What the hell was her problem?

Attached: images (41).jpg (248x214, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She was the only reasonably smart kid in a town full of simpletons.

Why did such an edgelord wear a cute pink dress?

she is to big

Attached: big mandy.gif (600x338, 1.78M)


This, honestly.
Everyone in this show was an idiot.


Was she a goth?

When she was born wolves came to raise her, and her parents stopped them.

Had she been raised she would have gotten up learning to respect the pack and alpha.

Well the only thing black she has on is her headband. But she has your stock goth apathetic tone deaf personality.


why is there so little mandy size art? fuck this world

cause it went against stereotype
thus making her even edgier

I could've sworn her headband had a skull on it.

She hates niggers.

Attached: The.Grim.Adventures.of.Billy.&.Mandy.S06E10.El.Dia.de.los.Muertos.Estupidos.-.Heartburn.480p.WEB (640x480, 426K)


Saw Billy naked so many times that she had to control herself to show no emotions.

Attached: 1559076067020.png (1212x409, 790K)

Nah. I can picture Mandy beating up goth kids

After rewatching the show, yeah she was in the right for most stories and when she took things too far like with the zipper plot or the apple, she paid for it.

I'm gonna ask this again because I know I'm not crazy. Does anyone else remember an episode where Billy noticed everyone was acting really suspicious and avoiding him. Then he thought that he was going to be eaten by Mandy or some shit. All to find out it they made a surprise party for him.at the end though, it was hinted that Mandy ate Irwin.

Yes, it's in the first or second season. Good ep.

She didn't get enough dick.

Attached: 74970076_p1.png (676x797, 107K)


She spat out Irwin's glasses and everything.

>Not using Yea Forums plus and clicking the pixiv link

Just tell me who it is on pixiv, I don't want to download that bloat.

pixiv. net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=74970076


No, she actualy likes pink and gily things.

The ONLY crush she had, was with a goth guy.

True. Mandy was never ashamed of being a girl or tried to appear as a le stronk womyn. She actually is really tough, strong-willed and so on but she's also feminine and even a bit concerned about her looks as seen in the pagent episode. It's just that she's not a happy go lucky girl.

She got raped and it broke her psychologically, turning her into a hateful, evil human being that trusts absolutely no one. Her whole character is more a tragedy than lawful evil.

No nose.

so what kind of figure do you guys see Mandy ending up with as a teen/adult?

for the sake of this we'll not be counting the couple different adult Mandy designs that were glimpsed in the original show

Attached: shapes_of_mandy_by_kerenitychan-db0hhgf.png (3369x2189, 3.69M)

Most likely center and the two right mandys.

Attached: Mandy wag 3.jpg (842x900, 311K)

Attached: D3nxTUlXsAI-h0J.jpg large.jpg (1593x2048, 207K)

It always looks like there's saliva coming out of Mindy mouth. Like she's thirsty for Mandy but it's actually just a weirdly place sweatmark from Billy's nose.

Didn't get dicked enough


She didn't have a nose.

the only logical explanation is abuse by family member or relative


This literally happened in the show.

Also, one of those simpletons (Mindy) tried outright to destroy any chance she had of making other friends, leaving her only with Billy for companionship until Grim showed up.

His ass. Mandy was like that since she was a fetus. Seriously, it's shown in the show. Just like Billy was always like he is.

Her mom and dad aren't just nice people, they're also scared of her and obey her every whim. Though in one ep she wishes her dad a happy fathers day and hugs him, and in one ep (could be the same ep) they hang out.

Merely because Mindy wanted Mandy as a friend but Mandy rejected her, because Mindy has a dominant personality just like her.

No, she hates weakness. The moment she realized Irwin was far more evil and powerful than her she started falling for him.

She has no nose.

>literally fucking killing tons of people in the cars
holy shit...

She was raped.
I did it.

Arguable. Those were eps near the end of the series, with Underfist on the way. They weren't as good as the show at its prime. I always liked to ship her with Billy because it makes sense and there are precedents where she shows that she cares about him in her strange way.

Also, Billy is strong as shit and Mandy was always afraid of him when he went all out. He beat the whole of Valhalla and Thor himself for instance. It's just that he's too friendly and dumb to realize just how insanely powerful he is, in contrast to Mandy who knows how tough she is.

Likewise one of the sweetest moments to me was when Billy showed up in the middle of the night and proposed "matrimony and cheese" to her, and her only quip was "Billy, you don't know what matrimony is." Mandy herself may be unaware of her feelings or tries to hide them, but she veven went against Cthulhu to get him back. As an immortal worm-empress she cloned Billy's for companionship for who knows how long. She can't live without him.

