JSA Storytime: Gen13

Good evening owls,

I think this is where we left off

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I'm on a trip so I thought you were late until I realized I'm in a different time zone.

Busiek picked a bit of a bad fight with Punisher worshipping nutters.

hi OP hows your weekend
is there any comic controversies going on except police using Punisher logo

Hello, Storyteller.

>it's a camera episode
This type of story was an especially popular gimmick at the time. Not entirely sure why.

when does Bootleg and all the fun spin-offs start?

Lobdell's style really fits this team

I'm hungoooover

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he has a really high tolerance for debating randos

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I get so triggered when Busiek or Gaiman or someone goes on a 15 part argument with an obvious bad faith troll but won't respond to any of my questions or compliments

this is fun

That's pretty much how it is on every internet community, funny enough

I mean he got his start in fanzines, so getting into long debates with anonymous randos over trivial bullshit is just a regular day

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I will never understand why any sane person would look up to the Punisher in any capacity. Even Frank himself knows full well that he's a piece of shit. He's NOT a hero, and holds no delusions otherwise. That's kind of the point, and yet, here we are.

I specifically made a twitter recently to interact with creators and everyone ignores me

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I thought he was a hero in the late 80s early 90s
like a JCVD/Stalone movie character

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that's sweet

Roxy's cockblocking!

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this is great

There's your problem.
The thing is there's just people who think that all criminals are mindless animals who have to be put down, which media often reinforces, and that everyone else actually secretly believes that as well but pretend not to to be politically correct.

Which you see in one of Busiek's arguments where someone was trying to imply that Captain America and Spider-Man allow Punisher to continue operating solely because they deep down think that Frank is a necessary evil.

As Busiek says, Punisher is an interesting character who ranges from being a tragic example of obsession with vengeance to a self-aware, gonzo action fantasy. Key word being "fantasy".

Yo what's up

I can't believe I finally followed Busiek and like first thing I watch him argue about dumb Punisher shit

there was an already Legion thread around here

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don't get me wrong, there are some scary Punisher fans and cops using that logo is fucked up, but I also hate a particular let us call it moralfag thread of critique about the Punisher

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Benes is a coward compared to Campbell
show us more booty


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here you go

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based Benes

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>Which you see in one of Busiek's arguments where someone was trying to imply that Captain America and Spider-Man allow Punisher to continue operating solely because they deep down think that Frank is a necessary evil.
That's nonsense though. Frank is seen as a straight up villain by most heroes. The only reason they don't actively hunt him down is because he has plot armor that lets him bullshit away fro being caught.

I think the problem really lies in the fact people seem unaware that Frank is well aware how much of an awful person he is. Dude would respond to someone holding him up as a role model with a firm "Go fuck yourself.".

Sure, read his stories, go ahead and think of him as an interesting character. Look up to him? That's fucking stupid.

Howdy OP.
I think nosebleeds have given me a headache.

>I think the problem really lies in the fact people seem unaware that Frank is well aware how much of an awful person he is. Dude would respond to someone holding him up as a role model with a firm "Go fuck yourself.".

Wasn't it like the first or second Ennis Punisher story that had the copycats he fucks up at the end?

really need to read that marvel knights run

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OP, you're old enough that you oughhtta know better.

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Speaking of misaimed fandoms, is anyone else deeply confused by the Batgirl tribalism? Especially concerning Cass and Steph, who are best friends.

do u need rehab

100% this trick is something Grunge taught himself to creep up skirts.

yeah, well

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Steph's comics were fun, Cass' weren't really

Yeah, it's kinda sad that they feed the tirefire.

Where the hell did she get that baby?

Lobdell is fun

Do you even know what thread you're in
I've treated this place as a bar with comics for years now

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am I the only one who watches and participates in Joey Q's weekly Drink and Draw?

Some /k/ommandos are sexually attracted to guns and shooting guns into people.

Punisher plays into that fetish.

It's wild watching Yea Forums who used to worship Cass and hate Steph, come around

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They really need to go find Grifter's son for Roxy to crush on.

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I blame Joey Q for ruining comics so no I don't watch that

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that Christmas issue is great

I like his art

Did you see that guns for kids Dog/Wolf/Sheep storytime a few weeks ago? It lays out the gun owners mentality as "We are the guardians, protecting the sheep"

Idolizing the Punisher is the next logical step.

here you go, user, more of Benes' favorite thing

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Honestly as a Texan, what I've seen is more that the type of person who idolizes the Punisher is drawn to gun fandom, rather than the type of person who is a fan of guns being drawn to the Punisher.

The guns are more an expression of a deeply rooted psychosis rather than the manifestation of that psychosis itself. If that makes sense.

I was raised anti-gun, but know many gun fans who are not nuts by any measure.

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gatta go babysit, it's been fun, can't stay for the rest of today but will see all y'all next time

Yeah, cops branding themselves with Punisher logos is basically advertising to anyone they approach that they will unrepetently murder the shit out of you if they feel like it.

