Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Because he already did that in the 1950s on his radio show
yang and gurihiru are based so im gonna read it
This better be bait, if not , lurk moar
I forgot how cool the black S looks, which DC would use it more.
because people forgot who big a joke the klan was so we need to remind them
The (((writers)))) of DC comics liked the idea
Fuck off yokel retard
This is as American as it gets and Yang should honestly get Superman after Bendis
because the KKK is a shell of it's former self
Because nobody likes the KKK.
>Superman, symbol of tolerance and justice, opposing an infamous hate group
It was relevant in the 50s, and it's even more relevant now.
Also, I just took a good look at Clark's design here, and it's amusing how he's subtly fujobait-y. Gurihuiu have good taste in husbandos.
What do you mean, Superman with a black logo on his chest or the little girl dressed in Superman colors?
>opposing an infamous hate group
What hate group exists now you leeddit fag?
Cute waifu should remain apart of Superman's supporting cast, for diversity quota for the retards, but most importantly because she is cute desu
Wasn't such a joke in Charlottesville, incel.
What's the point of picking on the KKK on this day and age? There harmless, meanwhile BLM and Antifa commit literal acts terror and no one cares.
Have sex whiny faggot
alt-right and the kkk
ok grand dragon wizard lord lv 12. you gonna cast a racist spell on me? fuck off retard
>There harmless, meanwhile BLM and Antifa commit literal acts terror and no one cares.
I don't see nothing wrong with this.
Cuz they're still a bunch of jerk idiots who need to go away.
>$9.99 for a floppie
What the fuck is in here that possibly justifies that cost?
This, what the hell, the art isn't even good.
You're right, it shouldn't just be allowed, it should be made mandatory. All fictional serialized media should be made to destroy domestic terror organizations, so that brainlets don't think it is acceptable.
>tiki torches
>m-muh jews
>m-muh white replacement!
Definition of a joke. Only people that were worried were PoC and others who have trauma from our white supremacist society who learned to take anything close to a valid threat as legitimate as a survival mechanism.
Aren't you a pedophile? Why are you talking as if you have a moral high ground?
>Why is this allowed?
I agree,the loli should be naked instead of clothed.
It's probably a full blown graphic novel.
when does Superman smash Antifa
lol altright, more like alternate reality
What the ten dollar price tag making it an obvious cash grab? Welcome to 2019.
50 years late to complain.
anarky exists dumbshit
80 pages long
I like Gurihu, but why put such a sterile cute style in a story with the KKK? It feels so strange.
BLM and Antifa
You do understand that price comes from more content than a usual floppy?
>b-back in the day
hahahahaha FAGGOT
tell us more about why the jews are the reason you're not a winner
You mean that fat bitch that died from a heart attack?
What happened?
>Antifa is evul!!!
>We need the second amendment so people can violently overthrow the government when it goes too far!!
Why are conservatives all retarded hypocrites?
so is this thread actually filled with Yea Forumsmblr or is it all just bait
white people held tiki torches and said "you will not replace us"
it's truly horrifying
>all just bait
This, at least I hope no one here is stupid enough to argue with some random shitposter for hours on end.
>hey you know what would be relevant and interesting? A pedophilia cult run by some of the world's most rich and famous
even the murderer himself wasn't dumb enough to try and use that defense in court
This fucking series should be an immediate bannable offense. The posts on this thread and both previous ones are objective proof that it should NEVER be a discussion topic.
Also, Gurihiru's art does NOT fit this story. At all. It needs to be more Curt Swan-ish.
Just point me at the pizza chain bro, I got my AK-47 ready to fucking go
Curt swan is a good artist but the chinese girl would go from a cute waifu to boring chinese girl
Ladderbro might be right after all. DC must be run by absolute retards to release like this title in this day and age.
so edgy XD
wanna know what would be relevent and interesting?
scalping an autistic kid and filming it, then to have the police say it was just kids being kids
*something like
Curse my autistic fingers
>ladderbro is a KKK apologist
What, gay bashing?
Why do people keep saying that?
You talking about Epstein or Pizzagate?
Because we hate you and want you to kill yourself, Boco. We thought it was quite obvious.
Oh. Makes sense.
>Superman annihilates the KKK in the 1950s
>KKK making a comeback
This is one of the stupidest ideas DC has ever had (not Heroes in Crisis or Doomsday Clock level, but still).
