Miles is for Kamala. Only the most colossal of faggots will disagree.
Miles is for Kamala. Only the most colossal of faggots will disagree
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I guess that means you disagree.
This thread is for faggots. Only the most colossal of faggots will disagree.
Miles might be for Kamala, but Kamala is for Sam
Okay, now if I agree with the other guy, You leave Kamala very badly
Ah, young Super Hero shipping.
I miss Hazmat and Mettle...
She is for beter.
before they eliminate the thread I have to make this clear
Kamala does not belong to anyone
everyone belong to kamala
Samala is dead in the water, but do not cry for him because he has a smoking hot murderous alien bitch to tame.
At any rate, Miles is for Bombshell. One day his writers are gonna get this.
>because he has a smoking hot murderous alien bitch to tame.
just like kamala
Does that means you are a fagget too?
Kamiles should happen briefly to resolve the tension and have Miles realize they're better as friends.
Kamala is for Peter
Bombshell is for Goldballs
Seemss like everyone's getting smoking hot alien bitches (except Miles).
Kamala is unattractive both in mind and in body.
I don't even think he exists anymore. No one but Bendis wanted him, and thank the lord he's shitting up some other company now.
>Kamala is in space getting a (new)bf(for her harem)
>Sam is in space getting a gf
>Miles is tortured like a laboratory rat
No, Miles is for Gwen.
they've swapped bodies and everything
He is literally getting rape by a symbiote
That's hot
Even Bruno knows it
eh...they dont remember anything
In my mind Kamala looks like a teenage version of Mia Khalifa
Bruno, I know it’s hard, but Kamala is fucking other guys.
Every 616 hero dick under 20 is for Kamala. Also Cyclops, Bruno and that alien prince beefcake who offered to be her side-bitch.
Never Bruno
Kamala is for Pinpoint
Everybody and everything everywhere is for Kamala except Bruno.
dude,you're talking with the creator of:delicious infidel meat for her 1 2 3 and i am working in the 4, I fucking know
Look if anything he gets sloppy sevenths
Samala is canon.
As do we all, user. As do we all.
sam has a crush for Kamala, what a surprise, but a canon ship has to be bidirectional, technically only DantexKamala is canon in the multiverse
Actually I've been meaning to suffer through Waid's "All-New All-Different Avengers" and "Champions" to see what shipping fuel I can find. From what I've seen it may have been Waid's intention for Sam and Kamala to have a closer relationship before he left the title. At the very least they have more interaction together than Miles and Kamala did, I think.
Sam is just spaghetti around girls. Wasn't he into Viv too? Then got cucked by Cho, who himself turned her gay? Samala isn't real. I'm so sorry.
On that subject I dunno if I'll ever understand how/why Cho/Viv is supposed to be a thing.
but it's still not a ship
just let me have this, please
please, for the love of god
Throughout those books and books from various series, Miles and Kamala are closer. I think it's still a one sided crush on Miles' part, but they interact more often and on a deeper level.
oh okey
>Implying she wasn't playing Cyclops one eyed skin flute.
This will forever be my headcanon.
why no desi girl to say these things to me
He is currently being fucked dry by some titted alien girl. SamxKamala is dead, bury it.
Harem ending, my nigga. All that it takes is three girls saying "Hey, let's share," and you've got nothing to lose.
Sam should focus on getting even one right bow and try not to blow it. The alien girl is easy because she already has an unhealthy obsession with him, albeit murderous. Turning Kamala from cold to hot is a 90 degree uphill battle compared to converting Kaldera's existing passion for his murder into passion for his dick and murder.
Honestly I predict that the Kaldera/Nova story in "Champions" right now is going to end with their battle to the death, but when Kaldera actually has Nova pinned down she's going to relent and either kiss or rape him as a show of power and authority. Y'know, one of those "I hate you but I love you" kind of things.
Honestly I feel like Sam's been made a minor character in what is ostensibly supposed to be his own storyline.
Because Mark Waid doesnt write your live
Didn’t Miles canonically write an OT3 fan fiction involving himself, Sam and Kamala, and then later anonymously posted it on the internet for Kamala to see?
I'm surprised a guy who does things like that gets girls half the quality as the girls he has after him.
Pakis are for stoning. End of story.
They are not aware of each others like you can see
Stoning with my dick?
You mean Red Skull and Jubilee
That kind of thing seems like it would permeate into the way you act around girls, even if they don't specifically know the full extent of your weirdness.
Is it kind of weird for miles to do this. I get trying to ship Kamala with yourself. but why is Sam there?
some Samala I just found.
Also Samala.
There's also the story that is actually a flash-forward of, but I'm too lazy to storytime that.
Look! They're holding hands! That's means it's canon!!
I've always thought the page where Kamala and Miles are holding hands and then Sam awkwardly plops his hand on top of theirs was comedy gold.
