How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
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it'll be shit
Indifference (I played it because it was a platformer, not because of the plot)
Neat, hopefully it's good.
>Flash animation when the goal of the game was to mimic fluid 1930s animation
I really don't see how a CupHead Cartoon could work. Unless it's slapstick or the Episodes are very short, I don't really have high expectations.
The dialogue better minimal and big conversations should occur in jazzy musical numbers like actual 1930s cartoons. Otherwise it's going to be very goddamn cringey and fall flat.
I actually tried to get some cup head merch at GameStop. Ended up getting a car freshener for free because it wasn't in the system. Now cup head is always in my car
>Showrunner is the Time Squad guy who's also a mickey shorts director
I'm hopeful
wrong, they're gonna use hand drawn as much as possible.
Like busting
>How does this make you feel?
curious and cautiously hopeful
Good. Heard some of the staff also worked on the new Mickey Mouse shorts and that got me excited.
They cannot possibly get the funding to get it done in a way that does it justice, seeing as how the series eggs on 1930s theatrical cartoon styles. Just one such short probably cost more than an entire season budget for a cartoon series today.
However if they go the full other direction and turn it into Beavis & Butthead, I'll enjoy it.
Like shit. The appeal to me wasn't the IP, it was the visual hommage. Predictably execs got it wrong and I can't even blame them, audiences are retarded enough to put IP appeal over anything else. I find solace in knowing they'll be disappointed (because they didn't pay attention to how the game was made in the first place and expect the show's visuals to match the game's, which it won't).
Key word right there.
It sounds almost exactly what I wanted out of a Cuphead adaption. There are several ways to fuck this up though (i.e. focusing on NPCs or OCs instead of bosses), so I'm staying grounded until we see footage.
Gonna be DTM all over again.
Cautiously interested as long as they don't try to make it make sense and go full classic abstract and weird like the cartoons they were aping.
If the animation isn't any good then you can just toss the whole thing.
Also going to be done in The Philippines by Toon City & Snipple because Netflix puts in next to nothing for cartoons if anything (Microsoft is most likely it's sole funder) unlike their live action shows like Stranger Things which costs $4 million per episode in comparison.
Thats another reason why to skip this.
Depends on how well it'll be funded. Netflix has a habit of using new shows bring in members and then dropping it off a cliff.
Rumor is best girl.
How involved are the game's creators in the production/writing?
>flips will animate the Cuphead Show
Chad and Jared are the executive producers alongside someone from King Features, so the devs definitely have creative control over this
Someone did a good job putting the world of Cuphead in a Cow & Chicken kind of setting. I can see it working.
I want her to fart on my face
>i laughed thinking the OP was fan-made
Shit taste.
Wasn’t Cuphead rated T for teen? Who are they targeting for this show?
Pleased but still with reservations.
You can do a lot with tradigital animation, so if it's frame-by-frame I'll be happy.
>Ernest and Celestine was animated in fucking flash
You act like computer or "flash" animated cartoons is synonymous for bad animations. Well, the creators said that they will stray away from using puppeteering/tweening and do everything frame by frame, digitally that is. It ruins the whole 30s feel for not being "hand drawn".
How do you fuck a bee without getting your dick pierced by the stinger?
Frame by frame dumbass
They’ve said that it’s appealing to kids while also having adult jokes, it could be either GOAT or a complete trainwreck depending on how they do it
Their ass
Like I could play white noise through a loudspeaker and Netflix would give me a million dollars.
Based idea
A chilean is behind this
this is either gonna be great or is gonna be an absolute shit show. no inbetween
It's going to be shit considering it would take at least 4 years for it to get anywhere near the quality of the games animation.
Netflix isn't going to pour 4 years worth of money into a single show.
No it's real, that info came from someone working on the show.
Very carefully.
The thing that made Cuphead unique was that it was a video game emulating rubber-hose animation. Making an actual cartoon about it makes it redundant.
please spoonfeed me, what's DTM?
It doesn't matter because your balls explode when you're done and you die shortly afterwards.
Genuinely surprised.
What, did Toby tell Netflix to fuck off until he finishes the sequel?
DuckTales Mania, everyone expected Nu-DuctTales to have the same production values as the better looking earlier episodes but when the show was revealed it became clear that it will be nowhere be as good as the original and be done in The Philippines without even watching the show to confirm it.
The high quality animation of the original series made the original show work wonders but without that high quality animation of the original it just falls flat on it's face.
Also they turned Webby into Marble Pines in a duck suit.
netflix has FUCKED UP every single show i got my hopes up for
It makes me feel like cuphead r34 stonks will skyrocket when the show comes out, so i'm building a collection now to pay off later
The fact that they're using vector art for the cover poster isn't a good sign, but it could still be good.
The only thing a cartoon actually needs to be good is decent voice actors and significantly different information every 10-20 seconds or so.
flash is a toolbox that makes things easier and tweening is only one tool, not a shortcut for skill or "make a cartoon" button.
The animation and Webby being nowhere near its biggest problems
What are they then?
honestly it's better then Philllipines than Korea; fillipino studios tend to have more lively animation than their korean counterparts (especially noticeable if a show uses studios from both countries, like Be Cool Scooby Doo and Wabbit)
but yeah OP's source is their ass
Lmao this is going to be absolutely horrible
hot take: nuDucktales could've looked worse: they could've outsourced it to korea instead
If they emulate the old cartoons it's based on as well as the game did it should be fun
That's not Hilda Berg, user.
Production staff have said that the show will be animated in The Philippines by Toon City & Snipple, it's legit.
Those digital pinball machines are such a wank. What's the point?
Fun of putting it together and playing a bunch of tables that cost tens of thousands of dollars to own regularly
I'm starting to believe you, but could you still link an example anyways?
anyways still better than being done in korea
you could probably play some pacman and smups on it too with a controller or a stick added
Yup, people do that with them sometimes. I just got an original coin door with mechs and the shooter so I'm hooking that up this weekend
It depends if it’s a story based monster of the week with epic lore, or just an episodic sitcom.
I think it will be a mix of both, sitcom-esque with a focus on different bosses but no overreaching lore
>rubberhose show
>doesn't get Milton Knight involved in some fashion
Someone please throw him a bone.
no way the shit in that poster is going to be frame by frame when it's already vectorized shit