Lads I'm obsessed with this movie. I've seen it four times in the last 2 days and am about to fire it up for a fifth. I can't remember the last time a movie had me this jazzed; I feel 10 years old again. Is this the future of animation?
Lads I'm obsessed with this movie. I've seen it four times in the last 2 days and am about to fire it up for a fifth...
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I hope not, the frame rate was terrible and the colors were nauseating.
I don't think you appreciate the amount of love and consideration that went into making this thing. It's so unique.
It feels like watching spiderman for the first time, if I were to describe it.
it's great. people who don't like it are the types to unironically praise stuff like secret life of pets or hotel transylvania for being comfy and safe
Spider-Verse was not as bad as it could've been, but I prefer even the MCU movies over it since they actually focus on Peter, people and critics calling SV a "love letter to Spider-Man" felt like I was being psy-oped like when everyone was calling Gal Gadot hot when WW came out
It's the closest thing we've ever had to experiencing a comic book on the big screen. I daresay is was more exciting than any comic I've ever read. Just an incredible audio-visual experience.
I love doing it too. I’m really hyped for the sequel/Spider-Gwen spin off
It’s really the only comic book media I’m anticipating other than The Batman
I hope next film we get less of the alternate reality spiders and more focus on the main characters, also I hope they select a villain that actually makes sense for the story they want to tell because Fisk smashing the multiverse together just to see Vanessa and his son again was pretty lame and left me hoping we’d see a better villain instead
Posting in a shill thread
>rated PG
Pussies. They could’ve made it PG-13 and shown the world animation can be for older audiences too, not just kids.
I can't imagine claiming to be a Spider-Man fan and also enjoying this movie. Those two things are in complete contradiction. If you like this movie, you're a normie, straight up, and you hate Spider-Man.
>i'm a functioning normie
You don't have to compliment me like that, user!
you don't look cool hating things that have obvious merit Yea Forumsntrarian
>You're not a *true* fan if you like this
This post gets my certified rating of a yikes/10
I watched it like 4 times with different people and never felt it got old. Hadn't felt that spark since I saw the original Raimi film in the cinema as a teen.
>Is this the future of animation?
I hope not, I stay away from anime because most western animated movies don't look like a slideshow, so I really don't want them to start following this trend of having low fps.
>inb4 but good animation has nothing to do with frames-per-second
I know, and I don't care. It still looks like shit, I want moving things to actually look they're moving and not like an anime.
This movie makes for an effective pleb filter.
True, it really separates the ADD kids who go wild for anything shiny from actual normal people with refined tastes and agency
I think the exclusive toonfags might dislike it because it's essentially a love letter to comic books.
Yeah, everyone who likes it is a pleb.
why are the same people replying to themselves
lol what the hell is this
I can't imagine disliking this thing. It's such a visual treat. You can freeze frame at any point when watching the movie and it looks like a panel from a comic book.
All the retards saying it was "a love letter to Spider-Man" never picked up a comic in their lives
Found the MCUck
>saved animation
>saved hip-hop
>saved Spider-Man
>saved Miles
yeah I'm thinking this movie is based.
I just watched it for the first time today.
I liked it, but I wish they didn't keep saying how "there's more than one Spiderman".
Spidey-sense never looked so cool
I’ve seen it about six or seven times. i know this word gets thrown around a lot, but it’s a masterpiece, not only of animation, but film in general. i would love to see the upcoming animated invincible series done in this style of animation.
Agreed. I'm really mad at myself for not seeing it in theatres because obviously it is meant for the big screen and in 3D.
>tfw we never get to see Miles being tutored by Chris Pine Spider-Man
One of my favorite parts. It captures what Spidey Sense is perfectly
The move wasn’t even that good. Why the fuck are people praising it so much?
People are going nuts over this movie because it's something different and new from the bland dribble of American CGI and VFX
If you've seen how vibrant animation can really get it's nothing new. Better late than never, though.
Me on the right
>being this much of a contrarian
I bet you haven't seen the film.
