Why don't people support independent artists?
Why don't people support independent artists?
You want a dobson thread, but I'll answer seriously anyway. Most people only like things that are already popular.
plenty of "independent" artists make truckloads of money
doesn't stabhand get like 10K a month
I have a Polish friend who makes close to 6 figures/year Euro on furry commission art. The bad kind, if there's a good kind at all. So independent artists just need to pull up their socks and draw some dragon cocks.
fug it, I’ll contribute a question too
Anyone want to dump any diamond in the roughs comics?
or any sort of artist? even the ones with close to no followers?
Is there any way to search upon masses of webcomics in a good way?
They do, but appeal his a big factor when it comes to who supports what; and very few people find this guy appealing outside of his contributions to cringe culture.
>So independent artists just need to pull up their socks and draw some dragon cocks.
This, mostly yeah. Also there's a lot of artists that offer no rewards but the chance they might post something once a month which kinda sucks.
I wonder if his number of patrons will inflate someday
>I've got more patrons from writing gay furry giant smut
Made it bros
Do you think they'll pay for WRITING about dragon cocks?
Unfortunately no. There's no real webcomic reviewers with any clout, and all of the webcomic aggregate sites only promote the comics that are already popular because it makes the more money. For all the progress webcomics as a medium have had over the last ten years, they still pretty much only rely on word of mouth.
>only 16 patrons
Always worth a shot if your writing is quality I guess. Maybe you could go find a furry artist and team up with them for a % of the commission by writing some panels or sideboard stories to go along with the art. The world is your oyster.
I really don't understand why Dobson doesn't have more money since he went full LGBTQ+ Progressive. It's probably because his comics aren't about trans women, because Sophie LaBelle's art is worse than his and she makes the big bucks
Yes. There's an enormous market for erotica, especially weird erotica. Problem is that you've got to really pump out the short stories. 2-3 per week at around 3-7k words apiece is usually the magic number, but obviously the more the better.
You can make a modest living with writing in furry, but most furries are absolute mongoloids who don't read and only have the brain cells to scan images over once on twitter. You need some dedicated repeat commissioners to keep the process going, and that's purely luck-based.
t. furry porn writer
I feel bad for content creators with less than 50 patrons. I know I'm unpopular, but at least I'm self aware enough to not e-beg.
>The "got more patrons than dobson" club
It should be a real thing.
It's not even that hard of a club to get in.
It wasn't supposed to be a Dobson thread. I saw a post on another board and wondered why he isn't supported more as an indie artist.
I remember he used to display the money he got every month, but he decided to hide it after everyone made fun of him because he only got $20 a month in patreon.
What? I love Andrew Dobson. I listen to his song all the time! Hide yo kids, hide yo wives and ya husbands!
Craigslist should have at least one listing near you to ghostwrite erotica for three cents a word.
This came out around the time as the gay heart one, but that got more attention since it had gay kids.
>why he isn't supported more as an indie artist.
Read his ED article for a brief summary of the legend that is Dobson.
Mother fucker is the textbook definition of what not to do as an online artist.
Oops, sorry, meant to post this this thread
You can shit on sakimi chan all you want.
But at least compared to dobson, she works a lot on her art, delivers on a regular basis, and she doesn't explode on her twitter crying over every little thing she doesn't like and then shits on what little fans she has.
A little bit of professionalism goes a long way.
they do
I need more audience, check mine out
I only started posting seriously this week, but I’ve got a couple months’ worth already backlogged
It’s only on imstagran until I finish the site, but something is better than nothing
IG: drmrsmywife
>Over a quarter million dollars a year
>paying into a furry game patreon
oh those dumb fucks
One wonders where furries get all that dosh when none of them has a job.
Sakimichan puts out high-quality illustrations, smut, and does tutorials on how to be a better digital painter. Dobson doesn't put out any content you'd really want to bother paying for.
A good bulk of furries are engineers and programmers and shit, so they make a decent income. And since being a furry is their hobby, that's all they spend their money on is more furry art. Say what you will about them, the lifestyle props up a ton of artists.
They're also extremely obnoxious people, unfortunately. Code monkeys dropping "X3" and ":3s" and *emoting at you* all the time.
They pay for my bills, but holy fuck are they insufferable.
Uhh, sauce?
I draw for them.
So what I'm getting between these two pictures is that if you want a lot of Patreon money, you have to draw a lot of pornography.
