Which of the current Democrats that are running for President would he support?
Which of the current Democrats that are running for President would he support?
Beenie and Warren.
Bernie or Faggot E Newman. He's already fucked all the chicks and can't look them in the eye. Even Pocahontas, who taught him how to shoot a bow like her ancestors did.
All Bernie all the time.
He would initially support Bernie but Dinah would convince him to support Warren instead because “we need a woman as president.”
If this was Hal, it would be Buttplug because they both hate blacks.
Not sure about Barry.
Wally would be a RHINO Never Trumper
Ollie isn't a modern lefty, and would probably hate most of the party right now
You’re retarded he literally calls himself a SJW in Rebirth
That's been a term for years, genius. The definition has changed
well yeah, that's why he would be a based bernie bro
Probably correct. Fuck Dinah.
Biden probably. I don't see Ollie as a Progressive, more of a classical liberal/Berkley-type.
>RINO Never Trumper Wally
>when he hates blacks
Ollie is the type of liberal who likes being rich and likes fucking hot babes, but also feels guilty for liking being rich and liking hot babes. So he’d probably overcompensate by supporting the most anti-capitalist, anti-straight white male candidate while making no effort to really change his behavior.
Dinah’s basically an abuser just based on all the times she’s clocked Ollie.
>RHINO Never Trumper
>Despite Trump breaking with various core Republican positions, it's the Republicans who disagree with him that are the RHINOs
Let's be real, anyway: "Never Trumpets" aren't real. They offer limp-wristed criticism against him in the media so they can say "I was against him!" when it comes to their election bids, but they'll support his agenda for every damn bill.
Why do people bend over backwards trying to talk politics on Yea Forums? Go to fucking /pol/.
Warren was a Republican till the 90s, which means she supported fucking Reagan. Plus she's weak. Oliver would see right through her.
He's a brocialist. He'd be down with Bernie.
>RHINO Never Trumper
>Despite Trump breaking with various core Republican positions, it's the Republicans who disagree with him that are the RHINOs
Let's be real, anyway: "Never Trumpets" aren't real. They offer limp-wristed criticism against him in the media so they can say "I was against him!" when it comes to their election bids, but they'll support his agenda for every damn bill.
>He's a brocialist.
And that's a good thing!
Bernie, this is not even a question. He totally will hate Beto.
Ollie has lost his fortune so many times in the last 10 years to be considerated more a homeless than a rich superheroe.
How would he feel about all the division in the democratic house?
He’d fucking hate Pelosi and Schumer, Ollie wouldn’t fall for that “PuRiTy TeSt!!” bullshit that’s the new rhetoric with corporate dems.
I truly do think Ollie would be impressed with Warren’s policies and overlook her formerly being a Republican. The next more “progressive” female candidate would be Harris and I can’t see him falling for her shit.
That’s just writers trying make him less of a hypocrite by taking away his wealth in convoluted ways.
Wally has never hated blacks, dumb casual.
It unironically is, bootlicker
I'd go with Warren if it wasn't for the DNA thing.
so...Bernie by default.
GA is pinko trash, so Bernie
>tfw fucked over by the dnc in 2016, but still going strong as ever.
Bernie. Green Arrow is the poster boy for being left.
Ollie is oldschool progressive liberal, most of this current batch of dems are the new regressive types. Also, they're all warmongers other than Tulsi.
nah, if he had to pick any female he would go with AOC
Dinah would support Harris.
AOC isn't even running, dumbass.
He would run himself -- I mean, there's already like 20 men running in the primary, what's one more?
He wouldn't. Ollie would be opposed to pretty much everyone in the political system by today's standards.
oh ok, well I'm not american, I just hear a ton about her.