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>Grunge absorbs a mailbox
>Cue up Jerry Reed

Jesus Roxy, are you trying to seduce your own mom?

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Do you think they have these outfits custom made to have perfectly fitting boob socks

>"We are the guardians, protecting the sheep"
... Uh huh.

And then they get upset when they find out people are uncomfortable when cops are around.

You don't have to worry about anyone reading your mind Grunge.


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is this a metaphor for sex?

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No, just better nasal blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

This has been an issue since I was a kid.

I'm just saying she's gotten drunk enough that she ought to know her cut off point.

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>that dress
Okay no. Cait, you ain't THAT naive. Though still naive enough to think Madge will go for it.

I do kind of appreciate that Caitlin's preference for older men is consistent throughout the series. It is okay for characters to have explicit sexual tastes.

No, it's just that most artists don't know how clothes work.

We all know our cutoff point, sometimes when we're drinking we just don't care because the relief from the horrible pain of living is so nice

see, this one gets it

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I only ever hated Steph in her capacity as Girl Wonder's creepy fixation, devoid of anything but being 'the girl Robin.'

Qeelocke is Benes' favourite thing?

there were some mighty internet arguments on Yea Forums during her batgirl run

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I've seen underwear that's a perfect erection sheath, so boob dresses don't seem that crazy.

I gotta say, Benes Roxy IS the cutest she's been in a while.

>tfw you want to play Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
>never actually played any of the metroidvania Castlevania games, including Symphony if the Night
Wat do? I sure as fuck ain't in a hurry to get back to Andromeda.

Second favorite.


did the thread ever talk about that new Vic Question series coming out

Is Bobby the nicest psychic ever?

There is nothing sexy about bedbugs.

"FUN" FACT: Bedbugs mate via the male piercing the female's belly with his hypodermic needle penis, and injecting semen into the egg clutch.

that is, indeed, A Lot Of Costume

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that tongue is classic /d/ material

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I can see the appeal in that, it's just that I thought it was commonly accepted that leavin somethin to the imagination was a good thing

Is that you cranky? As a Metroidvania superfan I recommend Aria of Sorrow and/or Dawn of Sorrow if you're gonna play a Castlemania game other than Symph-
>including Symphony of the Night
Wtf my boy. No fan of Metroid should deny themselves that absolute masterpiece.
There's a point about an hour in where it just totally clicks and feels like the next level of Super Metroid.

Fun fact: Isabella Rosselini simulated it on film!

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I forgot we were on tonight

What? This villain? Sexualized? I don't see it.

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She's one of my favorite old-hollywood-connected weirdos

>I feel like you're part of me already

Like, filling a void between your knees or something?

I know, that's why I feel bad wanting to play the spiritual successor first. It's specifically the other half of the portmanteau. I guess I just somehow never got into Castlevania. You're right though, I should just play SoTN.

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The advantage of these games is, like Super Metroid, they're short and sweet. You can probably finish Symphony in like two evenings, and it's a really hard game to put down.

Mr Monday has GOOD TASTE.

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christ, it's this asshole again

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Was Helspont always Fourth Wall Aware?

Good taste

didn't jason todd kill him or something?

Oh, also, can I just say I still find it kind of hilarious that Wildcats was a alien angels vs devils narrative to begin with.

How heavily was that leaned into initially?

Hard pass

Pretty much, he's always been very into his role as the chief bad guy

thanks for reading back TUESDAY

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Symphony also has the type of RPG elements I can enjoy. Straight upgrades instead of meaningless numbers flashing in my face. Alucard gets an item, item does a specific thing.

>short and sweet
Metroidvanias are typically designed to be relatively brisk experiences once you know what you're doing. Which I suspect is part of the reason people enjoy Waifumania so much. Among the glut of exhausting open world live service whorsehit, Ritual is a nice, robust, 8-10 hour normal ass video game.

Gotta love a villain who enjoys his craft.

Thanks for running OP.

Quick question before you go-are you one of the half million folks planning on storming Area 51?

stupid Olav
Thanks OP

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Y'know how most heroes have at least one member of their rogues gallery whose gimmick is that they want to fuck said hero? Poor Caitlin, like half her enemies are that.

Also, Superman Smashes the Klan is going to be fun. The tears will flow, and the art will be cute as fuck.

I'm convinced DC's recent glut of dream projects for Lemire is them desperately trying to apologize to him for not giving him LOSH.

Is that what the kids are calling it? If there's two things I'm into it's metroidvania and female protags so I do need to get into that.

He got to do some LoSH and it sucked

>Is that what the kids are calling it?
It has a fairly robust character customization system that lets you dress Miriam up in lots of pretty dresses. So, yeah.

>If there's two things I'm into it's metroidvania and female protags so I do need to get into that.
Same. Girls exploring strange locations is my absolute jam.

no, I have a job

Is that a real thing
Doesn't everyone know all the aliens moved out of Area 51 and went to Portland

It's apparently at least a real meme. A goddamn hilarious real meme.