I am not surprised in the slightest.
Yes and no.
Patreon HATES porn with a passion, and they go to great lengths to fuck you over if you do porn and something about it displeases them, and it can be something completely arbitrary too.
But If you can get away with it, yeah you can milk that shit forever.
Overall it's safer to stay on the SFW side of things, but porn is more high risk high reward.
that's 17 too many
Progressives hate him too, for fetishizing lesbians, telling Robin Williams' daughter to calm her tits after her dad's suicide, etc.
Is this in regard to real-life pornography and sex work? I can see them wanting to put the kibosh on that if it could be classified as prostitution or exploitation and thus illegal under that one new law that got enacted a few years ago. You know, the one that took down Backdoor.
I don't recall them trying to quell 2D porn though.
>since he went full LGBTQ+ Progressive
he gives off the " I'm a good ally, so please fuck me vibes"
fuck off
I hate to link to reddit, but if you want to know what progressives think of Dobson this is a good example:
This is an ultra-SJW subreddit started to combat GamerGate.
I do, I'm going to be ordering some physical books from a webcomic I like soon, AND once I get a better paying job I'm going to buy a copy of IT HURTS!! and have it added to my library's collection.
Honest to god, what the fuck was he thinking here?
There is no situation in which posting that image in response to someone venting off steam. If he knows what's going on with her, why would you post that?
If he didn't know what was going on with her, WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT
Imagine being so blessed as to have no knowledge of Dobson's porn output.
I'm aware of his past. I'm talking about Dobson and Patreon nowadays.
Maybe he'd have more than 16 Patrons if he started drawing pony porn.
I imagine he didn't know who Zelda Williams was. Maybe he though her name was a reference to LoZ so it was ok to send her a meme? It's 100% funnier if he did know who she was though, I'm not sure if he ever clarified.
Like I said, it's completely arbitrary and a lot of times they don't give a reason or a chance to fix the offending things in question.
Sometimes real life photos and nudes are okay and sometimes they're not, and regarding to 2D I've seen some people get shafted for loli, which okay maybe just don't post loli there, but others get shafted for completely inane reasons like "porn with monsters is a nono... sometimes", or "it didn't look consensual" never mind the actual context.
The real problem is that they kind of play that by ear, because sometimes the things they come down upon hard are okay, there are 3dpd pics, loli, rape, and monster artists in there that don't have any problems at all, so what exactly offends them is never clear.
You kinda want to stay in their good side if you want to use it for porn.
Either that or just be someone worth supporting
I honestly cant tell, either he didnt know who she was in which case he's being a dick for no reason to someone he doesnt know
Or he knows who she is in which case he's being a massive insensitive cunt, for no reason
Could be some sort autism, of lack of empathy type shit, or maybe he was drunk
that's not an accomplishment
furries are autistic, horny and, for some reason, rich
Sakimichan has everything
>art style that appeals to normies
>exclusively makes fanart
>tells you her techniques
>draws artistic nudes, which are more appealing than just regular porn since that can keep away prudes, but attract the horny crowd.
It's the perfect Patreon. Almost scary, even.
Mexicans would never rip-off this a week after its release.
He's not an artist
he's a sexual predator
This is an old scan I think isn’t DOB down to only 16 bucks a month or something. Though the difference in money between the two is pretty funny, but warranted when looking at the work presented
fuck me. I wish I was a gay furry. But I'm condemned forever to be a straight guy without a penny
You can still make straight furry art
When you quit, can you make a giant post making fun of them? I want to see the reacations
I don't find furry art appealing, no matter my sexuality.
If for no other reason (and there are plenty) people don’t support Dobson because he doesn’t make anymore content. He’s gone on near year-long dryspells where all he’ll do is repost his own old and stale art and bitch blog about how nobody likes him, and he’s supposedly even worse with commissions. That, and he never keeps any of his promises to his patrons, or anybody else. He always says he’s working on stuff but he puts it out at a glacial pace and crap quality.
Do you want to make mad cash or not
I'm honestly sad for Dobson. The internet broke his spirit. Even in the golden years of his mockery, everytime he wanted to leave art he came back to it because he had a desire to make comics.
Now he's so soul crushed he can't even do that anymore.
Yes but I also want to be happy and mentally healthy
Is it true that Dobson has a gay brother and insanely jealous of his life?
