>"user, why do you watch cartoons like Tangled and DC Super Hero Girls? Don't you know these shows are for little girls?"
"user, why do you watch cartoons like Tangled and DC Super Hero Girls? Don't you know these shows are for little girls?"
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Who the fuck are you
Sorry Mommy. I just think the girls on that show are pretty like you.
chuck testa
also tangled the series is legitimately the best cartoon that is (kind of) airing
So? My daughter loves those shows, and I don’t want to be the dick head dad that have a conversation with her about said shows with one syllable answers.
Are you implying that there are only 2 genders and that I have to comply with roles and values associated with them by the Patriarchy? Sounds like SOMEONE is on the wrong side of history and needs to either get with the times of be left behind in the dirt.
i watch tangled because it's kino, honey
i don't watch dc super hero girls because that's only waifu bait that Yea Forums lusts over
Never had a girlfriend before is it true they don't like guys who watch cartoons?
Little girls can have quality media marketed to them, member Powerpuff Girls? A big part of that show created DC Super Hero Girls, and Tangled is headed by a prolific veteran at Disney. They are comfy shows that help me unwind after a long day of work, that's all. as long as she doesn't know you're fapping to them, this answer will suffice with most girls under 30. If it doesn't, they aren't worth associating with.
Depends. BF WATCHES DISNEY MOVIES WITH ME is GF catnip, and most are cool with norm-core shit like Regular Show or Adult Swim. When you start getting into anime or weird shit like Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse or they know you masturbate to cartoons you need to find a special kind of girl to accept that.
Though to tell you the truth, if you sell yourself as normal and slowly start introducing your real interests one at a time, you would be very surprised just how much girls are willing to accept and change their own interests and behaviors to match their boyfriends. It's just natural, woman adhere to direction and stability, so they tend to mirror their boyfriends. They are the support role of life.
OMG like, what year do you think it is? get out of here with your racist and sexist stereotypes, you don't get to tell me what things are for girls and what things are for boys, I don't identify myself as any of those anyway. YOU are on the wrong side of history. just wait until twitter and your boss hears about this you fucking nazi scum!
bitch can i help you, there's no way i'd tell you i watch cartoons at all with this kind of reaction.
That rationale doesn't work on any normies.
Jokes on you
i sexually identify as a little girl
"Member powerpuff girls" is the power play. Millennials eat that shit up.
>t. Stealth autist who faked it till he made it in normieville
I’m prettier than you and you’re a talentless cunt. Go back to being a boring unlikeable bitch on Facebook. I always wanted to say that irl.
You wouldn't be faced with this conversation if you're a girl, it would just be seen as quirky.
"Who the fuck are you? How do you know my name? Why are you in my house!?"
This but unironically.
>Never had a girlfriend before is it true they don't like guys who watch cartoons?
Yes. Cartoons are a form of escapism, which is for losers. There's a reason girls don't watch them
shut up cunt before I gut you
>*calls cops*
I wouldn't exactly call Tangled a show for LITTLE girls, it's more of a show for 10-12 year old girls.
>pretty girl
That's false advertising OP
The sperges on this board believe that because cartoons are rated for ages 8+, it's appropriate for a 20something year old neckbeards to watch and discuss it like it's high literature.
There's also the weird obsession with cucking and characters getting cucked, even though none of this is actually reflected on the cartoon.
it should be obvious
Go back to normieville.
>we shouldn't demand quality regardless of age rating
People like you are why anime >>> Western animation.
Who are you, and how did you get in my house?
>no chin
go larp about being a crusader against degeneracy on discord.
screw your gender roles
Subtle Faust
>all three replies are basically the same stupid discord meme
What did the bot mean by this?
Because I'm a fully grown adult and I choose to watch things that make me happy, even if i'm not the target demographic.
I have a four year old daughter.
oh i'm sorry i forgot all the kids these days use instagram and twitter.
How dare you madame I would NEVER watch anything with DC in the title
Adults watching cartoons is very common nowadays. Unless you're into weird shit like My Tiny Equines I think you'll be fine.
Pretty bold actions for someone in gutting range
I can guarantee you that normal girls will be just as ruthless to autistic or spergy girls as they will to guys. A girl who is into vintage is quirky, a girl who watches kids cartoons is prey for mocking.
Fuck you, you tall talentless giraffe bitch. I hope those ugly faces you make at people stick one day and you look like a retard for life.
