
What do you think of the Christians?

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Are we talking American Christians, European Christians or Latin-american Christians?
VERY big distinctions.

I want to breed Catholic Kamala

>Catholic Kamala
I thought OP's pic was just a cute brown Christian girl, not some weird conversion corruption fetish shit. Thanks a lot, Anonymous.

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Are we talking about Catholics (the correct kind) or Pr*testants here?

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They all believe in a tulpa.

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>Getting mad that Kamala is part of a religion that won't throw acid in her face

How does it feel to be an idiot street shitter

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Catholic countries have better comics than Protestant countries.

Conversion is my fetish

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good source of based furry characters

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Do all of them pretend wine is the blood of a demi-god and that drinking it will result in eternal life aft death?

Need more based Calvinists

Oh boy, a tard got loose from his wrangler, better call the police before he hurts himself

Are you telling me christianity isn't a weird cult focusing on blood and deification of torture?

am atheist, so Christians and Muslims are identical.
>no evidence
>text full of draconian laws where people are put to death over the dumbest shit
>practitioners are all "well we ignore those parts lol" until they actually get elected to office.
>religious text itself is kinda socialist and forbids the hoarding of wealth
>political parties who identify with it are all capitalist af
>United States and Saudi Arabia are both superpower countries that exist solely to protect amoral billionaires
>both countries send missionaries to every corner of the planet to spread their ignorance
>always shaming their flock for having lustful thoughts, you have to have an old man's permission to do anything with your dick, and he won't grant you permission to put it in a man.
>meanwhile the same old man gives himself permission to buttfuck little boys with impunity, cops won't do shit
>the rich ones make a big fucking deal about Israel no matter how far they are from it.
>the poor ones actually have to band together and protect each other's churches, and synagogues too, from terrorists.
>most practitioners are just victims of it, really

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I would be but I lack the specialized training necessary to communicate concepts more complex than animalistic shrieking to drooling invalids
Just keep your helmet on and stay put, someone will find you before long, the stench is an easy trail to follow

Wait hollup. What was his problem? Why did he turn away from his family and into the darkest dungeon?

I am one.

Why are so many Kamala anti-Muslim now?

None of them do that. All Christians believe Jesus is God, not a demigod. Also, only Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe the wine is literal blood.

Strange that you can read.

Why are so many Kamala anti-Muslim threads now?

I'd assume it's a thing where he spent too long in the fight and just forgot how to live like a normal human and is kinda stuck crusading forever

How the fuck would I know, I'm a rich white Southerner. I just think it's a stupid fetish.

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>Both human and god
>Somehow not a demigod

Maybe he knew he wasn't the same man as before and knew all he'll ever be is a shoulder

Or he knew he needed to carry out God's will

Because we want to date Kamala (or want Sam or Scott or Bruno to date her) without her getting acid thrown in her face, and to do that she needs to flee her Muslim family and the Muslim community, which is uniformly against Muslim girls dating non-Muslim boys.

Would he and Hercules be friends?

Should have just started with
>am brainlet
and stopped there.

Greco-Roman gods were prone to fucking shit up for mortals in their feuds amongst themselves, so early Christianity put a big emphasis in the Trinity being a singular entity.

>Jesus is God
I thought he was God's spawn, not God himself.

Lost boys.

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Catholics do emphasize Christ's suffering but protestants usually don't, they emphasize the resurrection which is why they use empty crosses instead of ones with Jesus hanging on it.

You realize christianity has its own cosmology, right? Like, the nature of Christ as God is at the forefront of the religion, so if you think nobody's ever discussed your little quip you're just incorrect

I'm almost certain there is one dude created a new Kamala thread as soon as his last one dies.

He's both

>t. angry christfag

He is God and Son of God

It's both
Or, the Trinity position is that the combined F+S+HG are the sum of God

I'm not Christian or anything but it does bother me when knows so little about it they can't formulate a proper insult

Heathen slayer

I just remembered elementary school, when I had a rudimentary understanding of faith and thought
>no evidence
was a valid thing to consider

>no evidence
>was a valid thing to consider
It is.

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Her brother specifically told Bruno her parents want her to marry a fellow Muslim to preserve the culture

Like, its awesome if someone says 'i don't believe in the value of primitive grovel symbols designed to unify the uneducated masses', but when someone is like 'lol god and man? what is he hercules so gay lol' its like theyve never even heard of the religion and cant even begin to grasp what it is

So what you’re saying is we should ship Jesus and Hercules?

