Could Batman beat him?
Could Batman beat him?
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What can this guy do?
Hand to hand? Never. Through any other asspullery as per usual? Sure.
Of course not, are you fucking insane? Batman gets oneshot before he can move if Yujiro is remotely serious. Yujiro tanks lightning and building level blows with no reaction.
Only way Batman wins is through "prep" but I fail to see how he could outside of nuking the guy. And prep time is just the writer pulling retarded shit out of their ass to force a ridiculous scenario where literally anyone could win.
Literally anything
Batman still wins
He doesn’t not I. Straight hand to hand combat
Not without prep-time and his gadgets.
This guy is Charles Atlas powers-personified.
It'd take someone like Karate Kid to fight evenly with him in terms of martial arts.
Remember, Karate Kid could put and keep Superman in a headlock.
Can someone redpill me on Baki’s dad?
bat tranquilizes him with his bat-tranquilizer-whaterver
With gadgets and planning, Batman could subdue him.
Hand-to-hand though? No fucking way.
Even with that foul he though?
He's basically Akuma and Heihachi Mishima combined and multiplied to extreme levels.
Karate Kid also gave a whole universe the flu and killed everyone
What are his most crazy feats?
Yeah but that was an alternate universe.
Who cares about those?
you forgot about Geese Howard
Wait what
Him and his dad beat up the entire American military during Vietnam. Guy was only 16 at the time.
Some of Yujiro's greatest feats of strength include, pushing back 100 riot police, completely stopping the tectonic activity of an earthquake by punching the ground, tapping craters in concrete walls, easily knocking out a giant elephant that not even tanks could damage, cutting glass apart with his fingers, and crushing coal into dust. It is said that Yujiro's hits are equivalent to that of a nuclear impact, with even entire armies trying their best weapons to stop him, but to no effect. His body's muscles are so strong and durable to the point, that he is able to do things like breaking samurai swords and knives by gripping them, walking through bulletproof-glass walls, and shaking skyscrapers by merely making his muscles tense (it is implied that it is actually his body's aura). Another indication of his strength would also be his durability, (as durability and strength are inconsistency with each other). Yujiro is durable enough to take a full impact hit from literally anything or anyone on Earth, without even flinching or being damaged whatsoever. He was shown to not be injured at all after falling from the top of a 50 story skyscraper.
"I stain my hans wit yo butt"
"Die hippo"
Holy shot what the fuck is up with this guy. Is he even human?
They went to Earth-51 where he died and infected everyone with the Morticoccus virus.
Probably not.
>Batman with gadgets would w-win
What the fuck are batarangs and smoke bombs doing to this guy? Fucking nothing
In the same sense that you could drop a nuke on him, yeah. It would have to be a MASSIVE operation to even corner Yujiro, let alone subdue him, but Batman is the guy to do it. Chances are he would need several attempts, though.
Kinda. I think he's meant to represent the peak of human physical and martial achievement. There's a reason they call him "Ogre".
bat plot armor is pretty fucking thick
Eh, Batman's power armor has been shown to take on Superman.
Yujiro's strong but not a full powered Kryptonian level strong.
Yeah but even then he still shouldn’t survive half the shit he has gone through
And Superman has taken it down. It’s only asspulls that make it look like Batman can even stand a chance
Batman's armor has one miniaturized red sun on each fist
Fun fact, Yujiro's apperance was initially Matt Dillon but now he looks more like Paul Stanley (Star Child of Kiss)
...Weird, I know.
what about that time when he got knocked down by rhino tranquilizer darts, or was that exclusive from the anime and not the manga?
I mean, we all know that it literally comes down to who is writing the encounter, and who they tip the plot armor towards more. I still tip the battle in Yujiro's favor, personally; he's just that fucking ridiculous.
Paul Stanley looks like an actual Baki character tho
Why does Yea Forums spam this board and get away with it? My Yea Forums vs thresds get nuked in Yea Forums. They have better mods
Can he flex so hard that Sleeping gas doesn't affect him?
>Can batman beat a guy who knows how to fight and has super strength.
Fixed the thread for you.
Because we have better discussions here and most comrades are also fans of anime and manga.