You do understand that they used to charge an extra dollar for this? Also I wouldn't be surprised if they recycle an old story as an "extra special". They are looking to capitalize on the whole "everyone is a nazi" craze. I don't blame the publisher I blame idiots that blindly pay 10 dollars for a cash grab comic.
You know its an adaptation of an old radio serial, right?
Funny how people are so desperate to differentiate from "SJWs" they take to supporting shit like the KKK
Because of fuckheads like you
They spread an ideology that is inherently harmful (that not all races should be treated as complete equals), in contrast to BLM and Antifa. Those have their fair share of radicals and violent supporters but the movements as a whole are ideologically geared towards a more "just" society.
The Klan stopped being a thing when Democrats decided to weaponize black people and college virgins instead of Southerners. They just keep pretending they never had anything to do with them, but they're all literally all Democrat terrorist groups.
There are hundreds of better radio arcs to adapt than this
Yes, I know, still doesn't matter. It's absolutely retarded to adapt such a story at a time when everyone hates each other and is looking for an excuse to start the Great Racial Crusades and/or WW3.
I love how right wingers worship the results of police investigations and the criminal justice system for years because its the poors, blacks, and mexicans who get fucked over by it. Then a racist idiot of their own faces trial and immediately the system is corrupt and the court was a sham and the evidence was fake.
cope more
>stupidest ideas DC
If people weren't freaking out about it they would just call it corny. Instead it's hilarious.
>supporting the KKK
who the fuck is supporting the KKK in this thread
you're either retarded or intellectually dishonest
If blacks or mudslimes did the same thing, would it be terrifying?
Because the KKK its a fucking piece of shit.
Also, holy fuck, The Klan its still alive?
A lot of people seem to think if someone they dislike hates something it must be good.
Cuz sometimes its nice to be reminded of who we all SHOULD hate. Klansmen, Nazis...the real bad guys.
You shouldn't insult our federal agents like that
Touchy subject, user?
The Klan was at the height of their power around WWI. By the time of the Civil Rights Era, it was only a small chapter using their police and government connections to pretty much resist social change.
The thing is, dismantling the Klan requires classic Superman to use his quick thinking and smarts to expose their crimes.
And pedophiles like you
well yes seeing as Blacks in south africa are slaughtering whites and mudslimes are blowing up people
How can I be a pedophile when I hate kids?
Some rapists seem to hate women.
ya Ted Bundy was one of them, for some reason women still love him
Republican Blacks were about owning guns and running their own business, trying to climb out of poverty. They were successful till Black Wall Street got burned to the ground.
They love women though thats why they rape them idiot
not according to the police, or the courts or the dude who killed her
Isn't there only 5000 members of the Look Kids Klub?
you are right lets storm digiorno headquarters
Then why do they murder them? Checkmate atheist.
*Kool Kids Klub
Nobody gives a fuck about the KKK anymore. It's all about antifa/SJWs now. This stupid adaptation is badly timed as fuck
the kkk is still around and only 12 year old boomers trying to be edgy on reddit hate antifa
>not according to the police who failed to enforce the law at the rally and allowed an armed mob of "counterprotestors" to wreak havoc
>or the court who has a vested interest in not causing another Ferguson and letting an antifa chimpout burn their town down
>or the guy who took the first plea bargain he was offered to not have the death penalty on the table
These threads are objective proof that humanity needs to be exterminated as soon as possible.
>Why is this allowed?
Because you apparently know nothing about Superman's history
>Nobody gives a fuck about the KKK anymore. It's all about antifa/SJWs now.
if you seriously think that either of those groups are equivalent to what is historically the most violent terrorist organization in american history then i don't know what to tell you
You're outated McCarty
whats it like living in conspiricy land? whats on the other side of flat earth
You know getting hit by a car can cause a heart attack right?
Unplug from all of that and look to the East.
Silly Cheeng, you didn't read the sign
>right wing snowflakes triggered by actual history
Why are you guys getting so bent out of shape for a story that you don't seem to care about? If it's outdated, why do you care?
Would be great if they made some more Fleischer-esc style Superman shorts, maybe for DC Universe or something.
Schools don't teach history anymore. They like to overhype the Civil Rights Movement, while downplay everything else. Plus, Superman comes out as a hypocrite for attacking the Kland, but not doing the same to FDR when he put Japanese in internment camps.
