Honestly, I really fucking hate this episode. Even though it's the premiere episode after 3 years of cancellation, it's a piece of jackshit. The animation pretty much looked identical to the last few episodes of season 3, Brian and Stewie shouldn't have been substitute parents, and I really felt bad for Chris.
Honestly, I really fucking hate this episode. Even though it's the premiere episode after 3 years of cancellation...
That scene in the simpsons with marge and her mom always gets me
And its still on the air. Quit bitching faggot, season 4 was as good as the first 3 seasons.
No it wasn't.
>remember taking a TV production class in high school the year Family Guy came back
>teacher had some decent taste in kino, showed North by Northwest a few weeks before this episode aired
>appreciated this episode
It was good, stop being a contrarian for [you]s.
*pulls out dagger*
Guess if you want things done you gotta do it yourself...
*slices your stomach open*
*pulls out your intestines and chokes you to death with them*
*decapitates you for good measure because you're an annoying faggot who won't fuck off*
*throws your body in the sewer*
A fitting end to your shit life.
Only the last few episodes of season 4 were better
That's a Season 8 episode.
Contrarians are master race
>still watching Family Guy
Remember that episode where Quagmire raped Marge?
my mom fuckin hated this joke
DUDE REFERENCES is where Family Guy died. Simpson did it better
season 8 was the last good family guy season
This episode has some of my favorite sight gags, the "upside-down face" line and Stewie's head turn gets me every time, using a pistol to shoot open a gun safe and grab an identical pistol, the overly long opening gag about all the shows that got canceled in the interim
user I'm sure you're an okay guy but you have the opinion of a silly homosexual
>watching Family Guy and assuming anything is of decent enough quality to call something else shit tier
Don't you mean Squidward?
>Caring about Family Guy
I remember this episode leaked on the internet early and there were lots of YTMNDs of clips of the new episode. It was pretty hype at the time.
That thread was fucking amazing
The only things good about the episode were the jokes like those. Also, the later episodes of this season were better than this.
this is the dumbest fucking shit on Yea Forums
this might be remotely funny without all the terrible editing
My dad decided to let me see if I could watch the show when I was young and watched that episode with me. When Jesus was offered weed by Chris Tucker, Dad lost his shit and turned it off then beat me with a belt for making him watch that.
In retrospect it’s not the worst joke you could make this day and age.
its nice to know that one person can piss off so many
You're right, it was better.