Safe: from the degeneracy and unholiness of non-Muslims, that is

Would be fun

The whole divide between Christians, Muslims, and Jews always seems so silly in the long run to me, they literally all worship the same God.
Instead of arguing about their differences about how to worship, they should come together against the real issue: the rising of neo-Pagan shits

Would be hot

A dying religion from ancient times that should have gone extinct a long time ago. Right now just a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats hiding themselves behind a fake idol.

May the Morrigan damn you!
Jesus blowing Hercules while Hercules uses Jesus’ hair as handlebars?

Except for the absolutely gigantic irreconcilable differences
Different groups of jews, muzzies, and +s dont' get along over their own, smaller differences. People saying shit like your post are high or in junior high still

Also why the fuck haven't the mods just deleted this shit already

>the rising of neo-Pagan shits
Cringy atheists larpers? They’re not a threat and more of a joke to laugh at. Someone should post that pic of Norse pagans made up of fat white trailer trash, brown people and gays.

Gay dumb liberal faggot

The Jewish-Christian schism is literally a ground up rethinking of their cosmology and underatanding of God, and a global declaration of independence from the idea only Jews are God's People. Its a pretty significant schism

If youre going to slam religion, at least come up with an accusation to which the answer isnt a clear and resounding 'No'

Christian girls are fuckin crazy! They'll let you stick in in their poop, whip it out, shove it in their mouth, and then put it back in their pooper! And they think it makes them a virgin forever in God's eyes!!

They're practically one step away from being legally retarded!

Stop right there, user. Having a boner for Jesus is way too much

Religion =/= church

But he’s got such a pretty mouth. He’s like Ezra Miller that way

Kamala mom and dad are not muslims fundamentalists.

Yeah, Christianiry is what it is, but I really don't enjoy watching people try and spite it. It can be such a simple and wonderful thing but a lot of people just try to veto any positivity or spirit with negativity. I mean sure the ORGANIZATION can be real bad, but it doesnt mean the Summa Theologica isnt insightful or that the Christian spirit isn't the grandfatger of modeen enlightenment and community

Annoying and retarded.

Yes keep her safe from men who will treat her right and then marry her off to the son of oil Baron that'll beat her every other day

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>Yes keep her safe from men who will treat her right and then marry her off to the son of oil Baron that'll beat her every other day
If they want that fundamentalists she will not be allowed to have normal clothing in the home.

>VERY big distinctions.
Such as? What about African Christians?

I saw a cute pajeet going door to door yesterday

Either based or supremely retarded
Monolith churches, nigga

Evangelists vs Catholics vs Coptic. African Christians are the best

Protestant West/Central Africans are nutjobs, East African Christians have rich traditions going back hundreds of years and are chill.

Pretty much

Try dating a 'moderate' Muslim's daughter some time, let me know how that works out for you.

Isnt that a screenshot of him saying he forbids her to date a non-Muslim for her own safety?

>believing in something without a shred of evidence
Theism is a fucking joke

There are at least shreds of evidence, ie the first mover etc

Can't she just regenerate and beat up whoever throws acid at her, or did she lose that power? In the early comics she was able to heal relatively quickly from a gunshot wound.

>First mover
shitty thought experiments are evidence for a god, and certainly not YOUR god.

>believing in something without a shred of evidence
I agree that would be dumb, so why do you believe in atheism?


>tfw I wish I could get myself to believe in some religion so I could have some purpose and structure in my life

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I don't believe in anything, retard. It's up to you to prove your sky fairy is real. Theists truly are the ultimate brainlets.

Fan art of Christ-chan hugging Kamala and welcoming her to church when?

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prove you're not a faggot lol

Victimization complex. Even when majority in their own country, spurg out if you don't say Merry Christmas and think everyone is out to staple them to a cross.

Then wonder why everyone rolls their eyes at their REEing and bomb dropping.

Lmao who is that tranny? Probably sucks dick every night

The belief that everything that exists just appeared on it's own magically without any creator is an extraordinary claim and the onus is on you to provide extraordinary evidence to justify your queer doctrines.

>Victimization complex. Even when majority in their own country, spurg out if you don't say Merry Christmas and think everyone is out to staple them to a cross. Then wonder why everyone rolls their eyes at their REEing and bomb dropping.
Christians or muslims?

It's just as extraordinary a claim to belief that anything happened via magic or other supernatural means, creator or no.

