This is going to be the biggest flop is disney's history

This is going to be the biggest flop is disney's history

They're gonna regret it so hard and I won't even feel sorry

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Other urls found in this thread:

Another let's pick on this girl thread!
Very chill way to spend your Saturday

Haha, no.

It will make a billion.

they could have at least picked a pretty black girl...

Yea Forums - obsession over a single fucking thing and spamming it incessantly

You mean Disney will pay for tickets making it look like it made a billion since Disney has infinite money and can't fail?

they should have casted her for the remake of splice

Investors will be so pissed

Possible. China don't care about their SJW cult.

"Sup my name's Arieshandra and my daddeh thinks he can keep this thick booty off from the masa dick upstairs, but nuh uuuuh"

>the biggest flop is disney's history
Imagine being this delusional. At worst it's going to break even.

Disney can't hear you over their remakes making $1b+ at the box office.

Not this. Mulan will.
Reminder white women hate Asian women. They are only fine with Asian cartoon/anime characters.

>>>/please mods, get rid of this shit/

looks like we got another one to add to the "Yea Forums can't predict box office for fucking shit" pile

Look at dumbo's recipes and come back to me

>white women hate Asian women


the elephant cooks?

stop proving to everyone that you're a fucking retard

>remake of a movie from 80 years ago
>different story
>not a musical
Yeah, that's totally comparable with one of the biggest Disney movies of the past 30 years with some of the most famous songs and is actually a princess movie. Better look at Dumbo rather than Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, or Aladdin.

They stay younger longer.

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Imagine being so out of touch with real people that you believe conspiracy shit like this. Go out for a walk, get a hobby where you meet other people

Because Asian women can actually be very feminine and white women have been upset about "yellow fever" shit. So western media that's eventually full of white journos/critics never push "Asian beauty". They only push some victimised icons that they've already looked down on. They basically hate Asians in general.

but if that user meets other people they might learn that it isn't normal to throw a fucking temper tantrum every time someone who isn't white, straight, or male appears on screen in any capacity

>Disney will pay a billion to make it seem like it earned a billion


This fella is right, haha. Go outside and consume product. Then get hyped about another product. Haha.

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It's gonna perform poorly but not because they cast Ariel as black.

Opinion is worth more than money, it looks bad if Disney made a movie that flopped.

Nah, I plan on seeing if three times. Stay anger bastards, this is a new era.

You mean like Solo? Or Wrinkle in Time? Or Dumbo? Or Pete's Dragon? Or Nutcracker? Or Alice 2?

Yeah, it sure is a good thing that Disney made sure those didn't flop. You conspiracy idiots need to think just a LITTLE BIT before you speak.

European and Asian don’t give a fuck on blackwashing the white main character.

Unless you are an aborigine shitposting on a cell phone that fell out of an airplane, I don't want to hear that bullshit from you.

But I think Asian guys are hot.

>Disney will pay for tickets
If it weren't for "We're too stupid to know how theater scheduling works so we're going to say Disney forces every theater in the world to only play their movies" this would probably be my favorite retarded Yea Forums conspiracy theory

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>No white girl in Hollywood has the range to sing as well as Chloe or Halle

Really, white people should blame Hollywood

The Chinese love the little mermaid and they are all pissed off that the remake version doesn't look like the cartoon. Disney is going to regret this, especially if The Lion King underperforms.

2040AD: Song of the South with a ginger Uncle Remus

Is Prince Eric still gonna be white?

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>Yea Forums flopposting
Has Yea Forums ever been right on this?

>racebending is always ba-

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>She-ra will flop!
Is now on its third season.
>Carman Sandiego will flop!
Second season announced.
>Black Panther will flop!
Literally one of the highest earning movies of all time.
>Captain Marvel will flop!
Breaks box office records.
>Aladdin will flop!
Has already made back eight times its budget.
>Toy Story 4 will flop!
Has already made back three-and-a-half times its budget and counting.

Yea Forums is never right.