I'd love a sweatpants Spider-Man statue
Hey complete outsider here, my roommate who's into capeshit like basically everyone made me see this (had never seen Spiderman before). I hated the 30 fps bullshit but apart from that
I really liked the comic style it had and the bright colours they used, graphics were definitely good. 8/10.
Now, yesterday I saw the first Spiderman. Lmao that film is trash and the only thing I liked was recognizing all the 2010 meme templates. The actor seems like he hit a bong right before every scene. The only thing base was jk simmons
We got to see the multiverse in action. That’s what was awesome about it.
the movies don’t tend to use that that much. Even though it would make a bunch of things way easier.
>The only thing base was jk simmons
and Willem Defoe. Defoe's Norman is legendary
They already made a Spider-Man cartoon with an unconventional animation style dumbass
>tfw no Liv gf
Sweatpants Spidersuit NEEDS to be a suit for the PS4 game or the sequel.
Why not just add sweatpants to the Spider-Verse costume that's in the game
And what, make sense?
Depends how you mean.
Is this specific style the future of animation? Hopefully not, as it's not a "one size fits all" style, it really only works for action, and it being different from the rest was one of its best qualities, seeing it tainted by being a misplaced trend setter would suck.
Is more visual experimentation the future of the medium? To some extent, but it will always be a couple of ground breakers and a multitude of trend surfers.
Is absolutely whorish fanservice to the detriment of the story the future of animation? Definitely given what people seem to want from the sequel. It's also the present and the recent past and people love it.
I loved this movie, I was genuinely moved that Hollywood was actually trying to experiment visually with a cartoon, but I couldn't for the life of me stomach watching it 4 times in 2 days, the plot is just so bland and shallow, as are the characters to some extent despite their respective charms. It's a story of archetypes with a (very pretty) Spidey coat of paint.
People who say it's a love letter to spiderman are wrong.
People who say it's a love letter to comic books are pretty damn right though.
Dude Secret Life of Pets and Hotel Transylvania are bomb af
I thought I was the only one who actually felt sick because of this movie.
Hotel Transylvania might be bland, but it wasn't safe, it applied 2D techniques to 3D that weren't really used before (to the same extent at least). It's one of the last movies I'd use as a counter-example to Spider-Verse.
Yeah, they were calling a former miss universe contestant pretty because of a psy op, obviously.
I bet you think Rango is the peak of American feature animation because it tries to not look like a cartoon.
I would kill for an Into the Bat-verse movie
>LEGO Batman
>1960s Batman
>Batman Beyond
>Bat Mite
Ummmmm based and red pilled
Already happened in Brave & the Bold
I love the idea of Spider-Man having a Spider-Cave with Aunt May as Alfred.
>30 (thirty) fps
You kids need to stop using vydia vocabulary to talk about other media, really makes you look retarded.
Fun fact: the eye is fine down to 24fps, more than that is only useful for reaction time in vydia. Spider-Verse bothered you because it's at like 6 fps, not 30.
The multiverse shit was the worst part of the movie, just a lazy excuse to get all the characters together.
Because it’s billed as a love letter to a character it spends the whole movie shitting on. It looks good yes but it actively undermines the character in the same way the MCU does, by sacrificing him to build other characters
Yeah sorry, he did an outstanding part, really liked him (although I would have played more on the "Dr jekyll and Mr hid" thing, not making him plain evil and mad without a reason, you don't do a genocide just cause your company closes)
I'm fine with it as a joke in a one-off like that, it would be awful as a mainstay.
>frame per second
>videogame vocabulary
>videogame vocabulary
>about an animated film
You think frames don't exist outside of vidya?
don't mind me, i'm just posting best song
You mean Peter, not Spider-Man. Even then I'd hardly say it shits on him, it shows how important he was to everyone in the city, and that even a loser/depressed version of him can still turn it around.
ugojesse and necklacing.
Necklacing is a practice in which an individual is basically jammed into a tire, doused with gas, and set on fire. This is typically lethal and very painful.
ugojesse is an african artist and meme source. There've been threads about him before.
