Having multiple Spider-Men/Heroes in the same story devalues Spider-Man as a superhero and character. I don't wanna suck Raimi's dick too hard but Peter Parker worked best when he was the only Superhero.
Having multiple Spider-Men/Heroes in the same story devalues Spider-Man as a superhero and character...
A lot of those are from AUs. They don’t count
They still crossover easily with no consequences and that sucks.
You shouldn't have multiple Spider-Men in the same story except for rare occasions. Kaine and Miguel existing at the same time as Peter is fine, however, as they're wildly different characters.
>Having multiple Spider-Men
I perfectly agree and i hate the current trend of making almost every Spiderman story about his copycats
That makes no sense
Why would you specify Raimi???
It's okay when it's just some Spiders in different universes like Miguel, Peni and shit.
When there's like eight fucking spiders in the universe (Peter, Ben, Kaine, Spock, Miles, Gwen, Silk, Spider Woman, etc) it becomes bloated and makes it feel like Peter isn't as special as he is. Congratulations, Miles is ANOTHER black superhero who can use electricity powers, but has he done anything of worth to the universe? What the fuck will he accomplish besides killing a few shitty characters in a crossover? Nothing.
Spiderman has always been about poorly copy pasted version of him though
>That nigga with 6 arms
There are probably more but that is off the top of my head
>but has he done anything of worth to the universe?
Uuuuuuuh, he IS the universe you f*cking racist
Obviously i agree
>Captain Universe Pete does fucking nothing to Solus
>Captain Universe Miles beats him
Defend this.
Raimifags are literally this retarded and it's painful to read.
I just hope we get an event some day where the Goblin decides he's gonna kill all the fucking Spiders in the universe and gets really close to succeeding.
They at least have the most accurate Peter, I'll give them that. Andrew's too much of a chad and Tom's too much of a Stark cocksucker.
Doesn't matter if they have the most accurate peter, this fool is literally trying to say a universe with more heroes than Pete makes Pete a lesser character.
I hate moviefags.
It’s more like heroes with his exact powers and sometimes more
I think he may have tried to say that Spider Man only works when he's the only Spider there besides maybe a villainous one like Venom, but fucked it up and said heroes somehow.
How do we handle the Spider control anons? Post your shitty ideas.
He shoots spider lazer
Assemble a team of evil, universe hopping Spider-Men to kill them that reflect Peter's deepest darkest desires, fears, regrets and shit.
>Spider-Incel from those Earth-3 Marvel threads is in the group and represents what Peter was like before Uncle Ben was shot
Get out of here, Scott Snyder
muh venom blast
I'm not saying to make another multiverse full of evil Spider-Men. Literally just make a team of evil Spider-Men that get into conflict with the good Spider-Men and rack up a really fucking big kill count before being defeated.
He specified between Spider-people and heroes in general and then doubled down and said Peter should be the only superhero. He's just that retarded, user.
>when the only good part of Spider Geddon besides Spiders-Man and Norman's excellent adventure was the only part with the original Peter
Its the problem with shared universes. Superman feels cheaper when there's a billion other superheroes
I had an idea for a different Spider-Verse, prior to Metal's existence, where it would be revealed that the Web of Life had cast a shadow over a portion of the multiverse never before observed, where the laws of good and evil are reversed and everything goes wrong for heroes. From this shadow beneath the web would come an army of evil Spider-Men who had fallen under the sway of an evil, cannibalistic Peter who devoured the life force of other Spiders to empower himself, and invaded 616.
The event would be about Peter rallying the Spiders of his own world, then branching out into the multiverse to prevent the spread of them, before after all else fails the surviving Spider-people actually team up with Morlun as a last resort.
The only good Morlun story, and they did it by stripping him of all the traits his writers THOUGHT made him a cool villain. No stupid invincibility, no unending smugness, no poorly-written powerlevel wank. Just an implacable hunter stripped of all his pride and gravitas, so furious it's become comical at the one person in all the multiverse that has made a habit of defeating him, and their knock-down drag-out brawl that puts them both at their wits' end.
couldn´t agree more.
I already hated the whole clone saga shit.
venom and spider-man 2099 are the only once that work in my books since venom is pretty much his own character and spider-man 2099 at least originally never interacted with peter parker.
all spider people should be removed from cannon or killed off
that was the only time in about like 10 years where peter had a long and cool fight against a villain.
nowadays comics are stupid jokes, set up or plot lines that lead nowhere with the final "epic conflict" either never happening or being resolved in about 2 pages
JMS had a pretty fine Morlun at first. It's every time after that until he just became a stronger, triggered version of Kraven that wants that fucking Spider's head is when it became good again.
