Is he right, Yea Forums?

Is he right, Yea Forums?

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anime and manga doesnt have this problem

However, we can come up with new stories. Corporate doesn't want new stories

What are you going to do with your first $1000?

We're perfectly capable of new stories. But people don't want new stories. Sure, they'll take them every now and then, but when they have to choose, they'll always prefer the old and familiar.

But Aladdin wasn't an original idea, and neither was the Lion King

yes but there's no point of making a thread

We CAN come up with new stories. But Hollywood is not confident that they well sell. Why take a risk on something new when you can just do a superhero reboot for the millionth fucking time and you know people are going to see it?

All anime is based off manga and all manga are copy and pasted plots and jokes and storylines from other manga. Less originality then these reboots
Try again weeb

And people wonder why Zoomers have no cultural impact when it is Rehash city out there.

It's not that there's a lack of stories or story ideas. The problem is that the risk of attempting to push a new IP is too high. Movies are expensive, so production companies need assurance that profit will be reliable. The only way to ensure profit is to provoke nostalgia and brand recognition.

I hope you're kidding, there is no more cliche and trope stuffed genre of media.

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hollywood just doesn't like to take gambles anymore. plenty of good novels and comics that could use a good movie or show.

And that's linked to the cost of movies going up. They want a safe return on an investment, and by using something people already know they believe they can guarantee an audience

Meanwhile comedies and horror movies have always been the most profitable genres due to low costs and high returns so that's where you will keep seeing new ideas in theory

Well I guess a broken clock is right at least twice a day.

Unironically invest it back in the market to build up a nest egg
so I can ensure financial stability for me and my wife

I come up with more stories playing D&D and pathfinder than Hollywood

Lmao dumb fucking weeb.

False equivalency. The adaptations of both added new elements and changed things. The very basic idea and core concepts of stories can be retooled and revised to make something unique, but simply taking the original movie, its music, and its best by beat plot points and recreating them is stale.

Nothing because its not going to happen or if it does it will fail catastrophically. The idiots that push for UBI have no basic understanding of Economics and more importantly have no understanding of Human behavior.

>I’d rather give that money to Israel (::

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Yang was an adult when those movies came out though.

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>but simply taking the original movie, its music, and its best by beat plot points
How do you know this is the case when you've most likely haven't seen it?

manga has some unique usages of gimmicks, morals and other possibilities, but even they burn out of ideas.
When you really boil it down most unique manga and anime are just simple cliche stories but overcomplicated
they also run their own tropes to the ground

fuck off retards. BnHA sucks dick btw

Both those movies are about 25 years old, user

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He's pandering to channers and redditors, what do you expect? The statement is about as enlightening as claiming you like all music except country and rap.

Literally NPC: the tweet.

Neither Aladdin nor Lion King were new stories to begin with

>trailers of characters singing the original songs
>trailers showing the iconic scenes of the movie
Gee, user. How could I have ever assumed. But enlighten me about how these films differ if i’m Wrong.

>manga has some unique usages of gimmicks
I've never even read a single manga that features unique paneling. Ever.


That would have made him 17 by the time Aladdin came out and 19 by the time Lion King was out. He hardly "grew up" with the movies user. he's a pandering faggot.

>y-yeah I haven't seen it yet BUT
okay, guy.

die weeb

>you’re done maturing at 17!
And it’s not like you remembered exactly when those movies came out. 25-ish years later you could have remembered it coming out a bit earlier in your life.

>This new movie ends in a gay orgy!
>but that doesn't make any sense, the trailers and marketing showed it was just like the last movie
>Yeah but you haven't seen it so you can't prove me false
fuck off and actually give proof that the remakes are different in any way.




>Generic shonen that go on for fucking ever
>endless barrage of recyled "cute girls doing cute things" high school romcoms
>constant shitty adaptions of trashy self-insert LNs that are only notable because waifu-of-the-month characters and little else

Anime has it worse with this regard

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You haven't seen the movie, lad. You know nothing about it.

cool but it needs to be in a higher resolution

should i know who this guy is

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>file deleted
what was it

Yang was born in 1975. He didn't grow up with these movies, he was already an adult.

I blame naruto for making shonen worse singlehandedly. Well bleach also helped. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a great genre before but it's gotten way worse now.

Best anime of the year so far is actually the Dororo remake, amusingly.

>reading yahoo news
With your low IQ brain the only thing you're better off doing is killing yourself

people feel nostalgia for things they saw only a few years back, if he saw them as a teen and they had an impression on him then it's easy to see why he'd be nostalgic of them too

I don't, that was just one of the results from googling him you sperg

If you're gonna blame a shonen, blame DBZ

He was 17 when Aladdin came out

right because you'd have to have a story to begin with

what did 4channel mean with this?

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>you’re done maturing at 17!
Well you got me their, obviously you still aren't.

Have you seen the movie?

>haha I refreshed over and over till I could make a sick burn!

I got it on my first try. I usually get /cm/ and /toy/'s banners here.


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imagine unironically believing this

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I suppose DBZ did fuck up a lot but Naruto feels like a lot more series copied it.

I can't believe Biden is going to win.