Because art is gay, fag
Can people ban patrons from their patreons? Considering Dobson’s behavior on social media where he’ll block anyone for the most benign interaction, he’s probably voluntarily just thrown away money for coming from people he doesn’t like.
He lives off his rich parents anyway, the stuff he makes from art is more about his self esteem.
you fucked up, you are not supposed to outright ut Dobson in the OP. Mods will delete that. You need to make a subtle reference in the OP and then turn it into a Dobson thread by the third reply
I've thought about doing something similar since I have basically no self-respect as a writer. Pandering to furries sounds soul-crushing as fuck, though.
Yea but barring severe mental damage, normal humans just would not act like him or have his level of reactions of outside stimuli in the first place.
Reading some things from people that went to college with him, he was an angry piece of shit long before he became an internet artist
Ben Garrison was like Dobson, except he became one with trolling and harnessed the powers of /pol/ to make bigger bucks and gain national fame.
Don't do furry art if you want to keep it separate from your real life. I've got way too many stalkers from a patreon I did a year ago. Every two months I get another wave of furfags who discover my archived work to harass me.
Money was fucking amazing and I'm just happy none of them had the balls to come to my house yet.
Because if they were worth a shit, they wouldn't be independent.
Weirdly furries do flock to and love all things furry, sexual or not. Just a decent pic of Mordecai and Rigby attracts tons of likes on twitter and instagram
Does anybody IRL know you did furry porn?
Not just furries, any kind of waifu or girlie pic will attract tons of followers.
For real though, if you told me 20 years ago a person could make almost 30 grand per TWO WEEKS in donations for doing commissions on the internet you'd get laughed out of the room. It's almost surreal in hindsight.
I really can’t have a lot of sympathy for him. Sure, I get that anyone as much of an infamous lolcow as him would be depressed and broken, but he only became a lolcow in the first place for being a terrible person in general. His depression really isn’t a good excuse for him doing no work of any kind when he has the option of seeking help and becoming healthier, and there’s no excuse at all for him to be as much of an asshole as he is all the time.
I honestly have 0 idea why furfags keep fucking up the furry life. I'm a furry myself, but I'm scared to go to conventions because of the God damn diaperfags and weird ass fetishists. Would I fuck in my fursuit? Maybe, but I don't CRAVE it. Wtf.
glad i blocked sakimichan
Dobson is shit, but the other artist has that super generic, soulless style that's all over Patreon. I fucking hate it.
Patreon porn artist here, no they absolutely don't. All they ask of their NSFW artists is that you don't have anything NSFW on your public front page. Hell they even have one-on-one counseling they offer for all their artists regardless of whether you do NSFW stuff or not.
My mother, father, and sisters all have gotten shit mailed to them. Mostly just my artwork, but a few times a death threat. I haven't spoken to my parents or younger sister in about 6 months, but my older sister is willing to talk still.
>but he only became a lolcow in the first place for being a terrible person in general.
>having bad opinions and being dumb is the same as being a bad person
save for the zelda williams shit, he has done nothing
Not if they're retarded.
What the fuck did you do to where people are sending your family death threats? I know you're drawing some heinous shit if furries are pissed at you.
I think people tried to drag her into the GamerGate thing, not sure about the details. From what I can gather, she might have said something not entirely hostile towards it because it was presented as being about ethics, and then when other people told her it was about harassment she distanced herself from it. Anyways, Dobson being a bitter sadist, apparently thought that meant it was open season on her. He was shocked to learn other progressives didn't agree with mocking her over her dad's death.
i only support artist by commissioning
Every single Dobson comic is about him and how his opinions are always right.
He's a self absorbed fuck who deserves zero respect for his efforts.
>for some reason, rich
sad if true
The exerts from his book are almost too sad to be funny
No they just all end up in the stem fields
Every furry I knew in college ended up in tech, except the one who became a cop
i still wonder why Bob would come back to Escapist
They support independent artists, just not fags.
God, gaming journalism's ability to make any criticism of their fucked up racket a "harassment campaign" is like a real life uno reverse card.
I still wonder why the escapist would be desperate enough to hire him back.
I've helped an independant arist... by helping out an artist friend sitting at a booth in artist alley. Remember, artists, always have someone at your booth to make food runs and cover during bathroom breaks.
