Characters you always unconsciously thought were black
Characters you always unconsciously thought were black
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I'm sensing a theme here.
Jesus, you were dumb. And that's coming from a black guy. Then again, I had already recognized her voice as Sally Struthers, the daughter in one of my childhood favorite sitcoms All In The Family. If anything, LOUIE was the black character on that show.
Huh, I can see it. Speedy and Polly would be Asian while Guido was Hispanic.
Headspinner: it was Jim Cummings. Holy CRAP he's good. Even fooled a black kid.
>And that's coming from a black guy.
On Yea Forums, that's automatically discarded. Feel free to swap black with absolutely anything that's "not white" too. Sorry, bitch. No internet brownie point for you. No one cares.
I gotta hear the reasoning on this one. Please don't be her musk.
Why though
This is 4channel
That fucking cigarettes and cheap soap stink.
I can see confusing one for the other in stereotypes.
Black, french cutie. Plus she could be the black best friend to Babs.
She is French
she's kirstie alley from Cheers, same name and everything
Literally who
fucking zoomers
Maybe not full black, but a quarter perhaps. I like the idea that despite his wealth and success Luthor is only one or two generations from the street trash he hires to do his dirty work.
I feel like this should count
Skeeter was supposed to be black though, wasn't he? Like, they meant for him to be black?
>ain't no niggers in France
I mean that's true in a lot of his backgrounds, he's only from money after Smallville.
Nah. He ain't one of us. His skin is dark, but not "possibly black" dark. He's just swarthy, like an italian, but his full lips in combination with swarthiness = greek.
Purple is code for black
they're either first or second generation immigrants, blacks have been here only since the mid-80s
what did he mean by this
She's obviously some form of Brown/Grizzly bear, not a Black bear.
I always considered piccolo as a black guy even though he was green.
>Sally Struthers
True. Hearing the Gloria Stivic whine in Becky's voice was kind of weird but it fits the character.
Uniqua. Even her name was black lol
Immediately where my head went. Beebe, too.
I always imagined him looking like Bill Cosby
She was a white blonde woman in her debut episode.
The mane made me think of Seinfeld myself, even though the voice is completely different.
Really? I was thinking Bob Saget
Really? I felt more of a John Stamos vibe.
Rebecca, a business college grad who's bought a failing business run by a lunkheaded jock convinced that she can make it profitable when she doesn't know anything about the business. The Tale Spin character is a carbon copy of the Cheers character.
None of these characters are black lmao
>its a white girl voiced by Cree Summers episode
Cree Summer is like every race mixed together yet no race at all. Like Prince. Cree Summer and Prince are what humanity will look like in 2500.
Not a one?
rada rada?
no ideas what this crazy user is going on about.
Plz work on your reading comprehension skills.
I always figured Schnitzel for Greek or Turkish.
Sure thing, Mr. Blackman, sir.
Would clang the robomammy
Their voice actors are black, so it makes sense.
Martian Manhunter, Piccolo, and Knuckles.
not memeing, Idris Elba would had made an excellent Luthor
He looks Persian to me.
That's an interesting choice. You can't make the villain black in today's hollywood though. The image of a white Superman punching a black Luthor would really rile up the Ess Jay Double Yous.
They're self inserting.
>samurai robot
>"You can't make the villain black in today's hollywood though"
Black manta? Fuck off lol. I assure you, if the daredevil movie came out today, people would say that its shit because of the "blackwashing"
Isn't he greek?
I feel like Will Arnett weirdly fits for Bojack though I can also see Bojack as black or mixed.
rebecca is sally struthers you dumbshit not kirstie alley
if you watch either brother bear movie, the bears voiced by black actors have big lips that are black... disney knows what they are doing
>basketball themed
>black voice actor
Gee golly wiz, i wonder what ethnicity this character could be?
Well, she WAS voiced by Cree Summer.
Panthro's VA was Grandpa Huxtable
Meatwad is clearly South Jersey White Trash like Carl.
That only gets a pass because Aquaman isn't white.
This would make more sense if ATHF took place in Newark, or Hoboken.
there's a bunch of black villains outside your capeshit.
woah! So edgy the internet master! Follow this link for your Yea Forums Pro membership!
He listens to rap, and most human Meatwad fanart I see give him an Afro. He says “boy” a lot.
> haaaaaa!
You mean North Jersey
God, I wish I got a brother bear.
>Under da KFC
someone send help
Black and Jewish? Yeesh.
me too. I would totally plow koda
The fact that every non-white character was some rainbow color is black erasure.