>my hero academia sucks duck
haha, I sure wish toga would suck my dick

>get your first chance at mainstream coverage at the debate
>give clear visual cues that you are listening to the question being asked
>immediately go "I'm sorry wat" when you have the option to speak

Jeb, take note - THIS is how you tank a campaign.

Nobody picks up a Disney movie for live action. They pick up Disney for the animation. They'll pick up Lion King or Jungle Book for its live action, and I bet that Aladdin/Lion King will make Disney money just out of people curious about those movies. But trying to make a brand new live action movie with an original IP and Disney on it will probably just cause people to avoid it entirely.

Be honestly, how many live action TV series have you seen out of Japan? Most people haven't even watched Kamen Rider.

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They had mic issues you faggot. Several other candidates asked "what?" too

I mean they already give money back to people living in Alaska
Rich Persian Gulf countries do it as well
We already give neetbucks to poor losers in the form of tax credits, tax breaks, welfare, supplemental income, and food stamps
I'm sure it could work

uh oh I guess I upset the Yang Gang XD


Yup that's a good way to refer to Yang supporters too, I agree.

zoomers are like 20 at the oldest


Well fuck, he has my vote

>literally saying "no u"

You mean like they did with Kimba?

>brainlet doesn't know what literally means
Yup its the Yang Gang XD

Honestly? Most of the upcoming slate of movies is really fucking depressing. Endgame kind of was the last film I was excited for, and everything going forward just looks so manufactured.
Hell, I watched two episodes of the new season of Stranger Things, and it's just fucking cliches and Top 80's hits dictating the mood every few seconds. Like, Jesus Christ, get some alt rock or something in there!

Maybe we've hit the pinnacle of media, and there isn't anything left.

I was using it in a hyperbolic sense.

>I grew up with
How old is he?

40-ish. They came out 25 years ago.

shoo shoo weaboo

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bleach live action remake sucked
mob psycho 100 live action remake sucked
full metal alchemist live action remake sucked
death note live action remake sucked ass

Add Long Way North to that list. It's a great film. You could probably add the Laika films as well, depending on your choice of quality.

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Changing goalposts from "new story" to "old story with slight changes" doesn't cut it when every live action remake hasn't been a 1:1 remake and also has slight changes.

Ah, shit. Knew I missed a couple...
Laika's technically a big-budget studio that gets mainstream releases, though, and I wanted some stuff that people on Yea Forums hadn't heard of.



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based and redpilled. kek at all the seething ameritards relying to you.

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>Using a doesn't with a plural noun

Is Yang the Yea Forums candidate of choice?

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So he watched cartoons as a young adult and still considered himself to be 'growing up'. In other words he's a manchild like the rest of us.

Yang strikes me as the kind of guy who saw that Trump got really popular online, and is seeking to mimic that because he assumes that's why he won. Which is ultimately the reason that he's going to lose, because that's not why Trump won, despite how much /pol/ likes to claim it was.

these guys get it

it's not like Disney came up with those stories in the first place

But him getting memed wasn't a choice he made. His $1000/month policy just happened to appeal to neets who want to jerk off to cartoons and play vidya all day, so Yea Forums decided to make him a meme, and he played along with it somewhat.

Ok nipponfag

Nothing because there's no way in hell Democrats, Republicans or the electoral college will let him win.

He's admitted to hiring people to talk about him on Reddit and Yea Forums, the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, nice citation you got there.

IF someone did do that, they would never admit to it you fucking retard.

>literally remade Kino's Journey not too long ago
>been pumping out shit that's derivative of decade old battle manga every year since they aired
>big news right now is a CG remake of Lupin, a cg adaption of a video game
>literally repeats the exact same style for 95% of shows and comics for the past 20 years

amazing, they're far ahead

>it's like we
First, fuck off.
Second, this is all Disney's doing. Why do live action/realistic rehashes of their old IP have to exist? I have no idea. The only answer I can come up with is the obvious, and you know what it is.

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>to talk about him
Haha, what? Like as PR reps? That's a normal thing. It's not like he's astroturfing shareblue style.

I appreciate that he's not demonizing half of the US population like every single other candidate on both sides.

Anime and manga have shitty live action remakes all the time that are just as bad as the Americanized versions. Hell, it's getting harder for manga to get an non-shit anime adaption nowadays.

I hope no one ever tries a live action made in abyss, but considering the naked loli torture I doubt it would ever even be considered


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>He was in high school when one came otu and probably a freshman in college when the other came out

>Sophomore year of high school is when you're already finished growing up
Hello my fellow under-25er.

based animechad btfoing Yea Forums incels

>wanting MORE welfare
>wanting poor plebs a d saries to get even MORE fat off the government teat

First thing we agree on.

Manga sure, but anime is almost ALWAYS based off of a manga anyways.
That said, we're obviously never going to see an anime of some of the more obscure or fucking insane manga out there like Kento Ankokuden Cestvs, Fire Punch, Alice in Hell, etc. etc.

