Why isn’t there a diversity of body types amongst superheroes?

Why isn’t there a diversity of body types amongst superheroes?

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In b4:

>user superheroes are supposed to be fit because they exercise every day fighting people lmfaoooo

First off dumbasses, comics are a work of fiction. Who gives a fuck if a bigger hero wouldn’t “make sense”

>B-but a fat hero comic wouldn’t sell

Yeah, because the big two have tried before. Fuck off.

washed-up middle age man with a dad bod is becoming common between thor, eddie brock, peter b, and red arrow

Because artists are hacks and can only draw two bodies, naked men and women and then putting body paint on them. They're incapable of variation in body type, design or fabric.

In the comics or movies? I don’t really agree

movies and television

Because the casual retards wouldnt like it. so.y wont be able to self insert as big muscly men and women wouldnt drool over their live action counterparts.

Men don’t self-insert in the first place. Itd actually be better to represent body types that most men actually have

I wonder if you could count Steve’s fat ass in here too.

Fat Thor and Peter B. Parker will spark a revolution

this is a thinly veiled fetish thread so someone post BBW art of superheroines. preferably power girl or she hulk, thanks

Yes, my liege.

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Fat people are immoral gluttons, so it's impossible for them to be heroes.

She’s basically Power Girl

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When are people going to stop the “fat people are evil” meme

No reason to give the bait attention.

bat-man is also acceptable being he's fucking based

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Because no know likes fat retards

Good on you for having self awareness but this isn't your blog.

How is abusing your body for decadent pleasures at great cost to society and your loved ones not immoral?

It’s fun. Learn to live. Hedonism is the way to go.

How is shitposting at the cost of bandwidth and everyone reading it not immoral?


Fat characters exist, they just don't tend to get much of a following so they stay obscure until an event needs somebody to kill off.

Post examples, for reasons.

Because fat people have already shown via their weight that they have less willpower then other heroes and are therefore less likely to give a fuck about trying to save the world/beat the monster of the week/etc.

>Who gives a fuck if a bigger hero wouldn’t “make sense”
Everyone who isn't a retard. If a character is fat because it relates to their power then super but otherwise it's idiotic. An example of a fat hero that makes sense could be a telekenetic that can fly getting fat because using his power to fly and beat bad guys all the time isn't actually burning energy. Boom, easy.

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Because contrary to what Twitter might believe, people like to look at attractive people, and they want their heroes to be attractive people.

>user superheroes are supposed to be fit because they exercise every day fighting people lmfaoooo
This is true.

>Yeah, because the big two have tried before.
They have, and it didn't sell.

Look at this fatso.


They're not evil, but their bodies are a reflection of their lack of care among other vices.



He's not shitposting, he's right, fatso.

I'm starting to think body positive activists are all a bunch of feeder fetishists

I used to think they just wanted to justify their laziness
but no
this can only be the work of creepy sex perverts

I hate fat people

DC has Bouncing Boy in the Legion and Chunk was one of Wally West's supporting characters.

Marvel had Microbe on the New Warriors, Butterball was one of the new group made for the Initiative, and Bertha is part of the GLA. I guess Blob was briefly sort of a hero as part of Freedom Force.

Valiant really publicized their relaunch of Faith as a body positivity thing.

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I like a variety depending on the context of the story but I'd much prefer to look at aesthetically pleasing figures than fat ones. But that doesn't mean they can't be in there. It's all fantasy. But above all else the story telling has to shine through with good art.

Doing it for the sake of doing it, like Faith, is shit because Faith in herself is a boring shit character with a conflict that isn't expanded upon in an interesting way.


Yeah, that's all well and good, but heroes devote themselves to others, so fatties aren't heroes.

How fat are you?

Read some Top 10 you'll find plenty of other body types


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Captain underpants

because obesity is disgusting

ok assholes
call me when i can make my huge boobed milf comic a LEGIT thing.

it is a diverse body type, faggots.

Probably looks like a faggot

you just sound like a seething fatfag.

give me a carl looking super hero because thats what i look like in real life

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Thicc Helen Parr is all the representation we'll ever need.

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It is the LAZIEST argument to say that people who want body diversity are just fat people seething about fit people

Holy shit. Wanting more kinds of representation isn’t always some thinly veiled retardation

Why does it matter what other people like/dislike? Make a discord, meet up with fat people, grow a spine when assholes laugh at you.

This is literally what everyone else does. Why can't you? Did your brains turn in to pork rinds?

