I want to hear you say it

I want to hear you say it

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retard netflix zoomer

Hitler did nothing wrong

Is that Barb from Stranger Things?
So glad that fugly nerd got dead.

No it’s Suzie

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You won't get away with this!

>tfw they never brought barb back
why are they always killing off the most based characters?

She killed Hopper.

The only Yea Forums related Stranger Things properties are the Jody Hauser books. Stick to that if you want a backdoor ST thread.


Fuck you bitch. You killed him.

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I love you Mommy

I don't know how they could've made it any more obvious that he's coming back if Hopper had literally dropped a cringy Terminator reference.

I like how people got choked up when Barb died but no one bats an eye about Benny's death.

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I did, you filthy whore liar

He's a dirty pedo that was going to rape eleven

Off topic. Reported.

Okay ... your dick is bigger than mine.

I've heard positive reviews about the first season and mixed reviews about the third. Any other opinions I should hold before watching it myself?

No one needs you more than Iiiiiiii neeeeed youuuuu....

I want to know why this hasn't been deleted yet.

TV needs to fuck off.



announcing reports is just as against the rules as making off topic threads is.

And Billy.

stop watching about 3 minutes before the end of the S1 finale and it will be a pretty good ride.

Yawn. Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Post-Crisis Superman. I'm not talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman either. Hell, I'm not even talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman with his mental blocks unlocked, using Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo Kryptonian martial arts, equipped with a GL ring, a perfect Jimmy Olsen, control of Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex/Batman DNA implanted in him giving him 24th lvl intellect. I’m also not talking about blue sundipped instant lobotomy enraged Post-Crisis Superman, with the White Lantern Ring, his original silver age powers, a Helmet of Fate, host to Parallax, wielding a Sword of Superman as a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Jimmy Olsen (that can use Silver Age Powers), control of both Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex and Batman’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, access to the Green, sundipped Krypto guarding him and nine mini black holes floating behind him, entered Prime One Million Mode, casting galaxy wide Superhypnosis to everybody with Super mindcontrol to steal their powers. I'm talking about blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, Doomsday virus, Batman/Lex/Brainiac’s fused intellect, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, access to all the Elemental Realms, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen, trained under Muhammad Ali, absorbed all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, control over the speedforce with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan, and fused with SuperNicCage while having mastered 127 martial arts.

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So the show has actual stakes. And it isn't enough, it's always a minor unimportant character (except in the latest season but we all know ______ won't stay dead).

This shit should have been a 20-30 second gag at most, not the whole fucking song.

The 1st is Kino and Comfy. The 2nd is a retread of the first but still fun, until the very end. It’s elevated by King Steve and Billy The Based, but it ends on a sour note where Kike producers literally forced the ginger lass to have her first kiss with the nig, despite it not being the contract and her objecting to it, simply because they found it funny. Degenerate Kikes, what did you expect? The 3rd is just a series of Kikeflix quotas made watchable by King Steve. The feel is gone, the show feels like a parody, the characters are flandersized, useless or, total departures, and atop all that you have the mandatory [current year] stuff. Literally watch only the Steve & Scoop Troop, Hopper and Billy scenes. Nothing else past the first and last episode should be watched in their entirety.

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Scoop Troop are definitely the MVPs, but season 3 was overall better than 2 tbqhwu.