>I can guarantee you that normal girls will be just as ruthless to autistic or spergy girls as they will to guys.
I can guarantee you they won't, unless you're a time traveller. This isn't the 00s - being female almost literally means you can do whatever you want, and nobody dares say anything
I don't.
That's so weird, I thought you said men and women are equals and you don't subscribe to antiquated gender roles.
While the enforcement of gender roles is discouraged by progressive types, stigma against "childish" things is something that probably aren't going to take longer to truly disappear
Truth is I've never watched a cartoon in my life.
I just spend all day on Yea Forums and when I'm done with /gif/, /hc/ and all the other boards I browse through Yea Forums for one or two hours.
So you kind of pick up these things through osmosis.
Acceptable answer.
I have very low standards but to me she's a 5.
Has it occurred to you that female immunity doesn’t work against other females?
>My daughter
Pics or gtfo
I'll show YOU what's for little girls!
*unzips di
oh fuck no wait
Damned if you do,damned if you dont
>animation is bad because it's for kids, not MATURE ADULTS like me!
Get the fuck back to Yea Forums and stay there. So what if we like shows for eight year olds, it's not like they know that we watch what they like.
Plus, that additude reminds me of a twelve year old trying desperately to not be considered a baby by being cool on the internet.
As a former little girl, my tastes really haven't changed much
I'd fuck a guy with good cartoon taste like Tangled and DC Super Heroes girls, yeah.
hey there pretty mama, how about you and me, chilling under the bed, watching some cartoons?
>2 of the best cartoons airing
Who are you and how the fuck did you get in my house?
Because Tangled has the DEEPEST LORE, a neat plot that rivals well crafted world building, nice character motivations and development. Rapunzel's choices actually have consequences and Tangled shows an actually healthy relationship without love triangle drama.
Wouldn't Star Vs and Amphibia fall under the pretext of "little girl shows?"
Star yes, Amphibia not really. When it comes to what's labeled as girl shows, it's mostly by the show's design.
Rapunzel is the worst friend to have because she's not inherently malevolent. She's selfish and ignorant of other people's emotions. Traits all sociopaths possess. Varian and Cassandra chose to help her out of their own goodness, traits that Rapunzel exploited for her own benefit while completely unaware of how much it was costing them to care for her.
That's why they couldn't tell her how much of a jerk she is to her face, they felt guilty due to her upbringing so they kept helping her, all while piling up resentment every time she let them down.
Since they were guilt tripped into accepting she wasn't at fault, the anger built up until they exploded and drove them both to insanity. Meanwhile Rapunzel went on her merry way to pursue whatever picks her fancy.
To reach her destiny, she will gladly step on the corpses of her followers, using them to build a stairway to her dream. She will offer her friends and lover to unspeakable horrors on a whim, all while keeping that smile on her face.
Why don't you check it yourself? Judge it personally.
>Is this show good?
>Are you memeing or is it actually good?
It's actually good
>What's the watch order/timeline?
Tangled > Before Ever After pilot > Tangled The Series > Tangled Ever After short
>Where can I watch it?
Episodes links: pastebin.com
They're ersatz media substituting for what we really want, serious drama animation created for Americans by Americans. I want to watch shows that are like anime but with real American cultural references and sensibilities. Very few such shows exist.
Because girls mature faster than boys, they become interested in more adult issues earlier, so media targeted to girls has deeper themes than media targeted to boys of the same age. That complexity makes girl shows more appropriate for grown men to talk about than boy shows. Then, because animation for adults is almost exclusively comedy, fans of drama and animation, but not anime, gravitate to girl shows.
Threadly reminder that Cassandra is Rapunzel's slave/fuck toy and there's nothing she can do about it.
Rapunzel and the Mystery of the Lost Lagoon YA novel
>What happened here?
Rapunzel chooses Cassandra against her will to become her slave and tend to her needs (cleaning her chamber pot, sewing her dresses, satisfying her sexual urges until she's ready for marriage...) and after they bond, they swim naked on a lagoon and perform a secret marriage ritual, completely cucking Eugene. I shit you not.
So basically Stockholm Syndrome, the novel.
stop spamming this every time tangled is mentioned in a thread
t. pastebin founder
As the door shut behind her, Cassandra took in her surroundings. She stood at the entrance to Lost Lagoon.
'Great' she thought, 'Another illusion.'
As she ventured into the cove, she heard splashing and giggling. She stopped as her foot caught something. A discarded violet dress.