Fuck off

>eat normal food when im hungry
>get fat
What did God mean by this

Exactly. Eat your peas, professor.

I wouldn't trust some fat piece of shit to save me.
Fat people have no self control, they would turn evil any chance they got if they ever tried to be heroes to begin with.

humans are meant to be a bit overweight

>obnoxious spacing and replying to half of the thread
>fatso projection
I weight 117 lbs, no need to show how insecure you are by being a fuckwit.


right they are not evil just plain stupid

are you american?

Well, >a bit overweight just means not having a six-pack. Basically, imagine a redneck who actually works in the field instead of drinking beer.

Fat people are just not beautiful (fetishists aside).
The same as teenager sidekicks not having acne, or not having ugly scars after injuries. I mean - have you seen burn victims?
Yep, Deadpool and Two-Face are a thing, but it is more exception than a rule.

Any "destroying their body" arguments are just rationalisation, since that people have no problem with liking alcoholics (like Iron man) or drug addicts.

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because physical activity makes you fit

>a bit overweight just means not having a six-pack

Being fat is the result of poor self control, poor judgement, poor logic, aka it's impossible to imagine someone fat taking the position of a hero, they are too egotistical by nature.

you shouldnt be hungry more than 2 time a day.

When fat people quit their evil ways, maybe.

Speaking as an obese man, I really don't want to read about obese superheroes
Being fat is fucking gross

being fat only has disadvantages, it makes you less flexible, easy to spot, easy to target and it even pretent you to do some movements entierely, even with "magic super power" taken into account. If anything, a dwarf or a child makes more sense than a fatty, because being small is an advantage.

based lardass

Heavyweight superheroes are fine as long as there's an in-universe reason why they would retain their weight while running around doing hero work.

This is so fucking defeatist why can’t you have some dignity

artist laziness, publisher skittishness
if it was really about muh realism heroines wouldn't have the bodyfat to all have huge tits

a lot of roman gladiators were fat around the edges. more padding for the vital organs

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dignity is all about knowing your failures. only a fool and a cattle is glad to just braeth and be fed

by the dawns early light!

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No matter how many times I see this, I still can't help but click the thumbnail, and face the horror.

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>not having plus sized/fat guy super heroes who start to save people using their incredible powers which make up for their physical unhealthiness
>not having them slowly use diet and exercise to improve their physical health to make them even better heroes, as they realize that just resting on what you have already isn't good enough and you should always be trying to improve yourself
>watch fatties explode in rage

imagine a fatguy who was like beyond superman strong and couldn't workout due to being so strong he couldn't get swole.

Then it wouldn't be called OVERweight.

>muh representation
Fuck off back to tumblr you faggot

because theyre harder to draw, i mean why would you draw fat people if you arent into fat fetish

Bouncing Boy is cute

Butterball, Matter Eater Lad, The Phantom Blonde (retired version), Heavy Flo, Gatecrasher, Orca, Sixpack, The Blob, Puck, Volstagg, Doop, MODOK, etc
Even Captain America occasionally

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Because nobody wants to see that. And
>body diversity
Is a fucking ridiculous concept. If you need a characater to look just like you for you to get any enjoyment out of a comic, then you are a grade A professional retard.

Fat people can't save the world.

I want to see that. OP also seems to want to see that, and a lot of other people. You're not "everyone" you schizo.

There is, you just don't look.

Not the guy but I agree with him.
Also there is a good amount of fat superheroes and villains,just look at berta or king pin.

Also Judge dredd had a great depiction of obese people and had stories dedicated to them.

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They're almost never cute or appealing though.

Do you dare call this beatiful and cute?

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history revisionism is sad, sad, sad

I can post an anorectic and claim that anyone who likes skinny people is a degenerate. Extremes are not appealing, limited deviation from the norm can be. Overweight people can be cute. You're posting someone who is morbidly obese and either has some weird medical condition which causes the fat to deposit that way causing it to look a lot worse than for most people at that weight, or lost a lot of weight and has leftover skin which will have to be surgically removed. Either way it's not an image of a normal overweight person.

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I want a fuckin chubby Power Girl. She eats a lot of take-away and doesn’t need to be muscular to be strong since she’s an alien.

You're a fucking subhuman so nobody cares what you want

Fatties are disgusting, lose weight fatty

Pick one

Have you seen an anorexic superhero?
Also overweight and curvy is a different thing.
Chubby people are cute.Fat fucks are not.