>What's the point of picking on the KKK on this day and age? There harmless
exactly. What're they gonna do?
>Imagine being so far gone you're against Superman beating the KKK because he isn't attacking antifa
>Imagine being such a casual you forget that Anarky exists
It's too deliberate by making us side with Superman protecting a chinese loli. That undermines the message it's going for.
Because humans will always look for any excuse to be angry and hate and wish to murder each other. Nuclear extermination can't come soon enough.
some people call every one Nazi's or part of the KKK. Because of this they are now forced to defend this shitty organizations
It's like the "punch a nazi" thing. You label anyone who disagrees with you a nazi and now you can punch them
Superman used to go up against corrupt politicians, gangsters, and businessmen. He'd pretty much dismantle Anti-Fa because they're no better than the clan.
It's quite obvious modern pseudo-western media is chimpanzee shit, a hijacked and empty vessel for mere political propaganda. Thus I don't watch or read it, because I refuse to be a slave to the liberal elite or its brown pets. If you're a liberal or a chimpy, that's your problem, not mine. I reject you.
It's DC's fault for not using Anarky often.
Last time he appeared was in Detective Comics during that horrible "First Victim" storyline.
Except in this case he is literally taking down the actual KKK, and it's based on something that actually happened in real life.
BLM isn't a group, it's a twitter hashtag. Nobody is a part of BLM because it doesn't exist. Antifa is a terrorist hate group but just because another hate group exists doesn't mean that the KKK isn't a terrorist hate group as well.
and nip shit is better?
you guys draw porn of little girls
But why are they making a comic about it? The radio serial already handled this.
doesn't matter, people are changing the definition of what these things are by callously using their name to label everyone
its not relavent right now though he should be taking down the real terrorits liberals who insult trump which is not allowed
>uses a racial slur and retard
Considering it doesn't have shoehorned political bullshit, yes it is.
because its an interesting story that not a lot of people know
70+ years and in an entirely different medium is fine for a remake.
Maybe its a remake
So we can get a cute Superman waifu out of it
theres just as much sjw anime shit as there is in western media you faggots just focus on cgdct anime and dont notice
The only reason shit like this is getting published is because the liberals want to associate a natural desire to preserve the white race with political extremism. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a propaganda comic with the sole purpose to demonize white people TODAY, and is a part of the greater white genocide agenda. It has fuck all with the KKK in the 1930s America.
Still one of my favorite comics.
The fuck does this even mean? They can't adapt a story that literally happened in real life because now some people label everyone that? Stop being such a fucking PC baby that gets offended at everything.
That's because classic Superman used quick thinking to beat the Klan. THis comic is going for modern Supes just using brute force to solve the problems.
Because the Klan is bad mkay
A singular event compared with constant left-wing violence.
Couldn't they just get the Chinese Superman to do this?
>he doesn't want to be bullied by DCSHG Supergirl
>greater white genocide agenda
since you know what the book is gonna be about whats the next power ball numbers
They don't give a shit about politics, they write actual stories with actual characters and actual plots.
Croats can't draw.
I'm not a liberal and chimpanzee is not a racial slur.
Why would I Chinese National who lives in China care about the KKK?
Ya te vi, Dum
>It's now controversial to have Superman fight the goddamn KKK
>In a book based off a radio program about Superman fighting the clan
>That actually helped destroy the clan
>set in 1940's America
>literally fighting the KKK
>It has fuck all with the KKK in the 1930s America.
This is why minority superheroes suck. They care only about the interests of their races instead of humanity.
But the whole point is that it's a remake of something that actually happened in real life. What does based Kenan have to do with it? Does being confronted with history trigger you that much?
>nip shit
>actual characters and plots
hey boco you aint the dumbest retard on here no more this nigger is dumber
>chimpanzee is not a racial slur
It is when you use it to talk about black people, racist murderer.
Not him, but out of curiosity, where do you plan on moving when the US becomes majority non-white?
The only people who pretend white genocide isn't real are those commiting it and supporting it.
I just don't trust this comic to go all in and bring the violence of the 40s and 50s into the story.
It's pretty fun, I recommend it
And Jews, of course
yes becuse it makes liberals double down on their white genocide
Do you have the radio program? I loved hearing the Kaliman program as a kid, i would like to hear another Yea Forums radio show
>You do understand that they used to charge an extra dollar for this?