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And sky fairy isn't?
>extraordinary claim
We don't know how the universe began, or even of it did, retard, but you faggots claim you do know without actually backing up your claims. Religion is a blight upon progress.

Atheism isn't a religion you massive brainlet

Honestly both. Although Christians at least will make you out casts and fuck up your life on a legal level. The former will throw you off a building or genocide your whole family.

>reduce concept of divine to pejorative term like sky fairy to discredit the idea
Literal children

>fuck up your life on a legal level.
The fuck? This isn’t the ME where the entire state will go after you for changing faiths.

And believing in a sky wizard who has yet to actually prove he exists in any capacity isn't childish?

>referring to sky fairies in grandiose terms like holy and divine to try to make them sound less ridiculous

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Honestly I'll gladly eat a ban if it gets this absolute cancer thread culled

>make the "first Muslim superheroine" rebel against her religion
oh misha, you're so innocent
but I think the anons are just being very realistic (which is sad because they're right) but this is a comic, written by an American Muslim, who also in his previous series made canon that bruno ended up married to kamala

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There isnt an inductive process that implies an origin?

>Thiests on Yea Forums
What are you even doing here? This place sure has gone down hill.


Reminder the vast majority of all religious people including Christians are mild mannered normal people who you neber hear from because they're not crazy radicals who get to be on tv

>What are you even doing here?
I forgot 4channel was a strictly atheists only club.

Loudmouths are awful whether theyre Christian or Atheist, but the aggressive Atheism probably annoys me more just by its attitude and tone

>Implying that cuck would ever have a chance

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c'mon hiroshimoot you really need to buckle down and give us a multiple report feature

Again, this shitty argument does not prove that a sentient deity exists. If there is a god, he/she/it is almost certainly not the god of any religion.

This has always been a retarded safe space idea coming from edgy idiots who dont get people

>Serenity, but Kamala
Needs Lori Martin sweating profusely

>certainly not the god of any religion
That's preposterous, religion is perfectly well equipped to worship abstractions og the prime force. I honestly think youre being too strict, more strict than many Christians, on insisting only fundamentalist symbols are intended in religion

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Pick one church and show up regularly, dont matter if you believe it just that it brings stability or comfort to you.

Some atheists accept he spiritual, but then insist religion is only purely fundamental, and say they dont believe in God because God is only the guy on tbe cloud. But the majority of Christians know He's not a man on a cloud, so it can be like fundamentalist atheists hate non-fundamental Christians, for not being as strict as they assumed in believing in a false image of God

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it's over drumpf is finished

Yeah, Christians never attack women

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They're hust clubhouses. Show up and enjoy a sense of brotherhood by listening politely with everyone else, then enjoy snacks and chat afterwards

Elliot Rodger was not a Christian, retard.

Trump is for Kamala. Remember March 20, 2024.

Does it make sense what I'm saying, that some atheists insist only on the most fundamental interpretation of God, and lash put at enlightened and progressive Christians for not being the icon-worshippers they thought they'd be? Some atheists sound like a fundamentalist pastor when they talk about God, even to Christians who reject the fundamental.

>post a cute furry cartoon character
>instant delete and ban

>hundred+ posts of pure fucking shitposting

I would say Yea Forums is the least mature board when it comes to religion

well, Saladin has the last word, also that she in hier main series is destined to be with bruno does not mean it is always like that (in the spiderman tv series peter was interested in kamala, and in rising she had a crush with dante [inclusive when in that universe bruno exist] that's why I put: do not make me start with the multiverse in the original pic kek)

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What an original refutation that has certainly never been addressed in the last two thousand years of Christian theology.

Actually we do back up our claims with mountains of hardcore creation science.

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Slav Orthodox from the Balkans for example focus mainly on God (depending on the region - some believe him to be the classical benevolent sky daddy that sometimes has a really awful temper OR as a mystical beyond human reasoning force that is in everything and everywhere.

("...God is in our hearts and in our minds. Whenever we do good, we strengthen the bond with the divine and come closer to that which is beyond us..."
This is a little piece from a convo I had with a orthodox priest sometime ago.)

Jesus and Mary are of course also worshiped but they are more "Saint" tier than "God-beings" (well, with the exception for Jesus, but like I said previously - it depends on the region).

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Lmao you haven’t seen Yea Forums threads. It’s downright IQ-lowering.


Off-topic.Not scrolling down.Fuck you

>comics and cartoons

AVATAR, not a demigod.

You know as little about faith as you assume the faithful know about science.

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