Damn Stacy is HOT

Damn Stacy is HOT.

Attached: Daria - S02E10 - Fair Enough.mkv_snapshot_20.27_[2019.07.13_08.52.23].png (1440x1080, 705K)

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they were all pretty hot. one of the nice things about that show, and what separated it from mike judge's style, even if they did try to mimic his writing and attitudes

What the hell is up with Sandy's voice?

Have some scandal.

Attached: snap00127.jpg (512x386, 77K)

And to whom it may concern.

Attached: snap00126.jpg (512x386, 79K)

Mmmmm Daria feet

Attached: Daria - S02E10 - Fair Enough.mkv_snapshot_20.11_[2019.07.13_08.52.14].png (1440x1080, 421K)

I'm on team Quinn though. I assumed someone would like to see Daria's feet in any case.

As a kid I had Pinch Sitter on tape and I would always pause it on Quinn's feet.

Nail painting scene, was it? I don't recall any other explicit shot of her feet.

She went barefoot again in Pierce Me.

Here's your reboot.

Attached: GhettoDaria.jpg (1997x1248, 701K)

Stacy was tied with Brit for best girl. Stacy was objectively more waifuable because of her balanced stats, but Brit's CHA was trough the roof.


Ew. The only thing I could see is Upchuck in that outfit.

Reminder that every girl in that picture has taken in black cock.

Attached: Quinn Feet.png (640x480, 499K)

She was one of my favorite characters because of it. What a funny show.

>went to high school in both an "urban" setting and a suburban setting
>most people look like pic related at the suburban school while the urban school was just people wearing basic shit because if you wore something fancy someone would try to steal it

There we go.

I can see this actually being a thing just so they could satirize everything. But this stuff is still dated. Then again that just makes it even more fitting.

A Reboot of Daria that takes place in 2007?

You'd think Yea Forums would love this image, since it's 12 years old.

Hi BowlOfIceCream.

You think Daria even takes care of her bushy?

Damn Tiffany is FAT.

Attached: sloggginboggingmoggingcoggin.png (250x480, 79K)

Pff, everyone knows the only guy who can get in Jane's pants is Trent.

Not gay enough

>shoddy upscaling technique

That's unfortunate. SD rips weren't good enough, it seems.