Nobody cares about Asian men in the US unless they are a big fan of Asian stuff like anime. Or to be fair same goes for "brown men", arab, southeastern, Indian, etc. You actually can't find these male protags in American cartoons/comics, much less live action. Also I'm talking about Asian women. White women don't want to see women from other races being feminine. It only makes them jealous. Mulan will fail hard at least in the US.

Miles Morales in comics is still dogshit, they actually made him likable in the movie.

>Mouseshills on suicide watch being this dellusional

And people still complained. It just says more about people projecting their insecurities than anything.

Yeah but are they Good? Alladin is a blatant retelling, Captain Marvel story made no sense, Black Panther is just dick stroking.

That's not racebending, you tard. Miles was a different character. You might have had a little more credibility if you'd at least mentioned Miles's original comic appearance, where he actually replaced Peter.

>it looks bad if Disney made a movie that flopped
Nigger, did you not grow up in the 2000's? Disney made a bunch of trash sequels that went straight to vhs/dvd and they all flopped pretty hard. Morons will still go see this, it'll make some money but not a lot, and Disney will continue milking the goyim for everything they got at their borderline satanic amusement parks

Sort of. We're right when we say something along the lines of "stop chimping out about sjws you faggot this book will be dead in a year".

>S-Sure it made tons of money and people love it but I think it's bad so none of it matters

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Carmen Sandiego is actually good unlike the others

Mods really need to start either deleting live action threads or moving them to Yea Forums where they belong.

Anons, no one said anything about good or bad, just whether it would flop, and they didn't contrary to what Yea Forums believed.

None of what you said is remotely true

That's not racebending it's a legacy character in an adaptation that reworked him into a completely different and better character

Ha! Just what I was thinking of.


Why is it always the poor gingers?
Anyway it's Disney.
No matter what they do it will make millions.
That wasn't race bending since Mile is his own character. It was personality bending for the better.

Only Carmen Sandiago was any good on that list.

Ginger is anagram for Nigger

>no one said anything about good or bad, just whether it would flop,

Is it unreasonable to think that something will or at least should perform poorly because of perceived low quality in the content or product itself?

every post you make gives this movie power and traction, you dumb incel

Tell that to Armond White. He complained about making Spider-man black in his scathing review.

>retard contrarian says something retarded
Gee, color me surprised.

All us 4channelers can hope for is the movie bombs because of blackwashing

I walked past a toy store the other day and saw they were selling Forky toys. At that moment i realized capitalism has gone too far

The same company that makes "inspiring" decision with this has gone out of their way to make Alladin "authentic". Is all horseshit.

Also, China is made there is no dragon, while woke Chinese-Americans mock white people for expecting dragon for he was not "authentic". Meanwhile also woke:

It's just another Ghostbusters situation, completely obvious bait to make people angry and get people with opposing agendas who wanna go "YEAH FUCK RACISTS" and curious skeptics into the theaters and you're falling for it hilariously easily. Once again both parties are in the wrong.

Of course they went with making her black and not something like Filipino or Indian, if they really just wanted to go with a random race to be different with no intent to pull of a publicity stunt they would've gone with anything other than black. It's SO thinly veiled but you'll take any reason to bitch even if you're ignoring the fact that this is what they want, goddamn

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they actually do tho

user, you're completely fucking insane. Disney isn't going to spend 1.2 billion fucking dollars making a movie and selling it out in order to make you look bad on

It will probably make 300-400 million dollars, because the "live-action reboot" thing is starting to have run its course, but TLM is a better fit for in than the Lion King. I'd be surprised if it made a billion but it wouldn't be all that shocking either.

So the casting directors are dyslexic?

cuz white guys like them better cuz they are the superior white girl. Half asian half white make hottest ppl

You can say the same about any other board. Yea Forums and Yea Forums are no different.

I wasn’t going to see it but now I am just to spite you OP.

This girl is gonna hate white people because of this. I think she's cute but should play Tiana's role. Apparently thinking people should look like the roles they take is WAYCIST.

In other news, Mom's are petitioning Toy Story over promoting LGBT to kids:

I only dislike Chinese women but that’s because I dislike the Chinese in general.