>look over there don't look at me! I WIN
how ugly can you be to go there as an argument holy shit

if i am wrong, i would like to know. do you have a source?

Is this /fph/ nao?

I'm already barely above underweight.
>I don't understand what words mean
Normal is a reference point you dimwit, an average overweight person is not the same as average person of healthy weight but neither look even remotely like the image posted.

Fat people shouldn't be idolized. It's unhealthy and we already have a obesity epidemic

Because only a vocal minority of crybabies want it.

>anyone not adhering to my own personal standards of what is acceptable is bad and only things approved by me personally should exist
You sound like a SJW.

There's no such thing as a normal fat person you deluded fuckhead

that's a mighty big strawman user

Die in a hole, fatty

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Keep projecting.
If you go by definition of normal you would take the average weight, and average weight is overweight. So by your retarded definition overweight is the norm, except that's not how it works because the word is as I already said contextual and any non autistic person understands what it means in a given context.

healthiness is universal. you are killing yourself and will die sooner than anybody else. It's a fact.


>do you have a source?

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Aww thats pretty hot desu

Trying so hard to project is pathetic. I would be willing to bet my right arm that I weight less than either of you, though you certainly save a few pounds on a brain. Get better arguments against fictional characters looking in ways that trigger your fragile sensibilities.

>Get better arguments against fictional characters looking in ways that trigger your fragile sensibilities
the pot calling the kettle black


I don't want to follow your diary blog user.

You have to go back

then how do you explain all those skinny nigger kids sweetheart?

their welfare moms are taking their food for themselves

well obviously they're going to pick the best looking guy to sculpt. saves on marble


get fucked

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>bleeding cool
pretty sure they're mad because an attractive woman is selling issues

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there must be some kind of connection between these 2 covers that resulted in a large amount of sales

i'm pleased so many women are buying this comic, strong female characters are very important

Because being a hero requires a lot of cardio, weight lifting and other /fit/ shit I can go into. You expect heroes like Spider-Man or Batman to get anywhere with a beer gut?

fat people in comics is about representation
it is not about my fetish

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It’s a fantasy and fictional world, you think people want representation of morbidly obese heroes in skin tight suits?

Different user, let me be blunt if I may:
Why do you care about representation for fat people in comics?

Probably because he or she wants to project themselves onto said heroes.

honestly, I have a fetish for fat people
I assume that's why most of us want it

we need some bloatlord powerlifter heroes. male and female. kyriakos grizzly build.

because superheroes are supposed to be admired, and there's nothing admirable about not being able to put the fork down

>Oh cool, this is probably a chubby superhero thread.
>Can’t wait to have discussion about chu-
>reads thread
I don’t know what I expected.

Can’t put terms like “body type diversity” in the first post, OP. Or else the thread will just be flooded by people looking to scream in people’s faces because they like different things.

here's your fat character bro

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>B-but a fat hero comic wouldn’t sell
>Yeah, because the big two have tried before. Fuck off.

Big two? Why? Valiant not big enough for you?

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Didn’t she die violently in Variants version of Avengers/Justice League?

>I want to see a 300 pound person jumping around in spandex
good luck making money

this guy is great
his silver age power origin is that he was given a liquid to deliver by a scientist, but he decided to see a sports game first. then he absent mindedly drank the liquid because you usually have a drink at a sports game.

thor is fat right now

Because superhero designs, in general, are supposed to invoke admiration, and the majority of people don't admire or want a fat body.

Fatties deserve to die

There's diversity in OP's mouth;fat dicks,little dicks,black dicks,white dicks,hairy dicks,bald dicks............

OP doesn't discriminate, all dick tastes great to OP

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Unfortunately only the stealth threads are reasonable. Anything else is full of triggered SJW faggots who want everything to appeal to them and only them.

Why do people always use the most extreme examples to illustrate their point? You realize there are overweight people who don’t look literally subhuman right

Maybe OP should put down the onions milk and go to a comic-con and jack-off to fat cosplayers


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I don't like this Clayface remake

So you don't have an excuse to be an out-of-shape loser

Fat isnt a body type

Oh shit, I think I actually met the artist for this when I was younger.

That's because they're drawn accurately
The only way to make an appealing character with lots of body fat is to be dishonest about it.
Look at how this artist draws herself. Chubby, but no cellulite, no folds, no double chin, no stretch marks, thin neck.
Fat gathers under the chin and around the neck. This is not what fat people actually look like.
Actual fatness is not appealing the way actual fit bodies are.

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Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.