When, the 1960s? I've brought 100 page giants before user and they are usually priced around the 8.99-9.99 price range.
>They don't give a shit about politics
What does this story, one based on actual historical events that actually happened, have to do with politics? Why do you /pol/tards have to make everything political.
No, Superman would go after the government officials and politicians who back the Klan, he'd investigate where they're getting their support from.
Because they're clinical insane.
staying in the us? i dont give a shit about the color of your skin as long as you aint eastern european or old
>white genocide
I prefer french and germans like new white people, the rest can kill themselves
The girl is cute, post more.
why would I move are the whites gonna get bansihed?
But this is based on real life historical events. What Superman "would do" is completely irrelevant.
Because people are hysterical and think that KKK is rising again, all 12 of them.
Can you read?
If you see yourself as a chimpanzee, or them, that's beyond my means of control or influence.
It makes no sense for Superman to pretty much criticize the Klan, but turn a blind eye to FDR putting people in internment camps.
Oh I'm sorry, I guess because you said 1930's instead of 1940's means you were right all along. Even though the actual events happened in the 1940's you fucking moron.
>/pol/tard Weeb
I'm so fucking tired of this trope
That argument is neither here nor there though because they're not telling a 'what would Superman do' story they're telling a story based on actual real life events that actually happened. Are suggesting that real life doesn't make sense?
you give anime fans a bad name retard. you make everyone think im some kinds of retarded racist because you faggots living in moms basement are sad you cant get any because you are fat, ugly, and smell
No, seriously can you read written words and derive meaning from them? As I said:
>The only reason shit like this is getting published is because the liberals want to associate a natural desire to preserve the white race with political extremism. Nothing more, nothing less. It's a propaganda comic with the sole purpose to demonize white people TODAY, and is a part of the greater white genocide agenda. It has fuck all with the KKK in the 1930s America.
How old are you? Giant issue comics used to be about 5 to 6 bucks on average. The past 5 years or so they have been slowly increasing the price per page and the pages are usually recycled trash at that. They are usually old stories that cost nothing to create but charge a premium price for. If this comic is 100 pages of nothing but new content I would say 10 dollars is a bit steep but not outrageous. Is this the case or is there a back story that they will put in to pad it out?
Being based off real life is not an excuse to tell a terrible story. writers and artists still have to find a way to build suspense and get audiences hooked.
Supes is his own man with his own ideals, not a strongman for a bunch of limp wristed liberal who can't create their own superhero.
Don't waste you breath, user. These are the same people who think having Black Mask be a sadistic murderous gay is part of the SJW agenda.
Don't care, he will be murdered by his own waifus if they were real.
>Are suggesting that real life doesn't make sense?
Buddy we're in a thread where people are getting unironically mad at a Superman book based on the radio play about Superman fighting the KKK and think it's some sort of conspiracy against white people
>Supes is his own man with his own ideals
hes a fictional character you do know this right are all conservatives this retarded
So fucking what?
Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think people shouldn't be allowed to tell stories based on real life events because muh politics. Newsflash retard, history is filled with politics, some of which paint you are your hooded mates in a bad light.
So whose the little girl? Just some random?
Also, given it's a story about the KKK, shouldn't it be a black girl Supes is helping out? unless she's supposed to be a Jap
It's not a conspiracy, it's just that the Klan are the most overused and overrepresented group of real life villains used in comics and cartoons.
Oh and just to hammer in what I said here is another comic that is 20 more pages than this trash for how much?
God you liberals are retarded, claiming superheroes aren't real, yet hiding behind them to enforce your shitty ideals. Go back to chugging onions, faggot
Is this what people call white fright?
>This comic is a better bargain because it's 20 pages
It's also full of reprints
Don't feel too bad, if he thinks anime doesn't have "politics" he's obviously a normalfag and only watches shonnenshit or CGDGT since there is a lot of manga and anime that explore the kinds of "political" subject that would make his dumbass blood boil
Judging from the style and substance of your post I now know I'm old enough to be your father. But amuse my more with your early teen insults. It's adorable.
Anime is inherently fascist and has grown out of Italian fascist propaganda of the 1930s. Pic related. Tezuka intentionally lied with the whole "disney inspiration" schtick for obvious reasons.
>Being based off real life is not an excuse to tell a terrible story.
We've reached peak retard.
