The Incredible Hulk bursts into your house and demands a pair of pants

The Incredible Hulk bursts into your house and demands a pair of pants.
What do you do?

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Give him one

I might have to give him too, or maybe a blanket. He’s a big guy.

post yfw you have pants in his size you fatties

Not even remotely close.

Bends over and presents my gaping asshole to Mr. Hulk

i unironically have pants his size because my grandpa was really fat.

okay so post yfw your pants are too big for hulk you planetoid

Tell him to keep them off and always be naked. He looks better that way.

user why would you keep your dead fat grandpa's pants

that's gay user


Tell him to ask Solomon Grundy for some

Tell him that I already gave my last pair to Solomon Grundy

I dont have any purple pants that stretch,

Tell him my pants would be too small because it barely holds my humongous dick.


I give him some of mine. Finally, being clinically obese comes in handy.

get angry because this was the only pants I had.

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A'ight. Here you go, Brucy. Extra elastic for yah.

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do nothing

Why doesn't Banner just wear one of Reed's unstable molecule outfits?

I'd give him my sweat pants. They are pretty stretchy but will still probably break.

he wanted a pair idiot

i let him wear me as his pants

Reminds me of that Ultimate Hulk annual where he fights Zarda because he doesn't want to wear pants.

Attached: ultimate hulk and zarda sex.jpg (2560x1927, 2.48M)

Those better say JUICY on the back.

tell him to fuck off to his face, and then tell him to get the fuck out before I get angry

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this is the REAL question of the thread

It's ok to keep your grandpa's pants, user.
Especially, if Hulk ever busts in, you've got it covered.
Sorry 'bout your Gramps.

So what if I like my Pajama pants to fit like hammer pants.

Restriction of the stomach for fashion is detrimental to the body.
By all means, enjoy your Hammer pants in the evening.

I'm pretty fat but... hmm. Maybe not that fat. Perhaps he could wear a pair of my sweatpants as shorts.


Never expected to see a reaction image of Alice in a thread like this.

The artist is Remert

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>Why yes, I do believe that Immortal Hulk is the best run yet. How did you know?


Say I don't have any in his size then offer a sheet or blanket or whatever I have in hand maybe that old trench coat i bought in high school, let him turn the last remaining relic of my edgy phase into a loincloth

What if he bursts into your house and demands to take a shit?

send 'betty' to rape him

Attached: hulk rape.jpg (500x535, 171K)

PAD had some good ideas (wonder truly if they were his) but, this page amongst numerous others proves what a hack he was.

But I'm a girl who only wears dresses and skirts.

I would really appreciate if someone could give ME pants when naked, so sure.

Bumping for pants.

It would be unfortunate because the shit is probably radioactive.

4 inch pvc sewer pipe is not prepared for Hulk-size shit.
Hulk's favorite food is historically beans and weenies.

This girl better have super strength of her own. Even if every bone in his body is broken, Hulk could just blow her away with his breath. Or at the very least blow her eardrums.

Since this thread is already quite homoerotic, do you think Bruce has ever masturbated himself into the Hulk before?

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I sue him in court for property damage he just burst in to my house.

bara only work with furry heads
with humanoid heads it's just super gay instead

>it’s just super gay instead
>super gay

I'd give him a jockstrap instead.

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I wonder how public perception of the Hulk would be different if he just went around in a big jockstrap with his bare ass hanging out.

What if he just transformed from Banner, does he just drop Banner sized turds, or when hulk reverts back and has a full colon does Banner ruin his asshole pushing out a fencepost?

It's all gay anyway.

if it's furry dudes then it's just normal sexy, not gay

I don't like furry shit, unless you mean hairy buff men?

Explain Hulk's speedo era to me.

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If you’re a dude who finds dudes sexy then it’s gay.

And this is bad because...?

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I think that started with the Hulk with Banner intellect era.
Reed Richards made them, they wouldn't rip.
Guess Reed wanted to see him in a speedo.
This aspect has not been explored enough, but seems important.

You will start putting things in your butt.

If you’re gay then Jesus will give you aids.

Nah, I'm a top. Only fantasize about the other thing but they have to be hung like me, and that hasn't happened yet.
I wear condoms always. I'm safe.

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I can't imagine anything more disgusting than a grown-ass man being flamboyant about his sexuality in a comics forum.
The stereo-types really do fit.

I'm not being flamboyant though? People have sex, deal with it.

Apologize that I don't have any to fit him and offer him a colorful blanket to make a wrap from?

I got some basketball shorts that may fit, but I'm a considerable amount smaller than he is. They'd probably be like, boxer briefs on him, if they even fit.

The world already sees Hulk as a savage, and sometimes a savage hero. I can't see his public opinion shifting too dramatically over a tight jock as compared to torn jean shorts, compression shorts, or that sexy purple posing thong that old Hulk wore.

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Damn, he does fill it well...

Ahem, source? "Sharlin", is it?

haha imagine if the Hulk put your face in his armpits just after he got all hot and sweaty from an intense fight, wouldn't that be crazy?

>got these for ya, Big Guy.

Attached: Hulkaroos.jpg (350x200, 11K)

but hulk never outgrow pants

Da fuck? Thanks for putting the image of Banner dislocating his hips and prolapsing his ass so badly that his only chance to survive is to hulk out

he wanted pants not undies you dumb blonde woman