Indifferent mostly.
As for switching the protagonism to Gwen, I think it makes sense because you already showed Miles' hole life and ave him an arc; he needs time to breathe so "Mad Maxing" him as a hero support in someone else's story seems like a right move.
I've no strong opinion about the romance bit. I don't think every movie needs to have a love story but Hollywood kinda does and if it's done well I don't mind.
I'm not a white supremacist so I don't care about the "Black dude / White girl" angle of it, if that's what you're asking.
they're cute together in the first movie so why not
You just had a bump limit reaching thread on this you accursed baiting fucks I'm so sick of this neverending shit
They teased Miguel, we'd better see goddamn more of him.
WTF, Gwen doesn't need a fucking straight love interest holding her back. I see marvels back on the old misogynist train.
All I want to see is different Spiderpeople. I may be the only one, but I didn't like Peni.
They can't be straight love interests because they live in different dimensions that need their Spider-people. Guilt won't let it last. Let young fit kids fuck their brains out and be on their way.
oy, i hate when she decides to takes over control.
I'd much rather her split off and make a live action Spider-Gwen movie than meddle with the animated spiderverse stuff.
Let's see what steps are necessary to bring Gwen and Miles together
>kill off a beloved character (Peter who's based on Stan Lee and Ditko)
>replace him with a character whose only "merit" is being black (against Stan's wishes)
>introduce an entire multiverse event early on just so they could meet (events usually best reserved for late escalated stories)
>dig up a character known for pioneering permanent death in comics (who's based on Stan Lee's wife)
>age her down half a decade, age him up half a decade
>have a statistically unlikely pairing happen
>have her completely ignore an alternate universe version of her dead friend/lover
>pair a legacy character with the original character's first love
>pretend all of this is completely fine and normal and even wholesome and cute
Truly the definition of an unholy pairing, pretty much crack ship tier, this is definitely what we deserve
Before you scream racism, know that I would be completely fine with him having a white blonde blue-eyed gf, as long as it wasn't one of Peter's hand-me-down like with literally everything else
Could be cute but it'll probably be just really fucking awkward and forced.
>(against Stan's wishes)
>Stan actually performs in the movie
He couldn't be more on board, retard. Anyone could be Spider-Man.
watched this with my niece last night
I made a few jokes about them hooking up, she kept on telling me I was wrong.
She also disliked Peni and loved Gwen
I'm just angry because this kills any hope for MJ xGwen in the comics
There is a bit a difference between everyone can see themselves /as/ Spider-Man and everyone should /be/ Spider-man because we're making hundreds of versions. That's what I hate about comics. All these stupid fucking AUs, Legacies and family shit. It's so repetitive and devoid of creativity.
>She also disliked Peni
Your niece must be exiled to Antarctica, do what must be done
I wont see it.
>each dimension has its own Spider-man
Not seeing the issue here
...Was this ever a possibility?
>white genocide isn't real, stop being a whiny loser!
>shit like this keeps happening
When the fuck will you wake up?
>white people not not meeting replacement level reproduction is genocide
When the media keeps insisting that white women should ignore white men and instead reproduce with ethnics, then of course white replacement level isn't meeting
Then fuck your girls more? It ain't our fault, you guys got no game.
Dude was having his blood stolen from him by his closest accomplices, I don't think he had a lot of agency in his last years, especially since he was only symbolically involved in Marvel
Also just because they used the flimsiest loophole possible around his wish, doesn't mean they didn't violate its spirit, it's the result and intent that matter, "black Spider-Man" is only different from "Spider-Man but black" on a technical level, when Miles replaced Peter wholesale and inherited literally every single aspect of his character including costume, villain gallery, supporting characters etc
I hate this
Free market, though. White men are just worth less.
Boycott. Give up the franchise. Move on:
>sold into slavery by your brethren
>had to be freed by the white man
>needed decades of jewish mass propaganda to be made presentable
>still the least common interracial pairing
This really made me think
He's talking there about keeping Peter Parker as is, not about not having other Spider-people with different genders or ethnicities.
if you bothered looking and population trends over the last 20 years you would of know replacement level reproduction has been falling. The recent "push" changed little if anything
>again this fucking cucks spamming his shit
put a bullet in your head, kill yourself nobody wants you here fucking retarded, kill yourself
>“It has nothing to do with being anti-gay, or anti-black, or anti-Latino, or anything like that,” he said. “Latino characters should stay Latino. The Black Panther should certainly not be Swiss. I just see no reason to change that which has already been established when it’s so easy to add new characters. I say create new characters the way you want to. Hell, I’ll do it myself.”
>His comments follow news that Miles Morales, a mixed-race iteration of Spider-Man, willbe replacing Peter Parker in the comics.
So if I wrote a Black Panther story in which T'Challa dies like a chump and a Swiss guy flies into Wakanda and takes over his costume, friends, and position as king, and fucks his wife, and push that as the default Black Panther in every other medium from then on, I'd technically be respecting Stan Lee's wishes
>implying you'd ever get off your ass to accomplish writing a story
Oh, user...
I think I wish we could not fucking have this thread in the catalog
Of course you will, we need as many characters as possible to show up for 5 minutes to tell Miles what a great Spider-Man he is
It's not that I didn't like her but she was a comple nothing character. Spider-Ham and Noir were by far more entertaining and developed.
I would prefer if they just stayed friends, honestly. I hate movie romances; they always feel forced and derivative.
That said, Gwen getting main billing (if that's what that implies) could be neat.
Remember that posts like this (which coincidentally start cropping out whenever there's a CG thread with a lot of replies) definitely count as advertising. Don't be fooled.
user, Peter has been with MJ for forever at this point. It's not like he peed on every version of Gwen Stacy to mark her as his territory even after they stopped being a couple.
im out
I’m glad to know the romance plot didn’t fit into the first movie. The film was refreshingly lacking a romance plot, even with small hints of it there. With
Doesn't Marvel know that 13% of all blacks commit 50% of all crimes?
Then stop watching moe anime and go date more white women.
Isn't she way older than him?
because they plan to make them bang
I mean it's already the most contrived pairing ever put to screen, adjusting their ages so they can bang is nothing compared to resurrection and universe ripping necessary to bring them together
She seems to be teenaged. If you're basing it on the fact that Gwen would be the same age as Peter, the ages weren't consistent across dimensions. Peter B is significantly older than the "regular" Peter for example.
It was a plot thread that was supposed to be in the first film and it was pushed aside because the movie was already jam packed. You see hints of it that got left in all over the place though. It's unironically the best romance featured in a capeshit film and they haven't even gotten deep into it yet. I don't see why they wouldn't continue it.
Wish it was Superior Spider-man and 2099 instead. Would still check off the minority box, and also would be interesting.
In the movie it's explicitly stated she older only by a few months.
seethe harder, whiteboi, your women belong to us now
In the comics yes in the movie no