>This WWII movie is terrible because the Nazi's loose
>It'd be much more believable if they won
Your entire argument is utterly nonsensical. What Superman, a fictional character, "would totes do irl" is completely fucking irrelevant in this case because this story is based on a real world historic incident. It happened, whether you think it makes sense or not, it happened.
Not the nazis?
how do i chug an onion retard
What's the difference when you get right down to it?
>Supes is his own man with his own ideals, not a strongman for a bunch of limp wristed liberal who can't create their own superhero
>a strongman for a bunch of limp wristed liberal who can't create their own superhero.
I mean, that's literally what he is.
You're responding to some zoomer tourist
im 27 you fucking neet if you are that old get out of your moms basement and get a job you fucking loser
There are plenty of historical incidents to choose from. People are just getting tired about hearing how the Klan was the most powerful racist group, and how diversity overcame everything. Comic Books need to do something actually challenging and can't be solved by Superman's fists, like the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and moonshine.
Can an entire thread be reported as low quality?
How about an entire board?
>What's the difference when you get right down to it?
You're a troll or highly dellusional. Make us anime fans a favor and kill yourself
Fine if you want to be semantic here is another comic from about a decade ago. 60 pages same price as regular.
Not sure if that tracks, I know Joker's lily white but is he a racist?
>I dont give a shit when the US becomes Mexico
But your entire argument is that Mexico is an unlivable hellhole.
Yeah, $9.99 is pretty ridiculous
And another that is 100 pages.
Does this mean Supes is going to go against the First Amendment?
No, Supes would want this to be a victory for Clark Kent, not Superman.
the original radio show had a chinese boy in it being bullied. The writer is chinese and added a cute OC waifu as the boy's sister. The KKK targeted asians too
Don't know, but the important thing is that the KKK is an American hate group.
>A decade ago
>Actually more than a decade and a half ago
>Back when the average price for a regular comic was $2.25 instead of $3.99
You're not very good at this.
Took you faggots long enough
>But your entire argument is that Mexico is an unlivable hellhole.
no? there are already gangs and shit here the cartels are nothing
Hmm did you not see man you are a zoomer.
>moving the goalposts this hard
So you've gone from "this real world historical event doesn't make sense" to "yeah, but they should adapt a different story cos people are totes over the KKK"
Which again, doesn't make any fucking sense I'm starting to sense a theme with you """arguments""" because Superman didn't help bring down any other notorious groups in real life that I'm aware of. Are there reports of Superman helping to take down the mean old liberal cucks that I'm unaware of? Did he really thwart the Antifa? Some compatible examples that they could adapt would help.
Then maybe they should stay the fuck out of German politics.
I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, I'm saying that the intent behind it is evil and that I refuse to consume such materials.
I'm a Slav and I do not know fear.
I was watching anime before you uttered your first sentence, and the basic argument here is that politics is largely absent from anime unless it is explicitly dealing with it, which is rare because the Japanese understand that fiction dies when used as a tool to further ideological agendas.
So fuck off.
Simple as.
based ironic racism
Hell they targeted everyone who wasn't a WASP and only started to admit Catholics once they got desperate for membership(dues)
Given that Antifa and BLM seem intent on destroying my way of life I'd support the KKK over them if it came down to it. Civil rights as it is now isn't about equality, it's a revenge fantasy.
>From 2011
>Around the time when comics were teetering between $2.99-$3.99
Fucking zoomer.
Where did Superman say it's illegal to say those things? He's merely saying that others should also use their First Amendment right to express how they don't like that type of talk.
>it's a triggered right winger doesn't actually understand the First Amendment episode
I dont even get your point this i my home im not gonna leave just because brown people move it im not a retard or that easily scared or cowed
>is slav
>is retarded
it fits
The KKK is active in Germany?
>People are just getting tired about hearing how the Klan was the most powerful racist group
I keep seeing this being posted on Yea Forums and I'm getting suspicious that it's the same person trying to claim this.
Get out of here STALKER. No, seriously, get the fuck out.
what are they destroying exactky
Then you hate nazis?, you know the ones that wanted to enslave slavic people
Steve Bannon, but close enough.
Superman villains were originally corrupt politicians, gangsters and businessmen. Basically, the kind of bad guys who would subvert American Ideals so they can have more money and power. The Klan at the point of the radio show weren't even that strong to begin with. They peaked around the 20s, and feel way off after that.
His facebook feed?
I'd be surprised if you're 15, but my best guess is you are about 13.
