Why do you watch Steven Universe, Yea Forums

serious Yea Forums why?

is it the waifus?


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Other urls found in this thread:


In no particular order
>The characters
>The music
>Steven's story
>The general story
>The lore
>And yes, waifus

I dropped off after Steven went to the homeworld the 1st time and never really caught up. Everything I heard just didn't interest me, it is all just a bit too convenient. I like that they adhere to the main idea and don't just go oh big epic final battle now. But you got to really nail the ideas and conversation to take that on, and I really don't believe in the show's writing enough in that short a period of episodes.

I guess I watched for the story, but it was always stuck in first gear.

Love the characters, love aliens, like the music and humor, love the emotional stuff and overall greater philosophy

I don't.

I don't

I watch it for the comfy aesthetic.

Totally forgot the messages and junk. There's a lot of good stuff in there for kids. The humor isn't like laugh out loud but it usually gives me a good chuckle.

why do you shill for it on a daily basis? realistically it's not like they're paying you.

The same reason I watch WWE.

I'm along for the ride and have been following it since I was younger, dumber, and had less cares in the world. Townie episodes and Roman Reigns quoting Looney Tunes are just the cross I bear as a fan of glaringly flawed things.

Because it speaks to me

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contrary to what people might think its actually just a comfy cartoon. sure there's a lot of progressive metaphors but unless you're a gigantic fucking sperg /pol/fag literally nobody gives a shit because it's done in a really natural way you wouldn't think twice or care about. it's magical fucking stone people shit can happen.

Also you can't help but love Steven. Hes based as fuck.

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A lot of people think the fact irredeemable pure evil characters should be added, but I feel that’s a lesson the real world teaches all too well, and it’s important to get both sides and view from the perspective of others because that’s just part of being an adult, realizing you’re not always in the right or the good guy, and that sometimes someone else is

Steven's a good lad and I can't wait to see where he goes next.

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Mostly the characters and the music but they really started to shit the bed in season 4 so now I just watch because of sunk cost.

That and also the Diamonds really aren't mustache-twirling villains and are just as part of the toxic system of Homeworld as any random Peridot. That doesn't excuse anything they've done obviously, but if they work to make up for what they've done I can support that logic even if it's not a magical cure all for the fusion experiments etc.

>I thought Gems had potatoes.

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It was a mystery slowly unraveling, especially early on. There was a poignance to the whole story, with Greg and Rose, the past of the Gems, even with the townies. Of course that was all chuck out with each subsequent season.
Honestly, the only reason people still watch is due to Stockholm syndrome.

>People can't like what I don't like anymore, it has to be mental illness
C'mon dude, you're better than that

I mean, what's left to be excited for? The mystery is over; they won. And we know nothing about this movie other than it's full of guest stars, musical numbers and a neck. Big deal.

I mean, if you're just watching for the story that's fine but I'd argue more people care about the characters than the season to season arcs.


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I just love Steven. He’s a great kid, and with a two year timeskip I wanna see what’s changed besides him having a neck, and to see what’s happened in that time.

What waifu s? They’re all dykish and ugly looking. Unless your ALSO a fat tumblr cow, than I GUESS they might be up your ally.

Rebecca Sugar wrote a stupid song about fries and a strained father/daughter relationship and I generally consume any art she produces.


>mai waifu

>SJW messages
>good stuff
are you nuts?

>" just as part of the toxic system of Homeworld as any random Peridot."

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Why is waifus separate from characters?

you like the characters because you aren't turned on by them

>Person clearly tells White that they have to be perfect and "know better"
>White carries this creed forward which leads to her abusing Blue and Yellow
>Blue and Yellow take it out on Pink
And so on and so forth.

Not him but,

Steven Universe is unironically the centerist's moving manchild drawing, once you get past the friendly color palette and oh-so-progressive veneer.

It's a polar opposite to reddit's favorite R&M. The protagonist is relentlessly positive instead of cynical. Emotionally open instead of distant and callous. Sincere and passionate instead of edgy, mocking, and pop-nihilistic.

It's a quietly graypilled show pretending to be modern leftist.

- The mature paternal figure for Steven is his father, all three mothers are messes.

- The Big Enemy is an authoritarian matriarchal cult of personality involved in every aspect of their citizens lives while the heroes could be called libertarian or eco-terrorists, who want to be left alone.

- Any revolution, no matter how justified does harm to, ahem, both sides.

- The show revolves around the fat little jew boy getting the scales torn off his eyes about his supposedly benevolent mother figure and all the dark shit she did that no one talks about (History being rewritten by the victors).