For me, it's the Prowler's theme
I’m not sure what you’re saying here.
The only real multiverse part of the movie was that it existed. Which it does
I do, but thinking 30fps is low outs you as a vydiafag, and yeah "graphics" to talk about visual quality is definitely a vydia thing.
It turns the concept of spider-man into a universal constant and not one person guilted into doing good because things went catostrophically wrong when he didn’t. I find that shit tiring, and whatever you say this movie is not worth the cavalcade of shit Sony has now pushed through the pipeline. Did you like spiderman not starting peter or venom having nothing to do with spiderman? Get ready for kraven without spiderman and morbius without spiderman and black cat without spiderman. None of this is going to be worth it for this repurposed LEGO movie in spandex
>not muh
You've outted yourself. Opinion discarded
And he’s soooooinportant to the city, he’s forgotten by his wife in two days and the city in three.
How can you tell that’s happening?
You mean aside from serving as the reason the characters meet, as most characters' main "McGuffin" motivation (including 2 of the 3 antagonists), and as an excuse for kirbydots (which were admittedly cool)?
It's literally the central point of the story. Peter mentoring Miles and Miles' issues were cool, I just wish it wasn't around this dumb gimmicky shit.
What? I’ve outted myself as a spider-man fan? The movie is fundamentally not muh because it stars bendises little fetish bait. Hell thats the most offensive thing about this movie, it gives bendis money
It's absolutely worth it if you like animation. It's not like it retroactively deletes any previous material.
And yeah execs make dumb, greedy, short-sighted decisions, stop the presses.
Neither of those is true.
His wife goes to a party thrown by his killer not 48 hours after his death and the city immediately calls Miles spiderman the first time after seeing him once without thinking about it.
It's a party in Peter's honor, why the fuck do you think the staff is dressed as Spider-Man. She's there in his honor.
And yes they call a guy who is obviously dressed like Spider-Man while doing Spider-Man shit "Spider-Man". You call Drumpf president that doesn't mean you forgot Obongo.
>His wife goes to a party thrown by his killer
During the movie, it is explained in the news report announcing Spider-Man's death that he died due to the "earthquake." How would they have known Kingpin killed him, dipshit? If you're too stupid to understand the plot of a PG movie there's no sense arguing with you.
It's a pretty great flick.
Come on don’t go there already, we were having such a productive conversation. Would you be able to go to a party where everyone wore the face of your recently deceased husband if his killer threw the party?
The movies plot is a white hero the audience considers the wrong version gets killed, forgotten and immediately replaced by a black kid trained by a mensch. Sure the animation looks pretty but they got really bold with the subliminal messaging here
>The movies plot is a
You don't understand the movie's plot since you're still implying anyone at the party knew he was the killer. Shut up retard.
Why would May know about peter being spiderman and not his wife? May knew he was spiderman for maybe 5 years collectively in the comics and Mary Jane would’ve known from the beginning
Why are you being so fucking stupid? Even if Mary Jane knew he was Spider-Man she DIDN'T KNOW KINGPIN WAS THE KILLER
Even the puddly bendis version you bitches have obviously only read had MJ find out at the beginning
>Even the puddly bendis version you bitches have obviously only read had MJ find out at the beginning
Thank you for pointing something out which has no bearing on the plot point in the movie we're discussing. You read.
He’d been working on the case for at least a week? Would you not talk to your significant other about your work day?
Maybe. Maybe not. It's communicated to the audience that she didn't know. This movie doesn't leave a lot to ambiguity. For fuck's sake, Uncle Aaron has a painting that reads "PROWLER" above his couch. If you have to go digging for something, it isn't there.
Yes it’s true this movie only works if you have no previous experience with spiderman.
I know the movie wears its message on its sleeve
I imagine it’s a wonderful experience to watch with your wife’s boyfriend
Funny how you picked up on Drumpf but not Obongo. Pretty sure that effectively shows your pattern recognition isn't as unbiased as you think.
