Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Other urls found in this thread:
>How does this work?
>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.
>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.
If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something during the weekdays:
Last time:
-Still more Golden Girl discussion
-Attempts at new characters
-New pics
-Other stuff maybe
Do the "Donut Steel" threads still exist?
Dang I want to be able to draw backgrounds like this. How long does it take to draw something this detailed?
I thought they did.
Doodle for Conrad Multiple Universe idea. Different conrad based on different fedora wearers or just other concept that also happen to wear a fedora and a jacket.
Explorers huh? Neat.
Requires someone to be the first post.
is that a little babbie Colette?
Apparently brown coat-verse Yea Forumslette is younger, much younger.
I like this Colette. I'm getting inexplicable Laputa vibes.
The kind of Yea Forumslette you take on an expedition who can move those big boulders.
Speaking of that sense of adventure, since Arthurian legend is "canon" in this universe, does that mean that Britainment has something to deal with the Holy Grail?
>Missed most of last thread and Penni draws Chancy's Theme Park.
Fuuuuck this is good.
Only if you want there to be.
It was also discussed how Kid Valor might be The Clown King's more usual nemesis and GG could've met him for the first time investigating the theme park.
>It was also discussed how Kid Valor might be The Clown King's more usual nemesis
Sure, I'm not against the idea, as long as it leads to the two of them sword fighting except instead of a sword, Chancy has a giant bratwurst and Kid Valor is still taking it super seriously.
Should I just add the Iron Girl comic from a couple threads ago to the GG thread on /coc/ already? I haven't gotten any work on if there will be revisions or not so I'd assume not by this point.
And the Clown King uses the sword fight to have Kid Valor slice the sausage so it may be placed upon crackers for the on-lookers?
I'm still hoping things will pick up.
Any artists here can draw a design based off od Akihiko style Steve Rogers.
In other words, Captain America:
- shirt-less, mask-less, tattered clothing
- Stars and Stripes or US flag Cloak,
- fighting gloves
Are there any writers or idea guys that can come up a backstory for this blonde blue-eyed patriotic fighter?
I don't know. Maybe we need dead thread on the spot on Saturday every now and then. I mean, just look at this shit
Usually I make an effort to keep the threads up throughout the weekend.
I have my own hopes for the thread since there's still some in-progress and unfinished business I'm involved with where I'm just waiting for someone else.
She looks like Fio from Metal Slug.
The Overbearing Lioness.
"If the shrimp can put on a super suit, then so can I!"
>Kid Valor might be The Clown King's more usual nemesis
Something like that...
The overly serious youth VS the silly adult.
I can't really any examples of that where they are actually fighting.
Bueno filename
Well bump.
Well, if I get no answer by the time this thread is gone, I'll just add them.
I love this.
I'm not caught up with the Clown King character, is he like Pennywise?
This is sick, you draw it?
Alright gentlemen, now that LMAC is over, what's the next project we can realistically complete in the next month or two?
That really depends on drawfags.
such as?
The user who was doing the editing for the Yea Forumsle story. Haven't seen him in the threads in over a month now. We were close to being done with first pass editing.
Only script I've seen with him in it was where he kept on shoving hot dogs in GG's mouth til she passed out, woke up with a sore jaw and cheeks full of hot dogs.
her skirt covered in condiments reading out "satisfied customer"
>whats symbolism?
so unless someone ends up drawing that, it seems like there is open room with this character to play with.
That wasn't GG, that was just some guy.
There was someone writing a script where GG was going to investigate the theme park, but they didn't finish it.
My first time posting here so I'm bumping it because I like the idea.
There was a thread where an user posted some fan art of more alien design of the Crystal Gems. An user said he still would want to fuck Pearl, so I drew a few Pearls. Anons said they like it, but I felt that the idea of a more alien looking Pearl could be done better than my shitty phonepost sketches. Anons still liked it.
I don't know for sure if they'd fit in this thread, but this seems like the perfect idea for other anons to play around. Preferably anons better skilled than me.
Not true, autistic comics prove we can all be drawfags f we apply ourselves.
I wonder what the LMAC user will do for his own work.
