What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Dan "The Man"
All of his shows before ICarly were good
Not enough footservice.
a mixture of millenials' changing tastes, trying to be hip and cool, and
SpongeBob is the true reason Nick went to shit
Not bashing the show or anything, but it's success lead to Nick cancelling all their cartoons from 2005-present after only like 1-3 seasons if they aren't instant hits. Loud House is the only exception so far.
>Making spinoffs of Spongebob and Loud House instead of making original content
>Passing on Adventure Time for FUCKING FANBOY AND CHUM CHUM
>Sabotaging the success of their shows because they don't do Spongebob numbers (Harvey Beaks, Legend of Korra, and Welcome to the Wayne)
Yep, and you thank pic related. She cancelled anything that wasn't Spongebob level, and screwed creators out of royalties because Spongebob was too successful (she didn't want to pay Hillenburg millions in royalties so she decreased their take, and then paid off the shareholders with it)
Too much live action shit.
no beach episode with Korra
Over-reliance on SpongeBob
Their pride from Spongebob's success got to their heads.
Isn't she gone now? If so, here's to Nick getting back to it's old self. Let's start with a logo change.
But so far the decisions the new guy has made aren't good. As mentioned there's a Spongebob spin-off. As well as a show with Ryan ToysReview. Though if that's just Nick Jr. that won't be so bad.
To be fair, the new president said that he would give the newer cartoons a chance to grow and won't cancel them right away
That and who knows, maybe the spinoff wont do well and will just be pushed to the side like Rugrats Preschool Dayz was.
> Passing on Adventure Time
Cartoon Network passed on Fairly Oddparents, companies makes mistakes like these all the time
Hopefully. Then again, he is the man that looked at the script to Norbit and said "Oh yeah, I wanna direct that"
They greenlit too many shitty cartoons instead of good ones like Planet Panic
Also this why would a guy who makes live-action kid sitcoms make a cartoon? He clearly has zero experience with animation.
>lets phineas and ferb and adventure time go
>keeps forcing shitty sponge episodes no one fucking watches
i honestly think entertainment as a whole has gone to shit because of how good it was.
We reached the peak already, its over, maybe in 20 years.
Phineas and Ferb happened way back in the early 90's, Geraldine Laybourne was the current president at the time
Nick's in-house animation studio is what went wrong.
Back in the van, Dan
>Phineas and Ferb happened way back in the early 90's
Am I missing something here?
Too much high standards for shows and Dan " his soul is your sole" Schneider
It was first pitched to Nick back in 91/92 but they passed it on. It wasn't until SIXTEEN YEARS before the show actually happened on Disney
They just do not bother trying anymore.
Early Nickelodeon wanted to be known as a brand have have their logo be it's own thing apart from the shows. But since the mid 00s it looks like no one there actually gives a shit and just slaps on some Spongebob and Henry Danger reruns and nothing else.
It makes sense with Adventure Time, it looks bad from a first glance. Which is all a series pitch would provide. A quick first glance. Almost stick figure proportions with a very not well thought out setting at the time, to some nebulous RPG concept makes it a hard sell. Looks more like Cartoon Network went with it based on how incredibly cheap the production would be.
90s Fox Kids and later 90s Kids WB also passed on it too. No one cared until Disney needed something for their rebranded Disney XD channel.
No joke Spongebob.
It became too populate and they now expect everything to be as popular. If it isn't competing with Spongebob, kill it.
Just look at what they did to Harvey Beaks.
Reminder that Nickelodeon picked this up after Cartoon Network rejected it
>Cartoon Network passed on Fairly Oddparents
To be fair, FoP was never a BIG show. Just a good and consistent one for a while anyway.
>It makes sense with Adventure Time, it looks bad from a first glance
I disagree. youtube.com
>not a single "SOUL vs SOULLESS" post
im disappointed in you Yea Forums
>implying that meme has any soul at all
>Too much live action shit.
Nickelodeon always had allot of Live Action shows tho
> FoP was never a BIG show.
Literally THE second longest Nicktoon and one of their most popular shows of all times, it was the Family Guy for Nickelodeon while SpongeBob was their Simpsons. They even held a big party back in 2016 when it turned 15.
The fact that it managed to outlive other long running 2000's cartoons like Johnny Test and Phineas and Ferb shows how huge it was. Even 2010's like Regular Show and Uncle Grandpa ended before FOP.
