SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Rejected Ideas & Deleted Scenes

>In early drafts, Spider-Man is recruited by Nick Fury to stop Mysterio, who is using the Elementals as a cover to perform a series of robberies across Europe, but it was decided that it was more interesting to have Mysterio manipulate Spider-Man into believing he was a hero.

>Early drafts featured the real Nick Fury and Maria Hill. When the twist was added, they were changed into Talos and Soren masquerading as Fury and Hill to justify how Mysterio was able to deceive them.

>Early drafts reportedly featured two additional characters, a female British spy assigned by Fury to help Peter and a female European student who befriends Peter, making MJ jealous. The characters were rumored to be the MCU versions of Jessica Drew and Gwen Stacy, but that was never confirmed.

>Early drafts featured Peter visiting New Asgard during his trip.

>Early drafts featured the new Captain America helping Spider-Man fight Mysterio in London, but it was decided Peter should defeat Mysterio entirely on his own.

>In early drafts, Peter Parker’s secret identity would be exposed during the final battle against Mysterio, but it was decided it would be better as a cliffhanger.

>Early cuts featured an extended sequence of Peter's travel preparations, including picking up his passport amid post-Blip chaos, buying a dual headphone adaptor from Mr. Delmar, pawning off his old Star Wars toys to raise money to buy a necklace for MJ and dismantling the Manfredi crime family, leading to a restaurant shootout. It will be included in the home release as a short film titled "Peter's To-Do List".

>Early cuts featured more comedic bits about people recovering from the Blip.

>Early cuts explained how Mysterio's team erased all records of his existence.

>Early cuts reportedly ended with Peter's secret identity being exposed and featured a mid-credits scene about the new owner of Stark Tower, but this is not confirmed.

>Matt Damon was approached for Mysterio before Jake Gyllenhaal was cast.

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>Early cuts featured more comedic bits about people recovering from the Blip.
This is the problem with the MCU. Everything has to be a damn joke. No room for pathos.


>Matt Damon was approached for Mysterio before Jake Gyllenhaal was cast.

At least he would be a washed-up actor like in the comics.

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Blip was treated dead serious in Endgame, you know, before everything was fixed and everyone came back.

(OP) #

Jake was amazing in the role, and Damon is already bargain Loki anyway haha

didn't Matt Damon already play an Asgardian actor or was I high?

That's the snap
The blip is people fading back into existence

>why is a movie inspired by highschool comedies got comedic elements? it should have a sequence where people commit mass suicide because their loved ones turned to ash

>>Early cuts explained how Mysterio's team erased all records of his existence.
This is what i don't get.

>>Early cuts featured an extended sequence of Peter's travel preparations, including picking up his passport amid post-Blip chaos, buying a dual headphone adaptor from Mr. Delmar, pawning off his old Star Wars toys to raise money to buy a necklace for MJ and dismantling the Manfredi crime family, leading to a restaurant shootout. It will be included in the home release as a short film titled "Peter's To-Do List".
We saw some of this in Commericals and Early trailers as well IIRC

50/50 they used the blips to their advantage and used it to fake their deaths.
Like say they could have used a downed plane from the snap with no pilots and maybe an unidentified bodies as a means to go off the radar

>Manfredi crime family

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>Early cuts featured an extended sequence of Peter's travel preparations, including picking up his passport amid post-Blip chaos, buying a dual headphone adaptor from Mr. Delmar, pawning off his old Star Wars toys to raise money to buy a necklace for MJ and dismantling the Manfredi crime family, leading to a restaurant shootout. It will be included in the home release as a short film titled "Peter's To-Do List".

Of course they take out the stuff that makes this Peter feel more like traditional Spidey. Money problems, street-level crime fighting, even a reference to Silvermane.


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>didn't Matt Damon already play an Asgardian actor or was I high?

he did, and you probably were

>In early drafts, Spider-Man is recruited by Nick Fury to stop Mysterio, who is using the Elementals as a cover to perform a series of robberies across Europe, but it was decided that it was more interesting to have Mysterio manipulate Spider-Man into believing he was a hero.
I like this better.

