Post Superman's greatest moments

Post Superman's greatest moments.

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is there a series about shota superman?

That’s Jon Kent, he’s in the Rebirth Superman run and Super Sons for his best shota stuff.

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Yea Forums really is shit, post more Superman you faggots





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MCUck shitposters need to go back to Yea Forums

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Wasn't aware that John Romita was part of the MCU.

They both have shitty style?

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thats fucking awesome

What is going on here?

Superman is saving the omniverse piloting the Superman Thought Robot while transporting a vial with The Bleed to save Lois from certain death.

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2019 Yea Forums rather post a million MCUck threads and cartoons no one cares about.

I will keep bumping fuck your new threads

Jonathan living on in memory, always with Clark in his memories, with a look of innocent boyhood joy on an aged face
Genuinely made me smile and tear up. Only Superman stuff can still get that sort of emotion out of me, and I have no idea why, because from a story point of view I find the detective and action side of Batman stuff more, even if Superman is my overall favorite. He is *the* super hero.

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I miss Superbro

I dont see that moment youre talking about in the image you posted

Did you get the wrong pic?

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He still exists in our hearts

OP image. I just posted mine for the sake up having another image in the thread, my DC folder is far too messy to track down any specific Supes moment.

That makes sense now im a brainlet

bump again.


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Why does this make it sound like Superman works for Kingpin?

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>JR Sr.
You're trying too hard

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Jon Kent isn’t shota Superman
He’s The Metropolis Kid

That is hilarious that Superman figures out how to deal with a problem that made reed richards and all of Marvels smartest people turn into planet destroying monsters

it's almost like they're different stories

I really like Superman Strength.

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Its almost as if they had the same problem but Superman isnt a retard brainlet

Please stop trying to make this a company wars thread.

>a retard brainlet
this is you. they're made up stories. if the writer wanted superman to have to destroy worlds, he would have. if the writer wanted reed to invent a device that saved everything, he would have. but that's not the stories they wanted to writer. pointing that superman did "better" here to fuel some company warrior shit is brainless.

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I have no idea what's going on in this page.

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hes saving the city

Does this mean Superman loves Lex Luthor?

He hates the things he does, while understanding the things the man could accomplish if he wasn't so full of vanity and hate, and hoping he can come to be that man some day. He doesn't *like* him though. You can love someone and hope for their better selves to win out, and understand their value as a living soul, while disliking them as a person. That's basically how Christians typically deal with people who persecute them.

Is Bleediac still a thing, hes a good guy now right? Or did he revert to Legion of Doom Brainiac?

In a way, he still remembers his friendship with Lex as kids and hopes that one day it will be like that.


Another superjesus metaphor. This is ridiculous

why the fuck would you post this without also posting the page showing what he engraved. this is the equivalent of telling the setup of a joke without the punchline.

There is one story about superman saving some astronauts at the end of time but I don't remember which one. Anybody got scans of it?

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He was decapitated and Lex put his head on a table. Everything’s going bad, so Lex brings back Supes

Epic, do you remember which issue is this? Or from which book?

Lex was the one that decided to make a Superman/Lex science baby without Superman's consent.

Its from the Adventures of Superman series from 2013-2014. The story is called Strange Visitor

Context of this, since I keep seeing it so much?

Superman punches the Anti Monitor’s brother to save the Multiverse, so he thinks about his dad and son

Not him, but which issue? Isnt it from JL(A)?

Uh Snyder JL 25 I think

Superman is tricked by Mxyzptlk into getting trapped in a sunless dimension and slowly starves to death whilst the Justice League is busy fighting alternate versions of themselves in a parallel universe created by an ancient cosmic god. Batman manages to teleport a string of suns into Superman's dimension, allowing him to power up, smash through the dimensional barrier and one-shots the guy before he destroys the planet.

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Thanks bro

Superman protecting cute and innocent qt chinese waifu

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>hollowed bat
Fucker cheats at baseball!

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Including Manhattan himself

Sorry user

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Who is the guy at the bottom

Jonathan Kent

Here is your best Superman moment.

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I’ve seen this posted in a few other threads and imma need a sauce before I can allow you to keep shit posting sir

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Seconding the request

And in the dark multiverse. On the last issue of sodeways he said he wanted to explore it.

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El Señor Superman Calvo Con Sombrero new form

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I miss Ultraman.