Literally modeled off of Greek sculptures, but I guess he is a different color to all the other sprites.
she always struck me as a black lesbian
not saying this is ok but
Look at the Reboot art book. Early bob was more or less a black dude.
It would definitely make sense considering the status of her ass.
The ass sure was fat
New Jersey residents act like blacks user.
is this pedophilia or bestiality or both
>Dreads = Black
Nah he just looks like your average 90's Canadian teenager.
This and the fact he's implicitly named after a notoriously lanky basketball player who is also black
It mostly comes down to the voice. Unless it's someone of one race voicing a human of another race, like Samurai Jack.
He was a redneck and or hillbilly.
This and Davis.
>strict but caring
>takes responsibility for child
i get why black people love him
Too bad Arthur didn't get with her. It also makes you wonder about Brown's marriage. She's based of his crush and he never got with her. So that means Francine is based of his wife and he regrets being with her?
Davis was cool as hell.
>Be me
>Friends have always compared me to Piccolo
>Russian friend has kid
>Kid slipped up one time and called me dad
>Friend is pissed
>His wife is laughing
>10 years later
>The kid gave me a fathers day gift instead
>His wife is always inviting me over for dinner
>Get married myself
>Have a kid of my own
>Friends kid is jealous of my kid
What have I done?
Oh god, that fooled me too, I was surprised to find out that he was voiced by a white guy, the one and only don rickles
Reminds me of another kid with a crush.
Okay that had me laughing user. Thanks
Before he was canonically said to be bald, I thought of his head as like an afro.
>willingly raises somebody else's child
In no way, shape or form did Piccolo represent a black man.
I always thought Sue Ellen was a Mexicat. She's more caramel than black. Doesn't even look like she'd be a light skin.
Who wins?
I can't believe how wrong this is.
Woolie, telling lies again?
That kid is obsessed with you, be careful in the future...
He was saying the character was a copy of a white character, not the VA was kirstie alley. Talespin was Cheers merged with Tales of the Golden Monkey using characters ripped out of The Jungle Book.
Saget or Tim Allen, I thought he was supposed to be a cross between the two.
His voice is based on Redd Foxx. Furthermore, the Brothers Chaps based him on an actual concession stand employee they knew. I wonder if that guy was black.
I see it, especially in her song.
so furries is the new black?
>bob's name was probably because of bob marley
everyday you learn something new huh
I remember googling what she was suppose to be and found out she was some made up creature who’s name, Uniqa, was suppose to go with the theme that she’s “unique”
They gave him a Jamaican yeah
I can see this.
Also black people don't have to sound "American Black"
yeah u r right user black panther had no black villains
nor did the sequel to unbreakable
nor spider man into the spiderverse
>That joke about how he’s actually white and Mandy thought he was gonna be black
The best kind of meta
Cory Booker has completely validated this idea. Dead ringer.
It's a furry Will Arnette for me.
Tyrone and Uniqua are both black. So to are their voice actors.
Jamaican aren't black, you're think of the slaves that were sent there to work the sugar plantations
Nah, Mr. Crabs is jewish
Mediterranean maybe Greek or Italian
Pretty sure Italian just wierd color though
That is a common misconception about dark-skinned white people.
they named him "Tigatron" because they actually couldn't call him "Niggatron"
Oh ok,that's your headcanon. Fifi is a stereotype of the French woman seen by the Americans so in my opinion she's "white"
He had a black voice actor, so people always get confused when they learn Destro was white.
not funny,
he got reverse vitiligo
She has a crush on you. It's pretty common among children; it usually goes away as they grow older.
Lexos Luthopolis.
Up until I finally watched the show and heard what she sounded like, I thought she was a sassy black woman.
Always thought Jet should have been a black guy. Everything about it kinda screams he should have been black.
Well both her voice actresses were black. Her singing voice was legendary jazz singer Natalie Cole.
I liked the idea of the part that's usually played by a black man being played by a... I think it's a Taiwanese character? I might be thinking of Faye.
Does Clovis culture count as black?
She was basically Peg Bundy's fursona.
>he should have been black
That's cool man, she's a cartoon animal after all.
You probably thought Jet was black because
1) His name is Jet BLACK
2) He was voiced by Beau Billingsly, who is black and sounds like it
If he'd been voiced by a white guy, you wouldn't have this problem.
Indeed,that's why i put "white" in quotation marks.In the end of the day,she's a cartoon skunk.Neither my or your headcanon prevails,we're in agreement
Oh, I get it. Fifi is an African migrant and Furrball is a native Frenchman? It's brilliant allegory.
