreaker
I'd watch that. Weekend at Thor's, I like that.
I just want more Ayesha in some way
That's doubtful. Thor is still pretty well-liked by general audiences and Hemsworth by all evidence both gets along well with the rest of the cast of Guardians and has gone on record to confirm that he's happy to keep playing Thor for the foreseeable future.
>first big fight of the film
>everyone looks to Thor to be the muscle
>Thor turns back to them
>"I must go now, my planet needs me"
>*note: Thor died on the way back to his home planet*
There, problem solved, OP
I agree that Thor's existence largely makes Drax and Groot' roles mostly redundant.
So either they drop off Thor at Space McDonald's quite early on?
Or Thor has to be depowered to some extent.
I would like to think that Alternate Gamora will somehow be involved which will take up some time.
Don't know much about cosmic characters so outside of the Sufer or Galactus, etc, I'm not sure what they'll be up against.
Quill being the son of the Emperor of Spartax or whatever is obviously not a thing anymore. Thanos is gone so Drax's opinion of the matter should at least be addressed.
I'm really not sure. But at least based director dude is back. So it should be a mostly fun ride.
I just don't want Chris Hemsworth to act like a retard for another 2 full hours. He's being that so much in the last few years.
He won't be that big of a part