No. That shouldn't ever happen. We're too far down the rabbit hole, and the kind of thinking that believes plot elements from previous writers you hate should just be bloodily destroyed is how we got cancerous events like Spider-Verse in the FIRST place. Any attempt to wipe them out would do so much more damage than any improvement it could bring. A good writer would restructure, not annihilate.
Cape fights are fucking garbage in general. Most have no flow and are basically just static images of some guy after he got punched. Gotta fill every fucking panel with quirky dialogue instead.
I honestly fucking wish that we got a Cape artist who could make fights as good as Araki. That'd be a fucking blessing.
It's the same issue so just kindly shut the fuck up dude. Having multiple heroes in just one City alone takes so much pressure off of Peter which kinda defeats his character's point because he's all about having the pressure and responsibility to be a hero especially for the little guys. He doesn't have to bear any kind of responsibility when Daredevil or Ms Marvel live 1 Mile away and could take care of his shit.
>and could take care of his shit
"Could" being the key word here. You're the one undermining Peter by implying he wouldn't care about saving people because someone else might do it. And that logic makes no sense for a superhero because the same argument could be made using cops, firefighters and the like to begin with. Why would Peter bother to stop a robbery if there's people being paid to do it, right?
Daredevil is a muh neighborhood autist and Ms. Marvel is a bad person that doesn't step up when she needs to. Or are we talking about Kamala? Either way it brings me to my point, that there's another facet to Peter that you're ignoring in your autistic hate: he's a better hero than Marvel's populace knows what to do with. You'll have local celebrities in one little slice of town or another that clean up crime, but none of them put the insane burden upon themselves that Spidey does. He patrols EVERYWHERE. Hell's Kitchen, Queens, the Bronx, Manhattan, doesn't matter where to him. If something happens in his city it's his responsibility to take care of it. There's a reason why even at the height of JJ's smear campaigns random joes on the street would cheer at Spider-Man when he swings by. There are other heroes with great power, but it's few and far between that take on such great responsibility.
Jameson from a universe where he has the powers of the Hulk, Ghost Rider, Iron Man, and Captain Marvel combined with none of the drawbacks finds out that there's a multiverse full of Spider-Man and goes on a crusade to end all of them.
"Could" shouldn't be an option for Spider-Man. That's why Ben's responsiblity line is such an important thing to remember for Peter. Peter forces himself to be Spider-Man because he has these amazing powers while the others don't.
>Another thread showing how OP is too autisic to understand what AUs are.
Daredevil and Ms. Marvel don't have the power and capacity Spider-Man does. You're doing a total disservice to the character by suggesting he'd ever consider as a "could" like you're so hung up on.
Plenty of people could have stopped the man that killed Uncle Ben. But that isn't the issue for Peter. HE could have stopped it. But he didn't, and that cost Ben his life. It's never mattered to him whether someone else could pick up the slack, all that's important is that he has the power to make a difference, and so he chooses to, because he won't allow himself to endanger other people again through his inaction. I am so sick of dumbasses like you that want to get offended by some great injustice to a character, only to reveal that you don't know a goddamn thing about the character you're so offended about.
>comic books shouldn't be comic books
He wants to bring Yea Forumstards to his outrage thread.
>That's why Ben's responsiblity line is such an important thing to remember for Peter
Fun fact, in the original comic Ben never uttered those words
But anyways as i already said, you're the one applying this "could" to Peter, you're the one arbitrarily deciding that in presence of other heroes he'd turn into an irresponsible asshole
A few extra spider-dudes is ok, if they got their own gimmick or look, like how Batman's got Batgirl, Nightwing, etc.
I just used them as an example you autist. There is maaaaany superheroes with even greater powers that just live in New York. Comics do a disservice to Spider-Man. Not me. One they stop being shit and do Spider-Man the justice he deserves, I'll stop complaining.
Indeed he could have stopped this but this starts being less of an issue once 10000 Superheroes just live around the area who also can do the same thing. If seen from a less personalized lense responsibility stops mattering once everyone is a superhero.