I've been entertaining doing a jetpack viking origin story (writing + page layouts), but I keep putting it off since I'm sure it would be completely different than what the anons would expect. It would feature jetpack viking, jetpack Valkyrie (as an antagonist and a side character, not yet having a jetpack), and would take place in the 40s and the 70s.
First part is a bunch of flashbacks about his family in the US, his dad teaching him morals and to protect others, and how he ends up as a RAF pilot. They have a raid over Norway where his entire team gets shot down and he finds the jetpack, then he uses the jetpack to finish the mission and tags along with the US army (not as a super hero, but just a senior soldier with a jet pack).
Second part is him trying to figure out what he can do, while on the western front of WW2. He gets over zealous and sees many soldiers die. He learns that he needs to be a proper soldier, not a hothead, because a mistake from his part can be catastrophic. Valkyrie shows up hunting for him, and this would be the start of a major conflict that would span half a century, turning into companionship.
Third part would start with a time skip, so there should be some flashbacks on what he does in the years afterwards. But this would lead to a Vietnam story (3rd and 4th part, and it would need 2-3 support characters), where the corruption he is surrounded with turns him bitter, until he is so disillusioned that he sets up his unit to be destroyed, because that's the justice they deserve. This is where he decides that he'll be his own hero from now on, and decides on the jetpack viking persona.
Then it would end with him in a bar, mellow and drinking to the memory of his old comrades (maybe the entire story was just him telling the tale while having a beer).
I dig it
Thank you, and yes, I drew it
I forgot the pic, bump I guess
one possible theme could be that his powers wouldn't be always active, because he doesn't know that he has any, he just thinks he has a jetpack. But when some traits emerge around him, he gets stronger, faster, etc. This is because the jetpack isn't a jetpack, it is a totem that bestows the power and spirit of the north winds on the bearer. So the traits to give him powers are ones related to those, combined with his own beliefs (feats of bravery, exploring the unknown, fighting against bullies, and of course anything related to flying).
But he does not know this, he attributes his bouts of strength and failures to his own shortcomings, and it is why he decides to stay as a soldier. By the 70s, he knows he has abilities, and has several other occupations, but it is the atrocities he sees in the Vietnam unit that pushes him to serve justice as a full time job.
I feel like you're just going to hold yourself back sticking to real world wars.
>There was someone writing a script where GG was going to investigate the theme park, but they didn't finish it.
Yeah, life got in the way. Maybe I'll work on it eventually. I do pop in occasionally to see what's up with GG stuff. I will say The Clown Kingdom concept and is pretty awesome.
>I'm not caught up with the Clown King character, is he like Pennywise?
No, not really. He's more like the Joker/Two Face meets Ray Kroc (McDonald's founder).
From the wiki:
>The Clown King - Roy Chancy is a descendant of Bavarian royalty who fled to the U.S. during WW2 and used his dwindling fortune to establish a hotdog fast food franchise and amusement park in Platinum City. After many years, the inane looping tuba music that Chancy piped throughout his businesses slowly ate away at his sanity. When night falls, the mogul dons the mascot costume of his commercial empire and prowls the streets on a mission of joy and mayhem. In costume, Chancy truly believes that he is The Clown King. His unpredictable attempts at humor and corporate ambassadorship often spark chaos and fear.
Like, for instance, there's the /coc/ Cold War, yeah? It's fought with the superpowers arms race instead of the threat of nukes. The nukes are there, but who the fuck cares about nukes? No one, not when there's men who have power like gods roaming the Earth. That's so much flashier than mutually assured destruction. You threaten people with the end of the world for years on end and they stop giving a fuck eventually. You give them a person who can shoot lightening out of their ears and blow tornadoes, that's something that keeps immediate attention.
All it takes is one random person being born with a superpower in any island/African/Asian nation, any nation with contested boarders, any nation caught up in the crossfire of the battle of ideologies, it just takes one person being born with some flashy power to give the people there something to rally around. And you can have powder keg conflicts like this ANYWHERE.
So why settle for 'Nam if you need him to go through the trauma dance? You could have him fail to save some kid with some power who is being used by any prop government as a figurehead.
Consider having it also be Kid Valor's intro comic if you ever get back to it. Audrey gets to the park and does her snooping, notices someone else snooping and she can either get into trouble or see someone else get into trouble.
Not sure how it'd play out.
