Who would he have a better time joining, the league or the Avengers?

Who would he have a better time joining, the league or the Avengers?

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Well considering his very existence would probably send Bruce into shock induced catatonia, I would say avengers.

He'd be better joining one of those teams whose particular role is dealing with stuff like Demons.

Which Bruce?

Is Doomguy the only superhero who actually cares about the environment?

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He doesn't kill other people, though. Just demons.

He's killed people before. He was sent to Mars for killing his corrupt CO.

No, he was sent to Mars for beating his corrupt CO paralyzed after the man ordered them to fire on civilians.

Doomguy, or the Doom Slayer, is actually Immortal isn't he?

As in its made 'canon' in the newer games that when he dies he actually just respawns somewhere, which is why the Demons had to resort to dropping a mountain on him then forming it into a magically sealed sarcophagus just to stop him genociding their infernal race?

Like I remember in the original games the plot had him die but just end up in Hell, so he continues to keep killing demons.

Midnight Sons?

doomguy > doomslayer

The Justice league, or parts of it, have Etrigan on it.

That's gonna be a bad time

Animal Man?

Doomslayer doesn't mindlessly kill anything demonic.

He worked with a demon traitor who modified his armour.

That, and all the WADs are now canon. So Quantum Doomguy is a real thing you can bring up.

Can't wait for the Doom Trooper to get into Smash Brothers!

Basically, though they aren't really able to kill him regularly either. Its just if by some miracle they manage to he would just respawn somewhere else in hell

From what I recall it went something like this (assuming Doom Slayer is OG Doom Guy which is very heavily implied)

>Doom Guy was just a random marine
>He beats the holy shit out of his CO when he ordered him to fire upon innocent civilians
>Gets sent to Mars as punishment
>Dumbasses over there fucking with hell stuff and they start invading
>Doom Guy beats the tar out of a ton of demons but dies at the end of Knee Deep In The Dead. Ends up in Hell
>Kicks the fucking tar out of the demons and fights his way out
>Stops the invasion on Mars and heads back
>Goes back to Earth
>Turns out an invasion is happening there too
>Discovers the demons killed his beloved pet bunny named Daisy
>Gets even more fucking pissed and kicks the fucking shit out of all the demons and stops the invasion of Earth
>Decides "fuck these demon mother fuckers always causing bullshit for everybody everywhere" and willingly jumps back into hell to perpetually kick the shit out of all the demons
>Cue every DOOM WAD in existence with HDOOM being the non sex path.
>During all this he helps out the Night Sentinels at one point
>The Seraphim sees this mad lad personally ass fucking Hell so hard and decides to throw some blessings on him to make this guy even more busted
>Becomes the Boogeyman of Hell and all the demons are utterly terrified of the guy as he is killing them all (with one of them betraying them and giving Doom Guy some nifty armor)
>After numerous plans and demon "chosen ones" utterly failing at stopping him, the demon priests of the blood temple throw together a desperate plot to stop him

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>Essentially sacrificing a ton of themselves to the meat grinder that is Doom Guy, they lure him somewhere and essentially drop a magic mountain temple on him to stop him, locked him up in a magic sarcophagus, put more magic shit, warning signs, guards, and fucking duct tape to make sure nobody ever ever EVER fucks with this place for fear that the proverbial ancient evil awakens
>Samuel Hayden and his goons find this place and fuck with it, recovering the sarcophagus
>Doom Guy breaks free leading to the events of DOOM 2016 where once again people are fucking with hell stuff and DOOM Guy has to fuck up the demons again
>Sam warps DOOM Guy away after recovering some super hell artifact of infinite power so he could do his thing as he realized if he tried to kill Doom Guy he would fail (even while wielding this ultra powerful item)
>Cue Doom Eternal where Doom Guy comes back anyway and starts beating up the demons who showed up on Earth after things inevitably got fucked up because of all this stupid shit

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Bruce generally gives less of a shit about the lives of non-human sapients. He may find Doomguy's methods distasteful, what with the affinity for guns and all, but so long as it's only malevolent demons getting killed, I doubt he'd lose too much sleep over it.

See, this storyline makes me want to play doom 2016, despite all the bad rap it got for shit like cinematic finishers.


Bruce is just a big old speciesist, is fine with killing aliens or intelligent robots but GOD FORBID someone tries to kill the joker...

People who would be great buddies with Doomguy:

>Frank Castle
>Arthur from Ghost n' Goblins
>Judy Hopps (Doomguy has a track record of being a bunfag)

seriously how come I never see a Punisher crossover picture? Frank was an angel once!

