Kamala mom and dad are not muslims fundamentalists.
Why are so many Kamala anti-Muslim now?
Aamir said Bruno could never marry Kamala because he’s white and Kamala’s parents want their grandkids to know their culture. I’m okay with it because Bruno is supposed to be miserable
I'm begging you to kill yourself. Pretty please?
It's funny because in the end they agreed with aamir and him African-American woman, I think they are really afraid that their children will doubt their faith for their couple, I'm sure they will agree that Bruno be her boyfriend, I mean, he's madly in love with kamala, they know that she will be the one that dominates in the relationship
There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. If they are practising, they hate gays and they hate women. Simple as.
many people will not leave their religion the best we can do is to dilute it so much that it is no longer a danger
Kamala is gonna be the president? The fuck.
>they agreed with aamir and him African-American woman
Aamir is a man, Kamala is a woman. That makes a big difference.
Anyway the whole thing was probably Aamir projecting his own fundamentlist views into his parents
Try dating a 'moderate' Muslim's daughter some time as a non-Muslim, let me know how that works out for you.
Americans are just doing what the brits failed to do at the right time
make islam suitable for their 21st century empire.
>Xavier's reassurance is that he can still fuck and that he's a testament to big dick wheelies
>Anyway the whole thing was probably Aamir projecting his own fundamentlist views into his parents
Is it a kamala from another universe, or from another time line? Look, I do not understand it but one thing is for sure kamala meets the stereotype of the Indian butt
>I'm begging you to kill yourself.
how muslim of you
Only 59% of American Muslims think that following Quran is essential to be a Muslim, so you would be surprised. Cafeteria Islam is very real.
>coca-cola and blue jeans will succeed where the musket and bayonet failed
really almonds the activates.
freedom is the thing that will lure us all into slavery
Kamala is for being Tony’s Sugar Baby
I really liked Kamala's first appearances but dropped Ms Marvel pretty fast, what are the good Ms Marvel comics with Kamala ?
>That glorious feel when this retconned
It's a real thing, places like Kuwait or the Emirates are experiencing enormous spikes in obesity because of American fast food chains in their countries
So millions and millions of people want to toss my sister off of a random rooftop.
Awesome. What a relief.
If they want that fundamentalists she will not be allowed to have normal clothing in the home.
I'm not a muslim but I want to too so you can probably add a few millions to your list
>I'm not a muslim but
They are but dont reveal themselves in public because of radical Islamic autism
contrary to popular belief, muslim women do not wear ninja garb while with family members. That's only for public appearances.
The only reason her brother's wife wears it is because the person who wrote the comic didn't get that.
Kamala sill have normal clothing at school.
>people on this board would prefer to stay in a religion where she has little to no freedom,has 95% percent of getting married off to some mudslime that'll treat her like shit and beat,and will make her quit being super hero because can only be considered property
>Rather let her be free and be a super hero and date cute boys like Sam
2nd crusade when?
Kamala is for men
most muslims in first world countries "follow" islam but make exceptions at any corner they see fit. They drink, eat pork and dont pray, but still "follow the quoran". Much to their elders frustration from what I've seen. They're just black people with religious background now
okay jannies you cleaned up the other shitpile finally now get this one
Is Bruno a Muslim? If not why the hell would they want a filthy kuffar marrying their daughter?
How is this a shitpile?I like Kamala.
yaoi hands in the last panel, lmao
no user
Kamala is for nobody
everybody is for K A M A L A
I like her parents. They're kind and their relationship with Kamala undergoes appreciable development.
Can't wait for them to marry her off to a Saudi prince
>Yea Forums hates women and constantly posts about why women are ruining everything
>Yea Forums also thinks Muslims are evil because they keep women in check
>user can't stop sucking dicks
>user also can't stop sucking dicks
Remember that you can not question anything here,from outside yes but not here
There is literally no problem with sucking dick
From 1147 to 1150
His brother seems like a douche, and not a normal brother douche, but more like the one that stones you for being haram.
That's because he is.Ans his main reason for being that way is that he doesn't have to get a job
Bruno also said HIS family would not allowed it either for she is not Irish Catholic.
I have never got the impression the comic is SJW, it never "educates". When the villain turns out to be a blue eyed blond haired rich white guy whining how hard he has it, it still showed understanding.
He’s just protective. When he thought she was raped, he was ready to get a mob
You missed the spiderman one
Peter did not develop feelings for kamala and vice versa, the one in the tv series (and therefore the multiverse) do not count
No, but it made bruno look like a cuck
this is not about bruno being a cuck is about kamala being a chad
It's a shame his run was cancelled and he'll never appear with her again.
Which means that this comic which is meant to make muslims out to be harmless and not-that-different is really just some progressive idiot's idealistic view based on their lack of knowledge of the subject...which appears to always be the case when non-muslims defend islam. The writer is just 1 bike ride through Morocco away from reality. This "just like us" narrative gets stupid white people who believe it killed every year on misguided trips through muslim countries.
Guys like him are always ready to get a mob. That was just an excuse.
And everybody WILL belong to Kamala. Remember: all of her is one.
This desu
Her original writer was from Jersey and converted solely to fuck her college professor.
White women along with jersey are a fucking disgrace to humanity
So ... can we stop thinking about Kamala as a disgusting self-insertion and start see her as a religion?
Yes praise be Kamala
Remember that time her brother was acting like a fundamentalist to get out of getting a job, and her parents both gave him shit over it?
You can have religion and not be a dick?
Impossible for muslims
she can't, not directly, she is different, she is not going to force herself above other religions, she does not have to, if other people want to ruin their lives for false beliefs she can not do anything, only those who accept her in their heart will find salvation, joy and gladness
with her you can user
with her