This is how Stan Lee responded to “Injection of Politics” into comics and other entertainment mediums back in 1970. Enjoy.
This is how Stan Lee responded to “Injection of Politics” into comics and other entertainment mediums back in 1970...
Stan Lee was always a hack.
The problems of the 70’s were actually legitimate.
People don't care about comics or other forms of media having messages or politics, not really. What they hate is hamfisted, poorly written politics that feels too blunt.
There's no such thing as a superhero comic without injection of politics
Every one you read you are getting somebody's viewpoint on the individual vs. government, authoritarianism, etc.
I love Stan
This is how I respond to "OP being a faggot" on Yea Forums and other boards back in 2019
There used to be Republican artists?
You really thing /pol/ and Yea Forums give a shit? These pussies don't read comics and they aren't here to talk about comics.
Except people in the 70's used to say those problem were illegitimate.
“Get politics out of comics/cartoons” is code word for “get radicalized insane positions on politics out of comics and cartoons. Nobody has a problem with a sane variance on the left or the right, it’s when you get to drag queen kids or 1488 race war now that people get fed up.
Wasn't Steve Ditko a big conservative?
Jurgens is still working for DC.
I mean the mere fact that superheroes are what people will most closely associate to comics is a political fact in itself, given that the superhero ressurgence and complete dominance of the american comics industry is happening side by side with US cultural imperialism.
Being raised by a bunch of third-world 70s leftists, I was told that even reading capes was indocrination, and after 25 years of reading capes (and other shit) I have to say I agree. The very concept of the superhero seems to me tainted by american exceptionalism and legal positivism.
It's okay to have politics in your comic, but just try to say away from things that are too controversial.
I think that we can all agree on this.
So you admit the slippery slope exists?
There still are but you don't look hard enough because you don't really give a shit about comics.
All I can think of are boomers reaching life expectancy.
This. And on top of that they try to shrug it off by saying "oh yeah back then it was justified!" Like this dunce here
I absolutely disagree, specially given how you might be an american and literally anything that isn't either white-fence wasp propaganda or "multicultural" neoliberalism dressed in a poor social-democracy façade is too controversial for you.
I really don't understand how this board can praise guys like Alan Moore, Grant Morrison or Garth Ennis and completely dismiss the very radical political dimension of pretty much everything they do. Even Morrison's cape stuff is contaminated by his politics, which tend to drag it down because his beliefs and the existence of capes as intellectual property are essentially at odds.
The slope would have been nice, solid ground you could have casually descended at your own pace if you didn't let the footprints of everyone else going down it first churn it into mud.
The problem here is that now it's used to boost sales rather than actually handling those issues well.
Ditko was a libertarian.
Universal morals are not the same as personal politics. Imagine a Marvel comic talk about abortion.
In the 90s PAD did try to write an abortion arc in X-Factor wherein Polaris would admit that she had one has a teen. The sudden media attention over Northstar coming out of the closet resulted in a wave of conservatism at the editorial level, so the story was killed.
The problem is that liberal politics shifted from progressive to regressive around 2010.
The argument has *never* been that comics were apolitical. The argument was how comics, that have been dominated by liberal politics by both the creators and the consumers since the 1960s, were suddenly a hotbed of racist misogynists. Its almost as if that claim is 100% nonsense from even a casual glance of the situation.
>controversial issues make me too uncomfortable to research them and develope my own positions on them and and all the media I could consume needs to cater to my willful ignorance
Look, it's okay to admit that your not qualified to have a say on something, but you have to actually admit it and own it and realize that there are smarter, more experienced people than you who will want to discuss it/make/consume art inspired by it.
>they're protesting tonight's protest meeting!
God Bless Steve Ditko
Libertarians are atheists, user.
>the guy that made X-Men was in favor of politics in comics
The problem is that “Regressive” is a meaningless buzzword that can be used to describe any activist movement no matter how harmless or inconsequential
You're mistaking the tackling of longstanding problems with the industry for the idea that suddenly everyone in the industry is problematic.
Hey guys, politics are okay to have in media.
Just don’t shoehorn your beliefs in and handle it with some fucking class. Don’t racebait or sexbait, and have some self-awareness.
>Politics are okay
>If I agree with them and they don't trigger me.
>Tackling issues in comics vs Making a whole deal with them just so a certain demographic can buy them.
Way to twist my words, you fucking culture war obsessed cretin.
it doesn’t help if you don’t want to accept the issue or refuse to move past it
continuing this left-vs-right bullshit is poisonous when all not-extremist viewpoints should be allowed to flow freely
otherwise you should be publically beaten
Good political stories are the ones where the writer wants to tell a story and feels the need to use politics.
Bad political stories are the ones where the writer wants to use politics but feels forced to write the story around it.
It's easy to tell good from bad.
V for Vendetta is a pretty good story and it's clearly a book that started as a platform for Moore's views on a lot of things, most of them (if not all) political.
So is the blaming of politics for the shitty writing in comics just people too in denial to admit that good writers don't go into the comic industry?
I maintain that politics in media needs to be driven by character, not character by stories. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with politics being shoehorned into stories if only that were true, if you could get behind a character's political position if you understand why they hold that position. Usually good when it influences their lives personally and directly. And I think too many writers don't get that the focus is not the conflict itself, but the people behind and within it.
That would work as an argument if comics were the only place that had that problem
Honestly, it's shit writing across the board more than doing politics.
"libertarians" are conservative, user, just not necessarily socially
In the 1970s, they weren't creating fake outrages every Tuesday just to riot. Men in wigs were still just men in wigs.
>That would work as an argument if comics were the only place that had that problem
It kind of is though. People only pay attention to the films that are marketed but the film industry is massive and kino comes out every week. Novels are novels. If you're mad it's because you went looking for it. The gaming industry has mainstream massive issues but Indies are exploding.
Comics? Outside of the big two while you have talent, you don't have the wellspring of it.
Based Stan the Man. It sickens me to see all of the spineless conservatives running around Yea Forums nowadays.
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>In the 1970s, they weren't creating fake outrages every Tuesday just to riot.
This is much more succinct than the answer that I would give, even though it's longer. A lot people think Lee gets more credit than he deserves, but he wasn't devoid of ideas and/or critical thinking skills. Skills which I think touched any project he was involved with.
Stan Lee was called a rapist Nazi apologist evil white male by all of Twitter before he died, til the Disney media machine remade his image back to where it was before everyone on the internet went insane.
If he released that exact soapbox in 2019 he would be called an alt right incel troll and would be forcibly expelled from the industry.
I don't think Stan Lee was a hacker.
.....what? There are always going to be legitimate problems.
>Imagine a Marvel comic talk about abortion
The only comic that I can see talking about abortion is Spider Man during the Ditko Era, where he goes full blown Mr. A.