>I think she's cute but should play Tiana's role

that's where you're wrong kiddo

>Thinks Chinese government doesn't hire people to post

They dont care of the movie flops.
They are literally pumping out all these horrible live action remakes so they can can maintain their ownership over these characters and stories.

It gives them another 20 yr Grace period before they are legally obligated to do something with these IPs.

They only hire her, not to be progressive or anything
just so that if the movie flops, they can have sjw defending them for free
if people weren't so against the live action remakes, disney would've hired a white girl

I like black movies better than white movies but they're replacing every white role with a black girl. Why don't they have a black girl play Mulan? People would flip. Or a white girl play Tiana?

Nah. All the blacks and self-hating whites will go see it.

Even though I'm not really a fan of the disney live action remakes, I'm pretty sure this will still do extremely well. Most of these remakes have gone on to pretty resounding success.


Um Keanu Reeves? Bruce Lee?


Same reason black women hate white women. They got an inferior complex and will chimp out if you call them out on it.

>red head
>make them black
Why does this happen so much?

a black girl should play mulan
cause black people live in china
and black people needs much more representation in US media than asians
since asians benefits both from white privilege and their own asian privilege

So what? If you're a consumer, you let people know what you like or don't like.

This time for sure!

Why is it always a mixed race girl?

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I don't know man.
Tiana is more traditionally pretty and has darker skin. This girl is kind of weird looking and would be a strange fit.

Today I learned that /pol/ thinks the Little Mermaid is a real person that actually existed.

America has two races : white and black. Unless it's an Indian movie, we probably won't put in Indian actors.

An Asian girl is a superior white girl?

Now name one that isn't a karate man or a mostly white guy with like 1/6th Asian ancestry.
Seriously Asians could really use a real progressive push since they actually get fucked over in media unlike the current diversity favorites.

Every person I mention this to except rednecks look over their shoulder like I just said the most bigoted thing in history. Just because I want someone who looks like the character to play the part.

I doubt white women think about Asian women. There aren't enough of them. And no, I'm not talking globally.

Also to curly haired white girls. They get replaced by other races. Wrinkle in Time, Anne...

Why does a mostly white nation have to put every other race in THEIR movies? We don't go to China and tell them to put white men in every movie? We don't go to Bollywood and tell them all the girls must be blonde?

Nah there are more than enough white guilt families that will force it on their kids just to show off to their friends and neighbors that they are good allies and totally not racist to give this movie a decent return.

A lot of white people do it to feel good about themselves. It's to prove they're not racist to themselves.

>We don't go to China and tell them to put white men in every movie?
China will put a white man in their movies but it will be the most basic and average white men you ever seen.

I'm 100% against bullying anyone for any reason. But there is a point where victim politics make the victims the bullies. Now there are no pretty redhead princesses for ginger girls to look up to. All as some percieved "revenge" against whitey doing this in the past.

Honestly I dislike foreigners in general. I don’t care if they’re Asian, Middle Eastern, or Eastern European. The majority of them don’t care about integrating into US culture and instead want to stay isolated in their communities and force those around them to accept their culture. Japanese people seem to be more willing to blend though.

Lol that's their right

>Separating asia and the middle east


Totally have nothing to do with having a local support network and resources that they can rely on when moving to a new country. Or the fact that living in a community of their own race is vastly superior to living in a community dominated by ghetto blacks.

They don't.
My point was that it is weird how we are getting gays, blacks and Hispanics pushed down our throats when they are already in nearly everything. If they want to virtue signal they should at least do it with a race that is actually underrepresented in media.

Why do people always use this argument? These remakes that disney makes right now are making tons of cheap money yes, but as soon as they start to run out of films to remake they have to come up with new IPs and they literally don't know how to anymore. People are already starting to call them out for the cashgrabbing with the remakes.

If you make something and make it good, it becomes timeless in terms of creativity and business. If you make something trash and with low effort, expect a lot of money upfront but no lasting effect on your audience so it becomes forgotten or completely ignored within a few years of time.

>a mostly white nation

It isn't anymore, though.

