What's making Courage worried?

What's making Courage worried?

Attached: courage.png (1337x1059, 788K)

He's thinking about one shotting anime

Can [anime character] beat [Yea Forums] character????

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why are japs like this

I wonder if the japanese have a deviantart equivalent for ugly art and autiatic artists

Attached: mmmmmmm.png (700x700, 570K)

Y tho

Attached: 1562461075555.png (1280x574, 164K)

Thanks i hate it

How about you don't.

Attached: 1562032714324.png (826x826, 232K)

They've made cuter humanizations of Courage.

Attached: a39c0b33548abd1ea5f9f7e9cf128265.jpg (500x400, 34K)

Attached: katsu sama.png (1000x792, 686K)

It.... it hurts to look at

Attached: 1561835149415.jpg (500x375, 25K)

Attached: Courage is going to fucking jail.png (1337x1059, 952K)


low effort

Attached: medium effort.png (1337x1059, 910K)

Attached: Untitled-1.png (669x530, 362K)

That God made Adam and Eve, not Ani and Sheev.

Attached: FB_IMG_1563062776642.jpg (1141x640, 37K)

Attached: 1563043579684 copy.png (1337x1059, 1.53M)

Why? Why would you expose us to this?

Attached: 1543586922471.gif (500x280, 1.84M)

why do people ship this?

I dunno, but Katz is sexy.

Attached: i.gif (500x500, 599K)

we shouldn't have nuked japan

Or we didn't nuke them enough.


Attached: heheheheheh.png (1334x1056, 826K)


