So, will the new Star Trek cartoons be good? From what I heard one is for adults which the other is for kids/teens for Nickelodeon? I hope M'Ress shows up, it's her time bros.
Star Trek
>the new Star Trek cartoons
First time I hear this but if it's like the last ST incarnations it will be pure garbage, I don't thing we will see something like the original or New Generation in therms of quality, and yes I like the animated series despite it's limitations in animation
No. They will be absolute shit pushing the same tired leftie SJW talking points as STD and the Picard show.
If Bad Robot is involved it will be ruined before it starts
Still mad she wasn't in Abrams movies.
Even more so considering what he did to her race.
I've given up on Star Trek as a series. Only TOS/TNG/DS9/some of the movies/some of Voyager are canon to me. Grew up in the "golden age" of the 90s where 3 treks were on tv at the same time and loved every minute I spent watching.
Was so so on Enterprise and the new movies, hated season 1 of STD, felt blue balled by season 2 of STD (OPEN THE FUCKING MYSTERY BOXES.)
Going to watch the Picard series to see if it will enter my mental canon but I'm not watching anymore cartoons or series.
for what I know ST is split into two different owners, the ones who have the original good shows and the other who can make new ST stuff BUT making it like a percentage different, this franchise is a mess and I honestly don't think it will ever recover, Star Wars, Dr. Who, ST... all the big science fiction brands are ruined only the Orville is decent, also the current American political climate dosen't help.
Seriously, why does media completely fuck up caitians most of the time?
funny since I thought, but still think tbqh, the Orville is retarded
eh, I'll just each on their own merits, I'm a huge Patrick Stewart fan so I'll be willing to tolerate a lot more shit. But after S2 of STD I'm done with that. I'll keep reading the comics and just hope one of the cartoons is decent. Lower decks sounds like shit though. we still have one good Star Trek show The Orville
Nice taste in pussy
I heard the new show turned itself around after the obligatory modern gay shit, and actually did something good with the (extremely ill-advised) pre-TOS time period setting.
huh, they're doing both? weird.. well, that's fine I guess
bite your tongue, no fucking way they're doing that for the picard show.. it's aimed at US
Well I heard the actor is in fact gay...
>I heard the new show turned itself around after the obligatory modern gay shit
the first 4 or so episodes of S2 they did start to course correct a bit. They brought in Captain Pike and he was great, they went exploring to different planets and met different cultures. But then when they tried to bring everything into a single arc it failed so hard cause they didn't actually seem to have a plan thought through and just started making up random shit towards the end to force a really shitty final episode that made NO fucking sense what so ever.
THey keep forgetting what makes Star Trek... Star Trek.
Jesus that whole battle was terrible at the end as well.
Just watch The Orville instead.
DS9 was the best series. You can't prove me wrong.
it's good, but it doesn't have enough beards
This Sisko's beard is all you need.
so... are the klingons supposed to be the reptilians?
It's such a shame that science fiction has forgotten the joys of boning hot alien ladies.
Plague has truly helmed a revolution in cat girls.
why the fuck didn't Mress wear shoes? boots are part of the starfleet uniform you dumb bitch
I mean the ST online ones are still good for petting
Hot women are illegal now. You have to make sure uggos don't get offended.
such a shame
edgelords ruling society I swear
t. incel
>created a thread about this on the 5th as a joke
>someone keeps making new threads about M'Ress
That's probably part of it.
But he's right.
Thank Plague of Gropes.
If you're expecting a character who looks canonically sexy (As in, looks hot in her own cartoon. Not fanart) in an American cartoon that's made today, then you're boomer-levels of out of touch.
>Thank Plague of Gropes.
Never heard of him before.
>t. landwhale with harpoon scars
wait that's him
why does he lurk about in this cesspool of a board
I don't think Plague comes here anymore.
t. roastie
>making it like a percentage different
This is only a rumour made up by some nobodies on YouTube. The most likely explanation is that the new writers and showrunners simply want to make it different for the sake of being different, and do not know or care about established canon.
we need the french to animate breh
What show is that again?
Is it still on that garbage platform?
still afraid to put your phone number in?
For furry porn? Yes.
well it's a whole platform etc etc idk kek
I also don't have a cellphone.
Wish someone had english sub rips.
lurk /trash/, the archives
there are many ways to view the eps
pornhub could have them for all I know
It should be criminal that he doesn't draw lewds.
there's a special bestial quality to his anthros that only a middle-aged farm hermit can call forth.
there's fluff kevlar tho
He used to, if I recall.
Dude can make pokemon look sexy.
Not the same plus the only thing of his that I enjoy was his Bailey character but she's only in that shitty comic now with zero porn.
I think the episodes are also on kisscartoon
a man of taste indeed
I think it's real, no one want to waste money making a saga non iconinc looking for it's audience
I miss GOOD Star Trek.
he does also only love human genitalia I guess
no doubt
You could try the Orville. The first episode is a tad meh and the second season has way too much Moclan crap, but it's pretty decent and really manages to find its footing.
Ever watched Star trek continue? Episodes are on YouTube. It is not that bad for what it is
The comic books which are based on ideas or written by in part from these same writers of the whatever the fuck it's called (Kelvin universe?) are crap and don't sell well, so what does that tell you?