The movie will suck, but it will still be a hit because Disney

>a mostly white nation


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They shouldn't do it at all

Wrong. It's still mostly white.

Because Americans are all under 15.

White Women don't give a shit lmao

You think white women stay up at night thinking about the type of guys who only seek asian women?

The only real competitor to white women would be like beige tier latinas

You speak a lot of Navajo lately?

You guys are fucking idiots. That's not how this works at all.
Why do people still think this is even remotely copyright related?

this. OP thinks this is Yea Forums

Give it a decade or two user. The future belongs to those who show up.

Go Back to Yea Forums incel

Justice League and the TASMs

Yea, these firms are not made for us and they will never be for us unless they remake Der Fuehrer's Face and Song of the South which are the only 2 films any of us want.

And Fant4stic

At least blacks can communicate and understand American culture to some extent.

I don't think it will flop but it won't sell as much as they think. Light skin black women get hating on by dark girls. Plus china being huge racist. I don't know about white families but I'm pretty sure they'll make a ton from all the woke liberals.

This. Most men with yellow fever are subtier males. The only real threat to white women are Latinas.

Neither of the ASM movies flopped.

>Justice League
Oddly, Yea Forums did get this one right, even though Yea Forums's Snyder worshippers got it completely wrong.

Okay that just doesn't count. It was easier than the free square in bingo.

Isn't this exactly what people said when Black Panther came out? How did that work out again?

What, just like Black Panther and Captain Marvel and Aladdin all flopped? Do you retards ever get tired of being wrong?

>Captain Marvel story made no sense
Only if you're too stupid to follow a simple plot.

Remember when Captain Marvel was going to be the biggest flop in MCU's history?
1.1 billions.

Thanks for revealing yourself as a Yea Forumsfag

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have any of the live action remake films done really well? I doubt it's the sjw factor dooming them, when the primary flaws of the movies seem to do more with the cgi and drab color palletes.

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How many movies have you guys said this about and were wrong? Someone remind me.

BatB made 1.2+ billion.

White people should be replaced in media because their being replaced in several nations. This is just a natural outcoming of the natural replacement of their race in the first place.

Dumbo and Christopher Robin flopped. Everything else did quite well.

Just like captain marvel!

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Trivia: Yea Forums wouldn't care if they turned a black character white.

>Mulan is Asian for cultural and historic reasons
>Tiana is black for cultural and historic reasons
>Pocahontas is Native for cultural and historic reasons
>Ariel's a fucking fish

Didn't Disney buy a whole bunch of tickets themselves for Captain Marvel, and when individuals were posting pictures on their Facebook and Twitter showing empty theaters despite all of the seats being bought, Disney brought put the kibosh on them?

actually looks awful
I would

I see countless examples of this being proven wrong did not wise you up. Carry on being stupid.

I would even though I have only really seen it done with white, Asian, and American Indian characters.
The concept annoys me.

White people don't have a culture or history so you can't have a white character for "cultural or historic reasons."

>casting mermaid
>cast girl that looks like a fish
>white man cries because she happens to be black

You mean like Captain Marvel?...

This is going to be the biggest flop is disney's history

They're gonna regret it so hard and I won't even feel sorry

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or more like changing the race of a fish would still make them a fish since they're not human

So when they change the race of a human character is that bad?

Yeah, but they had buff black dudes to draw in people and lots of action. TLM doesn't have much fighting and isn't part of the Marvel universe .

To be fair none of those are blackwashing a main character. Not saying Little mermaid is going to flop, but that's a bad comparison.

I wouldn't be so sure about that, it's hard to fathom that there are people out there that actually want to watch Disney live-action remakes but they do exist. But obviously it will be dreadful.

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if the story reflects the race, yes

that was my entire point

>if the story reflects the race, yes
Is this ever the case with a white person in an heroic role?

>Biggest Disney flop
The Good Dinosaur tho.

heroes can be any race and put into a story so that's an entirely different point you're making

my point is you can't put black mulan in the original story if the actor has no chinese traits

you can't make an actor who isn't native in pocahontas because pocahontas is an actual person and her story relates to her native race

you can't put a white tiana and have the story be the same because the background of tiana has to do with her being poor and black

>Ariel's a fucking fish
she's also a redhead, her literal most distinctive physical trait, natural redheads might as well be a unicorn to most people on the planet. it's going to look fake as shit if they give the actress a red wig or dye it but what else can they do at this point? not give Ariel red hair?