I'm working on a pitch right now for some publishers, still trying to find a colorist since I'm terrible at it, but we'll see what happens. Gonna have a book absolutely out by Christmas, it's 90% locked I just have to make the final edits then publish it. Thanks for wondering!
I drew this for fun for you guys.
Cool. Hopefully that all goes well for you.
I'm not re-upping the volume two mega just to add in another cover though. Maybe much later.
hmm... that could be worked in.
Kid Valor isn't the snooping type though. I think it would be more in character for the Crusaders to bust into the theme park on a direct heroic raid of their own and cause massive property damage that distracts Chancey long enough for GG to free herself and complete her mission.
How would Valor snoop?
Haven't heard much about the character
Would he be following her due to her suspicious snooping being suspicious?
and most importantly, how would we make it a joke about boobs?
This is the script I was talking about last thread of the moment Audrey meets Katya's undercover identity. I'm not sure about the surfer lingo yet, so any suggestion or fix is welcome.
I may update the one after this, where Iris confronts Katya to update her speech from valley girl to surfer.
Opening Panel:
A grinning Katya in her undercover identity is surrounded by regular school cast showing different reactions: Audrey looking tired, Iris doing a facepalm, Billy trying to put 2 + 2 together, etc..
Panel 1:
Audrey is sitting in her classroom, completely exhausted. The teacher is doing an announcement.
>Audrey (Narration): I haven't been able to get some good night sleep since last week. It seems all Supervillains took turns to show up each night...
>Teacher: Class, I have an announcement, today we will have a new student joining our class.
Panel 2:
Audrey looks at the teacher with hope in her eyes.
>Audrey (Narration): But it seems Iris is sick and took the day off, so at least I will have a relaxing day at school free of-
>Teacher: She comes from California, her father got a job transfer here, so please give a warm welcome to...
Panel 3:
Audrey looking in horror, as Katya, in her undercover identity enters the classroom.
>Audrey (Narration): IRON GIRL?!
>Teacher: Katya.
>Katya: Hello all, I may be a benny, but I hope ve get along and go chilling around sometime.
Panel 4: The entire class turns around and look at an embarassed Audrey.
>Classmate 1: Doesn't Katya look just like Audrey?
>Classmate 2: I can't tell their faces apart.
>Classmate 3: They could be twins!
Panel 5: Katya sits a few seats away from Audrey but remains fixated on her.
>Audrey (Narration): Oh no, is what I feared... she found out my secret identity and has infiltrated the school.
Panel 6: Katya surrounded by classmates, always fixated on Audrey, as she talks with them while Audrey avoids her gaze.
>Classmate 1: Wow, you know how to surf?!
>Katya: Vait, so you don't surf here?
>Audrey (Narration): She doesn't take her eyes off me.
Panel 7: Audrey walking fast through the hallway, with Katya in pursuit while keeping the conversation with the classmates.
>Katya: So I vas asking my dude for a longboard...
>Audrey (Narration): Wherever I go, she follows... she's being worse than Iris.
Panel 8: Audrey in eating her lunch, while on the table in front, Katya is looking at her while talking with their classmates.
>Audrey (Narration): She could endanger everyone if I'm not careful.
>Katya: ...then my bro charged at zat bomb and...
Panel 9: Audrey back in her classroom, a grinning Katya is standing right in front of her.
>Katya: You're little act can't fool me. I know vho you are.
>Audrey (Narration): Here it comes, even if I have to fight, the well-being of everyone must be placed before my secret iden-
Panel 10: A grinning Katya hugs a confused and embarassed Audrey.
>Katya: You must be ze most Amerikan- I mean radical girl I have ever seen! Ve vill become legit dudes!
>Audrey: Ehm... sure.
>Audrey (Narration): It looks like my secret identity is safe, and while I will have to keep an eye on Iron Girl, I can always use 1 less "weight off my chest".
Would The Crusaders already be formed though? Would GG meet each of the individually first before they make a group and exclude her from it?
Kid Valor is as arrogant as he is chivalrous. I find it hard to imagine him snooping in any subtle way and I also find it hard to think of him in any sympathetic light. He could just be there and everyone assumes he's a kid taking his part time job way too seriously.
Maybe a joke about how GG is eclipsing his radiance?
