Who would win?
Who would win?
big woman
big could one shot
Has Big lost Froggy?
This is a bit of a game changer if he has
why big the cat has a belt but no pants
my Big yellow waifu
>One giant mentally deficient and or scarred cat that will destroy hordes of robots if any dickhead says he'll be able to save his frog
>Literally the plot to a quarter of sonic heroes
>One photon based robot overlord, controlling a legion of photon based robots
I'd watch it, it'd be like Forrest Gump kicking the everloving shit out of Zod.
she has froggy
Then Yellow is fucked, Big wins easy
Bigs is a good boy and will never let a piss-colored lady defeat him.
>wow, everything you just said is wrong
If Yellow has a target on her:
If Yellow does NOT have a target on her:
If post-season 5:
They both sit down to discuss the logistics of fishing and it ends with Big teaching Yellow to fish.
What are Big’s powers/abilities?
He is big and he can fish really good.
he's physically stronger and faster than Amy Rose
He's strong enough to lift a car effortlessly.
>*Throws shield*
Heh, nothin personel Yellow
Dodges it and appears behind her before she can even react.