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Uncanny Xmen 22 preview
Blake Price
Eli Howard
Austin Morgan
Christian Carter
Scott Rambles
Blake Foster
Carson Williams
Lincoln Morgan
Noah Gonzalez
Ok what the hell point was Dani trying to make?
And I thought Cyke seceded leadership so that this group was run in committee. He didnt even vote for this stupid plan.
Xavier Barnes
Meta for whiney fans of younger xmen.
Logan Lewis
Easton Miller does that work? Rosenberg killed the young ones for dumb reasons.
Landon Young
>Rosenberg X-Men is still happening
Rosenberg is just not a good writer.
James Taylor
Ugh brainlet.
Parker Ward
Lol how is this not a win? No one hates you or wants to end your race? I dont see the downside.
Josiah Taylor
They want recognition as a race and inherit the world. it is only Xavier who dreams about coexistence with Humans. The others would like to be left alone until they are the majority.
it is no longer a question of living in peace.
Jayden Collins
I think its supposed to be a follow up to what Logan said when he left the team. Scott didn't care about what happened next or if there was safety for them afterword, he just wanted to look good for the history books.
Levi Brown
He literally told them this was a da,m suicide mission. He said that if they were the last, he wanted to leave the Earth with a goo impression of the xmen.
This wasnt Suicide Squad. Those whiners coulda left at any time. Jesus.
Isaac Torres
Why is Dani in both this and age of x?
David Russell
Magik is dead? How?
Owen Garcia
Age f X Dani is Legion.
Grayson Carter
She got depowered and that somehow reverted her to a full demon since she's the Darkchilde.
Ryan Wright
No Legion is Legion we've already established that in Prisoner X.
Bentley Carter
...When did this become her thing? Wasn't she depowered become and didn't go demon.
Brandon Morgan
Eh its another Dani.
Andrew Parker
Because Rosenberg
Dominic Flores
Honestly the Magik "death" all but confirms to me that something is gonna revert all the deaths or nothing Rosenberg does will matter to Hickman's run. She has too many fans to go out like that.
Nathan Thomas
you were a valkyrie like this month dani
Logan Sanders
How will she be in House of X as a demon?
David Gray
This run has been about as bad as Austen's and will be, mostly, swept under the rug like Bendis'.
Colton Jones
that's not the word you're looking for
Jonathan Hernandez
Autocorrect is a bitch that steers me wrong once more.
Carter Reed
>Magik has fans
Not really, New mutants dead souls sold like shit and not many writers give a fuck about her to begin with. She is pretty much just transportation most of the time. Magik's biggest moment of popularity was because she had a skimpy outfit during the time when they were dying off and she is back to her new mutants stuff now. Roberto is probably more popular than her.
Nathaniel Allen
Emma did nothing wrong.
Evan Scott
Magik has been in any of the Hickman promotional stuff even as a background character. Plus while she didn't die her mutant side was removed entirely.
Jace Phillips
Elijah Morgan
Cebulski I believe is one of her fans so he might press for more appearances for her.
Chase Morales
She's the swords girl.
Josiah Edwards
Wasn't she on one of the Powers of X covers with Kurt? And I don't mean Colossus/Kitty/Magik and Red Kurt, but regular her and Kurt.
Liam Gomez
If anything she did everything right Scott is a mutant supremacist and mad they won't either inherit the Earth or fight to the death flipping off humanity. Now he's gotta live like a normal super (untill Hickman unfucks everything) and he's pissed about it
Jaxon Allen
Besides give herself an ugly haircut.
Blake Nelson
I wonder who dies next?