Got a picture of that? Because that was a Futurama gag and if [%WRITER] was never called out for it then I'm gonna whine about it on my blog.
>Tfw rooting for miles but know it's gonna go nowhere real fast
It wasn't intentionally comedic. Just awkward, and thus funny. To me anyway.
I hate is shaved hairstyle, someone give this boy a fucking Afro please.
Miles is for Sam.
Sam wasn't even in Miles' torture hallucination. You know who was? A certain pliable paki.
What do we think about the champion's team building exercises?
>Even when fucking her miles is getting cucked
Maybe. But just because they haven’t gotten there yet doesn’t mean there’s no hope
We'll need the sauce to make sure. The question of cuckery depends on who is stuck in the business end and who gets the chance to impregnate her first.
Better her than that Iron heart trash
never paid much attention to kamala
i see now that the appeal factor is off the charts
Shipping is for losers. Only the most colossal of faggots will disagree.
Well. When there’s retarded relationship stuff that’s given screentime, shipping can make for better headcanon when you skip over that crap later
>Blows up your fucking path
Miles fags we back in this bitch
Also I really hope hes not talking about sam
I'm currently on chapter 30 of ultimate because it's shorter than Amazing, but from what I've seen, literally every villain learns from the beginning that Peter is Spider-Man and Gwen is just fucking weird that MJ should just punch in the face. Do people really think this is the best comic?
He's talking about Tony Stark, and the context is Civil War II.
>Do people really think this is the best comic?
It was probably their first Spider-man comic.
It's not THAT terrible, but there's just so much dumb shit that goes on through it. I'm going to finish it since there's only 160 chapters until he dies. But just the way different characters are presented is dumb.
I hope this actually happens. This "b-but she's like my sister" faggotry makes me sick. She would let you put a baby in her with just a word, you faggot. And she's loyal and hot as hell? How can he be so blind?
Blame the cucks at marvel
The second she finds out he's single again she'll make her move.
He's gonna fuck it up. It's been a long time coming, but it hasn't hit the fan yet. I'm interested in how Lana will react to the crushing rejection. She's legitimately in love with the guy. But he only likes brown girls in this universe. I think HYDRA Kate Bishop from 1610 put him off white girls.
Bro it's a classic mistake you make when you're growing up and still trying to make sense of the ideals and the reals.
Miles and Kamala are still the better fit than Sam and kamala in my opinion.
But the fact remains, Kamala is the one that determines what's what no matter how well Miles character could be.
I know. The reason I'm so mad is because I've made the same mistake. Every time.
Lana can pull out a win can't she? Tell me it ain't hopeless
Kamala makes more sense than Gwen. ( although I liked her in the movie)
>when Miles claims she's his girlfriend to the Champions and mentions she's from another universe and they all laugh at him
That was great. Let's continue the idea that it's not real and is just a joke.
what the FUCK is going on with miles' head?????
Muslim pussy thrust got this nigga going crazy
Pheromone jitters.
Miles does like his women big.
ill never understand giantfags
That's too bad. Some of the best faps you'll ever have.
>Kamala dies in battle
>Miles let's Satan trade a innocent civilian they saved life for Kamala's
Our hero!
What series/issue is this from?
best fetish
Sam is for violent, hip-breaking alien hate-sex.
also viv
>Noticing that the giant Kamala is actually made of hundreds of small Kamalas merged together
Did Sam have a constant erection for this entire ride or did he jerk off at the rest stops? After 8 hours he was probably overdue.
Id like to see what would happen if Nic Cage was writing people’s lives
They both tried to ignore the erection that kept poking her.
>Muslim girl didn't come back as a hellspawn to get her revenge on miles.
>no ghostrider girl
Oh god the butthurt Sam faggotary is too much. Must introduce proper balance.
Do tell.
You know, Kamala kind of treats Miles like her property.
It's kind of hot.
Miles is for a trophy case
kamala is for a dumpster
Miles repaid her kindness by killing her, then bringing her back to life, then sending her into an existential crisis that resulted in her resigning from the Champions.
No. Kamala is for white man and Miles will lose to white man soon enough.
Yeah she's got her arms around him.
She was dead anyway, Miles saved her life and at the cost of his own sanity.
In the end Kamala is going to sleep with everyone expect Bruno
I’m pretty sure Cyclops finds use of the term “one eyed” anything offensive when referring to him
I might add more later because my original post got deleted cuz of shitty internet
>But basically miles is very into art and music can play alot instruments/sing etc.