Deal with it.
The same guy who drew these also drew moe lolis. Accept this lesson. Anime is inherently fascist, as is the ideals of aesthetics it preaches.
The South Park episode about the KKK was kino
>Worried about white genocide
>He thinks slav is white
I get people are entrenched in their beliefs but i have shown evidence showing the huge inflation of prices. The inflation would be 7.50-8.00 today for more pages taking in account original comic prices of the time. And I am being generous.
So is this gonna be a thing now where faggots jump on a pretty uncontroversial book for some petty reason and shit everything up until all discussion is impossible like fucking Yea Forums and just about any anticipated game
>The kkk has nothing to do with preserving the white race
You dumb weeb! that's the reason the kkk claims they were fighting for.
are you sure the reason you don't want politics in your media is that you are too stupid to understand them?
Given that the terms they use are nebulous enough to mean whatever they want at a moment, damn near anything that triggers them.
Doomentio, please leave
Completely irrelevant. This is based on real world historical events that literally happened which is why it's being made. Feel free to provide comparable examples of Superman in real life helping to take down "corrupt politicians, gangsters and businessmen".
im 27 slavic retard
>not being retarded
pick one
user he was asking about those groups, not conservative media
Anything white.
lmao the businessmen who own DC are corrupt
Enjoy that pedndulum, fag.
even my white whip cream?
I don’t hate you Boco, now that all the oldest tripfags are gone you are the only bit of nostalgia keeping me on this fucking site.
I just want you to shut up.
So? Is there a historical incident where the Superman character helped to bring them down?
Drinking milk is a sign of white superiority so most likely yes.
Yes, it's going to be blue now
Nazis do not exist today. Only white people trying to save themselves from genocide and ethnic displacement. I hate nazis as much as I hate Attila or Pompey. It's a meaningless question.
Then kill yourself in the name of your lesbian japanese overladys.
no.he is at the mercy of WB and DC
Go back to /pol/
>mayo is banned
god are all slavs this retarde
Is action comics 1000 recent enough for you. As far as I remember they were all new stories, not so great but all new none the less. 8.00 for the same amount of pages.
Never said I was black, but it's not like you're gonna believe otherwise, eh, /pol/boy?
Nah, only glorious whites agree with you. Everyone that doesn't is part of a dirty race that needs to be exterminated from the universe, right?
You know what, nevermind. You do you, I'll do me. Okay?
>Blue Whip Cream
That sounds way more delicious
So they can't make a comic about it then. The one historical incident of Superman helping to take down bad guys in real life is what they're adapting. Which is why your entire argument has made no fucking sense from the word go.
>Nazis do not exist today.
Said the Nazi.
It makes no sense for DC to even make a comic about it because they don't give a shit about Supes to begin with.
Heh, I was waiting for this one.
The KKK grew out of a singular situation of post-slavery America which has fuck all to do with the rest of the world or whites in general, since slavery had been abolished worldwide by the British prior to all of that. The KKK was the result of your Civil War and the destruction of an entire culture of which slavery was just a tiny portion.
Funfact: there were black clansmen who even had their own uniforms. Look it up.
13 my boy, 13.
27 retrded slav
and you know what it doesnt matter how old you are you are a slav which means you are dumber than an american 5th grader
>AND Underaged
>desperate goalpost moving
Now you're not even trying to make sense.
Wow! I can't believe it.
Are you talking about the Latin American like south culture?. Wow what a great achivement of the superior race.
Shoud be red!
>Latin American like south culture?
That guy isnt me retard
Fat guy ran over some people and killed some chick
You don't know about the plantation/hacienda culture?
My apologies. There's just so many idiots in the thread that it's hard to keep track.
>Right wing terrorism deaths in 2018: 50
>Antifa deaths in 2018: 0
Try again
This is a full length graphic novel being sold in book stores.
To everyone saying the KKK is srs bznz, they're a fucking cowardly joke that hide behind masks and operate at night. Most of them are hicks with the technological prowess of an eight year old in the early 90s. It's skinheads that you probably want to actually worry about.
Okay justify being ripped off however you want. As shown with AC 1000 you are paying more money for an obvious cash grab. I don't give a rats ass about the political implications of the title the price is what we should be upset about. We keep letting comics get away with increasing prices with less substance and lazier writing.
>this entire thread
how are we arguing about whites and slavs and blacks and antifa in a thread about superman doing superman things?