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Dare I ask what 'Quantum Doomguy' means. It's crazy enough that Nuts and HDoom are canon under this logic.

Doomguy might be killing Angels in the new game.

Swamp Thing?

and Frank gave up on that too
I remember that reference in the Ennis run

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I'm honestly tempted to just ignore every instance of that happening and chalk it up to hack writing. At the very least, I doubt Batman would care very much if the state decided to nut up and send Joker to the chair, or rendition him to a black site where he'd spend the rest of his life.

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It's basically a Doomguy with all the items, weapons, powerful and other assorted bullshit from every single WAD. He also has like, multiple forms of godmode on top of that.

That is adorable. I love how Judy is clearly non-plussed by the whole thing but still willing to roll with it.

Jesus. I've never played any of the really crazy WADs, and even I know what broken ass bullshit that is.

not convinced by the whole "everything goes" theory
the current incarnation in Eternal is already crazy OP

I prefer the old school basic marine gear but I have to admit the shoulder cannon is cool

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The Justice League, specially if it's the dark one

Imagine Doom Guy is now either made a judge or fugitive in the Judge Dredd universe. How will things play out?

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I think he's too compassionate to be a judge, so he'd have to be a fugitive considered a crazed vigilante from another dimension by the Judges (kind of like when Batman got thrown to Mega City 1).

Though things would go much smoother if he showed up during a major calamity such as that time zombies were overrunning the Megs.
I could see him specifically fighting the Dark Judges, and being able to tear their spiritual forms asunder either through his sheer anger or that fancy magical sword he has now.

he would probably not get along with Judge Death

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he had no trouble killing LOST SOULS with a basic ass shotgun in the classic games
I say he does't need the fancy sword

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The way I interpret the "all WADs are canon" theory is that each one represents a discrete dimension with its own particular properties, which Doomguy adapts to as he travels between them kicking ass. While the various buffs he receives don't necessarily carry over, he retains the memories of his experiences. On the whole though, best not to think too much about it. I just find it fun to speculate about the implications of things like that.

And I'm digging the Predator cannon as well. Not a fan of the new HUD though, and it took a minute for the return to the sleeveless armor to grow on me.

He is pure like that

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On the Quake Discord, some guy asked Bethesda about it, and they pretty much confirmed that the WADs now count as canon.

I'm not sure they quite get the implications of such a thing.

Doomboi is the purest, 100% incorruptible.

Honestly the only Avengers team he'd be qualified for is pic related.

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These edgy faggots don't deserve DoomSlayer.

Also the 'Avengers' title is pretty heavily overused by this point, no? There's more Avengers teams than number of teams Wolverine is on.

Captain fucking planet?
Are you serious with that question?

Poison Ivy?

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As of lately she is, and as a environmentalist she sorta has some points

You mean the same Poison Ivy that got off on having people be vored by her giant plant monsters is a hero now? Along with her girlfriend who blew up hundreds of kids with explosive gameboys for no real purpose?


They're most likely either going to be fallen angels of Hayden's gang masquerading as em

I would unironically encourage my sister to marry Doomguy if I knew him personally.

Doom might beat the shit out of some heroes for letting their evil counterparts live. If Doom guy hear about or see all the shit Joker has done, that nigga is done for.


So does that mean Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's Doom levels are canon?

Everything is canon, so yes. All of it is something Doomguy has seen throughout his endless war on Hell.

no wonder he is so pissed
can you imagine the amount of Terry wads he had to sit through

lawnmower Doom is cannon too?

How about Doomguy's daughter?

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>forgetting Ash

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Depends entirely on which League or which Avengers.

Doom Guy doesn't have a sense of justice or a moral code; he needs to be pointed at a legion of demons and allowed to Rip And Tear.

So the answer is "Whichever team has more supernatural heroes, which means they'll fight more supernatural villains."

I really like the direction they went with Doomguy's armor in Eternal. I was definitely not a fan of his 2016 power armor.

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I think Strange would be one of the few to know who he is.

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Goblin slayer, also

Goblin Slayer does alot more talking and letting things happen before getting involved.

Why, user? Why would you make make me imagine a just-this-side-of-legal Dominatrix Poison Ivy who operates a Furry S&M Bordello where her bondage-vines, psychodellic flowers, and man-eating giant-venus-fly-traps can make ANY sexual fantasy come to life?!
(JK, I'm a vorefag and would give her SO much money.)
