Why do incels hate this movie so much?
Why do incels hate this movie so much?
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Because it’s not a German expressionist arthouse kino directed by Zack Snyder
Or some dumb shit along those lines
Means we will never get a World War Hulk or Green Scar based movie...
At least we get the animated version...
Otherwise, it's a pretty good movie.
Better then Thor 2.
>everyone who hates this movie is a synder fag
Have sex
>Why do incels hate this movie so much?
Just your bog standard Yea Forumsntrarianism, senpai:
>Guillermo del Totoro-san enjoyed this film
No you
was just kind of shitty to me from start to finish, I like most of the MCU movies
To much space stuff. If I wanted to watch GoTG I'd just watch that
I fucking love it. That opening scene with Thor beating the shit out of an army of the damned and a big ass dragon was so visually pleasing.
I'm quite fond of this one actually. feels very fantasy cosmic and the beginning is very strong.
One problem I have is that the middle section is a missed opportunity, with Thor just getting free just so the plot can move on.
I really wanted to see Thor have to work to get out of that situation and show jeff goldblum what for. I really like the pampered cowardly villain type. Who doesn't know who they're really messing with until it's too late. But that whole plot was just deflated of the tension and potential that felt to me what the movie should have built up to.
It's not hard, NPC.
As a Hulk fan, I've given up on everything for the Hulk in the MCU.
Hulk is just too weak and inconsequential on these films. No great lines, no great feats of incredible strength. He's just there to play second fiddle to everyone.
i love this movie. Its the only good Thor Solo flim.
Also, this was Marvel tribute of Jack Kirby, which makes it kino as fuck
A good Maestro movie would solve that.
Make him the villain, and he'd be allowed to go all out.
Reminder the third Thor movie BTFO the first Justice League movie
Because girls can laugh along too. It's too accessable, not their own "nerdy" thing anymore. Thor is serious business after all.
Thor 2 is unironically the best thor movie
I enjoyed it but I can see why people would hate it. It's really tonally inconsistent, a lot of the humor is inappropriate for the context and with how they brush it off, and it seems to waste a lot of its big moments.
>To much space stuff.
You mean not enough right? Fuck the humans.
This was the most memorable thing from this movie
What I mean it needs more mysticism
lmao go back to le ddit you newfag
It will "never" happen.
I put never in quotation because there's always a chance for something incredibly daring/stupid someone could do.
Problem is that MCU Hulk has already shown his limits. He's weak enough that Hulk buster actually works on him and he can't heal fast enough.
Carol out tanks him
Thor outfights him
Tony outsmarts him
He's basically Scott Lang tier in the MCU. Which I can kinda understand creatively due to both the annoyance of the license, and the need to create scenarios where Hulk doesn't just end every fight in 5 seconds.
But why? It was such a funny movie
Please, Hulk hasn't ever gone into World Breaker or any true feats of Hulkness in MCU. He's just been le funny/mad green man. I do hope they really delve into their trauma at some point.
Wasn't a fan of the Sakaar stuff. It works good on it's own but including it in the film makes the Agardian shit seem like a footnote (apparently it didn't do so well in the first 2 films, so I actually wanted to see it done right and done well, like pic related)
>Please, Hulk hasn't ever gone into World Breaker or any true feats of Hulkness in MCU. He's just been le funny/mad green man
so you agree with what I've said then.
>A good Maestro movie would solve that.
You misspelled Leader.
It's probably my favorite marvel movie.
t. incel
My mom likes this movie and Thor/Chris a lot
But this is the second mcu movie I liked after Iron Man
> Better then Thor 2.
Here are the cons of Dark World...
> Comedy interrupts the end battle too much altho not half as bad as Ragnarok.
> Malekith is unquestionably the weakest Mcu villain and doesn't even have a cool or faithful design.
> They cut scenes that would have made him a lot more sympathetic.
> Thor throwing the flimsy science poles at Malekith at the end looked silly.
> Not much done with Portman or the romance.
> Odin being kind of a dick compared to the 1st film.
> The duo of Malekith & Kurse was a waste compared to the comics.
I'm not supporting anymore raceswapping movies, so I still haven't seen it.
And here are the cons of Ragnarok...
> The film has zero emotional weight after Odin's death. The Guardians films get away with their humor because before Infinity War they had the most emotional impact of the entire Mcu. This had none of that balance. The entire time I was watching Ragnarok I was saying to myself "Gunn could have done this so much better".