Robberies are fucking boring, basic bitch shit. That'd basically have been just amped up Vulture. There's very little conflict there.
Mysterio being a wannabe replacement Stark to Peter makes a lot more sense at this period. Wanting that mentor role again and then learning to stand on his own on the big stage instead.

>>Early drafts featured Peter visiting New Asgard during his trip.
Fuck that was a missed opportunity. Spider-man could have been teaming up with an actual MCU hero instead of Not! Fury and we would have seen how New Asggard was integrated into the MCU earth .

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>and then learning to stand on his own on the big stage instead.

Until the movie itself undermined that message.

I can't wait until we get the same damn arc a third time.

Speaking of downed planes, we see that everyone who was snapped popped back right where they were when it happened
>All those people who got snapped while they were flying

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What are you talking about

Okay, Satan.

>Happy tells Peter he has to be the best version of himself, rather than just Iron Man 2.0
>have Peter make himself a new suit just like Iron Man, even listening to Back in Black, using Stark technology
>he is outed as a direct foil to how Tony outed himself
>the first movie dealt with him getting away from Iron Man's shadow and even turning down his suit, which he wears anyway in Infinity War/Endgame

Again, I can't wait how we'll repeat the same character beats in Spidey 3.

>the first movie dealt with him getting away from Iron Man's shadow and even turning down his suit, which he wears anyway in Infinity War/Endgame
He had no choice. Spidey was in the atmosphere running out of oxygen.

Honestly? Yeah, that could be spinned to be darkly hilarious.

>>Early drafts featured the real Nick Fury and Maria Hill. When the twist was added, they were changed into Talos and Soren masquerading as Fury and Hill to justify how Mysterio was able to deceive them.

How stupid. Aside from the fact that they shouldn't be Mary Sues who are above being deceived by someone whose MO is deception, it would have been far more appropriate if they'd just been illusions the entire film.

>pawning off his old Star Wars toys
That's funny.

Spider-Man is the comic one, not the whole fucking cast

>basic bitch shit

Like you and this movie, underage faggot

I don't think it's about being deceived so much as it was being overly trusting. Like, "Hey, this mysterious dude showed up a few months ago and claims to be a hero. We can't verify any of that, but let's believe every word he says and let him into our base of operations"

>>have Peter make himself a new suit just like Iron Man, even listening to Back in Black, using Stark technology
I agree here

>>he is outed as a direct foil to how Tony outed himself
Difference here is that it was against Peter will, showing he is not like Stark

>>the first movie dealt with him getting away from Iron Man's shadow and even turning down his suit, which he wears anyway in Infinity War/Endgame
See Did you actually watch the movies?

Chill out user, people were making World Trade Center jokes on September 12th.

Nothing wrong with a part of a universe offering a more comedic perspective. Kraven's Last Hunt and Superior Foes all happened in the same continuity after all.

>wanting MCU Spidey to have even LESS independence once Valkyrie and Falcon!Cap come to his rescue

With that fighting the Maroni family bit, wasn't there a bit in an early trailer where Spider-Man stops these people with guns in a restaurant in the Iron Spider suit?

Yeah I'm not sure why they cut all that, it feels like perfect Spidey stuff. Not to mention that the movie being like, what, 20ish minutes longer wouldn't have hurt, I don't feel

Lurk more.

I still don't understand why Spider-Man killed Mystero with his Drone army

>>Early cuts featured an extended sequence of Peter's travel preparations, including picking up his passport amid post-Blip chaos, buying a dual headphone adaptor from Mr. Delmar, pawning off his old Star Wars toys to raise money to buy a necklace for MJ
So that rumour of a deleted scene that showed Peter's financial troubles was specifically only for MJ's necklace?Something understandably pretty costly for anyone.

ya but unlike 9/11 the blip happened to people I actually care about

It's probably a 5 minute montage

Source for all of this?

>jake gyllenhaal's character was never named
Is this the first MCU villain to not have a true name?

I still don't understand how J.J. manages to get all this information and why he should believe it blindly. Mysterio is not even officially an American hero and had only a couple of appearances in Europe without any official introduction.