>why would a guy who makes live-action kid sitcoms make a cartoon? He clearly has zero experience with animation.
he believed animation to be inherently inferior to live-action,and as such he thought it would be super easy to make
this was on disney channel, but it's like these hollywood pedos aren't even trying anymore, and haven't been for 10 years. how people are still in denial about every single celebrity being a fucked up sexual degenerate i will never know
looks like inferior Gumball
>looks at poster
surprised they remembered most of those characters even existed
This, FPBP
Adding Nicktoons, moving production facilities to Orlando and putting the channel on cable TV.
The same reason MTV is shit, BET is bullshit and Spike TV keeps rebranding itself.
Dan did nothing wrong, there is no evidence he did it, only rumors
He made like 5 hit sitcoms that ruined animation on Nick forever. That's evidence enough.
Dan "Get in the Van" Schneider
Dan "Never got Canned" Schneider
Dan "Five minutes for a Gram" Schneider
Dan "It's Legal in Japan" Schneider
Dan "The Spider" Schneider
Dan "The Insider" Schneider
Dan "The Ankle Biter" Schneider
Dan "Escape in a Glider" Schneider
Dan "Can't go any Lighter" Schneider
Dan "The Low Rider" Schneider
Dan "My Dick is my Ghost Writer" Schneider
Dan "Mark her with a Lighter" Schneider
Dan "Hadron Cunny Collider" Schneider
Not really. Nick started to die when they simply ran out of good talent in the mid-2000s and became over-reliant on legacy hits, a similar thing happened to Disney and CN as well.
Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and Wild Thornberrys all ended in 2004 and Spongebob was planned to end that year as well originally. They never recovered from the 2004-2007 period
That was a good episode.
> He made like 5 hit sitcoms that ruined animation on Nick forever.
Tuff Puppy wouldn't have happened without ICarly
>muh golden age nick
>muh nick went downhill
Man can you guys stop debating this? Here's the truth: Nick is like Saturday Night Live, the version that was around when YOU were growing up was "the best".Gen Xers say Nick was best in the late 70s-80s, when it was mostly imported foreign programming and had more of a relaxed/educational feel.
Millennials say Nick was best in the 90s-early 2000s when it was focusing on the Nicktoons as well as live-action shows like Pete and pete with more of an indie feel.
Zoomers say Nick was best in the late 2000s-early 2010s when it was focusing on teen sitcoms about becoming famous.
>Golden age 1991-1996
>Silver age 1996-2001
>Bronze age 2001-2007
These years are kinda inaccurate. Nick's golden age ended in 1998, not 1996. 1998 was when the SNICK House came out, Dil's introduction to Rugrats, and the premieres of Cat Dog and Wild Thornberries, etc.
Then the silver age would be more like 1998-2005, not 1996-2001, and it ended when Nick studios closed down in 2005.
Heres the European version of that chart, also Sesame Street & The Electric Company were never on Nick.
Debunked more then once.
people don't want to accept that their long favorite movie star was actually a giant pedophile slipping his fetishes into your child's television programs
I mean if you accepted that then you'd never watch a hollywood movie again considering over a 100 hollywood people want roman polanski back from france
>People don't want to accept that their long favorite cartoonist was actually a giant pedophile slipping his fetishes into your child's television programs.
Ren ånd Stimpy didn't have feet shit in it
Are you suggesting Tuff Puppy was good
Because the only thing that came out of that show was massive amount of porn from a one-off character of the female MCs mom who only appeared in a flash back
But to did have "Family Bath Time" in Big Baby Scam.
I don't think I've watched Nick once since the Hey Arnold movie. And before that I hadn't watched anything but Korra for years. The network's dead as far as I can tell, coasting off of Spongebob merchandise.
Nothing wrong with that, Simpsons and Family Guy had gags like these as well
Totoro as well.
> John K
> Chris Savio
> Dan Schneider
> Butch Hartman
Why are Nickelodeon creators so disgusting and crazy?
Butch Hartman left because he was extremely religious and refused to put in a gay couple in FOP, thats why he left Nick, also he's married and has a daughter and will never do such horrible things like what John K did.
Likely happened around the time they did this.
Nickelodeon LITERALLY only ever made one (1) good cartoon. Even CN wasn't quite so bad
The fact this network still exists, let alone has millions of "fans", is the ultimate proof of Americans' mindbogglingly shit taste.
Butch scammed thousands with his shitty Oaxis service and lied to his fans several times. He also can't take criticism and jokes about suicide
They brought the rights to TMNT.