- Gems are shown trying to suppress the truth constantly. Steven finally gets sick of their shit and demands to be told the truth or act to uncover it himself.

- The Human Zoo is basically a chapo hugbox utopia and shown in the most uncomfortable light compared with living in the real world and dealing with life to follow your own goals. "I have the map, and I steer the ship."

- Tankie-Gem is shown as unhinged for planning to murder the shit out of her "upper crust" enemies which deadens the whole by-any-means necessary mentality (Also has dreads, which is hilarious). Also was unironically gulaged and water-commissar'd by her leader for her trouble.

- Greg is never shown as a villain despite cucking the shit out of Pearl the turbo-lesbian and heteroing.com the prime-mover of the plot.


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- Conservative characters like Andy are as both worthy of love and entirely human rather than aliened and made into strawmen.

- Humanity in general is shown as more well adjusted than the Gems in all aspects of life. The show has a pro-humanity attitude in general.

- Adaptability, compassion, creativity in the form of human individuality are the solution to all nearly all problems caused by the collectivist Homeworld's culture and caste-system

The show hardly actually proselytizes LGBT beyond showing the members of a mono-gendered race being attracted to each other romantically. Which used to be called "homosexual minstrelsy" when Sci-Fi did it in the form of "mono-gendered and all-female races." Idpols frame it this time however as "WOW AN ALL FEMALE RACE, FINALLY A SHOW WHERE FEMALES AND LESBIANS HAVE REPRESENTATION." The extent of lesbianism in the show is "There are two rocks that really love each other, and humans are cool with it but not necessarily people in their own race."

And that's the important thing. The Gems are the villains. Female Villains.

The Gem Empire is an all-female matriarchical utopia, that manages to be as terrible to their society as everything modern-day feminists attribute to "the patriarchy" in ours. They commit genocide, they murder each other, they enslave other races, they're extremely racist among themselves, and many of the gems encountered are deeply flawed, if not downright psychotic.

The rebel crystal gems have overcome these sinister flaws, but still face the need for their own emotional growth. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl each perform a maternal role for Steven, but incompletely. Tumblr wants to see "WOW, THREE MOMS, SO PROGRESSIVE! AND GREG'S DAD IS A DEADBEAT. PATRIARCHY = SMASHED." But this is hardly the case.


Because I like it.

To imagine the smells.

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Pearl herself has massive insecurity, confidence, and abandonment issues. Capable in her domains of expertise, but utterly useless outside of them. Pearl is the archtypal crazy ex-girlfriend thrust into a maternal role. She displays characteristics of BPD, pretending to be confident and sophisticated, but struggles with abandonment and shifts her dependency onto her roommates. She looks to others constantly for validation because she cannot be satisfied without praise. She derives a false sense of individuality through her relationship with her lover, but also projects her bitterness and self-hatred onto the relationship itself, because she's constantly insecure about whether her feelings are reciprocated. She would be the real-world single mother who would end up raising someone like Norman Bates. She hates Greg as she acknowledges but can't accept that she can't compete with him: for love of Steven or Steven's mother Rose.

Amethyst, on the other hand, is the type of single mother who wants to be best friends with their child, and doesn't actually raise them or teach them to be an agent rather than a victim. She would leave her children emotionally stunted, a pawn to instant gratification and at risk for substance abuse.

Garnet presents a facade of all-knowing mystery. She can see future possibilities and does use this knowledge to guide Steven and teach him valuable lessons. She is closest of the three to an actual "good" parent, but in her guardian role consistently prevents Steven from learning the truth of the gems' history, of his mother's actions, sheltering him as a child instead of allowing him to grow into an adolescent. While the gems have no issue exploiting Steven's rapidly developing powers on missions, they won't tell him about his own history because he might like them less, because he might see them "Like aliens Steven. Aliens who invaded Earth."


I think I've read an earlier draft of this, but yes, go on.

In this light, Greg's positive influence becomes more apparent. We see Steven going to Greg for most of the history lessons (though Greg himself is in the dark), and we see Steven bonding with Greg exploring his human side. It's ends up being Greg's parental influence that gives Steven much of his growth emotionally.

While Greg is far from perfect, the Gems remain condescending to him for quite some time, we see Greg being nothing but a loving and supportive parent (who also deeply loved Steven's mother). The Gems' aversion to Greg as the thief of their loving leader, and as an inferior Human, paints them not as progressive heroes of feminism, but jealous and inexperienced women who can't understand why their best intentions are hurting the ones they love most.

