Did Jonah Hex deserve his happy ending?

Did Jonah Hex deserve his happy ending?

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Judge user, where are you?

On one hand, not really. Fleisher's original ending was perfect in its stark, low-key brutality and depressing legacy. Jonah's death had always been this looming shadow hanging over him, this constant reminder that no matter how much he cheated death in his life, one day his luck would just run out and he'd die a sad, pathetic death.

But on the other, at the time All-Star Western ended its run, that last issue left me kinda happy. Just like how Jonah's death had loomed over him as a character, the shadow of cancellation had also darkened ASW for the last half of its run. And by then, Palmiotti and Gray had written Hex for close to a decade. So it felt nice for it to end on a somewhat positive note for once, with a Jonah who'd managed to cheat his fate and sail into the sunset in love and peace. Just for once.

God bless you

Deserve’s got nuthin to do with it

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It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe in. And I believe in love.

Is Bendis trying to stage a re-launch?

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i didn't read All Star Western how did Jonah's series end???

Jonah was sent into the future, got reconstructive surgery to fix his face, then came back to the past. After a few short adventures he learned some asshole was using his name and reputation to start a gang, so Hex and Tallulah hunted him down and killed the shit out of him. With "Jonah Hex" now dead and buried, the real Jonah and Tallulah retired and sailed away on a boat, leaving their guns behind.

And in a nice little nod to Fleisher, Hex used the fake name "George Barrow" when killing his double... which was also the name of the man who killed him in the original continuity.

yeah I dropped it when he went into the future. the "original" Hex series was really good though. Was the guy impersonating him the body that got stuffed and put in a circus sideshow ?

also Tallulah was based


And yeah, Tallulah's fucking awesome. I kinda miss her a little bit more than Jonah, but that's just 'cause he has like 40 years worth of comics to read while she doesn't even have a one-shot.

I wonder if Hex is related to Unknown Solider and Two-Face

I haven’t read it, but I thought Darwyn Cooke did a one-shot about Tallulah?

For all the shit Jonah's been through he deserves to ride off into the sunset with Tallulah. Also what's the best Jonah Hex story and why is it Luck Runs Out?

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Nah, Cooke drew issue #50 of the original Hex run, which was very Tallulah heavy.

Funny story: when Palmiotti told him the plot of the last issue of ASW over dinner, Cooke demanded to draw it.

>There will never be a Cohen Brothers directed Jonah Hex movie that's just a straight up revisionist western with no supernatural elements, with Josh Brolin reprising the role.

When will she show up on DC Super Hero Girls? and hopefully get doll too

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Brolin really was wasted in the movie we don’t speak of. He would’ve been a damn good Hex.

I could see S.Craig Zahler doing a Hex movie

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>Vohen Brothers
The Vargo guys?

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Face Full of Violence will always be my favorite cause it’s my first.

When Hex found his stuffed body in the future it was a kick to the balls. He KNEW he would eventually get home but he also knew this awful fate was in store for him.

Michael Fleisher was a cold bastard to Hex.

I don't want Bendis near Jonah Hex. He would write him as Wolverine 2.0.
Jeff Bridges would make a good Hex.

Tarantino Hex, would it work?

>I don't want Bendis near Jonah Hex. He would write him as Wolverine 2.0.
Its inevitable with him writing jinny and her box of weird shit from hex

Yeah, but that isn’t canon so it’s okay

Hex is way too taciturn for Tarantino. I’d still watch the fuck out of it but I don’t know how he would handle a cast of one or two, neither of whom lend themselves to gabbing.

Out of interest, 'when' did they kill him in the original continuity? I know towards the end of post-crisis a lot of characters starting dying, and a lot had grown up (Billy Batson was an adult, if I recall?), and they were closing a lot of chapters. In a lot of ways I consider it the only true continuity.

Hex's death actually happened pre-Crisis in 1978, on a DC Special called the Jonah Hex Spectacular that came out while the main Hex series was still ongoing. So while it was written to be the end of Hex's story, it wasn't intended to be the end of his series, if that makes any sense.

If memory serves, his death was just a random short story in the original All Star Western.

>Bronze Age Jonah Hex volume 1 omnibus announced
>It's a full year release away
>very likely to get cancelled

Hexfags, how does it feel knowing that Didio personally made sure these comics kept going despite sales?

That is what I always bring up when I’m in a conversation and someone starts hating on him. He’s gone up to bat for other comics like that, but man he kept Jonah Hex and All Star Western running way past the point that it should’ve been cancelled due to low sales, and for it to be consistently great? That’s commendable, goddammit.

Didn't Hex got teleported to some sort of Mad Max dystopian future?

He loves war and Western comics and he's a huge Kirby fan. But his editorial decisions make him easily hated. So it's fun to see how people react to such a person.

Fucking weird, man. Mostly because editors like DiDio have a well-earned bad reputation for killing off or dismissing any character below B-List and cancelling series the moment they dip in sales. But Hex V2 was selling less than 6K units for the second half of its run.

I know a lot of it comes down to Palmiotti and DiDio being best pals, but I also want to believe he saw the value in having a series that wasn't just wildly different from everything else they were publishing both in genre and storytelling, but also a kind of lightning rod for top-notch talent. People like Jordi Bernet or Rafa Garres might not be the best fit for Superman, but they sure fucking rocked it on Hex. So it was great to have that kind of artists' showcase going on for that long.

Yes! In the mid 80s, sales of the main Hex series were dangerously low, and Fleisher pitched a last-ditch attempt at keeping it alive by sending Jonah into a post-apocalyptic future. See: Ultimately it didn't work and the series got cancelled after I think a dozen issues or so. But mad props to Fleisher for giving it the old college try.

Hex went for 18

There we go. Thanks!

Didn't know you were also a fan of Hex Judge user. Any opinions about Jenny Hex sofar?

I only ever read the first issue and didn't much care for it, so I don't really have any opinions on her. Sorry.

I do find it kinda funny that we already had one young female Hex descendant, Chastity Hex, in the DCYou Bizarro series less than five years ago. But then again, that ugly cuss must've sired enough bastards to populate a town.

Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

I'll have to see if I can get a preorder in.

I can see him being a side-car protagonist like Mad Max where he might be the big ticket name but he’s got a secondary cast that pushes the story. There’s plenty of cowboy characters in DC that I think Tarintino would be better at a sort of all star cast of western heroes.

Best girl bump.

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