Is that the one that was so good CBS organized an entire fake MeToo(TM) campaign against the creator?
Yes he use to.
He drew porn a lot and posted many pics here, years ago. His name was 1600 if I recall correctly.
Got any archives?
Trek is dead.
That silver suit looked fucking terrible and was literally killing Jeri Ryan.
she gets a pass cause of sexiness, like Troi did.
>I think it's real, no one want to waste money making a saga non iconinc looking for it's audience
I don't think it's that hard to believe they're going for a new, "modern" look to attract normies (see the J.J. movies)
it didn't work several times and the core ST fanbase (if there is still a fanbase) is fond to TOS and TNG
do we have images of it?
Just like TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT?
>they didn't actually seem to have a plan thought through and just started making up random shit towards the end
So ... just like literally every episode of every season of every series, then?
first of all, great song. Love Voltaire great shows to cause he makes all the girls wet and down to fuck
There is a difference when they try to make a season long plot by not having anything planned out. Episodic shows can have one off episodes that don't have to tie into the larger narrative.
Animator that lives in the American South that has many interesting videos.
Also he did a number of Star Trek Viewing streams with Pat of Best Friends/Castle Super Beast and Paige/PeachSaliva
Plague is fantastic going over the shows.
Sexy cat lady. Yep she's cleared
a man of refined taste and culture
Do kids even like/care about Star Trek? I know those recent-ish movies helped get people interested, but do millennials and young people want to consume Star Trek media?
ya, but the ones who start liking Trek are the ones willing to go back to TNG, TOS or DS9 to find their love. There are no fandoms from the new stuff.
like Dr. Who it's a dying IP, the real fans are getting older and disconnected to the newer content and there is barely younger new fans
>Do kids even like/care about Star Trek?
No, they like Star Wars more. Personally, I think Trek is more interesting and I recently got into it.
That last battle was one of the worst things I've ever seen as a protracted fx driven battle scene. Maybe the worst. I just couldn't believe how stupid it was. How it made no goddamn sense for the universe at hand.
The standard bullshit "you're just a nerd stuck in the past" when you point out how none of it makes a lick of damned sense was insane.
>Yay Math!
>I love Science too!
can you like math and science and try....not being autistic about it. STD is so insulting
He most likely does. But probably doesn’t draw here
the way the characters acted in STD was cringly salty
>"A human is just like a machine, I can be a doctor too."
Bones would have to slap a bitch.
where this info comes from?
anywhere with news
Evidently you didn't watch DS9 or Ent.
I unironically want the sources of those 3d caitan on the right
Could you elaborate on that please? Not that I doubt you or anything, the first TNG outfits they had were giving the cast back problems.
It was so tight she couldn't breath properly.
still fucking hot
not the same user but I think the 3d ones are from a deviantart
Thanks, I will attempt a search.
You could say this about any actor. You could say this about porn actors who have had sex with hundreds of women.
The reptilians are the reptilians. You're looking for ENT if you want based and redpilled kino Trek. DS9 is real shit Trek, TNG and STD are the trouble with libbles Trek and TOS, TAS and VOY are dude weed lmao Trek.
Could be worse. The makeup Virginia Hey wore while playing Zhaan in Farscape was literally giving her kidney damage.
>kidney damage
how that is even possible, they used makeup with lead?
It's one of the wild ideas Kurtzman threw at the internet after STD season 1. Really, probably won't happen since STD has been hitting constant rocks and borders cancellation at any given day.
Don't feel disappointed. It was going to have a Rick and Morty guy making a comedy version of the show.
Grayson is the worst best second in command in any scifi show. Yes, even Starscream.
>I hope M'Ress shows up, it's her time bros.
I'd rike to m'rest her.
>Really, probably won't happen since STD has been hitting constant rocks and borders cancellation at any given day.
viewership number don't matter and we don't even see them anyway, so either way you are talking out your ass. It's what CBS decided is their flagship and until they pick something new it's sticking around.
>Don't feel disappointed
well at this point it's hard to feel that for ST, SW and Dr. Who...
does LoTGH get lots better? cause I always see it at the top of these lists and I'm 24 episodes in and it's good but nothing close to god tier.
I don't know if it's for you, then. Its strengths are really long diatribes about the philosophy of rulership.
those are fine but nothing really groundbreaking. it's a quote here and there but no real discussion about any of it. It it's really cheep philosophy.
I hate to tell you this but if you genuinely consider the philosophy in LOGH to be cheap you might have flowers for algernon'd yourself out of enjoying anime.
eh, I think it's just not for me. I just don't find philosophy of dictators all that interesting, and the one nation is supposed not be an empire, it really seems to be run like one anyway. Also, could be that I dropped it and picked it up so many times now that I'm just getting confused on some of those things.
Galactica 1980, Clone Wars, Universe, Andromeda and Lexx below Star Trek The animated Series...
>Red Dwarf is High Tier
>No Dr. Who at all
Dr Who isn't much of a space show, it's more of a time travel/multiverse show
You could practically say the same about Red Dwarf.
>time travel multverse
it's more of idk.. shit
honestly why does this doc go on about space and time travel if I all he does is go to different versions of Britain?