Does she deserve better than Richard?

Does she deserve better than Richard?

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Stop making Gumball threads, the show is over, there is nothing to talk about

Based “Stop making Gumball threads” poster

>That one Nicole Fic "The Amazing Ass of Nicole Watterson" that got deleted
A fuckin shame

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don't like Nicole, but yes
Richard is the absolute worst

Do you think her anger would stop if she had a functioning family? Or her anger activates at random even when things are going good?

she deserves a better Richard

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>Gumball got naked at least 3 times each season.
>They had no problem showing his picelated cock and uncensored butt,
>Richard also got naked and they show his butt without problem.
>Nicole and Anais never did.
Why cartoons do this? no wonder Anime and mangas are more popular now.

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She doesn't seem to think so considering The Choices.

simple as the idea of the female body being heavily sexualized and the thought of showing a naked female character in children's media would cause outrage between parents and feminists


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But sexualized little boys are okay somehow? does not compute.

>can't compute the purest form of love

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Male nudity isn't considered sexualization
It's considered comedy

>Does she deserve better than Richard?

In my autistic realistic reimagining of Gumball, she gives herself some happiness by having an affair with someone else.

Long story short, she always deserved better than Richard.

I strongly approve of this pairing

based if her lover is Gumball
unbased if it's anyone else

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She deserves worse.

Nicole is honestly an utterly terrible person.

In my autistic realistic reimagining of Gumball, she has a second job as a stripper.

Despite Gumball's many cartoony plots, it never does any plots that would interest a person looking for anything else but randumb jokes. All of these cartoons, especially the Loud House and Johnny Test base their plots on being dumb and generic.

Because of fan art genuinely thought there was a Back To The Future episode where young Nicole falls in love with Gumball. I bet the retards would fuck that up too with typical "Haha I'm retarded, look how retarded I am, now stop loving me." because they're just those kinds of writers.

Imagine if you will Nicolefags.
Richard, the fat, lazy, slob of a man got to fuck your waifu. Twice.
He stuck his miniature fat rabbit chode in your beloved waifu's pussy and got her pregnent. TWICE.

The rabbit who has eaten Cheetos off of the floor with his tongue because he was too lazy to get up and pick them up.

How can you ever cope?

I live it everyday. My mother had low standards too and her parents were assholes who didn't teach her anything about life too.

Why would I care about that

Because She'll always prefer the lowest possible standard of a romantic partner over you.

She's a cunt and deserves the shit life she leads.

but user
if I woo her that would include the tags female:"cheating" and female:"NTR"
it only makes it better


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I genuinely feel sorry for her marrying a fat manchild and having no choice but to be a wage slave. The worst thing about it is how the writers try to "justify" Richard's incompetence at everything but eating and being lazy with this episode.

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Yes, but apparently he was the best choice as evidenced by that one GOAT episode

It doesn't make sense when you consider she's only been with a handful of guys in town.

Goats are ugly. SHEEP are way better.

>Cat Mom washing Cat Son's dick

Nothing happened in that episode because everything was imaginary. It was just Nicole's delusion.

I want to think of it more as her probing alt timelines a la Doctor Strange but most likely it's this

And Also Plays Vidya and Watches anime like a NEET

ok Ill bite. What's it about?

>expecting logic from societal norms

Well then she deserves what she got.

Isn't Nicole a chubby chaser, preferring Richard fat over buff?

The Amazing Ass of Nicole Watterson