Imagine being such a retard that you can't differentiate between what you know as the audience and what the characters know in the movie.
If you think it's retarded for her to go to a party thrown by his killer, why go with the pants-on-head retarded take that she forgot him instead of the perfectly reasonable explanation that nobody in the movie knew how Peter died aside from Miles.
That's obviously wrong user. Listen just stick to not muh shit instead of veering into no true scottsman territory.
One was created by the media and I recognize the other was not and I didn’t. One was created to make you hate a man (who admittedly deserves to) on a top down level, the other was just racists shit posting. As much as I dislike what trump was obviously always going to become it’s interesting to have a president who was pretty much only backed by his voters, every other president had a shadowy side they were obviously (at least in retrospect) bowing to to work towards whatever the goal of the deepstate is or was. Trump seemed to just say whatever he could to stay in the media cycle and now sadly just boss to Israel.
Can we get back to arguing about the movie or do you not want to?
my second favorite, personally, is the psychodelic 90s spidey sense
user of course she didn’t forget him. The point of the movie was to make you realize she never loved him
The references in the spider cave alone show you how little the movie thinks of peter as a character. Let’s remove all of aunt mays charm and turn her into Alfred, let’s show at least 3 armors but have peter die in a smock. The movie does it to shit on peter and give Miles everything he needs to be a hero without trying, Hell why do you think they’re skipping right to the (awful) spider Gwen spin off? They’re already out of stories for miles and he has nothing to build up as a hero on his own
fuck off dude
Both were shitposting designed to alter your views, regardless of the source.
As for the movie, this pertained to that, the pattern you saw in the movie only makes sense through an insane, biased mind. This was closer to a white man's burden movie than a white genocide movie.
Why doesn't Peni have her own ongoing
White genocide is genuinely retarded, white people arent being killed they’re being ethnically erased (I say they because I’m ethnically polish and the white people who believe this shit don’t believe I’m white)
Just watched it for the first time.
Mfw Disney thought Destroy it Darren was gonna beat this
The movie does it for cheap laughs and fanservice you retard, not to shit on previous iterations. What is it with autists taking personal offense with any of Peter's failing in alternate versions of the character? It's fine to self-insert to some extent but you're not literally Steve Ditko.
Fucking hell do you read comics? Or is your only familiarity with Peter through adaptations? Because Peter had much more humiliating shit happen to him than an inspiring death.
But we aren't, that's not how demographics work.
t. definitely white by anyone's standards
The nauseating colors were the best part! When we left the theater we were so overwhelmed and high off of the whole experience
Oh boohoo, the movie made my tummy hurt
It's the weaklings like you that kept Americans from seeing the porygon episode of pokemon
>You're a normie
Thats why when i first saw it there were only like six people at the theater, because it was soooooo mainstream and nobody had seen it when i tried asking them about it, but then later on they did
It’s just tiring to connect miles and him like that. There is an interesting way you could write him into the story, and even having him take over the name. But to just explain away the relationship with wacky multiversal shenanigans just seems like a shame. Yes the movie looked pretty and there was creative use of animation but it’s just my old brain refusing to allow it. Fuck just remove Gwen and it’s fine, but the whole blending of “old” and new just got to annoying to me
Wait what does he have all pinned up behind him? Is that just Maggia or was Peter B. Parker’s Fisk making a collide as well.
based and redpilled
The whole final battle is such a treat for the senses
Honestly it made me appreciate Miles’ design a lot more. I wish his costume in the comics had that kind of personality.
Agreed. Miles costume in this movie is one of my favorites ever. Frankly everything about movie Miles is superior to comic miles.
I thought this movie was one of the best Spidey stories in years in any medium including comics and I bet my left nut I have been a Spider-Man longer than you.
Try me, I'm 31 years old and for my 5th birthday I got this reprint of ASM #11-19 and the first annual and I've been a fan since. How about you? I'll wait.
His comic costume is bland. It was just given to him by SHIELD and looks like it was made by a committee
>giving an earnest reply to bait
Reminder that Bendis got paid for this
I guess you’re saying you don’t like that being outside of their dimension kills them slowly?