You clearly want to suck Raimi's dick though, otherwise you wouldn't have named him and implied he was the only one to have that. Also you're wrong, Spider-Man teamups are great. Agreed on the too many Spiders but at this point it's a problem for every popular hero.
He's right and the fact we're at this point shows how Marvel as shit the bed.
Yeah it devalues the character of Peter to assume he'd just shove things onto others, it's antithetical to Spider-Man, but the point isn't if whether Peter would even do it, it's the fact that he's got so many people he can do that to when the burden of being Spider-Man starts fucking up his life again that is a problem.
Having heroes live in the same world was neat and cool in the early days, but that was before bloat had really set in, decade after decade and now what was a positive is now a negative because so much new shit's been tacked onto the universe that Spider-Man offshoots aside, in Manhattan alone there's the Fantastic Four, Avengers, Dr Strange, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Iron Man, Punisher, Luke Cage, Moon Knight, the X-Men and more. It's ridiculous how there's still so much crime when by all means a thug practicing any crime whatsoever is more likely to come across a super hero than a cop so why chance getting their ass beat by a super and thrown in jail?
>And that logic makes no sense for a superhero because the same argument could be made using cops, firefighters and the like to begin with.
No, no it can't, these fields are always understaffed as fuck, cops and firefighters aren't always needed but when they are it's all hands on deck, they never have the luxury of just foisting this on others even if they wanted to, plus in the world of comics they're literally useless, they're the heroic equivalent of mooks
The line still appeared in the comics and became words for Peter to live by. The issue is that there shouldn't be a "could" option. Peter shouldn't only feel guilty once his problems become personal. Either he does the Superhero shit or people have to suffer because of this decision. Not this wishy washy maybe they do maybe they won't because there are othet Spider-Men and Superheroes to take care of his shit.
That only applies to Spock, Ben and Kaine.
The rest have nothing going for them. Miles barely even has his obligatory black electricity powers.
Notice how most of those didn't exist until the 90s.
I hope every day that we get an event where Stormin' Norman genocides all the Spiders besides Ben, Spock, Kaine, and Peter. It's the only thing I hope for involving Spider-Man at this point.
How many Spiders do we have anyways
>Spider-Man (Miles)
>Spider Ghost
>Scarlet Spider (Ben)
>Scarlet Spider (Kaine)
>Superior Spider-Man
>Spider-Man 2099
>There is maaaaany superheroes with even greater powers that just live in New York.
No they don't. Before Civil War maybe you could say that but most Marvel heroes don't live in New York City anymore. And when they did, they usually having adventures in other parts of the world. Few of them actually polices the city of New York regularly.
I miss when the only "Spiders" were Peter and Venom (sorta). No Spider-Men from alternate universes dicking around. Just two lads and an alien ex lover dicking around.
That creates more problems than it solves. Now you have dead Spider-people that any writer can bring back whenever they feel like it AND a bunch of evil edgy Spider-people that would also come back periodically.
Even back then you already had a couple of Spider-Women.
Are you seriously implying that page is a good fight, visually?
It's literally everything that's wrong with shonenshit fights, 2 characters standing around, one explaining his keikaku and one going "urk, so that was your keikaku?"
Oh hey it's someone who clearly doesn't read comics. That's not how storytelling works.
He met the fantastic four in issue TWO man.
This fucking "it works better if they're the only characters!" galaxy brained bullshit jesus christ,
>Ben's responsibility line
Moviefags pls. It's a narration box.
>Implying Marvel comic writers know how storytelling works
What's Nightwing's gimmick other than having a tight ass?
Definitely better than someone who thinks because 2 bakers live in the same city then one of them doesn't need to make bread.
Not him but a fucking stag beetle burrowing out of a guys head is pretty crazy visually.
JoJo has some pretty fantastic beatdowns too
>Food comparison
The absolute state of Marvel comic shills
spider-girl was kino tho
So what you're saying is if someone gets killed while Peter is just watching a movie, he shouldn't feel guilty because some other hero could have taken care of it? Because that's not how responsibility works.
I started with "banker" but I didn't want this to turn into /pol/ shit.
Either way you're the retard here. There are fucktons of issues with Marvel comics, this is just misplaced autism that should be filed under the same folder as the retards who ask "where was [character]?"
Fucking knew you were a newfag.
