What went wrong?

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Poorly thought idea executed poorly. Nothing else, nothing more.
The kickstarter failure could be attributed to the general hate the author has in the internet. A bunch of Youtubers where shitting on him and saying to not to contribute in the campaign.

creator is a deluded sociopath

A hard to work with premise that was poorly thought out and has unfortunate implications if you think about it for five seconds.
Also said premise was ripped from a short he critiqued and thought that he could do a better job.
All that and too much pride to let it go.


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when you have hour long streams just trying to answer questions about your poorly thought up premise thats when you know your cartoon idea isn't good.

He barely even answers anything.
He usually just sighs and either ignores the question or just says he doesn't know.

I didn't watch but it was remarkable seeing niggas talk about just how absolutely unhelpful he was during those streams

Well someone who reviews shows for kids for a living isn't in the best state of mind to actually try something creative.

I just can't get over an animation critic creating something this shit.
It is his job to point out the flaws in exactly this kind of thing. At least most critic made movies (as shitty as they are) are going for a tongue in cheek 'it is supposed to be shitty' kind of thing.

He didn't even have a plan.
His idea of getting help was paying an autistic teenager in exposurebux.

it started like this
>Reviews a old Disney Channel short played between commercials where the roles of parents and children are switched
>"wow this is shit, i can do this better than this short by taking this idea and make my own show about it"
>he actually gets the time and energy to do it
>kickstarter fails miserably

He has an outdated concept of children and what they enjoy. Modern day kids won’t be able to relate or be entertained by this.

>reviews shows for kids
The key difference from every other youtuber out there is how he
>reviews individual episodes of shows for kids

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Doesn’t he have autism or something?

If he made it then somehow got amnesia, he would probably bitch about the thing he made for being dumb as fuck

It was wrong from the very get-go.

It's amazing how lacking he is in self awareness.
The same mistakes he criticizes other shows of doing he turns around and does them himself without a hint of irony.
I mean, he is legitimately autistic, but still.

I have only seen one review of his but yeah it seems like it.
For example when he was listing off things John K has done wrong he put gross out humor making him uncomfortable before CP.


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The litmus test fir if a critic has any idea of what they're talking about is if they focus on surface traits or structure. If the former, they're just some dipshit.

I did not expect the explanation for how kids got into power to be so...dumb.
It sounds like something an actual child came up with.

>What went wrong?

It was a retarded concept being pushed by an autist. I thought that was pretty obvious.

People underestimate how much easier it is to criticize than to actually create. Also the whole "bad on purpose" thing is almost always just an excuse for them lacking skills. Stuff like Poultrygeist or Freddy Got Fingered are the exceptions.