I do wish there was a board where we could talk /vs/ stuff tho.
He could probably hold his breath long enough that it wouldn't matter. He'd escape whatever restraints held him before he'd need to inhale it.
Baki was originally a down-to-earth martial arts manga but since it has been running for so long the power escalation reached super human levels, but instead of giving a supernatural explanation to why some individuals are so strong they are just regular human beings that trained a lot
I mean, we got a guy who was alive when dinosaurs where a thing and the living cloned/soul implanted Musashi Miyamoto.
The shark was not only jumped, but ripped out of the water and made to learn martial arts, and then forced to jump over a megaladon.
Better, probably more even match for those familiar with the series: Who wins in a straight up fight, Jack Hammer or Bane?
Because anime did discussion are surprisingly better here than in Yea Forums
Not just that apparently Yujiro is stronger than the caveman
This is why I jumped to Kengan Ashua.
Too bad its getting a netflix series
>can this guy beat batman
>batman has taken down overpowered metas, supernatural beings, gods, and abstract entities
Send him over to Marvel, he might last longer over there.
>things Batman has never done without asspulls
>Batman is a better character than Superman because he is just a regular human being with no superpowers
Funny how even as a person Klark Kent is a more relatable individual than Bruce Wayne ever was
>The shark was not only jumped, but ripped out of the water and made to learn martial arts, and then forced to jump over a megaladon.
I'm stealing this as nicely worded user.
I think Batman is punching above his weight and has been for a long time
That just makes Batman a shonen mc. Your denial is just making him stronger.
it was enough tranquilizer to kill a blue whale.
the needles shouldn't even be able to pierce his skin
At least they have actual super powers
Jack wouldn't give Bane the time to juice up. Hell he'd more than likely damage or rip the apparatus from Bane's body. Then he'd really be fucked.
>Small town farmer boy is more relatable than a billionaire playboy
>This is somehow a surprise to you
I feel like your image is self reflective
Both Bruce and Yujiro have bullshit plot armor. But without his gadgets, which wouldn't have much effect, Yujiro would facetank everything. By DC standards Yujiro is a metahuman and would need something either supernatural or at his level to really stop him. But the difficulty lies in really determining where his power is. I don't think Yujiro could tank the amount of strength Superboy puts out for example.
Yujiro is probably Spider-Man level
Why doesn't Batman use it all the time then instead of getting best up by normal thugs?
Maybe Spiderman on a really good day
Peter's strength has fluctuated alot over the years. The last huge feat I remember him doing is struggling to keep a building from collasping. He could sustain the weight but he couldn't lift or save himself or...something. And then in an issue, like, 8 years ago he gets trapped in a wasteyard where there's a lot of old cars piled on top and around him and he struggles to no avail, eventually having to ask Hercules for help.
Meanwhile Luke Cage is at the 40-ton mark and has one-shot [a flatfooted] She-Hulk before. I think Yujiro would be somewhere between Peter and Cage. Maybe Colossus' level?
A martial artist so powerful he's considered "The World's Strongest Creature." He can stop earthquakes with a punch. He learned everything from his father, who was so dangerous he needed to be nuked. The various leaders of the world have to sign peace treaties with him so that he doesn't destroy their countries with the stroke of his wrist - and this includes the United States. The closest he's had to a rival was a guy who punches so hard it fucks with satellite stations that are designed specifically to track said rival down.
he can wear a dress so hard that it breaks everyone else's bones
Remind me what this has to do with grappling?
I gave up on Baki when they cancelled Raijin.
I guess that covers it.
>we got a guy who was alive when dinosaurs where a thing
Vandal Savage?
>The villain can use Muscle Mystery
Call Flex
No where near as entertaining, charismatic or interesting. He was essentially Yujiro-lite for the purpose of the narrative.
Grappling is just loose term for fighting. Baki was batshit from part one too, you had teen Baki throwing himself off cliffs to unlock his endorphins so he could fight a yeti. Or Gaia shooting water droplets like bullets. Or the surgeon guy having such knowledge of anatomy he could just shove his hand into your body
Close, but Akuma is way more powerful than Yujiro. Batman would be finished either way.