There are two other famlies with competent Single Fathers on the same street block. The Fry Hut and Pizza Place each have shitlord patriarchs as head of household, and by all accounts they seem to be fine parents. No explanation is given as to what happened to the wives.

Additionally, you have the Onion household, where Yellowtail the step-father, is a better husband and role model to both children, than his wife. We even get to see Sour Cream try to reach out to his bio-dad in an attempt to be rebellious, only to discover that his bio-dad is a fucking coastal-bubble shitbag, and Yellowtail cares more about him. Steven Universe consistently displays the positive aspects of fatherhood and male influence upon the family, in contrast to sitcoms and animations riddled with bumbling retards waiting to be corrected by an infallible sassy female.


As for female fallibility, the Matriarchal Gem Society is extremely collectivist and rigidly caste-based, to the point where all gems of each deposit resemble one another, and are not treated as separate entities. Dissenting opinions, actions, and thoughts are cause for public execution; with negligible value in an individual gem's life because the nation could always produce more.

Look at the casual racism displayed between different gem castes: Peridot would berate Pearl for being a less-capable member of the servant class, for deluding herself by trying to muscle in on Peridot's designed role as an engineer. While Pearl still loses in contest, her ability to compete at all is a message of the individual's capability of growth, to rise above one's race and station through passion and labor.

This passion and labor she learned from humans, as well as human adaptability and creativity are offered as the source of life satisfaction, as the source of eudaimonia, and as the solution to the cold, cruel, uncaring Homeworld horse-shoe culture of privileged apparatchiks and iron-fisted despotic harmony ( 河蟹™ ).

>It's a quietly graypilled
I read it "gaypilled"


>outside force influenced the diamonds
proving my point there m8, your literally just making shit up

You had a point? Huh. Anyway I'm speculating based on actual dialog, but regardless Blue and Yellow were always under White's thumb and her own ideology was poisonous to herself as well.

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I'd say the biggest thing for me was the characters and how we learned more about them and got to see them grow over time. Also waifus.

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>"Anyway I'm speculating based on actual dialog"
>"I'm speculating"

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Based and positivepilled

"When we show up in this ship, it will be irrefutable that the last 6000 years are now the biggest galactic embarrassment that's ever happened."

Clear to who? Not their civilization of slaves, half of whom are literally built into your walls as furniture or machinery.
And it wouldn't be "galactic" wide if they only cared about White Diamond finding out.

There is at minimum another society powerful enough to care about posturing toward.

That's without addressing if they were created as AI, and if they were programmed with expansionist goals and complementary honeybee caste system.

Debased and bluepilled

Sometimes I wonder ifwe are so contrarian that, since Yea Forums has so many Steven hate threads now people here will claim to like it out of spite.

Fuck I guess this is the last time I can post this headcanon

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Steven could always age if he wanted

I much prefer to keep the gays out of my television medias

He couldn't hold it for more than a few hours.

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based and redpilled

This legit happens in the show when they fuse (albeit without the obvious dialogue)

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>people watch this show

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i just thought it was good

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Watch it, Chrissy.

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well kids don't

D'you know how many of those fuckers love Peridot? She's basically Zim, it writes itself.

I don't know why he's so grumpy, looks like he's living the fuckin' dream to me.

To me it's
>Pearl > Lore > Characters > Story
Honestly I like everything except some of the filler episodes.

Do I watch it?
Did I watch it?

It was okay. Later seasons less so, but it was okay.

What do you think of Steven's fixed-up house Yea Forums?

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1. the artists fucked up by placing one flag above another flag. each flag should by rights have its own pole to be raised on.
2. the second floor addition is in the area of the house where steven was sleeping previously, so it's probably his new personal bedroom.
3. those trees grew really fast for it being a period of just two years, or were probably transplanted there
4. the geodesic dome looks like it would make an excellent greenhouse for peridot's farming experiments. considering the size of the foundation, there's probably not many internal or additional rooms. i doubt they would dig into the temple to do it, either.

Looks like a miniature diamond base to me, notice the cross-hatching pattern on both domes. Make sense considering his family would want to keep in touch with him.

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I watched it because I enjoyed it. And it's hard to find a show I enjoy these days

su threads pop up and spam Yea Forums then vanish for days and weeks.
seems like a single user spams and samefags 200 posts for 4 or 5 threads

Is.... this supposed to be a gender-bent Roman Reigns?

peri isn't anything like zim, there was potential in the beginning but since message received, peridot became a single dimensional troll.