Which is reasonable. But other than that it gets pretty difficult to justify showing a multiverse outside of one shots if the characters never even meet.
that's not "What's Up Danger"
but most of the soundtrack is based
Great movie. Shame it didn't make more money.
It’s also inconsistent considering Gwen was able to get through a whole week in front of people and never once glitch
when is America getting a Into the Lesbo-Verse movie?
The animation direction was hot garbage.
>marketing harped on it being "like a comic book" but aside from random elements making more-or-less cameos it looked like 60s batman crossed with pixar from 15 years ago through blue-red 3d glasses
>Taken-3-tier shots and cuts. just terrible
>wildly inconsistent animation and styles. not talking about the alternate universe stuff. characters/scenery/props in the same shot/scene/plane; movement/flavor effects. I've worked on a lot of projects that got to a "fuck it it's done" point and this had "fuck it" written all over it
It will age poorly. Still better than the shitshow 9 act cartoon movies DC craps out.
Maybe she just glitches when she’s not in school? It would be convenient but theoretically possible
Or maybe she only went to school those few days. It isn’t like she’s enrolled
Shit opinion, my dude
Is Fisk black in Peter B's universe?
I'm sad Peni looks like a rejected Teen Titan instead of an anime character
Scorpio feels way out of place. He’s a toy, almost.
Take that opinion and put it in your anus.
Nice dubs tho
I just saw Into the Spider Verse for the first time like 2 hours ago.
I'm torn because while it was visually amazing, (aside from some frame rate bullshit that surprisingly got tolerable over time), Miles Morales is a hack character that does not make sense at all for Spiderman.
In this film he is a very likable and realistic character as a normal kid, which is a compliment on the storytellers behind the project that they were able to build something pretty great out of bendis' garbage character.
And Miles' "Bendis OC donut steel" extra powers STILL don't make any fucking sense in context and even though they're integral to the plot, the script-writers don't even bother explaining them.
And the worst part was the "everyone can be spiderman" message tacked on at the end which mirrored the cringey "everyone can be a Jedi" from the end of Force Awakens. Is this message a Disney corporate mandate now? Why?
Ugghghghhhhh, this movie is so frustrating. And now, because the film makers were so damn talented, we're going to be stuck with Bendis' legacy garbage for the foreseeable future...
Spiderverse isnt disney
>Spiderverse isnt disney
It's not MCU but it is produced "in association with Marvel" and has a Marvel tag at the beginning. I don't claim to know how it all works but it was an odd parallel end-message between two high-profile productions connected to Disney.
I'm pretty sure it's just a general message of inclusive-ness
>anyone can be a hero
>anyone can be a princess
Spiderverse's message at least fits the tone of the movie, what with the multi-verse
Raimi movies aren’t Disney, X-Men movies aren’t Disney, Venom isn’t Disney, yet they all have the Marvel logo... it’s almost like that’s where they’re from.
Also it isnt
>Everyone can be spiderman
>Anyone can wear the mask
Which isnt a bad message, in relation to the movie being about a variety of spider-people, it just means a hero can come from anyone
I loved how the light reflected off the suit and its lines.
How bad they fucked up Break It Barry I'm glad they lost the award. They originally was going to keep it video game focused with them going into mobile and home console gaming but then Disney fucked it up with shoe horning their properties and franchises they acquired didn't even push to get Mario like how they planned damn shame.
>the pics of those WiR2 DVD's with "Winner of Best Animated Picture " stickers on them
But it also goes against the point of spider-man, peter Parker is an Everyman but we’re just going to get hokey stories that emphasize references over plots and character development rather than adaptations of character moments and interactions with peters stellar supporting cast
No offence my man, but there's nothing wrong with breaking the "Everyman spidey" mold every now and then, and this entire film is all an alternate universe, nothing is as it is in the comics
Oh yeah that happened
Fuck off
>Is this the future of animation?