So is there any heroic character that can't be changed from being white in the way these non-white characters can't be changed from their race?

funny observation when recently near black people:

>oh my god, its gonna be amazing, her voice is so amazing, etc etc etc

>so uh, you DO remember she LOSES HER VOICE....right? so, no singing or talking for half the movie.


not that i can think of, really depends on what the character represents, which is exactly my point

what city do you live in where this happens

sorry, but BP had the Mavel build up of the last 10 years behind it. if it just CAME OUT with zero marvel movies to hype it, you better believe no one would give a shit.

fuck, no one gave two SHITS about BP in comics for 30+ years now. where were all the black people buying fucking BP comics to support blacks in things?

So I guess there's nothing wrong with making every white character, cultural, historical, or otherwise, non-white. Interesting.

Would you not say that Mulan, based on an old Chinese story meaning she must be ethnically Chinese, is matched by Wart/Arthur being based on an old British story meaning he must be ethnically British?

nyc, queens, but not near there where i heard this.

It goes beyond the character's nationality or what they represent or whatever, though that makes the process more jarring, people underestimate the importance of character design. You can't just make Link black and expect the LOZ community to just be happy about that, you can make an Asian Spider-Man but not an Asian Peter Parker. People are totally justified to not be happy with this depiction of Ariel.

Sounds like somebody who might pay to see a movie that panders to them 5 or 6 times to be honest.

>unfunny scenario I recently imagined while alone in the basement

I made sure to highlight ethnicity in both cases so why did you ignore it? Can Mulan be black if she's Chinese?

so now we're just dilating 24/7 aren't we

Basically feeling a sense of ethnic unity with the representations and creations of your ethnic group is only wrong when that ethnicity is one of the European ethnicities.

man, i don't get that shit
like, twice, tops.

the fuck you want to see a movie THREE TIMES unless its like $5 tuesdays?

this is my first thought when I saw this.

She looks her age you're just racist

Is it reasonable to think that something will or at least should perform poorly before being able to judge the quality of the content or product itself?

So we're doing the Captain Marvel/Black Panther thing again, huh. Think we'll get a couple days of people spamming empty theaters with OPs like GET WOKE GO BROKE?

the following people are going to see it
>People who think buying a ticket will "support" diversity in some way.
>People who will watch to complain about how bad it is.
>People who simply want to see how a live action TLM plays out.
>Mindless Disney drones.

This movie may be many things but a flop probably won't be one of them.

She looks like she has waardenburg syndrome.

Disney was a mistake. Just move the fuck on, nobody is going to even remember these reboots a decade from now except to shit on them, while the originals will remain timeless classics. Fuck me, I didn't even realize they remade Cinderella back in 2015 until the other day.

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It fucking sad bros. After almost a full decade of shitty live action remakes it was finally her turn. Ariel's been robbed. It was literally her turn

> When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above? Out of the sea. wish I could be. Part Of That World.

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I'd care more if Ariel wasn't literally the single shittiest Disney princess already.

To people who really know whats up it's not even about that.

Disney should celebrate African American culture instead of just placing black people in European fairy tales. When making a black Disney princess, instead of taking from real black folklore, they just took a European one and made her black in a white setting. Blacks have their own princess tales, and folk lore like this story my black teach used to love sharing with us back in the day.

I personally don't think it's right. Truth is Hollywood jews really don't care about them. They don't see people but money bags

These black guys get it. Why is everyone so fucking blind?

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Oh good I can post my shit edit now.

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What are you saying exactly? Are you saying her eyes are too far apart and she looks like a Roswell alien?

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Disney should have met us half way, and cast a spicy Latina. SJW woke autists would have been happy because its progressive and it wouldn't have been such a jarring culture shock to normie Disney fans

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I hope they CGI her face.

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