Rapunzel splashed in the shallows, all grins and giggles. She lit up when she saw Cass and charged over to her, shamelessly nude.
"There you are Cass!" She beamed, taking Cass' withered hand. "The water is SO lovely!"
"I-I can't," Cass stammered, her face turning red as she turned away.
"You can't swim? Don't worry, I'll teach you," Rapunzel crooned as she pawed at Cass' shirt. "Let's get this off so it doesn't get WET!"
"Rapunzel, no! St-stop it! You're... YOU AREN'T REAL!"
Rapunzel froze and dropped her hands from Cass's shirt. Slowly, her expression unreadable, she leaned in and softly, so softly kissed her cheek. Her warm breath tickled her ear as she whispered.
"You're a sharp one. I like that,"
Suddenly, Cass was in the palace kitchen, mountains of dirty dishes in front of her. Her shirt was still wet from Rap's hands.
"Cassandra, what are you doing?" Old Lady Crowley voice interrupted her thoughts. "You can't wash dishes with that hand of yours!"
"What? Don't try to trick me, I know you're not-"
"Hush, we've already established that. I'll wash, you dry." She pulled up a stool and put her hands in the suds. Cass robotically picked up a towel.
"Who are you?" She demanded, with all the force she could muster as she wiped a plate she was handed. It the finest china. The Coronation china.
"There are so many names," Crowley mused as she polished a stubborn spot on a salad fork. "But Xhan Tiri will suffice. What is it you want, Cassandra?"
"What is it you want out of life? Love, respect, power? Everybody wants something," she crooned as she pulled a sword out of the foam. "I'll dry this one Cass, Lord knows you can't handle swords anymore."
Cass shook her head clear and saw the dimly lit armory. Her father stood at attention, staring straight ahead.
"Try the bastard sword," he demanded, not even looking as she pathetically try to swing it. Her withered hand had no strength, her healthy one no finesse. She'd seen peasants shovel pig shit with more grace. "Try the hand-and-a half, the rapier, the claymore, mace, flail, axe, shortsword!" He rattled off everything in the armory.
"I can't," she croaked hoarsely. She felt her eyes burn.
"Try the dagger then," he sneered, his features taking on Fitzherbert's. "That's a woman's weapon. Though I can't tell if you wanna put it in Blondie's back or cut her out of her clothes with it!"
She was back with the caravan, they'd stopped for the night. Fitzherbert and Raps cuddled sickeningly by the fire.
"Envy is a green-eyed monster Cass. All the monsters in your life have green eyes, don't they?" Shorty burbled as he sat up from the dirt.
"I'm not jealous of them!" she spat, turning away from them. They were doing a lot more than cuddling now. She put her hands over her ears to drown out the sounds they made.
"That's not what I said."Shorty slurred, stumbling to sit next to her. Envy is wanting what others have. Jealousy is having something and being afraid to lose it. And you... have nothing to lose."
She was at the Alchemist's shack. Quirin's amber sarcophagus was bright green instead of gold, bathing the room in a sickly glow.
"Come on Cass, tell me one way she hasn't let you down!" Varian tutted from atop his father's tomb. "She breaks your heart every day, she ratted you out to EUGENE, she dragged away from your destiny to follow her own," he counted off his withered, blackened fingers. "She'd rather trust the oh so cool Adira than her best friend, and last but not least!" He leapt down from his perch and stalked towards her.
"She crippled you, burnt you, ruined you forever with evil magic. She stole any hope of being a warrior right from your very fingers." Cassandra sunk to her knees and fought back tears. "From the moment she entered your life she has given you nothing but grief. Nothing but heartbreak."
"Why are you telling me this!?" She snarled at him. "If you expect I'll betray her-"
I EXPECT NOTHING, the voice echoed, shattering the illusion and leaving her in a dark void. "Cass wept and looked at her withered rotted hand with shuddering hatred. BUT KNOW THIS. THE SUNDROP ISNT THE ONLY FORCE THAT CAN ACHIEVE MIRACLES.
Cass caught her breath as her hand burned with a green light. She flexed her fingers and found they moved with an unfamiliar strength.
Dimly, her restored hand felt a knob in it. Turning it, she opened the door and stepped out into the Sunlight
Get lost roastie
Stealth DCSHG/Tangled crossover thread?
Shazam has crossover to Eugene.
jewish girls aren't pretty, that's not why you fuck them