>mystery is over
No ?
>Who created the diamonds ?
>What happened to Pink Pearl's eye ?
>We still don't know much about gem society
>How Rhodonite and Fluorite fused ?
>What happened to the rest of the ruby squad.
>Is there another hybrid like Steven ?
Maybe more

Would you like a series encyclopedia, Homeworld map and every character's birthdate, social security number and blood type too?

Peridot's much better nowdays than she was in the beginning. An actual character with the ability to be wacky AND poignant (as shown by Back to the Kindergarten). The only problem is that she had to placate Lapis for most of her post-Cluster tenure and that put a strain on her character development.

Wifes are in it

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Sunken Cosy Fallacy.

>pretending that paridot could not develop because of lapis
>confusing wacky with character development
these threads are sad.

Did you mean to typo? Because that's an amazing new phrase.

Do you not watch the show? Peridot was memeing it up to stop Lapis from PTSD'ing. This is literally a plot point in the show.


The lore is fucking interesting, and the music is beautiful. The character design is good, the rest of the show is hot garbage but It didn't use to be like that, S1 is awsome.

unironically yes

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not really a typo, user was talking about a real thing, slightly different name though.

Sunken Cosy Fallacy just makes me chuckle is all. It's like...you know the shit you're watching is cosy, but you don't want to lose that feeling by changing the channel so you see the show through to the end.

Underneath the poor storytelling, increasingly lackluster designs and painfully trite thinly veiled agenda politics, there's a really cool concept there.
I genuinely think the Gems and their culture is one of the more interesting sci-fi concepts introduced in the past decade. It just sucks that the theme and morals of the show are constantly at odds with the most entertaining aspects of it.

Have you accepted Tall!Steven into your heart yet Yea Forums? We'll be getting our first glimpse of him in action next Friday at SDCC.

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Yep. Love that guy

Sadly, yes

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I fucking hate the internet sometimes

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We are on the same board that created Grieve-tan.

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>Have an idea for cartoon that is basically a total revamp of the lore of SU
>No humans or shit, just a civil war between Gems in our Solar system, each planet having a different Diamond ruling over, with White controlling from Homeworld (Earth), and the series focusing on a rag tag team band of lower gems coming together to overthrow White after Mars is Destroyed
>Exploring a stylized solar system, like the solid rings of Saturn and the Water world of Neptune
It's a shame I could never pursue it, since a fanfic would be too detached from the show, and it clearly isn't totally original for a proper story

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Says who? Also why is the sole qualifier for waifu "turned on by them"? That's a slut-fu.

Yes, I've wanted this ever since Zach Callison's voice changed

The townie episodes of course

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I have no idea.

But I did enjoy hearing Steven yell, "SHE'S GONE!" in the last episode.

I used to watch it because it started out as a series with a huge amount of potential.

Then I got my sis into it, and even though I eventually grew weary of how meandering and asinine it could get sometimes, I don't get to spend time with my sister as much as I'd like, so we'd watch it together when we could even if we just ended up complaining about it afterward.

>This passion and labor she learned from humans
I never got the impression that Pearl learned anything from humans until she started raising Steven. Pearl was encouraged to step outside her given role by Pink Diamond/Rose. They both encouraged one another to be more: Pink/Rose encouraged Pearl to be a fighter and an autodidiact instead of servile eye candy. Pearl encouraged Pink/Rose to mature into a leader rather than remain a royal child.

And Garnet didn't know everything Steven had to learn about his mother. Discovering Rose's true identity was just as painful for her as it was for him.

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>the poll is perfectly split in three
holy shit, are you guys rigging this?
I think we just proved that Steven Universe is a perfect series

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Does anyone know who made this gif

>using bad dialog to make up fanfiction

holy shit bros

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Season 1 finale was really good and I got invested. Shame it didn't really live up to expectations after that.

For Connie's feet.

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Why not?
No not the waifus.

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No idea.

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Another "I hate Steven Universe Thread". How original.

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It's fun.

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My sister says she realized it was shit too late and now just watches it because she's watched it for so long

based and wholesomepilled

He's a huge improvement over the original. The problem is this kind of design should've been in the show proper rather than the crew coming up with inane excuses as to why he couldn't grow up. Instead he fucking shrunk 2 feet through the show, so it's even more awkward how he suddenly grew 3 feet after a mere time skip.

It'll be funny when he's supposedly grown but then he's the same kinda gnome as before cause the boarders suck donkey dick.

Same, but I knew the first season was shit but some shows can take a while to hit it's stride (even The Simpsons took a few seasons to get great) but even though the art style improved, the show itself never really got good. Literally only Peridot shenanigans and force of habit kept me watching.