Theres no Ultraman in that pic

If I wanted to read this scene where should I start?


From the latest JL run btw

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Adventures of Superman was pretty good, Legends of the Dark Knight too, too bad Sensation Comics was often middling to terrible.

Poor Wonder Woman

I didn’t say there was.

You can find it on Paheal

The first three are hacks.

MLK was a rapist and gangbanger

but isn't he superman's son?

Jon was named after his grandpas. his full name is Jonathan Samuel Kent

I see

>Einstein and Lincoln
Yeah that's a Elliot S Maggin Superman comic !
When will D.C. Give him a few issues ? Would be a nice throwback

Does he have a kryptonian name (Jon-El?) and does he have a hero name like Superboy?

when is bendis going to make him take kryptonite hormones and turn him into jonathan samantha kent?

No kryptonian name, but he is Superboy.

Bleediac is the multiversal entity from which the other Brainiacs stem. So he should still be around.

Why does this scene trigger Superman "fans" so much?

Einstein did nothing remarkable, his formula is useless and uses data already discovered by other scientists.
Moses was not real and Hammurabi created laws before him. It's obvious that a kike wrote that shit.

This version of the symbol is really cool. Why don't we see red-on-black with prominent gold border more often?

Cause the current one is more iconic

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Now that's a real hero.

I don’t think it does, it’s just a good moment that’s destined to be used for power level shit until the end of time.

People on reddit thinks he should solve conflicts with HOPE instead of FIST. LMAO

Make gokufags seeth until the end of time

That too.

but this scene was made by a gokuweebfag

I was gonna say:
>"Tommy Monaghan?"
But I can't remember if he says the surname.

This all just lies and bullshit

rent free, forever

>He only broke a small part of the planet

Not impressive even by Superman standards.

He broke his multiverse and cracked the sixth dimension retard. Not to mention he put a being stronger than Mxy on his ass. This feat alone puts Superman above Goku

I thought he was powered by like a string of suns? Or was that all to bring him back to normal after being in a Universe with no sun.

>he broke his multiverse
No he didn't, he made a small crack out of a dimension to get to his opponent. Literal children in DBZ could do that without even punching.

>stronger than Mxy
Mxy is just as inconsistent as Supes and the one now isn't as impressive as the old Mxy. Even his best feats were non-canon. I don't see this "being stronger than Mxy" performing universe-level attacks on Superman so stop your hyperbole bullshit. The dude got beaten by a punch that didn't even destroy a planet.

>puts Superman above Goku
Current Supes is pretty tame and this feat required Batman's help + a lot of suns (we don't know how many and how much time he sunbathed). Even amped his punch didn't even destroy the planet.

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Pink kryptonite is hilarious, but I prefer purple kryptonite.

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He broke the multiverse, Forger stated such. Quite downplaying this you DBtard

>he broke the multiverse
Prove it. All that was shown was he made a crack to get to his opponent. Prove that the multiverse got completely destroyed and don't exist anymore.

>character statement
By broken, means he cracked the barrier between dimensions. Not completely destroy a multiverse, like I said before literal children back in the Buu saga can do this easily. Also if we take all statements as canon, Odin is omnipotent, the Hylian shield is omniversal level durability, etc. etc.

>quite downplaying
Superman was amped and didn't even destroy the planet with the punch. There's nothing to downplay here. Even by Supes standards this isn't impressive.

Retard. All Gotenks did was scream a small hole through dimensions and he gets one shotted by base Superman. Keep being a brainlet though.

Gotenks made a hole through reality just like Superman did. Except he didn't need help from Batman and be amped by multiple suns. Keep in mind Gotenks was a joke that lost every fight in that arc and he still accomplished the same reality cracking Supes did.

So where's the proof that the multiverse "broken" doesn't exist anymore and was completely destroyed? You can break your phone without breaking it completely to atoms. A child can break a toy just by bending off one limb. Breaking isn't the same as outright destroying most of the time, and in this context Supes just made a crack in a dimension after help from Batman. Here's what it looks like if you don't remember. And even after multiple sunbathing Superman's fist wasn't even planet busting. None of this is impressive.

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Retard just stop

>ad hominem
>no argument

I accept your concession. Goodbye.

Blah blah. Superman one shots Goku. Go back to plebbit

>shota superman

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Not that user, and yes, you are cringe.