DBZ fights are the most boring shit.
Naruto made it better in that regard.
The plots for Naruto/DBZ/Bleach are as follows:
>DBZ: Same goals, different story.
>Naruto: Different goals, same story
>Bleach: Same story, three times.
That's it. DBZ is a strong guy needing to get stronger to defeat a stronger guy. the new villain and their motivations change, but the goal is always to power up.
Naruto's major plot theme is the same setup but four times through history. Indra/Asura, Madara/Hashirama,Kakashi/Obito, and Naruto/Sasuke.
Bleach is pretty much just one arc with a lot of reskins, though.

keep it. I do agree with the idea that having extra liquidity will help lower income households more than higher income families.

Hey, what's wrong with Hunter x Hunter?
Other than that it's never going to be finished

pretty sure he was saying hunter x hunter was good and MHA and Naruto are like capeshit

they're all capshit, hxh just tries to act like its shit don't stink

>You're down growing up at 17
How's uni going

He's not a socialist but it's a step in the right direction

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He truly is a based candidate.


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Death Note

>makes an already debunked statement
>gets corrected yet again
>hhaha u mad ;^^^^)
You're a faggot regardless of political standing

give me one reason to vote yang


>UBI is a bribe
By this logic any candidate who promises to increase your standard of living is bribing you. All politics is bribery

He's unironically right.

You're unironically wrong. How many Yamato reboots and remakes and movies have there been again?

they weren't even new stories then

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Battle shonen is garbage. True patricians read delinquent, seinen sports and romantic fluff about twentysomethings.

This has already been answered a million times. The movies actually mixed up the stories quite a bit, these remakes are preserving almost everything.
Also you’re like the fifth person to say this exact thing. Is the kimba conspiracy theory this strong?

It sucks liking a seinin series and knowing that any adaptation is likely going to be PS3 models. I feel bad for Kengan Asura fans where all the dynamic impact of the manga art is completely destroyed.

the point of the movies were the animation and how it improved storytelling, the concepts werent new, they werent original, Im not ranting about whether they were bootlegs or shit, Im just saying the point of them wasnt about the stories they were telling but how they were told

also, this is the first post I make about this issue, a lot of people can share that same opinion you know

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What they did to Kengan Ashura and Golden Kamui hurt. I pray to the dark gods that Dungeon Meshi never gets an anime adaption.

jojo hunterxhunter, one piece or berserk started years before you were born and have no end in sight despite looping the same arc ad nauseam

>who cares about standards it's for kids and nobody liked those products before the epic remakes OK
slavery is a mental state you keep for life.

>hey guys I saved a list of things I never consumed, obey me like an EXPERT now
this is why "official lists" are poison, they create retards like this.

>Looping the same arc ad nauseam
You've never read Jojo have you user

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I blame parents that spend money on these movies just to keep their kid quiet for 90 minutes.

>extend the life of the copyrights.

Not how copyright works.

Yes it does.
JoJo(manga) is the exception.

what I find more depressing is that we can´t seem to surpass this movie

>the hero change it's totally new and fresh!

I really feel like most of it is perverse incentive for individual executives and not companies as a whole. Sure, maybe Disney would make money, but lots of them won't. Lots of remakes are as risk-averse as putting on a condom before jumping off a cliff.
But the executives can make themselves look like their ideas were solid, it's just bad luck or incel conspiracy or something ruined their profit and they'll get another job even if the company collapses.

assumming you were serious:ghost in the shell, Alita battle angel, pokemon and dragonball Z have all had adaptations in the last 10 years or so, and that's just the mainstream stuff

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Oh, so you’re baiting


TBF, Dororo was not only in essence an 'unfinished' Tezuka work,
(he hastily wrapped up the original manga ending because he wanted to move on to other projects/ it got canceled, leaving loose plot threads and no concrete How of how the story ends) it's been literally 50 years. TLK's barely more than 20. And there's an odd but successful precedent of re-adapting his works (Pluto) with a different spin or focus.

Probably because there's more than token respect for the source material.

Most people don't care. It's the quality of those movies and shows. Remakes and franchises are not a problem in general.

BTW, there is a nearly 10 minute preview for Alita on Blue Ray or DVD:

Attached: Alita02.jpg (255x254, 24K)

what? I grew up with those movies and I'm only 28

OT: Universal basic income is not compatible with open borders for poor people. They will stop it, or the world will dump the Dollar and then it will stop because starvation. It's Trump or Yang. Convince me otherwise.

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Bet that the dollar will rise against other currencies.

Bernie and Liz haven't. They just hate 1% of the US population. Same with Richard Ojeda.

Is he the best candidate?

factually wrong

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Oh cool, a political shill thread.

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>kek! Why do minorities always apply for welfare? Why can't they work like all of us in the based master race do?
>$1000 a month from a Dem candidate

Also, his policy on illegal immigration sucks.

three words: dragon ball super.

No they understand it perfectly. You can only get so rich off people with no spending money.

Everyone wants to hate them but they still make degrees of magnitudes more money than the originals.

If you want to make a statement about what entertainment is worth consuming, then make it with your wallet.

No shit.

Regardless i'd like to ask a slightly different question. Is the remake/reboot over original content problem an issue that plagues all forms of media?

Although no western remake is as good as 2199.