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Waifus definitely became part of why i kept watching it but it mostly had to do with season one being completed and me sayiung "fuck it, i'll give this one a shot" Its entertaining, and any disdain i harbor for it stems mostly from the way the network handled the scheduling.

Peridot's Low-Budget Gem Pornography Saga is the best thing to come from Steven Universe.

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It makes me smile.

Completely odorless, like a marble statue.

I say the story, but really it's more about the storytelling than the actual plot. The plot's just a vehicle for the domestic drama. It has (at least the mainline plot) consistent emotional themes, surprisingly well-written dialog, actual character progression and developing interactions. It's nothing spectacular, but for a cartoon it blows most everything else out of the water.

because i thought steven was cute

This. The story is fine (it's really the 11 minute pacing that prevents it from being gracefully told in places) but everything else about it is consistent and on point.

>not Stets Uninu

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I unironically love this show

>"stop hating things i like!"

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I love Pink.

lapis really is just one of those women that you only like for her looks.

i don't and neither should you

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>look at johnny test
lol no i'm an adult

drawing or appreciating porn of children's cartoon characters, who are often childrem themselves, is a disgusting perversion and you should feel bad

and please stay away from my wife's son

initially watched it for the lore, music, various settings and monster shenanigans, now i'm just watching it to see how much fucking further it can plummet into total shit. i think i'll finally drop it after the movie unless they go back to the original formula with better world-building and less slice-of-life bullshit

I'm not the only one who found what White did to everyone hot, right?

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The corrupted gems are healed, they spent like 4000 years before the show started catching most of them. Monster of the week is boring after a while.

>Not tattoos
Literally unwatchable

This. They have suddenly resolved everything in an unfulfilling, rushed way, there is no reason to watch it anymore. Rewatching S1-2 is so painful in comparison

Well, considering that it's a light construct, i don't think that she would project sweat-glands, meaning that they would smell of nothing.

Speak for yourself. Change Your Mind, while rushed, at least gave closure and was a case of a show actually practicing what it preached. I don't care if it lacked an explosive ending, it answered what it needed to and did what it set out to do.

Bullshit, it spent literally years building up this grand universe in the first few seasons, full of mystery, subplots and slow characterization. A single technician arriving from Homeworld warranted an entire arc for example. Then suddenly they go and the show ends with a wet fart of everyone just giving up fighting.

And then CN didn't give them the renewal order before it was too late. If you want to blame someone, blame them.

Almost certainly not

cause it's fun to watch. Half the beach city episodes suck but that's about it (at least if you binge your way through 4 seasons like I did).

All characters (expect Ronaldo) are likeable, funny, have dreams & demons of their own. Peridot is the best, Garnet is the best, Steven is the best. Just a lot of good characters who make it worth watching.

>Guess i'll just leave this here and see what happens

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That is an actual garbage rant video by an actual garbage human being guilty of some pretty shitty things. Probably would've been better to link Robo's video (which isn't perfect but at least is more objective). Unless your goal was banter in which case ignore me.

Just curious what Yea Forums consensus is on this vid. It's shit but Lily is somehow even worse.

>stop liking thing I hate!

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what are you talking about, it's quality content

It makes like two minor good points over the course of an hour and the rest is just politics and insanity


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No, fuck you. They CHOSE to end the show like this. They had entire SEASONS to make this shit work, but they wasted 99 percent of their time through useless townie episodes. This was a show that could've easily told it's story in 2-3 seasons, but they purposefully stretched it out and then crammed most of the important shit all in 1 season.

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No they didn't user and you have no way of proving that. Townie episodes were outnumber like 5 to one anyway. Squeezing all that character development into three seasons would've made it more rushed than season 5 ever was.

That was the point, retard. They went for the S1-2 type slow development and buildup, thats what people liked, thats why they watched SU. They didnt want those retards screeching about muh townies and demanding a quick, boring and unfulfilling wrap up like we got

i aint the one complaining about threads being critical of something i like

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>squeezing the development to 3 seasons is worse than cramming it all into 1

There was virtually no buildup, everything important happened in the last season. The only thing that happened in between was the bullshit Cluster arc that should've never been in the show to begin with.

>everything important happened in the last season

Do you have ADHD by any chance?

>anons still blaming all of SU's problems on cartoon network

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No “I don’t” option

We're talking about pacing here user, not anything else. CN's decision to make them use 11 minute episodes absolutely is their fault and doubly so when the crew say 15 would be the ideal. This thread isn't about critical analysis anyway.

even so, the crew could have made better use of the episodes than they did, so you cant pin all the blame on CN for their shit time slots.