Also anons, how would you all feel about a comic where Batman was stuck the SNK universe for a year, and learned to use Chi/Ki and do superhuman stuff like Terry or Hanzo?
He is talking about Pickle, the cave man.
>Batman with physical techniques
It'd invalidate his tech. No matter how cool I'd think it'd be for Batman to suddenly becomes a lite-metahuman it just doesn't suit the character.
Just like any good plot armor it scales with the threat.
>Thinking Batman would just walk away from this fight and not stop Joker.
in that sense Yujiro is basically a non-gag Saitama in the sense he is always in a tier way beyond the strongest guy around
Oh shit so that's where Rosa and Kim-Su-El and King Lion came from.
t. I play SNK vs. Capcom on a NeoGeoPocket emulator more often than I should.
I love SNK. You've won me over. Bring his rogues and some members of the Batfamily over and this could be really exciting.
Match of the Millennium is a fucking masterpiece, still my favorite portable fighter.
This is off topic from OP question, but SNK games are great. Many you can play on fightcade.
Did Baki draw blood in their final battle? Yujiro took hits but essentially no-sold everything Baki did.
I meant Card Fighters Clash.
>I'm Batman, owner of the unbeatable macguffin
Hey guys, remember when wolverine regenerated from a drop of blood? Lmao
>tfw setting personal records in MOTM no one will care about
It really is good. I love the mini-games and, as small it is, the team names depending on who you decide to go through Arcade with. Fuck. MOTM has so much heart. I really wish we'd get an SNK vs. Capcom game full of soul. Only this time one where the SNK characters aren't all hideously unbalanced and underpowered so that the tournament scene for the game doesn't beg the question "Why don't we all just play Street Fighter Alpha 3 instead?".
Batman isn't beating him
>Tfw I remember the era where SNK couldn't be trusted to put out a solid, complete game because they changed ownership every 6 months
>Now Capcom can't be trusted to put out a solid, complete game and SNK is back to its former glory
>STILL not the right time for CVS3/SVC2 done right
Keep holding out, bro. We might just get there in another 10 years.
This guy is a living weapon so no
Both are examples of how popularity leads to bad writing.
There's always a way.
The Most Evil Death Row Convicts Vs Batfamily
Who wins?
Kaioh Dorian could take down all robins
Batfamily. Gaia is basically a glorified Robin and absolutely memed on Sikorsky who was on-par with Dorian in terms of being the most dangerous.
I don't know, user.
Sikorski got his ass handed by basically every Baki-tier and above baki-tier character, and it took at least 6 guys to finally break Dorian.
If you do a bit of extrapolating based on how Baki and adjacent characters faced Sikorsky vs how those same characters faced the other inmates, it's pretty clear Sikorsky is tied with Speck just behind Dorian, and that just behind Dorian is purely because Dorian has the hypnosis technique. On a physicality level, they're all roughly equal. Doyle and Yanagi, while potentially cool, got fucked up by absolutely fucking everyone they faced. Doyle in particular sits at the absolute bottom given Yanagi kicked his ass.
Anyone who thinks Yujiro would win hasn't enough Batman nor Baki. Yujiro almost dies by underestimating Musashi Miyamoto. And the same happened during the Kaioh Arc. He'd underestimate Batman and get BTFO.
Musashi is a bad meme
Convicts, unless Batfamily beats them by serious shenanigans.
Honestly think the Convicts could hold up the JL for like an issue before going down.
>Yujiro almost dies by underestimating Musashi Miyamoto. And the same happened during the Kaioh Arc. He'd underestimate Batman and get BTFO.
"Almost." This is Baki, where that "Almost" is claimed by a group of characters and a narrator who are always consistently wrong about Yujiro's overall power. Musashi's swords, which can cut through armored vehicles like a hot knife through butter, literally couldn't get through Yujiro's thick neck muscles.
At the absolute worst, Yujiro would underestimate Batman, get fucked up for maybe 10 seconds before he immediately would go "Oh yes, that trick, I remember it before, how quaint" and then proceed to reveal he's actually 10x faster and stronger than he was before because he finally gets to let loose a little.
He would murder Batman user