What? They say he's Quentin Beck multiple times

mysterio likely sent it to whoever he thought would believe it with a big enough media sway, which happened to be jjj - he might have not just sent it to him
to be fair to jjj, spiderman literally says execute them all which i thought sounded bad even before it was re-purposed
and spider-man had his mask off in the final fight iirc meaning there's no real denying that part

maybe he saw a poor quality camrip.

Glad they cut Fal!Cap but it would've been interesting to see the parallel between watching how they both got past their mentor/friends death and taking up the responsibility

Marvel needs to start quipping about WTC, maybe it would make murricans less retarded

That's usually what happens or they just read a thread on Yea Forums about it

>still forcing the Peter is poor meme if in this one he's pretty much slated to inherit Stark Industries
i don't understand

>Chill out user, people were making World Trade Center jokes on September 12th.
People were making them before the second plane.

>Yeah I'm not sure why they cut all that

The director said they just wanted to get on with the trip as fast as possible.

>he's pretty much slated to inherit Stark Industries
That's a wild prediction. It certainly won't be in the nearby future, just because Happy helped him doesn't mean now everything Tony owned gets thrown at Peter, Pepper and Morgan are still around too

Normans gonna buy Stark Industries for Dark Avengers I imagine. Also means Pete can stop getting propped up by it

>have Peter make himself a new suit just like Iron Man, even listening to Back in Black, using Stark technology
that was so shit
it's like me ordering some things at a restaurant and claiming I prepared the meal

What does Spiderman have to do with crying over James Bond?

The restaurant scene with Peter that stop the robbery, I would have left that. Personally I consider it a more useful scene to introduce the character rather than the fundraising scene with May. Also in the trailer it really looked like a classic Spidey neighborhood watch.

Making a Spider-Man movie a high school comedy is the problem here

>it's like me ordering some things at a restaurant and claiming I prepared the meal
did you gave precise instruction to the cook on how each ingredients should be prepared?

How bad was the movie?

Standard marvel fare but villain is kino.

yes, I told him it should have this and that and made to this effect and don't give me no buts

Oh man, is it that bad? I've seen a thread on /int/ about that


I know the truth doesn't interest you and this is just a bait post, but FFH is surprisingly a great movie.
Especially the second part is pretty epic ( the first is not bad, but it's a bit heavy from school comedy) and they did well to not involve CapFalcon or anyone else because it really feel like Peter's first real victory as Spider-man.

They sort of allude to Quentin being the fictional name of the dimension jumping character he's playing but it could just as easy be interpreted that the character is called that because he is called at.

What happened to the scene of Iron Spider fighting the bad guys in restaurant. I was expecting that in theater yesterday

Because it's "I Love You 3000", not "I Love You 3020."

I agree on that bit, it'd be nice to see them both in action together at the same time. Mostly, I'm just interested in seeing how they interpret the new suit he's going to have now.

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Removed, it will probably be inserted in the home version. The director wanted the film to start immediately with the trip and take away a lot of things, but in my opinion they were nice.

It's simple, Spider-Man wanted Iron Man's Legacy, and he was willing to kill to make it his alone.


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We know for a fact that Spiderman is a menace, therefore any evidence that backs up that fact must be true

It's just weird. He went from normal bug-man to psychopath.... do you think the blip broke him?

During the bar revelation scene, he thanked the scriptwriter guy for coming up with the character of Quentin Beck, a dimensional warrior.

I have proof spider-man is evil.

First, take that indie song, the Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Starting at d in does, we apply the Pusccuni Sequence on the letters, which starts at i in Spins (we skip the d because there is no d in any super hero name). As it goes on through the song it spells out
Spider-man i s e v i l

Far as I'm concerned, not only do we have this, but if this fucker has stark tek and is killing people, he needs to be stopped.

"I love you 3000" had nothing to do with running times. It was just something RDJ said to his kids and decided to incorporate into his character.

>Not 'I love you 420'

Is this gonna be the new "Ted Kord killed himself"?

Yeah but I'm pretty sure they keep calling him that even when they're not talking scripts, his interdimensional warrior backstory being a facade doesn't necessarily mean he isn't a Quentin Beck

His real name is Beckham Quinto.