Sadly no, because it takes a lot more effort than just making a shitty minions ripoff for kids to see on the weekend
>If you like this movie, you're a normie, straight up, and you hate Spider-Man.
big yikes there
If she's not attractive, yeah
>>saved hip-hop
I feel you, I haven't been this enthusiastic about an animated movie in a long time. It's so inspired and reveals such a lack of ambition and creativity in other 3D animated movies.
>Is this the future of animation?
Unfortunately, no. At best we'll get some stuff that copies the most superficial and shallow elements. This is what happens whenever something quality comes along.
>saved Miles
I'm conflicted on this. On one hand it's nice to see an actual decent character made out of Miles but then, I dunno, the character deserved being discarded in the first place.
He was never going to go anywhere in the first place, so this is the best outcome
Plus the story (y'know, the most important part of a comic book movie) was extremely predictable, uninteresting and pointless.
There's a machine which summons other spider-men and they have to destroy the machine and send everyone home. Fucking really?
Can't wait for the sequel; a criminal robs a bank and then spider-man punches the criminal and the criminal goes to jail.
He was really close to being dropped for good and forgotten like the clones were. This movie is actually the worst possible outcome since it will revive him for at least another decade, when Miles was only inoffensive in it but only appeared good because of the animation/production/supporting cast, something the comics don't have the advantage of, so he'll be just as consistently badly written as he was in the previous decade. The movie itself is good, but not THAT good to justify another ten years of Miles being shoved down our throats, it could've been an animated movie about regular Spider-Man and I'm sure it would've done as well if not better with the production it had, I'm sure the strangeness of the story alienated many potential audiences.
Lmao weak
Kingpin thicc
Shut up nerd
It's a fantastic movie.
I like that they didn't kill 616 Spider-Man. If you don't like it, well, it's literally not your Spider-Man.
Even though Blone Spidey seemed amazing.
I watched it twice normally in theaters and once in 3d. The 3d was not worth it in my opinion.
>anything related to multiverse spiders
Get fucked
>Zoom zoom~
Aw, is babby sad he is genetically crippled?
Sorry for the belated answer. I agree with you that multiverse shit is cheap when at this point Miles is the most established Peter legacy, it's an alternate version, just forget about that shit and develop just a mentor Spider-Man movie, Miles and bum!Peter's interactions really were the most fitting for those writers' style.
Fucking kirbydots galore man. It's weird and unfair that a fucking Spider-Man cartoon of all things was the one to use them (well) in moving form.
Not the guy you're replying to, just sharing longtime Spidey fan experience.
I'm a Frenchman who was born in 1985, and I started reading Spider-Man in 1990. Spider-Verse was great.
i dunno,this movie fixed alot of the issues with miles and might serve as a gold standard for him. Even the uncle was largely improved in this one
You should though. Without people replying to trolls there would be less developed discourse, I'd rather have inflammatory retards being proven wrong than rehashing Sneeds and Raven asses.
Gonna be honest with ya. The next spidey verse should have the raimi spiderman,give the guy a proper conclusion then the shit show that was spiderman 3
>Try me, I'm 31 years old and for my 5th birthday I got this reprint of ASM #11-19 and the first annual and I've been a fan since. How about you? I'll wait.
i'm 28, and have been a spider-man fan since 1994.
not that guy though.
Are you slow?
The issue isn't [McGuffin], it's the story revolving so much around [McGuffin]. Literally every character who's not Miles' blood relative is entirely driven by [McGuffin]. And it's not an interesting McGuffin, it's an excuse to fanservice people with characters who are mostly reduced to the depth of a deviantart OC.
Because you’re a pleb, you didn’t notice that Peter has a higher frame rate than Miles until the end of the movie where he learns to be more fluid as Spidey
Why did you lead with your poorest point? It looking like Batman and through 3D glasses were clearly artistic choices, regardless of how you feel about the remix/hommage abuse in pop culture.
Could you elaborate on the other points?