Problem there is a lot of seemingly unimportant episodes do lay the groundwork for future character developments even if it's in side characters. You could totally remove every townie episode and you'd still only have five extra episodes per season to work with and a worse supporting cast because of it.

>even so, the crew could have made better use of the episodes than they did,

You know that there is a set dramatic structure and some things can not be rushed, right? Autistic spergs trying to rush things have ruined the latter seasons.

I've been watching since it first aired and now I feel obligated to finish it.

I've also been a fan of Lars for some time and I want to see him get a happy ending.

thats still 5 more episodes to pace shit better.
shit was more rushed the way it was dumbass, spreading it out over more episodes would have made it lessed rushed.

>Two year timeskip
>Steven finally ages
>Lars is exactly the same
He suffers because he can take it. Because he's the townie we need, but not the one we deserve.

>pretty much an even split across all three options
I'm so proud

Isn't Sadie an adult ?
Isn't Lars underaged ???
Pls tell me how old are they cuz Im confused...

Sadie is young adult, like 17-18 or so IIRC and Lars is roughly about the same. Lars will be that age forever so technically he's in the clear in terms of being in a relationship.

How am I even supposed to fuck this

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Has any gem ever shown any kind of embarrassment over nudity

>No, fuck you. They CHOSE to end the show like this.
fuck you weeb, they didn't even know the show was cleared for more content until a month after they where all hunting for new jobs. and didn't even know this could be there last season until they where half way done with season 5, so either you make every single fucking season wrap up as much as you can in the hopes that your parent company will clear you for more content or leave it open ended to hope for the same shit.

Gucking lmao


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gems can absolutely be embarrassed but can gems even be "nude" if their bodies don't physically exist and are just a "concious manifestation of light" as pearl once said?

technically they're nude when they get poofed, since it leaves their whole gem exposed

>is it the waifus?
Yes, of course it is.

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They don't get paid enough for this shit.

>All Quartzes like to laugh and play

>Except Jasper

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Why did you come here?

Amethyst blushed when Pearl demanded to see her gem in the first Rose fountain episode.

I watched it because I knew it was a bad show, but I needed to confirm it, to the ultimate end of eviscerating it in a 30 minute video essay on youtube.

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That ranks high on the list of "Most pathetic things a person can do".

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I'm gonna miss barefoot Lapis.

don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products

Started because I liked HnK and wanted to compare the two.

Stayed for the music, the lore of the mid seasons, and Pearl. A comfy show, overall, but I'm glad I didn't get too invested from the start.

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Tbf to the gems, Garnet didn’t know the full extent of Rose secrets and history to begin with to fully educate Steven. And amethyst is mostly playing the big sister role rather than a mother.

Indeed all 3 gems are more or less thrust into a situation that they didn’t choose or incapable of handling unlike Greg so such one to one comparison to motherdom isn’t fair.

Don't pretend to me, loser. All entertainment is by definition vapid, since it is not real. Criticizing a children's cartoon? Goddamn, that is low shelf stuff.

oh yeah, criticizing other people for criticizing cartoons, that's clearly the stuff of galaxy brains

"entertainment isn't real" is giving "fun is a buzzword" a run for its money lmfao

Go on. Dig yourself in deeper.
I like the show, so I watch it. You dislike it, so... you watcb it?

And this is not high-level literature. You're not criticizing some highfalutin' nob who wrote a 1200-page epic novel about the rise and fall of a dynasty of oligarchs which is actually a complex metaphor for the development of a single human spirit over the course of a lifetime with each character representing an aspect of humanity's wisdom and folly and the futility of each against the backdrop of the merciless grinding of time as attitudes change because of experience and advancing age until as ultimate fulfillment is reached it all slips away in the crevasses of senility embodied by the final, degenerated-through-incest irresponsible heir who finds his/his family's/the protagonist's fate as night falls and all comes to ruin.

This is the passion project of a young writer/artist presenting nostalgic memories of a beach-town holiday with her brother and presumably their wacky friends in a simpler, more innocent world, realized by a team of people with very little world experience and often not even a unified vision.

Criticizing this is bordering on accosting on a school playground. "Hey, kid, c'mere. What were you thinking with that sand castle? What's the significance of those sea shells? Why didn't you make it better? That central tower won't stop even a half-assed assault!"

It's pointless.Go do something useful. Wash the dishes. Pet your cat. Do your mother's groceries.

will this show have any dramatic tension now the diamonds are his bffs?

I mean we still have the movie. As for the show itself, it's probably going to be different now with less overarching threats and more existential crisis stuff.

exactly...what's the reason going to be for the diamonds not to come curbstop jenny? i think the quality of the excuse is going to sell me on it.