> The humor is unbearably awkward and fake feeling, like a bad SNL skit. It went genuinely into Scary Movie/Movie 42 spoof vibe territory. The scenes with the Grandmaster especially.
> Hela is just as flat a villain as Malekith or Ronan but is given a pass because she is alot more badass then them.
> The sets and outfits on Sakaar look disgustingly cheap. Instead of celebrating the mythos (like aquaman did) and bringing Jack Kirby's designs to life they literally use his art as fucking wallpaper.
> Valkyrie looks and acts nothing like any version of the character in the comics.
> Surtur in the comics is a dark apocalyptic figure as menacing as Galactus, here he is a god damn joke.
> A major complaint against the first 2 films was them doing nothing with the warriors 3 and this film does the same but full on kills them off. People give Snyder crap for killing off Jimmy Olsen in Bvs but give this a pass, hypocritical cunts.
> Doctor Strange is wasted.
> Jeff Goldblum is wasted.
> Ruffalo is wasted.
> Karl Urban / Skurge is wasted and his death (one of the most emotionally powerful in all of comics) is done as a afterthought.
> The destruction of Asgard is given little to no weight. We could have gotten something tragic and beautiful like Thor disassembled and instead they pissed in our faces.
I enjoyed it, I hate Valkyrie for being a smug bitch as well as not being a white blonde who looks like a valkyrie, though.
>interested in Infinity War + Endgame because i'm a sucker for a good/decent crisis crossover, but haven't been keeping up with the MCU for years
anyone else?
>Fraggles in the MCU
would it be an improvement?
Tessa you suck. I admit I fapped to you, yeah, turtlenecks suit you. But still, you really, really suck and people don't want to see you.
>Also, this was Marvel tribute of Jack Kirby, which makes it kino as fuck
Hopefully Eternals goes all out
>Better then Thor 2.
thats not hard
Contrarians and i guess the actress who does Valkyrie said something that triggered /pol/.
Nah, I knew later that she says stupid things. I just hated her character in the film, she was so full of herself, kinda hateable.
Explain what is bad about Dark World besides what I listed.
>Why do incels hate this movie so much?
But I don't hate it?
fuck off to reddit faggot
I'm far from an incel and while I enjoyed moments of it, I don't think it holds up well on a re-watch. I stopped watching it after about 15 minutes when it hit Netflix, and even with problematic films like AOU or, more so due to it's plot stupidity and contrivances, Civil War, I was at least able to eventually sit through those (not all in one sitting, admittedly, but at least I finished a re-watch).
Nah. I disliked everything Snyder did save 300.
When is "incel" going to fall out of vogue? I'm ready for the next naughty word we can use to refer to people who have different opinions to us
I liked it. My only problem was it set a trend for all future marvel films to have too much of a comedic element. The Marvel approach is to cast a big net of different strategies in each phase, and take what worked to the next phase and amplify it.
So in phase 1, iron Man and the original avengers were the most popular. So iron Man and movies starting multiple headline protagonists became the norm.
The only memorable MCU moment is the "I'm always angry" from avengers
Get out.
If not liking meme clusterfuck makes me an incel, then I'd rather accept it than have this much of a shit taste. I want to watch movies about Thor, not Chris Hemsworth goofing around in prop armor.
Thing is the orange one
If the entire film was Sakaar and the entire Asgard shit was cut nothing of value would have been lost.
>Why do incels hate this movie so much
>> Valkyrie looks and acts nothing like any version of the character in the comics.
From Ragnarok to Endgame, she goes from being a slaver to the new ruler of Asgard. How did they get away with that?
You can hand wave away the backstory of any character when you know the audience doesn't give a shit.
Maybe so, but could you still consider it a Thor film at that point if it's just "Thor goes to space to do shit, also the Hulk is there"?
Or they could have you know more FANTASY stuff which is literally what Thor is all about
If it means you don't have to see Cate Blanchett in her worst ever role I'll take it.
better question
why do Yea Forumsfaggots shit up this board instead of Yea Forums?
I don't really like what they did with Hela. Like she's got her big dumb hat and her army of zombies- but she doesn't run the nordic afterlife. So it feels like it closes a big door of possibilities for the Thor stories going foreword.
Ragnorak gave Doctor Strange the gloves so that works for me
You. I like you
Jeff was fucking fantastic in this film.