>hide behind masks and operate at night
That's exactly why they're srs bzns user, they're domestic terrorists.
nigga I never said they can't do it. I said it's not a smart move
they can make whatever they want and I can bitch at whatever they make
Blame Japan
THe real joke is that the continued myth that this "brought the downfall of the Klan". The Klan had long been consigned to irrelevance because of Klan of the 1920s was based more around upholding moral virtue and protecting WASP culture from those heathen, job stealing Papists coming over from Italy and Poland with Jim Crow/segregationist enforcement being largely kept to rural areas in the south. But with shit like D.C. Stephenson going to jail for rape and murder the idea of the moral crusaders themselves being immoral cretins pretty much destroyed the Klan's credibility and it went from millions to the low tens of thousands within 5 years.
>obvious cash grab
user I can't help but think that this has nothing to do with the pricing at all and everything to with a product that is explicitly anti-racist.
>I said it's not a smart move
Why tho?
I have not brought politics in my ranting on prices at all. In fact you are the one bringing them into it now by saying I am against anti racist stuff. I will get flack for saying this but I am actually a Syrian... a Christian born in the U.S but Syrian non the less. I don't care about the politics. I seriously just care about them hamfisting this in and charging more than they have in the past for a quick cash grab. Please don't bring more /pol/ than there already is in this thread.
>Implying the talentless hacks at WB animations could ever do it justice
I don't want some Korean slave labor bastardization of Fleischer's style
> I am actually a Syrian
Ok liar and I'm from the planet venus.
It's just that this is a reasonable price for a graphic novel to be sold at book stores. Most Trades comes in at 11.95 so I don't understand your problem with the pricing.
I'm not being terrorized by them so why should I care?
Yup I am lying for no reason. What would I have to gain by lying about my ethnicity. Syrians are classified as Caucasian by the U.S.... though not by the FBI which I found out when I had my Background Check done. Anyway thanks for adding nothing to a conversation.
80 pages is hardly graphic novel length. AC was the same amount of pages for 7.99
Antifa often times does their thing with implicit municipal support i.e. through police stand down orders and such. I guarantee you that if people looked into things real hard they'd find a lot of collaboration between local governements in cities like Portland and Berkley and upper level Antifa/the extreme left activists that largely organize things. IIRC Berkely's mayor is an open supporter of Yvette Felarca's BAMN group. That's saying nothing of the leftist terrorists of the 1970s who basically got off with slaps on the wrist and before getting cushy, influential jobs in academia.
I literally just got done explaining why
Because other people are.
Remember when a BLM supporter sniper rifle’d five people in Dallas in 2016?
Fuck other people unless they are male Wasps
Most trades are horrifically overpriced, especially compared to manga tanks where you're largely getting more content for the same price. Then again American manga tanks are overpriced compared to Jap tanks. I have to pay like $13 for Yen Press' Watamote tanks whereas the Japanese originals -- with all the same content mind you -- are like half that price.
no I forgot because black people can't do wrong
it must have been video editing by the biased media, they always have it out for the black man
>I guarantee you that if people looked into things real hard they'd find a lot of collaboration between local governements in cities like Portland and Berkley and upper level Antifa/the extreme left activists that largely organize things
But the opposite is true based retard, Portland police were caught collaborating with patriot prayer and other far right groups. and before that the Ferguson cops were caught being buddy buddy with the local klan after Michael Brown got shot
Fake news
So you think calling the KKK racist is too much? You do understand who the KKK are right?
He wasn’t a member of BLM and was known to dislike them because they only wanted social change. He was a fan of the New Black Panthers, but he never joined them. He just really fucking hated how cops could kill black people and get off with a slap on the wrist. He didn’t even care about something like Zimmerman/Martin, he just hated how the government funds the police but doesn’t hold them accountable.
I wonder why he would hate cops? Maybe it was all the fear mongering from the media
>Antifa deaths in 2019: 40000
>Right wing terrorism deaths in 2019: 0
Two can play that game, tranny
BLM is not about killing cops but being a white supremacist is ultimately about killing off the inferior races.
>it's another /pol/ waggles thier small white dick on another board thread
And you would lose.
> W-woah guys we can't jump to conclusions. We need to carefully examine the context.
> Oh a cop offed a nig? Fucking pigs.
Kitakubu Katsudō Kiroku?