So... no one watched this?

So... no one watched this?

Attached: iron man hulk heroes united.jpg (353x500, 24K)

No. But I did see Hulk vs Thor and Hulk vs Wolverine. Those were fun

Another one that no one watched.

Attached: hulk where the monsters dwell cover.jpg (796x1016, 197K)

I've only seen the Cap/Iron Man one

There’s limited superhero stuff on Netflix.

Of course i watched it

I did with some friends. It was not good and it was really boring.

I passed on it. I watched the punisher anime one the rise of technovore.

I watched it. Pretty meh

Hulk vs. Wolverine its the shit yo

>using the sprites for MAA’s Hulk and Strange
Goddamnit, the game is dead, just let me forget, stop haunting me like this

So, why no one watches Marvel Animated Features?

Attached: thor tales of asgard feature.jpg (1455x2048, 3.98M)

Will we ever see Hulk go one on one with Quicksilver?

I think it's because most of them are either garbage or decent.

According to Coulson, Pietro is one of the few people who are capable of killing the Hulk.

Woah. That’s actually extremely noteworthy.

That said. Does Coulson have access to SHIELD files on all “gifted” people in the Marvel canon? What’s he basing that on?

I've watched all the marvel Lions gate. It's just that nobody wants to talk about it or they shit on it.

These covers make them look incredibly cheap.

Literally zero marketing, I had no idea these existed, and probably aren't very good since there's no word of mouth about them either.

are these fan made dvd covers or what

Hulk vs wolverine had the best and accurate potrayal of deadpool in any other comic media.

Hulk vs. had a lot of people who worked on Avengers EMH. Quality creators who got to work on memorable stand-alones.

Weapon X was so interesting in that movie. I liked the dynamics between the henchman . They dont like each other but united to kill wolverine.

I don’t think these are bad films. What they lack is a real audience. A few people watching it aren’t going to spread it out to a billion people. And you need more than a few people to make a splash

This has to be fan made. The design for Doctor Strange in this was god awful.

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I have watched all of these. They're shit.

Because DC always has better animated stuff

The madhouse films were unironically some of the best marvel features to date. Still mad there probably won’t be any more despite the huge popularity.

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Did they work on wolverine and x-men too?
Leaked script of season 2 had a really good deadpool vs wolverine fight.

>no currently running up to date marvel animations
One thing DC has always done better, but it’s like they don’t even try.

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Oh shit, Man-Thing was in that movie? I might actually watch it hen.

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>SHIELD agents talking to Man Thing like a regular human and threatening him with legal action
Bless, that’s funny.

I have this bluray unopened because i thought marvel animated was as good as dc animated (pre flashpoint paradox). I read it was mediocre. Now that dc animated is a joke, maybe ill watch it.

I didn't know these even exist.

Apparently I seem to have a copy of this movie, but I can't say for sure whether I've watched it or not. I remember watching through some of Marvel's animated movies in the past, but my memories of them all are extremely vague. Most of them were kinda forgettable.

Hulk vs. Wolverine is an exception; I enjoyed that one, and have watched it more than once.

No, it's connected the USM universe
It's Thor as a kid