See I think the bigger issue is the Spider-Woman fiasco. Christ, how many of them are around or just forgotten? Feels like every couple years they make a new one in the hopes she sells as good as Peter. Jess, the original, has next to nothing to do with Parker, and Ghost Spider is only around thanks to a costume with nothing in common with 616 Gwen Stacy
The point is it's not a fight, visually. It's on par with that page where Peter pretends he can summon spiders.
He has a motorcycle and sometimes sticks
Jojo has some of the best anime fights to exist.
There is not a single fucking Yea Forums fight that could compare to the White Album fight or even fucking D'arby.
Clones is silly, but they've been here for a while
Miguel is a far-future hero, and that's fine. Heroes die and he was paying homage to a nearly mythical hero
Miles being Spider-man in 1610 was handled EXTREMELY poorly. There was no sense of decorum, just 'you're totally Spider-man now, kid. It's valid because I'm someone who knew Peter telling you this'
Miles in 616 is pants-on-head retarded as his origin story doesn't make any sense
Multiple Spider-men should be a bit of whacky fun, not the status quo (having another name is fine too)
That guy picked a bad page to show motion, its one page from a fight lasting 4 or 5 chapters with the guy getting the shit kicked out of him for like 7 pages straight right after the beetle thing.
Meanwhile Batman literally has a family of Bat related people.
I mean, at least it's justified because Batman has literal sidekicks and shit that he raises himself, but Peter's literally made as a character to not even have a sidekick, just himself against some crazy fucks abusing their powers.
He shouldn't leave his responsibility to other heroes because that's out of character for him, yes. That's what these legacy characters and this world of millions of superheroes do though. Take the work and pressure away from him. Inflating a city with heroes makes Spidey basically worthless and less unique.
I prefer Spider-Man when he's just a guy poor on his luck, still fighting every day to keep the world safe from the Goblin and the like. Maybe he'll team up sometimes with guys like the Fantastic Four, Wolverine or Daredevil, but besides that he's on his lonesome. The entire reason why additional Spider-People is shit is because it ruins the entire point of Spider-Man. Someone fighting alone against the world, the media, the corrupt, and still coming out and winning. Giving Peter all these additional Spider-Men only makes him feel worthless and unremarkable.
The point of Spider Verse is ANYONE can be Spider Man. Just like Peter is meant to be like anyone else.
But this isn't Spider-Verse. This is the comics.
Wasn't that the idea of the original comic?
Jessica Drew and Anya Corazón are still around, right? I thiiink Julia Carpenter is still alive?
Also, wasn't Miguel just killed off at the end of the latest issue of ASM?
Spider-Man is the average joe of superheroes. If other spider-men are from another universe or from the future, there's really no issue
matured, older, sophisticated, lone-wolf Robin with escrima sticks that can meld into a staff and create high-voltage shocks
I think the issue is that there's too many fucking Spider-Men in one universe.
Notice how there isn't a single animated Spider-Man product in the last 10 years that exclusively features Spider-Man as the sole spider-themed hero. It's like someone trying to get their picture taken on vacation and a diversity squad always pops in to photo bomb the picture.
That why Iron Boy is the worst. He should represent himself not Tony.
Then why were the 2 examples posted so lame? One is messier Hokuto no Ken and the other one is literally not a fight.
>Also, wasn't Miguel just killed off at the end of the latest issue of ASM?
Please be lying
Because Araki knows how to do good fights, unlike most capeshit writers. Every single one's a test of the intelligence of both the heroes and the villains, meanwhile capeshit can barely even have fights that last more than ten pages. I'm no weeb but Araki actually knows how to do cool fights.
That middle top panel is literally what he was complaining about cape comics: the character posing at the end of an attack. Only actual panel with fighting is the right one and it's messy as fuck.
But they don't because that's not how you set up the story.
Bad example but it was just one page from a long as fuck fight.
>messier HnK
You say that like its a bad thing. HnK fights also shit all over 99% of capeshit. JoJo just has more interesting powers.
But thats not whats happening, its the follow through of his punch which is sending the other guy flying. The motion is pretty clear.
>Having multiple Spider-Men/Heroes in the same story devalues Spider-Man as a superhero and character.
I agree completely. I even imagined another Spider crossover event to end it.
>Inheritors doing shit again
>Osborn and other evil Spiders team up with them
>Day is finally saved
>Third Act Twist: Osborn betrays them and traps all of them
>Believes in one Spider
>Detonates a multi-dimensional bomb that will erase every universe or its spider one by one until there's just one
>Cue fighting, infighting, and heroic sacrifices
>Blah blah blah there's maybe five left at the end
He learns from Peter mistakes and not allow solus to fucking touch him.