Maybe 'Jenny' is actually Red Diamond.
I mean, why create a Pink Diamond in the first place?

The Diamonds are a whole, a unit, they do not function properly otherwise.
The last aspect, the youngest one: red.
But red proved unstable and uncontrollable, like fire. She was poofed and imprisoned; the experiment repeated, but the new Red Diamond was given a little bit of White as well.
So she was playful, emotional and passionate, but not uncontrollably so; but also a little aloof and manipulative.

But whether four Diamonds, united, can't stop one Diamond... no matter how unhinged...

Would be nice if she turned out to be the one enemy that just can't be reasoned with.

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Imo, CYM was a learning experience. If a creator is backed into a corner and only has so much space to wrap up a beloved, convoluted story, as painful as it is, less is more.

Don't indulge the fans. Or do, but know when to stop. A creator has to consider the integrity of a story, a fan just has to enjoy it. Choose to focus on key elements and let other arcs and details remain unanswered forever. The fans will ache for an answer, but it's better than receiving a hurried, slapdash resolution. The ache is a type of love. Pacing is critical.

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Maybe they're off dealing with the restructure of the empire? Two years is a big thing even to gems.

Change Your Mind would've benefited from a few more episodes preceding it. In a vacuum it may be unsatisfying, but the arc itself as a conclusion to the show does it nicely for me. In terms of rushed conclusions to shows it was one of the more enjoyable ones I've watched, but it could definitely be better.

i can imagine cutting the steven fusions out of change your mind, that would free up at least ten-ish minutes.

if you get cancelled before your time, is it better to leave on a cliffhanger and do a continuation comic?

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Cliffhanger. That AT comic is never talked about and that should say everything.

Because I just want to. I'm not driven to watch the show for any deeper reasoning like diversity, lgbt representation, political stances, etc., it's just something that's on and kinda stands out from most other shows on that network.

tbqh the lgbt stuff is probably handled the best of out any show that's tried it thus far. It's just part of the show's dna and you can enjoy the music etc. irregardless of it.

I'm assuming the crew learned they were getting cancelled after producing Escapism?

God, I dunno. The only advice I have is what you already suggested - cut the Steven fusions. Other than that...no goddamn idea. It's a really tough spot to be in.

...but yeah, might go with a cliffhanger. Dedicated fans would seek out the comics. I know I would. I only haven't because I heard the current comics don't really advance the plot in any significant way. So currently they'd be something fun to read if I happened upon them, but they don't contain anything I'm burning to know.

>Except Jasper

Jasper works hard.
Jasper plays hard... Too hard.
My full-body cast is itchy and the speech-to-text wireless microphone is starting to run out of batteries. Send help.

>in an unfulfilling, rushed way
Speak for yourself cock. I had a blast with the show and think it wrapped up wonderfully and in a way that made sense. Just because you suck too much dick and permanently sullied your taste doesn't mean a thing to me.


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Basically this, minus Steven's story and place the music a bit lower for me.

>her smile and optimism: gone

it was fun. but you could have make white more developed with that time. just depends where your priorities are

What's not to like about mommy White?

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why did she give birth to a set of idiots she hated would be a good question to answer

it feels like a lot of her psychology was sidelined or not explored

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based Amethyst

ok, only one was an idiot.

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Orignally becasue my normie friends at college watched it but now I do it to piss them off since I have been right about most of the twists.

I claimed that Rose was going to be Pink Diamond not because of some stunning reveal but because Rebecca Sugar is a toothless hack that couldn't actually have a main character actually kill/maim someone permantely.

I also knew that Steven will talk-fu his way towards everything because Sugar like Steven is a perpetual child. Sure talking and crying will get your way like the spoiled brats they are but they also need to know that there are lasting consequences to their actions. Steven is always handed a win after a shounen style asspull without having any of his ideas/beliefs challenged in any meaningful way. All he has to do is scream, cry, and throw a tantrum just like his mother did to get his way since everybody will bend to his will via programmed nepotism since he's technically a Diamond or he'll just mind control them with his PD powers.

I also like the idea that Rose/PD was just a basic bitch hot topic brat who wanted to go party on the "bad side" of the universe to piss off her parents and committed suicide just to piss them off. Rose/PD is that girl from 13 reasons why who thinks that guilt tripping people with self-harm and lies will get you what you want. Funny enough since Sugar is such a hack, she's actually proven that bullshit right as all the pain and suffering Rose/PD and the other diamonds created with her lies are swept under the rug.