Execs (and maybe creatives at this point) just think people are too dumb to get that Luke or Peter are like you even if you're not a white guy. And given the diverse following ceshet white guy superheroes have had, it's bullshit.
>It always fits... Eventually...
It does nothing like breaking that mold, it just changes it to everypersonincludingblacksandalsocartoonslmao.
It didn't fix a single mistake of Miles' character, he's still a multiverse abortion, Peter still needs to die, he still doesn't have original villains or supporting characters, he still doesn't have a name or a costume or a reason to exist, he still doesn't bring anything new to the table, etc
I know people like to pretend this movie was for Miles, is like what BTAS was for Mr. Zero, but it couldn't be further from the truth, all of his flaws are still there, but more competently written, meaning that the second he goes back to the usual incompetent comic/cartoon writers he'll go back to being his usual meaningless boring self
>story is the most important part of a visual medium
Read a real book, fag.
Rango has a fucking cowboy snake with a gatling gun rattle and exploding bats.
That right there is the neatest shit.
I don't see how something that the movie relies on so heavily can be considered a lazy excuse McGuffin. Isn't part of the definition of a McGuffin that it doesn't matter what it is? It matters that it is what it is by virtue of being such an important part of the plot. It's in the title of the movie!
It's like saying, "I don't like how much of Star Wars is in space. It's just a lazy excuse to have spaceships and aliens."
And it tries to look as photorealistic as it can about it, what's your point?
You're right. Ultimately Miles in this movie is an archetype. He's executed well but he doesn't show enough depth to carry. There's always the 10 year old "but with a better writer"
It's not the fucking Lion King remake. Characters are stylized and have actual expressions. Anyway my point is that there's more to praise than the art style.
If we don't gizmo the McGuffin everybody dies is the basis of McGuffing. Of course it's important to the general plot but it doesn't have to be 80% of characters' motivations through the movie. Gwen is fucking nobody and she's not even one of the 3 sidekicks.
I dislike a lot of visual treat animes like Akira, Gurren Lagann, and Evangelion because I'm simply not into the story. I don't think they're ugly, but I'm never going to watch them more than once.
I don't know if that's what you meant though.
HT has great visuals as well
I haven't even seen that movie and I hate it. It was like Bob Iger's wet dream. Just constant references to past successes
This was such a fantastic way to show spidey sense, and I don't believe they ever called it that in the movie, did they? They only had the wavy lines and everyone was suppose to just know. I actually wonder if for kids like 7 or 8 who this is their first time seeing Spiderman understood. I know they showed it off early in the film, but they never "explained" it to the audience (Which I liked, but it's a ballsy choice for a kids movie which explains EVERYTHING).
why did they make him green and red?
>But it's great for animation and the industry!
Reminder that Sony fucked over the concept artist that basically gave the movie it's looks and for example storyboarded the "What's up danger" scene by firing him over disagreements and then just crediting him as a "visual consultant"
Funny part is the lowkey short movie in Love, Death & Robots he later made looked better than this huge Hollywood production
It can't be the future when little of it was new, as far as technique or styles. All it did slightly differently was collect more than a few of these together (particularly for a mainstream movie, since independent animated films and shorts/tv animation has done all of these before singly and in concert).
Have you considered going outside and getting some fresh air?
Why was Kingpin hiding during this fight? He seemed like he could handle himself in this movie, rather than get slapped around like in the comics.
Did you see how small his car was to him? it's a 10 minute job getting in and out
This looks like a PS2 cutscene, this is the animation people are praising this movie for?
Choppy animation
Your complaint would have been exemplified if they had come together for literally any other reason.
This movie had the best peter parker, one that actually feels like he's known himself as long as the audience has known him, I feel like that's really important as to why this film works
What's sad is that I can take this gay post, change out Spider-man for Devilman, and post about it on /m/ and Crybaby haters would unironically suck my dick
Poster count at the bottom of the page vs the amount of people replying to each other. Only works early on, but allows you to catch troll threads
>still image
What's up Yea Forums, I see you still don't know what words mean
>rather than get slapped around like in the comics.