Finally, I found someone who says Nick started to die after 2005, Nick Studios is one of the most overlooked thing, when it comes to mentioning Nick's history. I was born in 1990, but I knew how nick was like since it's growth in popularity in the 90s. going to the Nick Studios was like a big dream to almost any kid at the time, now it's been turned into a theater. I feel sorry for anybody born after 93' or 94' too miss out on it. You can always Nick Studios in LA but it's not the same
Oops, wrong show.
>tuff puppy was a by product of icarly, the cancer that killed nick
glad we agree then.
I said good, not worst of all time user.
why are all CN fags like this.
>Americans' mindbogglingly shit taste.
>CN fags
I literally fucking wrote that CN wasn't AS BAD. CN shows are almost as overrated as Nick's though
Basically it goes WB > Disney >>> CN > Nick, at least for the 2000s classics. Now they're all shit of course, if you watch 2010s cartoons you need serious help.
He made good shows and i like how he tried to have a shared universe with them.
Nick fucked up when they realized they could just marathon the same shows all day everyday.
But the Carbuncle episodes of Ren & Stimpy were the best think that came out of Nick.
Most of his shows were really mean-sprited, especially ICarly, everyone shits on Freddie for no real reason despite him being a genius and is the reason the webshow even happened
Mr. Enter
Freddie was a geek and a spazz. He still tongued down both girls despite how much they messed with him and Carly really was appreciative.
For me, my grandparents lived at the top of Florida, and as a kid, we visited them decently often enough. But I never asked my parents if we could go to Nickelodeon Studios, because I always assumed their answer would be no.
Years later, I will never know what I missed and still refuse to ask for anything, out of fear of being told no.
They cancelled Glitch Techs before it even aired
They care about ratings way too much. They cancelled an anniversary Spongebob marathon on Nicktoons recently because of ratings, they cancel any show quickly if it doesn’t get ratings, they spam the same two cartoons because of ratings, NickRewind was cut in half because of ratings, etc. It’s fucking CABLE Viacom. Bunch of dumbasses. Dumbest thing is their ratings are leagues higher than CN and Disney so what gives.
They are still working on the remaining episodes (fewer than ten left) user
> Eric Robles
Because they willingly let a pedophile come back to work on their shows after he was released
Nickfans seem to assume there’s some weird channel wars between each channel and I think it’s specifically only one guy who insists on it and brings up shitting on CN fans all the time
My bad chief, seems I got that wrong a bit
He was convicted and when he was released he went right back to working on kid shows because technically he doesn't need to be near them to work on the show with them
Either way, he was still a pedo that another channel, disney channel, let work with them after the fact
based and retardpill
The man is cringe, not you
Lol yeah it was you idiot. Oddparents was the highest rated cartoon on cable TV from 01-03, beating Spongebob, and some of its TV movies broke 10 million viewers. If the Sponge is Mickey in terms of brand recognition, Cosmo and Wanda are Goofy and Donald Duck. Adventure Time was small potatoes in comparison.
But if it makes you feel any better, the guy you replied to is an idiot as well... FOP was never pitched to CN. Hartman pitched a few other cartoons that appeared on What a Cartoon but thats it.
Look at his instragram and Youtube Channel, he said he pitched it to CN first
Actually.... you're right. Poor user stands alone then.
And Miyazaki is also a pedophile, your point?
3 answers
>over-reliance on Spongebob and thinking shows need to pull Spongebob numbers to succeed
>over-reliance on Dan "insert pedo meme" Schneider
>Viacom being old fashioned as fuck
He's not, family bath time is a big thing in Japan and that has always been a thing.
I hated how they "shunned" Doug & Kablam, ovi it was for copyright reasons but like after 2006 it was impossible to watch either show on either Nicktoons or the Regular nick channel. (though you can actually get Doug on DVD)
Nothing. 0 things
What about Chinese tickle time?
Far too many things, but here is a good image to convey some of those ideas.
God I hated that show. 2000s era Nick blows so much.
>t. soulless Gen Z robot with no taste.
Thats (mainland CCP) China.
We got Mirumo De Pon out of it, enough people liked it.
LMFAO I'm the last person on Yea Forums who could be called Gen Z. I literally refuse to watch current cartoons because they're so fucking terrible
>John k- raped a coworker
>Dan Schneider- (insert pedobear here)
>Butch Hartman- ???
>Chris savino- ???
What did butch and chris get in trouble for?
Butch started a new kids network that was actually a scheme to convert kids to Christianity.
Chris was sexually harassing women employees for years.
John K was having sex with kids and did even worse thing to them then what Dan Schneider did.