Attached: Sleeping_Mandy_by_slycherrychunks.jpg (800x652, 416K)

>Arguable. Those were eps near the end of the series, with Underfist on the way. They weren't as good as the show at its prime. I always liked to ship her with Billy because it makes sense and there are precedents where she shows that she cares about him in her strange way.
>Also, Billy is strong as shit and Mandy was always afraid of him when he went all out. He beat the whole of Valhalla and Thor himself for instance. It's just that he's too friendly and dumb to realize just how insanely powerful he is, in contrast to Mandy who knows how tough she is.
>Likewise one of the sweetest moments to me was when Billy showed up in the middle of the night and proposed "matrimony and cheese" to her, and her only quip was "Billy, you don't know what matrimony is." Mandy herself may be unaware of her feelings or tries to hide them, but she veven went against Cthulhu to get him back. As an immortal worm-empress she cloned Billy's for companionship for who knows how long. She can't live without him.
I see you're a man of fine taste as well, agreed on all points

Attached: bw_mandy_y_billy_by_crismoster25_dd4ayqb.jpg (3508x2480, 1.2M)

i love how this is actually 100% canon.

Literally every monster in the show was nothing compared to mandy, SHE was what THEY were afraid of, her going against something means nothing.

>She was raped. I did it.
C'mon, you know Mandy is the one who raped you with a fork.

Mandy is the obvious threat, Billy is the one they don't expect

Attached: no_creo_que_sea_por_la_pizza_by_crismoster25_ddaautp.jpg (3508x2480, 2.68M)

I hate how she was a karma houdini mary sue

what comic is this from and why the fuck does mandy look preggers

Remember that its canon that Mandy both takes over the world in the future and that Billy has died multiple times due to her machinations or in accidents.

Mandy really IS the bigger threat.
>InB4 the real billy is actually still alive in the future

there's really no canon to billy and mandy

its like athf

artist is crismoster25(they're on both DA and Pixiv), it's just a pic they did(according to him they're fighting over the last piece of Pizza), and Mandy's not preggers, the artist just likes drawing her as being somewhat plump(but not outright fat either)

maybe the original Billy is still off ruling Asgard

Attached: billy_no_es_tan_idiota_by_crismoster25_dd2bcex.jpg (2480x3508, 1.66M)

But Saliva's on the right, not the left.

Attached: soosface.png (626x426, 227K)

Need to see more of King Billy in action with Grim and Mandy

i don't remember this episode of kick buttowski

I feel it would be in-character for Mandy to beat up her crush, desu.

she was too cute

Attached: rare-mandy.png (595x841, 156K)

if her shirt were just 1 cm higher we'd be able to see her pussy
i feel like i was cockteased the entire airtime of the show



Attached: 1831288_MortimerTodd_mandy.png (788x1848, 1021K)

What a neat thread.

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>not outright fat

Attached: doubt.png (419x238, 84K)

She ate Sperg.

Attached: Mandy giant05.jpg (640x480, 28K)

Attached: Mandy giant03.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Attached: Mandy giant06.jpg (640x480, 56K)

is that going inside her

More please

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Second and fifth for me

all of these plus chub mandy

Attached: thiccy.png (1123x1920, 710K)

yo link dont work nigga

Did that kids get a heart attack watching Mandy and die? And Grim is there to retrieve his soul? That's a lot to take in for a cheesecake pic.

Gotta delete the space between . and net, yo.

Attached: vlcsnap-2012-06-24-20h25m07s247.jpg (768x576, 185K)

I know you said ignore the designs from the show, but I can't. Left or Center are canon.

Personally I think 2nd from the right suits her the best. Not only is it the hottest, but it works with who she really is. As many anons have pointed out Mandy is at least partially concerned with her image, and I believe would develop into a full figured hourglass shaped woman if the show wanted to. Also where are her hair horns?

Attached: 99a.png (458x258, 209K)

>I know you said ignore the designs from the show, but I can't. Left or Center are canon.
>Personally I think 2nd from the right suits her the best. Not only is it the hottest, but it works with who she really is. As many anons have pointed out Mandy is at least partially concerned with her image, and I believe would develop into a full figured hourglass shaped woman if the show wanted to. Also where are her hair horns?
personally I like the center one the most, as it fits well with how she's described in one episode as an "angry tree stump", as for why she doesn't have the hair horns, the artist probably left them out because she wanted Mandy's heights in this set to be more apparent

also cause why not, a similar set the artist did of Gaz

Attached: shapes_of_gaz_by_kerenitychan-db0k99t.png (3104x2218, 2.37M)

I found her boring.

>I found her boring.
Mandy as a character was more interesting in the pilot and first season as she had more depth as a character, they made her more shallow as the show went on cause it made her work better with the show's comedy, Billy also suffered from becoming more shallow but it's less obvious in his case

Attached: Mandy and Raven milkshake.png (669x500, 479K)

i need someone to draw big mandy

Attached: mongler.png (447x364, 157K)


Attached: Bimbo Mandy by GoodBadArtist.jpg (1033x1654, 151K)


Attached: Billy.png (983x753, 1.03M)

chub mandy is best mandy

Attached: mandy.png (1280x1597, 776K)


I dunno, /fit/ Mandy is also pretty good

Attached: Mandy Working Out by Anon.png (794x898, 226K)

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Attached: CIA_comic.jpg (680x408, 42K)

The cycle continues.