So Batman with different weapons. Pretty weak.
I'm sure they're satisfying narratively but visually I'm not really convinced.
I say that like it's a bad thing because when you're trying to make a point about what you wish cape comics were, you shouldn't use an example that's underwhelming.
I mean, it’s possible that he’s merely unconscious. But given the text...
rent free
Why not read peter stories instead of complaining other spidermen, it isn't like they are there all the time. They are not up staging peter parker role. Or becoming more popular than he is.
I mean, it's not like things never go overboard with Batman. Some of the Robins are barely distinguished from each other, the Batwomen are forever useless, and then in recent times you have OC donut steels like Duke and Harper cluttering the picture
Duke isn't in comics and Harper quit being a hero
Yeah the storywriters are garbage that write the world around Spider-Man ir whatever hero they currently write for instead of having Peter be part of his own world in a natural way.
>The point of Spider Verse is ANYONE can be Spider Man
But the point of Peter is that he's that anyone, he isn't special, you don't need a new blander faggot to prove that point. And at the end of the day the true point of Spiderverse is "we want to make money", Miles and the rest of the cast aren't just throwaway characters to show how cool "anyone" can be, they're not disappearing now that the point has been made, they're cows to be milked
>Duke isn't in comics
Like he barely in any batman comics. I could be wrong, he maybe sitting in the background
Well sure, i guess, but he's still there
Spider-Man ps4
>2 Spider-Men
Into the Spiderverse
>Peter dies to get replaced by multiple Spider-Men
MCU Spider-Man
>Has to share screentime with other heroes to be fully enjoyed
>Do I really need to explain?
Yeah, pretty much this. Doesn't the latest cartoon also have both Miles and Gwen? Except i have no problem with Peter sharing space with other heroes so the MCU is basically the last bastion to me
Yeah, and batman lost brother is canon too. You still got a lot batman's stories without duke. And you aren't even force to deal with him.
At least the MCU kinda gives some excuses like that Peter is young and the other heroes are too busy and small in numbers but I wish I got something that solely focused on Peter and his side cast only.
Only Mania and Miles share the space with Peter in Marvel Spider-Man, Gwen gets powers too but only for a time.
Spider-verse doesn't count because you should expect that it isn't a peter story.
Miles was barely a spiderman during the game, until the end of the game.
If it isn't Peter's story then the movie shouldn't have killed and starred Peter while focusing so much on him. If you can't write a story for Miles without having to kill off the most beloved Spider-Man then I'm sorry I'm going to mention that.
His stain still follows the story throughout though and I can't enjoy the sequel without having to bare Miles' shit.
Why are you so attach to a fucking fictional character that show up for 10 minutes, he suppose to die like Gwen. He's not even the ulitmate peter, but a batman ripoff.
Stop goalposting. That wasn't the point of the discussion. There currently isn't a story where you can just enjoy Peter on his own without OC donut steal cancer like Miles having to show up.
>Do I really need to explain?
Yes since Peter is in 3-4 comics to Miles' 1 comic.
And yet still Miles exists in 100% in all of Peter's comics now.
Spider-verse isn't a peter story, it's a miles story.
He is part of the Spidey mythos so yeah he will be mentioned and maybe appear in his comics. But he isn't in 100% of the current Spider-man comics since 1 of then is dealing with Peter's past in the Symbiotie costume. That reminds me, do you enjoy the fuckton of Venom clones that we seem to get?
Then Peter shouldn't have died and been the second main character next to Miles. Hell he even had an arc in this film, so just stop your damage control.
>Part of the Spidey Mythos
Yeah and that's the problem. There shouldn't be multiple Spider-Men. That's what thos whole issue is about.
>what is secondary character?
>No argument
Ripeter is suppose to die, that is his role in his universe. It suppose to be a tragedy.
>Having multiple Spider-Men/Heroes in the same story devalues Spider-Man as a superhero and character.
i both agree and disagree, having Spidey deal with intergalactic Avengers tier teamups devalues him but having Spidey interact with other Street level heroes is appropiate.
>all argouments are invalid when talking about MUH DC
Like it wasn't already obvious who was behind this thread. DC straight up blackwashed Wally West: they didn't created a new character, they just changed everything about him and that was the canon Wally for years until they brought the original back only to shit on him even more and to show of the new one was better.