1960s Kingpin can kick Spider-mans ass by himself no problem. I don't read anything past the clone saga, did they nerf him?
first post worst post
>everyone can be spiderman
That's literally the fucking reason Stan & Steve gave Peter the mask he has in 1962. So that ANYONE could self insert as him during fight scenes. I don't consider you a Spider-man fan if you cant even be bothered to know something that Stan mentioned in every single goddamn interview. Fuck, I remember hearing him say that on Larry King when the first Raimi movie came out. Fuck off poser.
He also said Spider-Man should stay white and straight
Are “troll threads” still a thing?
Lemme guess you don’t like Fantatic Mr Fox either
I'm ashamed to admit that I've STILL not seen this movie. I'm red green colorblind, and the colors hurt my eyes. I really need to force myself to watch it one of these days. Is it true Silk is going to appear in the sequel?
>Sony treats the creative aspects of their company like shit
That explains everything
You might be able to adjust your screen color so it doesn't fuck with you?
Maybe this is anal of me, but I think Spider-Man is a particularly bad character to use for this message. You have to be bitten by a radioactive spider to be Spider-Man or something similar. He is an Everyman relatable character, but that doesn't mean everyone can be him.
Saying everyone can be spider-man is a different message than "everyone can be a hero" OR "a hero can come from anywhere."
Sucks to be you
Are you on the spectrum by chance?
By all appearances I’m a normie and couldn’t get past the first thirty minutes of this movie. I also despise capeshit films in general. They’ve ruined this board.
No, it wouldn't. Learn to fucking read.
Man everyone knows what Spidey-sense is. Even kids. It's almost as universal as laser vision
He's completely right though, Peni looks like she's from a How to Draw Manga book, she looks awful compared to the other characters.
>Everyone's a normie except me
Yes it would. Learn not to be the biggest fucking dipshit on the planet.
i bought a spiderverse into the multiverse t-shirt
i can understand the colors part but i think the "frame rate" thing was a style choice i kinda like it fits with the comic book come to life vibe which includes the flashy colors
I wasn't spider-man in the movie was raimi-man? they kept referencing things from the raimi movies in the opening montage
steve ditko would've fucking hated this movie
t. negative creep
tfw youve been here for so long that your actually witnessing the summerfags take the bait
based AND redpilled
ironic thing is that I don't think he actually got a Toy
why the FUCK is there no Sweatpants Spider-Man statue
actually yeah, i admit that was a bad comparison. i kind of forgot how lively the animation was and my fevered mind was probably thinking of something else
no one cared who I was until I put on the sweatpants
Admitting your wrong on is a sign of weakness you ABSOLUTE IMBECILE.
Nah dude, it’s cool
>Cartoony art style looks like game
Just how competent did you consider this iteration of Peter? He has a weird combination of pudge and experience making him a weird iteration. It's hard to judge exactly what this Peter could pull off if needed.
About as competent as a man almost hitting his 40's with depression could be
pretty competent and definitely the most believable
He was fine, just what happens to Peter when the personal side goes to shit. He's still clearly Spider-Man and hasn't had an honest challenge or adventure in a while. When he gets transported to Miles' universe he was on top of everything. He could've stopped the problem in less than a day but he had an inexperienced kid tagging along. It slowed him down but seeing Miles joy of being Spidey made him remember what's so special about the job. I'd hazard to guess he represents what us as a movie going audience think of the Spider-Man franchise and seeing another Spider-Man movie on the big screen.
The level of samefagging in this thread is absurd. The same guy is screching WOW THIS ART IS SO AMAZINGGG!!!!11
>Is this the future of animation?
We should be so lucky. If anything half as based as Spider-Verse comes out this year, I'll be shocked.
Thought it was great
ah i too love the grouchy squidward.
I didn't like the Chromatic Abrasion. Nearly everything else was lovely. Most of my complaints were nitpicks.
>but I prefer even the MCU movies over it since they actually focus on Peter
stoped reading right there you are fucking braindead if you think MCU peter is a good representation of the comics