Attached: eris.png (371x285, 209K)


Attached: big_mandy_back_sweater_by_modaw_dd7ifga-fullview.jpg (1280x1801, 194K)

She never let the bbc deep down her fuckhole, back then

Attached: 1537630686633.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

bumping with best ship

Attached: gaobam__the_teenage_adventures_of_billy_n_mandy_by_chytag-d8qlzgt.png (640x960, 435K)



>It’s a Giant Mandy episode

Here's your bride bro.

Attached: 1302695772656.png (640x480, 434K)

>that Boing logo on the bottom-left corner


Attached: Billy Mandy Smile.png (485x384, 68K)


Attached: Death_battle_18_mandy_vs_gaz_by_augustohirakodias-d8vwo9i.jpg (1000x562, 328K)

*sniff* *sniff*

Attached: Mandy nose.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Attached: Mandy soles.jpg (512x384, 28K)

Attached: DBZ04.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Attached: chicken ball.jpg (640x480, 34K)

Attached: Mandy Worm05.jpg (640x480, 38K)

>caring about aged-up Mandy

Attached: 1471048723347.jpg (639x574, 100K)

whoever wins, we lose

Attached: invader_tales_of_gaz_and_mandy__by_atariboy2600-dcj7l4n.png (2449x1080, 2.02M)

she can't stay a little girl forever(and she wouldn't want to anyways)

Attached: 75216599_p14.png (2400x3300, 463K)

For you

I seem to remember her actually singing the song for whatever reason. Like the whole way through.


Attached: older_mandy_by_evilpickle-dcnd1gm.png (671x951, 274K)

>implying older Billy won't just look like Harold

A simple design, but my take on an older Mandy.

Attached: Older Mandy.png (400x700, 79K)

and i think that's exactly how she looks like.
nothing new,same design but older.
pretty good.

not bad, but probably a bit too simple, also it looks like you fell into the trap of drawing her hair wrong due to not realizing that it's not supposed to actually be at an angle, just looks that way due to her normally being drawn from a 3/4 perspective, as can be seen in this reference

Attached: Mandy Rich Outfit Reference.png (880x762, 1.4M)

I like when she smiles .
It adds a certain danger on the scene .
not to mention it breaks the reality apart.

Attached: mnd.jpg (329x345, 20K)

We actualy have this

Isn't she some kind of flanderization? I mean, S1 Mandy was a mean and rude girl but she also had her feminine side, later seasons, Mandy is just some kind of chaos divinity.

Attached: thinking.png (700x441, 137K)

Fair enough. I don't draw Mandy often, but thank you for the reference.

The series itself was different back in Grim & Evil.

Attached: Mandys.png (640x480, 144K)

>Isn't she some kind of flanderization? I mean, S1 Mandy was a mean and rude girl but she also had her feminine side, later seasons, Mandy is just some kind of chaos divinity.
yeah I brought that up earlier in the thread, they turned her into what the show itself calls "an angry treestump" over the course of the show cause it made her easier to use as the straight woman to the shenanigans of Billy and the other cast members

you should draw her more

bumping with something weird

Attached: billy_and_mandy_swap_by_thewalrusclown_dd1so09.png (1194x992, 196K)


Attached: tumblr_pdfm0dyaOo1wpzafjo1_1280.jpg (1280x1600, 246K)

Why did the coloring on Mandy get more washed out in later seasons

>the first honest and logical answer to ever been posted in one of these stupid "problem" threads

Attached: 1536537005515.png (500x341, 99K)

was she a powerpuff girl


Attached: billy_s_harem_by_amantepokemon-dc9anx0.jpg (4432x2543, 1.91M)

It's a rare moment worth treasuring whenever it happens.

this so much, she would never have put up with his incessant bullshit for so long and for so little personal gain unless she was at least a little fond of him
I thought that was always obvious

Attached: 69869142_p0.jpg (1231x1719, 922K)

fuckn shit that was funny


Attached: Mandy dog02.jpg (640x480, 46K)

she did

Wow this Wagnerf is still doing art?

her dad raped her

Wagner is my Yea Forumspilot.

Lack of nose, i would assume

Attached: 71.jpg (464x530, 55K)

I had a folder of all of these . . . but I can't find it anymore. FUCK.

I came for about a full minute when I was 10 to Fusion Fall Mandy

Attached: MandyFusionfall.png (200x327, 175K)

Good taste.


I always base my Mandy off of this version with the glasses, but add a bit of meat to her just because I still imagine she hits like a fucking truck. Also pretty much every future version of her has had glasses.

Attached: older Mandy.png (723x1086, 277K)

Anything in color?

Attached: 1500424617437.gif (180x180, 1.33M)

Naw I'm lazy. I haven't drawn her in quite a while.

Shame. Nice job anyway, I think you really nailed her look down to the glasses and feminine tank appearance. You even got her hair and eyebrows right. Kudos. I am a little thrown off by the size of her calves and ankles though

This mandy is pretty cute!