>Wants to major in it college
>Has a strong sense of Justice from his cop dad and knows alot about the law.Also has alot of empathy and is sensitive so he crys to certain things easily
>Eventually works with his dad doing detective cases against kingpin question style
>Giant sperg when it comes to flirting with women because his class laughed at him in middle school when he asked out his crush
>Shy and doesn't talk outside circle of anime nerd friends
>Wants to be spiderman because he wants to feel special,do the right thing,makes him not feel like a weird nerd and gets him out of his comfort zone
>The spider that bites him crawls into skin and into his heart while he was asleep in his room.And everytime he gets hit with radiation or has a heart attack and survives he gets a power up
>Also went from 5'5 to 5'9 and strong and lean when got bit so he started getting alot of attention from girls and he doesn't know how to handle it
>He also lost that ugly ass buzz cut and got dreads
Autism fanfiction summary done for now
isn't miles a science geek? he's at a stem magnet school.
super heroes dating super heroes is shit.
Not unless he converts to Islam and changes his name to Mohammed Mohammad.
Her pussy will convert him.
That's a chicken-egg problem, because he needs the pussy to convert, but needs to convert to get the pussy. And converting without the pussy is just unteasonable.
Can inhumans even become vessals for the Phoenix force? I thought it only selected mutants.
Why would the Phoenix force care who it selected? I thought part of the reason Jean happened to get stuck with it was just because she was powerful for it to not destroy her. That is, it isn't that it "selected" her because she's a mutant, it's because she was a powerful mutant that she wasn't totally BTFO by it. Or something like that?
Yeah I switched it up to make him different then peter
Keep your yaoi fics to yourself, Kamala.
so...Viv for her harem too?
>the face
>the hover hands
She's not resigning, not permanently. This is just an excuse to write her out for a small timeskip so that they can bring in her new costume without messing up either title's continuity.
>My feet hurt.
>She smells like curry.
>I wish I was hugging Riri.
>Hurry up and let me go already so that I can leave New Jersey.
Phoenix Force? Chump change compared to being Genis-Vell reincarnated.
Wrong has smells like gingerbread and hugs
no, she smells like curry
and that's fine and cute
Genis Khan is my waifu
Shut up, Kang.
I wonder exactly how much GWW and PAD shared notes about Kamala's powers in connection to time. It can't be cooncidence that after David writes about a time-warping Kamala, Wilson reveals that Kamala warps her mass through time when she shapeshifts.
It’s way better than any of the other nonsense in this thread.
Nah, Miles and Gwen forever.
She should date Genis Vell
To a yaoi-addled brain, maybe.
She needs a different costume to go with that cosmic awareness skin
Genis had blue/black parts of his costume match his skin
>Can inhumans even become vessals for the Phoenix force
Yeah, Thane had it.
Nah. It’s just objectively like better.
I always forget that Thane exists
Everybody does.
What can Kamala actually do with her powers in regards to sex?
Also, when she and Peter changed bodies, how did they explore those bodies? Is it true that she made a gay porno while in his body?
She's a shapeshifter, so presumably any sexy function of either gender is doable.
Poor Bruno
>What can Kamala actually do with her powers in regards to sex?
the limit is in her imagination
>Yfw your crush's mom calls you a beta
Kamala's mother is based
Kamala would be 10x better if she naturally had a big fat ass.
Sorry but that name just screams gay.
She could grow huge and use Miles as her own personal human dildo, I don't think he'd complain.
Miles is for Starling
>just takes the dick
Alpha as fuck!
Are you still trying to push this? That ship is long done
She's like twice his age. No other girl he knows has an ass like that, though, so maybe you're right. It truly is a sight to behold.
Why is Kamala so sexy and hot in this artstyle?
Lets see it.
Is that Pichelli? All Pichelli girls are sex.
>She's like twice his age
Sam is always written as being a slutty, masochistic pig bottom.
Yup, it's Pichelli.
Sadly, it's also Bendis.
At least Bendis didn't shy away from reality like Waid. Waid had too much of a Miles hate boner.
Bendis wanted to get Miles hooked up right away for whatever reason. I think he thought "being in a relationship" was a good substitute for "having a personality".
Still a better ship than that vanilla OC Miles got tied with before the current series started.
>I think he thought "being in a relationship" was a good substitute for "having a personality".
Isn't that what most nerds think?
>right away
Can't say that's real true. For his entire Ultimate time Miles didn't date. To the point that his own dad thought there was something wrong. Even when he transferred universes things were a little shaky. Stuff like Miles x Kamala was hinted at but it's not like Miles was dating. I think the whole dating thing only kicked off around the time of the second Civil War. Spider Gwen was a major love interest introduced back in 2017 until they forgot about her before the Spiderverse movie. I know there's someone after the girl Miles tried and failed to date but honestly I stopped paying attention after they screwed up and rushed Bombshell's interest in Miles.
I hope Ahmed keeps them broken up. What was she even mad about? She admitted she knew he wasn't cheating and I guess it was implied she knew his secret identity, but if that's the case it's not her business they've probably known each other for barely over a month.