Everyone screams SJWshit when in actuality I laugh at Steven Universe because it's literally babby's first LiveJournal fanfiction caked in neon bullshit. Steven Universe embodies everything stereo-typically edgy and trite of both shounenshit and any fanfic but just because he cries rather than coldsteels, idiots eat it up when it's the same shit in the end. SU is the eromanga-sensei of Yea Forums and we can't get enough.

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tweenagers hating steven universe is the 10's equivilent of the anti-twilight movement. prove me wrong.

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I mean, peridot did say once that her clothes are like, ironed onto their bodies or something from the log date episode where she and garnet attempt to fuse.

Because the majority of 13 year old girls and boys and the adults act like them like SU because of the pretty colors and don't realize that all the feelgood messages of SU are just placating lies. The people who hate SU are normally 18+ who regardless of how you see them are jaded enough that SU trying to coddle them like a baby infuriates them in one way or another. Call them Incels REEEE as much as you wan't they ain't 13 year olds sucking on their mama's teats for milkies and headpats because that what SU tries to fake in their audience.
>Also I'm OP of and I don't hate SU I just think it's trash that can't get it's own narrative and scheduling straight because Sugar is just a womanchild weeb who thinks ripping off the worst aspects of Yea Forums makes a good show.

For example Sugar saying she loved Gatchaman Crowds and aped some of it's values for SU because it was LGBTQ+ YAAS QUEEN when the Villian was literally a flamboyant shapeshifting evil like HIM from PPG and the protag of the show only crossdressed to hide his identity and he also stated that women can get away with almost anything because their just giant privileged babies. Explains why Steven got away with a lot of shit for putting on PD's dress and screaming like a spoiled girl.

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I watched only first episode and got sick of it already. No way can that fatie-boombalatty chuck a freezer with his flabby arms.

he's part super alien

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oh geez user you confirmed it
put your hateboner away, there are children present

He's strong as shit user, it gets worse.

I'm glad you admitted you're underage but are you sure you should be here? You took the wrong turn at Reddit and Resetera to get here.

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Yea Forums is for 10 year olds anyway

Steven is a little shit until the Connie episode. First part of the first season was a drag of Steven being dangerously inept.

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True, but that's what makes his development so satisfying. From brat to chad (or at least strapping young lad)

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Okay Sucrose, you described SU as a 'coming of age story' and now it seems like that's finally being delivered on. I respect that.

Took you way too long, but still.

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>Being such a summerfag that you can't see the irony in this post.
Also doesn't that prove the counterpoint that every shill for SU is infact 10-13 year old brats and those like them anyway?

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Where did this happen. What

but thats shown to be blatantly fals in multiple episodes

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Steven's VA, Zach said this about the now confirmed season 6 at some panel.He also said that he liked the villain from the movie and Rebecca “pulled out all the stops” for this villain.

He also brought his dog there too.

Shit, you got me there. I guess they just....got loose over time? I don't know.

Lol Zach really is the Tom Holland of SU. Leaking everything

or maybe the scene where peridot says that was written by zuke, she played fast and loose with the canon more than anyone else.

That sounds like a fun premise for an OC webcomic or something though. There would have to be drastic changes to the characters obviously but it's not a dead in the water project either.

Honestly, as considered a leak it may be, it really was just a sliver. and as much as i want to see the villain for once get destroyed by steven and the crystal gems, the crew better have cranked up the writing skills in order to be good enough for it to make sense as to why she'd be bad enough to not be persuaded by steven's talk no jutsu
heh. maybe

The villain's probably going to be redeemed in the movie and piss everyone off

That's true.. Aw, well.

I will love it.

i don't

I mean season 6 is pretty much an open secret at this point considering literally everyone on the crew has stated new episodes are being recorded since Change Your Mind aired

>Why do you watch Steven Universe, Yea Forums
it's familiar

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I find it comfy.

>Not wanting to /ss/ with connie
Steven really is a faggot.

What are the tags for something like this?
I've found the source from the name in the corner, but I've not been able to find more of the concept.

Anyone else want to yell at Lapis for being a bitch while you kiss/rub her

>He's probably gonna be using that voice in general now
We are blessed. Anyone going to SDCC on Friday? One of the revisionists is gonna be handing out free stickers.

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Are Rebecca and the VAs going to be in booths there?

Rebecca and the main CG cast yeah. Zach's busy right now IIRC.

Jesus Christ I wish I was there

yeah, I consume content I don't like, and I do it because I assume there's still some value to draw from it, even if that value is just knowing what not to do or what I don't like about it.

as to your laughable critique, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, kiddo.