What are your favorite tropes?
>alternate timeline/parallel universe where the protagonist and his best friend never met each other
What are your favorite tropes?
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What fuck is this
OP name three books/shows/movies where that happens
This is some ugly art.
>alt. time-line where the protag. and antag. are best friends and the world is better for it.
You'll probably get banned for that image, this board is full of leftie fatasses that view working out as toxic masculinity
Kim Possible comes to mind
Gym-Maxxed Chad needs to quit skipping leg day.
>leftie fatasses that view working out as toxic masculinity
/fit/ is one of the most popular boards and everyone wants to get paired with them when the admins do combo boards for April Fool's.
>rule 63 alternate universe
What the fuck do you think you're doing? Fuck off, get deported you worthless fucking mongrel.
>character throws something off screen
untrained chad kinda reminds me of this
>yes, I do write post with more than 2 paragraphs, why do you ask?
Found the doughboy afraid to make gains and gain friends
>leftie fatasses that view working out as toxic masculinity
Not toxic masculinity, it's considered passive fat shaming. Simply by existing, you can fat shame someone now.
what a weird false flag
The gym-maxxed incel still isn't getting laid, he's just delusionally optimistic now.
>lifting for girls
>not for yourself
never gonna make it
true, we're almost as bad as /tg/ by now
>the idea of a warrior-poet
I don't think I've ever even seen one, that just sounds rad
lol u wish
Why does Untrained Chad looks like slim Toguro?
some fitfag cope