Let's read some of everyone's favorite big green fourth-wall-breaking lawyer, She-Hulk!
Why isnt he filling all of she hulk holes.
Be honest, this is your fetish, isn't it?
byrne is a well know sick fuck
What a waste of a hat.
No, not Byrne. You, OP.
I'm gonna plead the fifth on this one
These guys are so weird. Thanks for posting OP!
Fucking lol
well look who it is
>Mysterio on someone else than Spider-man
huh, really neat
>that double meaning
how cute
Ah, neat exposition.
I love this issue
So She-Hulk's not the only one who can do this. Huh.
Makes me think, I wonder what would happen if this She-Hulk and Gwenpool ran into each other.
haha what
Because she’s my wife you uncultured swine and she’s faithful to me
Razorback? Really?
I love this gag, it’s so stupid but a great example of her durability
This one panel shits on almost all of modern marvel
me too
I just picked up her second sensational book and it was pretty great, I’m looking for the first volume of that but it’s going for 50 bucks minimum, I’m almost done with reading what I don’t have online then I’m reading the first volume of slotts run
it annoys me that sensational isn't better collected, it deserves it.
So her hair grows when she hulks out?
I think she gets a gamma irradiated blow out
gonna take a little break here while I try to find some scans for the rest of these issues that aren't awful
Jason Aaron, take notes.
British midgets terrorist mercs were a big problem in NY in the 80's.
In as much she this hair is the personification of beauty and sexuality itself, yes.
What a great page.
Based Stiltman.
I hate when the shove in Z-Listers in good books to try and boost that unknown characters popularity.
Well I've exhausted my resources and can't find good rips for this. So bear with me here, the next few issues are gonna be a bit shitty.
Hah, nice.
that's about all the issues we have room for in this thread, next one coming in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
This version of She-hulk we need to see more of.
It's just a living space shot and I still like this more than modern Marvel.
That's a lot of sound effects. I love it.
That honestly looks pretty painful.
That's one of those things that really went out of vogue in mainstream comics when everything went cinematic, along with thought balloons
I used to love those issues where they’d show the layouts of living spaces or offices, the spider-man annuals were full of those. Like that time readers wrote in complaining that they got the layout of peters apartment wrong and they had to read through older issues a draw up a new layout
Hitch's artwork has certainly improved since whenever-comics-cost-$1.50
new thread!