Yeah, I told him how I wanted the steak cooked and how I wanted the salad prepared

>it really feel like Peter's first real victory as Spider-man
Feat. Iron-Man

>More white Miles
>More Stark shit
>"You can't be Iron Man" while George Lucas level "poetry" ensues
Mysterio was better than one would think but he's an Iron Man villain in the movie.

>but he's an Iron Man villain in the movie.

When will all these casuals go away?

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Did you watch a cam without the bar scene or something?

user, you can try as much as you want, but all those who know even a little about Mysterio's character in comic right now are thinking you're an idiot. You can safely do damage control by samefagging, but that bullshit remains.

Seriously, FFH can be criticized in so many things, but Mysterio has been very well represented and is one of Spider-man's historic villans. Among other things, the CG actor suit is a stroke of genius.

There's no way you're not kidding right now holy shit

>Tony gives him a weaponized drone army and ability to manipulate and access private information on a global scale.
>Doesn't give him money despite apparent poverty.

Our hero, ladies and gentlemen...

i need more schlubby villains

>have realistic holograms
>use it for self therapy instead of virtual waifus
truly, a controversial move

Tony, the glorious asshole. he did it literally to troll Peter.

The MCU and DCEU suck
Get out

Despite those cuts not actually making it into the finished product, user still whines about "Muh Jokes!"

You claim that original comic Mysterio's origin is somehow being an Iron Man villain despite not having anything to do with Iron Man in his first apprearance. Explain yourself.

They didn't though. The Earth travels around the Sun and the Galaxy itself is moving at light-speed. Appearing at the exact place they were snapped from would leave them in space. This means that there was an implicit function in the anti-snap that returned the victims safely. You can say this happened thanks to the mind/soul gem.

We gotta make Tony or atleast a version of him into a villain that Peter has to beat in order to overcome 'Tony Jr.' stigma.

Iron Maniac!

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Rejected Idea #1
>let's make a good movie

>You claim that original comic Mysterio's origin is somehow being an Iron Man villain
>you claim

Who are you quoting? maybe you were referring to him

>leading to a restaurant shootout
I was wondering where that was.

you have some serious comprehension retardation going on

And here begins the samefagging.

user, I've already explained my point.
Mysterio is not a Stark villan. The only thing he has in common with Stark is the fact that his technology was funded by Tony. But this just serves to explain to the audience where such advanced technology comes from and also serves to unify the various Mcu films together.

Original Mysterio is a guy in charge of special effects for movies that uses extremely advanced projectors with other stage tricks. Exactly as the character of the Mcu is angry because his talent is not recognized and he decides to become a hero to have a recognition. Then targeting Spider-man who at that time was already a victim of JJ bullshits.

In the MCU they modernized his technology for today's imaginary , the drones were nowhere near thinkable in the 1970s and a simple technician of movies fx that does all those things would not be considered credible in 2019.
That's why they turned him into a half scientist.

Still the spirit of the character is perfect portrayed. Again... Mysterio is not a Stark villan. if you think that just because there is "technology" around then sorry but my opinion of you remains unchanged.

>Wants revenge on Iron Man
>Worked for Iron Man

>Isn't just some crazy fuck who's bitter about being too ugly to be the lead role in movies so he uses insane special effects, holograms and hallucinogens to get what he wants

They changed his entire origin and even cast a "handsome" guy as Mysterio. That's not keeping the spirit of the character intact. If you like him fine but don't pretend it's accurate.

>Wants revenge on Iron Man

The fuck? Iron-man is dead. In the bar scene he literally makes a speech where all of them have been discarded, used, misunderstood, because in "today's marvel world" you have to have a cloak, an armor or be a space warrior to be taken seriously. Therefore they pretend to be the greatest hero of the earth to finally have the recognition that they think they deserve.
It's literally the core of the comic character.

>Worked for Iron Man
Yes and? He's still an expert in three-dimensional images and holograms

>If you like him fine but don't pretend it's accurate.

Right, before you went looking for info on Google you didn't even know what he looked like. Do you know that at some point he really becomes an interdimensional traveler?