Yes Bob, I already saw Mega Mind
>gaming journalism become a wankfest
>wankfest exposed, five guys and all
>a wave of gamers are dead articles
>Yea Forums backlash
>a lot of autists reeeing about sluts and SJWs
>they become a perfect cover-up
>look, gamergaters are all incels who hate strong independent women journalists!
Autists must learn to keep their bullshit to themselves
Those furfags realized I only did furry art as a way to make money. That really pissed off three guys who always had me drawing something terrible for them. So they created nonstop threads about how I took advantage and stole from their community.
Bob is... popular enough to get hired but not popular enough to pick and choose his employer. Likewise, the gigs he gets probably don't pay well in the first place, which is likely the reason he works for two or three channels/sites at once. As for why the Escapist would want him back, they basically lost all their creators and they figured Bob lacked the integrity to reject the offer. (Which weirdly enough makes Jim Sterling far more respectable)
I also like how Bob dismissed the former head of the Escapist as a right wing nutjob for thinking journalistic integrity mattered.
It's like paying a whore and being outraged that she only sleeps with you for money
Honestly I gave up on game critics when DMC came out and every site published some version of the " lol nerds mad over hair change" article
The best part was when he "apologized".
Jim looks like an edgy Linkara but lately I've been getting into his videos. I seriously never bothered to watch his stuff because of his cringelord aesthetic
>>look, gamergaters are all incels who hate strong independent women journalists!
I mean, they do now. But it's so easy to put blame on gamergate for everything it's pathetic
I mostly watched during the saga of some shitty games dev trying to sue him for damages claiming his bad reviews ruined their game sales, while they themselves deleted all negative reviews on steam
Does anyone remember his book?
awhile back i wanted to share friends webcomic here but i was afraid of what people it could bring
If it makes you feel better, he's always been a mean person.
>S I X T E E N
god this isn't even pathetic its just depressing to look at how has he not committed suicide yet people view dobson more of a fucking joke compared to someone like CWC does he even have real friends or people that honestly support/care for him
Nedroid deserves so much more. Especially from all of you, Yea Forums.
fuck you for reminding me of this
because furries somehow have all the money artists need
The most shocking thing about this is that he ended up running a club at school
I kinda felt bad for Dobson, so I made an account to encourage him and give him a bit of artistic advice
he completely ignored the encouragement and focused only on the advice, with us in a conversation wherein he tells me that my advice is unwanted and unwelcome
Dobson is, in my opinion, too far gone and only has himself to blame for how low his popularity is for an artist with 20+ years to gain fame
Ronnie honestly seems like a cool guy, soiface in his pictures aside.
Holy shit, you should press charges
I can spare a few bucks.
Reply with all the webcomic patreons I should support.
Not a webcomic but felix colgrave is kino and you should pledge to his patreon.
Patreon is for thots and porn producers, everyone knows this.
For example pic related is pulling in 6 figures turning herself into an absolute unit
Got a pic? It is not that i dont believe you, i just wanna laugh at Dobbie
Ignore Zachdewd and Coldfusion. They ruin the threads.
>Truckloads of money
>120k a year without benefits, vacation, and privacy
For an artist this is pretty great, but in the grand world of jobs, it's not really truckloads.
Unironically yes. I forgot what it's called, but this patreon about writing scifi furry smut make like 24k a month
This is fucking criminal. He's such an asshat.
I remember a few years ago his production cycle went something like this:
>Do nothing for 3-6 months
>Post a few sketches
>Decide to actually start work
>Start putting in long hours of drawing
>Complain about how all his hard work was taxing his health, beg followers for donations
>Complete new comic page in ~2 weeks
>Proceed to take another multi-month break
That's how his webcomic averaged like 2-3 updates per year for a while. After that he straight up hired someone to work on commission because he was somehow pulling in enough money.
>a woman can do literally anything, she would rake cash
I imagine one of them is his mom. Actually, I bet most of them are family members or people he knows from real life that don’t consume any of his content but started donating out of some weird idea of obligation and now just feel too awkward to stop. Im actually surprised there are as many as sixteen, I’d expect there to be like four.
Insurance in case Yahtzee ever decides to go independent.
Reminder that you can do it from literally anywhere.
For example, i think the artist of Nerfnow is from Latin America. Just checked, he earns 2.7k per month.
In my own country i earn about 600 bucks per month while destroying my health. After finishing uni i can get a better job for 1-2k. 10k per month is reserved for business owners and politicians.