What went wrong?
Why do zoomers hate them?
What went wrong?
Because their movies suck
Hate implies zoomers know who they are
So does Superman's but he's still alive and kicking.
Honestly? Poor aesthetics. Their costumes are ugly, Sue hasn’t been drawn sexy in decades, stretchiness is a dumb power, invisibility and even forcefields don’t lend themselves to a visual medium, and this point the Thing is seen as inferior to the hulk.
Editorial sabotage by Marvel.
Garbage opinions, you sound like you haven't read many FF comics
Zoomers do not read comics, they only care about movieshit, and mostly the MCU at that
that and it doesn't help that their origin story is kind of dated
>costumes ugly
They're simple and do their jobs well enough.
Sue's power has been expanded to the point you can do batshit insane things with it if she's written well. Stretchiness is a power that can be used to amusing ends (which is the point of it anyway) and Ben is a lot more interesting character than Banner
>Ben is a lot more interesting character than Banner
Eh I disagree on that, though I love Ben. Both are fantastic for different reasons.
He's got animation to fall back on.
t. zoomer brainlet
Most people can't deal with functional nuclear families
Superman has the luxury of being so well known he always stays in the public conversation. I’d bet most zoomer parent’s favorite superhero is either Superman or Batman. Who honestly has ever told you in public
>yeah, mr fantastic is cool
Nonsense, everybody likes The Thing.
I wonder how many kids associate "it's clobberin time" with CM Punk over The Thing
Their origin story is like most others. Radiation shit gave them superpowers.
Because Reed Richards is the least likeable person ever conceived in all of existence. Fantastic 4 comics are unrealistic because there is no way the other three would be able to last one second in the same room with him without strangling his rubbery neck. I wouldn't be surprised if he stretches out his own dick just so he can suck himself off.
>I wouldn't be surprised if he stretches out his own dick just so he can suck himself off.
Who wouldn't?
The 1978 one was actually pretty good.
Still, the movies alone aren't the reason they're unpopular
Nor is this
The problem with the Fantastic Four is that they don't have much of a character dynamic. The characters don't really clash with each other or play off of each other in interesting ways. Sure The Human Torch and the Thing will argue and spar with each other a little, but after that, then what? Mr. Fantastic and Susan are too "good" to do anything worth watching. Compare them to other 4-character teams (say, the original cast of l4d) and there isn't even a contest.
You have to remember that the F4 was one of the first groups of superheroes Marvel ever created. They weren't 100% sure how to make characters interesting, just yet. It'd be years before those guys finally figured out how to write a character like Spiderman.
And it's a shame, too. Since the Fantastic 4 have one of the best Rogues Gallery in comics. One could argue that they used all the good villain ideas on the Fan4, and left none for any of their other heroes.
You have never read a Fantastic Four comic in your life have you?
This is a popular take, but in large part it's not true. The Fantastic Four has some fantastic dynamics, Yea Forums just doesn't appreciate them because they're biased and many of them haven't read the comics, just watched the various shitty movies.
Yeah, pretty much all of it can be traced back to the movies.
True tbqh, this is why they shouldn't get their own movie in the MCU, they should just be support characters in other peoples stories, e.g. the science team Spidey goes to for help with some quantum physics problem, the team the New Avengers call when Dr. Doom is kicking off in the big team up movie because they have a backstory with him, ect.
Why would I want to read about the fagtastic four
they're kinda boring. and the thing is just a rock version of the hulk
Go to bed doom
Other heroes get to progress with time (like Iron Man and his technology) but Fantastic Four, a property based on futurism and exploration, is constantly looking back to the 60s
Their Future Fight suits are a good start. I think MCU will fix their situation to make them modern and relatable.
This is a good point. Why the fuck was Johnny even on the space trip? Same with early Sue?
MCU will need to think about this when thinking about their origin.
Most recent run of F4 says Johnny was Ben's co-pilot.
Zoomers hate cuckshit, and all FF stories are about a cheating needy wife.
The whole super science thing they have going for them loses its luster when they're not allowed to fix any problems and society in general has become very anti-intellectual.
>functional nuclear families
>wife cheats on husband with a fish-man
Most people aren't fond of open marriages for some reason.