The only reason Duke isn't a thing anymore is because his book flopped HARD, they had to cut it to a five issues mini and then to a three issues mini, a fail unprecedented. Don't hate on the other just because they sell better.
Great. But that wasn't what I was arguing for.
What? I just giving out facts. Duke and Harper aren't a big thing
And i'm giving out facts too: They aren't a big thing because they flopped. All of the Snyder's OC share them same destiny of being irrelevant and boring, Jess being the only exception (for now) because they needed a token girl GL in that cartoon show.
Miles being there isn't devaluing peter story. He didn't upstage or took over the plot. Hell, the Asian cop got more lines than miles.
Like I say with Spider-verse, it doesn't count. It isn't a peter story
We got 4 comic titles about ONLY peter. While the rest got only one or none.
And forget it with mcu, he already got two movies without miles
>That's what thos whole issue is about.
No, the issue is about Miles existing. All the other spider-men can exist but miles seems to be the straw that broke your camel's back.
If it wasn't Peter's story, then he shouldn't have died and be the secondary character with a major arc to himself and Miles. The movie made it count, so I'll do too. You're the only one trying to do damage control here. Peter has no representation for himself anymore and that's the biggest issue. Other Spider-Men like Miles or Silk get forced into his life despite there not being any point to it. If Spiderverse just wanted to tell Miles' story then it shouldn't have included Peter, both versions of him. There is no way to escape this shit anymore.
Stop projecting. My issue began with Spider-Man not being the only Spider-Man in his stories anymore. Spider Gwen is even more stupid because she's all about this dimension hopping shit now. Fuck that. Why are all Milesfags so insecure?
>My issue began with Spider-Man not being the only Spider-Man in his stories anymore.
So why is Miles always brought up and not Ben Reilly or Doc Ock? Miles is always at the center of these arguments even thought he never took over for Spider-man in 616.
Because Spider-Man also exists outside of comics in movie and animated form and there Miles for some reason is always forced down everyone's throat too. He represents this whole issue the best.
Ben reily and Kaine, miles, doc ock are also in cartoons and games. Miguel have a game for himself.
Yeah and they are as much as an issue there as Miles is right now but at least most of them had the decency to fuck off after they got their spotlight which I won't see happening for Miles and Spider Gwen.
>for some reason is always forced down everyone's throat too
And that is why I think it's only about Miles with you because you believe Miles being there at all is forced.
Miles is Spider-Man and currently shows up the most in Peter's life despite how unnecessary it is. Should I not mention him because it hurts your feelings? Just fuck off. The overall point is that multiple Spider-Men shouldn't exist in one story.
He really isn't in the comics.. he usually show up in events or cameos.
The point still stands that all the other Spider-Men existing next to Peter devalue his purpose and his character and there is no way to escape thar because at this point every Spider-Man story does this shit.
>Miles is Spider-Man and currently shows up the most in Peter's life despite how unnecessary it is.
Actually he doesn't show up as much as you think he does. I don't remember him in the last couple of story arcs of ASM at all. Last Spider-man story I remember him being in was some short comic in Miles' annual talking about who has the best pizza. When was the last time he did anything with Peter in ASM or FNSM?
I disagree. I think Spiderman is the only one who should go by the codename Spiderman, but having more people with the same powers and similar names isn't that bad.
How are you sucking Raimi's dick?
The MCU only has one Spider-Man.
Says dying not dead, very important distinction especially in comics.
People absolutely hated Spock though
I'm old enough that I remember when there was one Spider-Man and one Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter.
I don't know what's going on anymore. The clone saga sucked.
I sorta miss Ock being an overweight bastard in a jumpsuit honestly, now he's just another Spider-Man.
People hate Ock completely replacing Spider-Man not Spock in itself, also him being written by Slott.
AUs are what he’s taking about. The post doesn’t make any sense otherwise
you forgot the other resurrected spider girl's dad.
>Comic book sucks and undermine everything
>Shills try to justify this
No way.
It's not ok for Miguel to exist in 2019 (if he still is). Miles sucks and the spider women suck. Ben Reilly sucks, and so does Kaine. It just doesn't work the way the Batfamily works.
I mean it’s not that bad. We got one with consequences already. It’s nice to see what would happen.
k but miles dies