I always saw him as Latino.
>Martian Manhunter
He always struck me as middle eastern, the fact that he's a violent angry but pseudo intellectual guy trying desperately to measure up to his hyper successful asshole dad who didn't give a shit about him helps.
Black or aboriginal
Every redhead was secretly black all along, user.
>Not joining in on the fun
They are Indian
Wrong, Brock is Okinawan and Nessa is a North African Muslim.
>unconcious thoughts
you're probably an expert on sigmund freud after all your therapist has told you about his work, but he was wrong user, you don't have unconcious thoughts.
god i want to nut on her fat fucking lips
but she has an italian name in the french version
Piccolo is a chinese demon king trying to take over the world. His arc is something out a wuxia flick
>didn't get raised by his own father.
>wanted to be a better father than his own.
>tough love the character.
yes he is.
>not mentioning one of the founders of Parkour and basest black Frenchmen, Sebastien Foucan
c'mon Yea Forums, I thought you guys were "woke"
South-east Pacific Islander.
You're talking about that episode where he gets a fully fleshed-out body? Because yeah he was white and he was made out to be a Chad even though he was a skinny pussy who got his ass kicked by jelly boyfriends
le idiota
Weren't the animals in general black? Like that being the point of the film?
weight watchers
Ta gueule
Fun fact: Rebecca Cunningham is based on Rebecca Howe from Cheers.
>wear bling and backwards hat
>athletic sports fans
>straight "blonde" hair
>beige "caucasian/asian" skin
>thin lips
I don't see it in her. still she a qt and one of the few "furry" characters I would waifu.
I always thought it was supposed to be an ant
I wanna ____ that skunk
Remove the smell from
Female Africans don't migrate to Europe, only the men do.
>His arc is something out a wuxia flick
The demons become good in wuxia flicks?
But why?
That one Boost Mobile episode where Shake said he thought Frylock was black
But the smell is what keeps the relationship interesting. Gives you a reason to run from her and it gives her a reason to chase you.
Nothing about that connects with the character from Tailspin
Fifi is hot-looking but gross-smelling.
Black women are gross-looking AND gross-smelling. This doesn't equivocate.
Original was voiced by Louie Prima so king Louie was never voiced by a black guy.
They're pretty much native american. They even give everyone aside from Ashoka the wise elder accent.
Fun fact; Sammy Davis Junior was originally cast to play King Louie, but Disney realized that hiring a black guy to play an ape might mean bad press, so they recast with Louie Prima at the last minute.
It was Louie Armstrong, not Sammy. Louie Prima wasn't really last minute. They recorded Prima singing before they even animated the segment so that they could model some of his movements for the character, as he danced around the room singing.
>Fifi is hot-looking but gross-smelling.
WAS Fif considered hot within the show by the characters? Most boys ran screaming at the sight of her before they even smelled her.
Ya blew it.
Yeah its pretty obvious that she's just Rebecca. Baloo himself isn't Sam, but Baloo and Rebecca's interactions were just Sam/Rebecca.
Fifi was horny as shit, though.
I don't think it was ever stated by the crew who made it, but given the time the movie takes place AND the fact that no black characters are even shown (even in the background), I'd say so.
>one of the few "furry" characters I would waifu.
Who would be the others user?
I do put her with the pig but it's funnier to see her chase dudes, wish the show would go over the top with the chases just for the fun of it.
>Space... she'll never find me here
>La stars 'ave aligned to aknowledge ur love, oui?
I just wish she'd chased Furrball more. I blame hooking her up with Hamton as the reason why she didn't get more chasing episodes.
Lame, I love the couple but that shouldn't get in the way of her episodes. Hell, wasn't the whole point of the school to be actors?
Making Hamton her steady boyfriend spelled the end for Fifi as a character. Her whole deal was chasing boys that were scared of her. So giving her a boyfriend ended that and any potential she might have had.
Why did I never see this before?
>Who would be the others user?
Mostly vidya characters like Coco Bandicoot and Carmelita Fox and only because they look "human"-enough with small barely-noticeable snouts
Very possible she's still Asian but with a heavy "kogal" tan since she's a "beach bunny" plus the pokemon-verse is based on Japan
>Carmelita Fox
Nice, excellent taste.
Look at me i'm black my opinion on something matters more because of it haha. Nobody cares
Black newfags coming to the defense of their fellow black newfag brother. You go guys. So proud of you.
iirc, he called himself a dirty whit boi.
Meatwad is Jersey Shore White Trash
i think her singing voice was black so that may be it.