Hey user thanks for coming to my panel.
Hey user thanks for coming to my panel
What a manlet.
When will they ever learn?
He lost his shins killing fitty men
Hey thanks for showing a fifteen year old girl your dick.
didn't you send dicpics to underaged grills?
I'm surprised you managed to compress it all down to one panel. You almost always take up four panels.
imagine your whole legacy its just a unfunny overspammed meme
what's up with the cotton Hill proportions? His leg looks like it's missing 20% of it's length.
What is it with people with entertainment jobs aka movies, books, comics, cartoons, and t.v shows that they become degenerates?
So that's how I look in my baggy pants.
They get a fanbase, feel like they have power over said fanbase, and then use that power over them
Next thing you know your blocking your exwife on twitter and she's tweeting all the receipts about how you used secret tumblers and snapchats to sext underage fans
Like you're any better, be honest
Ok Buckley I'm gonna go over every single comic and demand you tell me where the fucking joke is.
why do 95% of all internet comic/animation artists look like egoraptor?
Does anyone have the official loss edit from this year? I forgot to save it
Was it the one where the woman gives birth to a loss edit?
I'm finding comic/cartoon side of self slowly dying, I keep 10 tabs of /pol/ open while I have 2 on Yea Forums if I'm going to be guilty of something it's being guilty of hating jews.
Holy based.
Honestly yeah. I got into this "adult that watches cartoons" shit back when Adventure Time and Regular Show were the tits. I enjoyed RebelTaxi and that whole YT tard brigade a lot. Now I kind of hate them all. Cartoons and cartoon people all seem kind of unpleasent now. Id rather watch a movie or a football game. Guess that's what you call growing up...
Because wide-audience cartoons had a very brief opportunity and managed to shit all over themselves.
>adventure time turned into adventure blueballs
>regular show got lazy formulaic until they shoehorned in the closing story, guess you can only plagiarize mighty boosh for so long
>gravity falls blew its load and ghosted
>steven universe decided pushing gender issues back 20 years was more important than competent storytelling and animation consistency
>networks STILL haven't figured out how to put a show in a time slot and stick with it
>many more quickly fell into either a heavy child or adult orientation, or went full-blown ADHD
He had TEN YEARS to make some kind of profound statement about this comic and this is the best he could come up with. Changing it from 'Loss' to 'Found' for a day or two.
And the backgrounds are STILL from google image search.
The first one is so obviously a photo of a hospital parking lot because YOU CAN SEE THE HOSPITAL BUILDING. He's RUNNING IN TO ANOTHER BUILDING.
One who's somehow making a fucking insane amount of cash.
Yes, it's sickening.
Also if you're implying his ability to make money offsets criticism that he's a talentless nutsuck, I dunno what to tell you, man.
It's not exclusive or more prevalent to the entertainment industry, you're just made aware of it because that's where celebrities are. Anybody in a position of power, be they a priest or a financier, has more potential to be a rapist. Yes, even you.
He’s not as bad looking as I expected
Okay, see you in the news, shouting memes at dead people in Poway. After all, channer rhyme with future murderer
>growing up
You merely switched from RebelTaxi to fantasy league and ESPN panel, you're not hot shit for switching hobbies, faggot
TV is dying dude, thats not a problem exclusive to cartoon
oh there, that was actually clever
because people attracted to those professions tend to be deviant liberals
>When your younger sister recognizes your Loss shirt out of the blue
>owning a Loss shirt
>not fucking your sister
But user, what if she got pregnant?
You're kidding, right?
Because attraction to teen girls is one of those dirty, yet very human things the West has tried really, really hard to quash, but it comes up a lot with powerful people who are exposed to constant opportunity.