Some of the grammar needs work. The lines read kind of clunky and I might just be tired, but certain words seem to be repeated in a few of those lines.
>I haven't been able to get some good night sleep since last week. It seems all Supervillains took turns to show up each night...
>I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep since last week. It's been a supervillain slideshow.
>Class, I have an announcement, today we will have a new student joining our class.
>Class, I have an announcement: today we will have a new student joining us.
>But it seems Iris is sick and took the day off, so at least I will have a relaxing day at school free of-
>But it seems Iris is home sick today, so at least this will be a relaxing day at school free of-
>Oh no, is what I feared... she found out my secret identity and has infiltrated the school.
>Oh no, my worst fear... she found out my secret identity and has infiltrated the school.
>Wherever I go, she follows... she's being worse than Iris.
>Wherever I go, she follows... she's worse than Iris.
>You're little act can't fool me. I know vho you are.
>Your little act can't fool me. I know vho you are.
>Here it comes, even if I have to fight, the well-being of everyone must be placed before my secret iden-
>Here it comes. If it's a fight then the well-being of everyone must be placed before my secret iden-
I'm out of space, but the last line reads weird too.
I Like it
Thanks! Fixing them:
Opening Panel:
A grinning Katya in her undercover identity is surrounded by regular school cast showing different reactions: Audrey looking tired, Iris doing a facepalm, Billy trying to put 2 + 2 together, etc..
Panel 1:
Audrey is sitting in her classroom, completely exhausted. The teacher is doing an announcement.
>Audrey (Narration): I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep since last week. It's been a supervillain slideshow...
>Teacher: Class, I have an announcement: today we will have a new student joining us.
Panel 2:
Audrey looks at the teacher with hope in her eyes.
>Audrey (Narration): But it seems Iris is home sick today, so at least this will be a relaxing day at school free of-
>Teacher: She comes from California, her father got a job transfer here, so please give a warm welcome to...
Panel 3:
Audrey looking in horror, as Katya, in her undercover identity enters the classroom.
>Audrey (Narration): IRON GIRL?!
>Teacher: Katya.
>Katya: Hello all, I may be a benny, but I hope ve get along and go chilling around sometime.
Panel 4: The entire class turns around and look at an embarassed Audrey.
>Classmate 1: Doesn't Katya look just like Audrey?
>Classmate 2: I can't tell their faces apart.
>Classmate 3: They could be twins!
Panel 5: Katya sits a few seats away from Audrey but remains fixated on her.
>Audrey (Narration): Oh no, my worst fear... a villain found out my secret identity and has infiltrated the school.
Panel 6: Katya surrounded by classmates, always fixated on Audrey, as she talks with them while Audrey avoids her gaze.
>Classmate 1: Wow, you know how to surf?!
>Katya: Vait, so you don't surf here?
>Audrey (Narration): She doesn't take her eyes off me.
Panel 7: Audrey walking fast through the hallway, with Katya in pursuit while keeping the conversation with the classmates.
>Katya: So I vas asking my dude for a longboard...
>Audrey (Narration): >Wherever I go, she follows... she's worse than Iris.
Panel 8: Audrey in eating her lunch, while on the table in front, Katya is looking at her while talking with their classmates.
>Audrey (Narration): She could endanger everyone if I'm not careful.
>Katya: ...then my bro charged at zat bomb and...
Panel 9: Audrey back in her classroom, a grinning Katya is standing right in front of her.
>Katya: >Your little act can't fool me. I know vho you are.
>Audrey (Narration): >Here it comes. If it's a fight then the well-being of everyone must be placed before my secret iden-
Panel 10: A grinning Katya hugs a confused and embarassed Audrey.
>Katya: You must be ze most Amerikan- I mean radical girl I have ever seen! Ve vill become legit dudes!
>Audrey: Ehm... sure.
>Audrey (Narration): I may have to keep an eye on Iron Girl at school from now on, but it looks like my secret identity is safe... one less "weight off my chest" I guess.
Any ideas for a title?
I like the surf lingo
The iron scare
Russian off to school
School metals
With classmates like these, who needs enemies
New girl, old foe
Familiar faces
No rest for the heroic
Not sure if there are any good ones there
Perhaps I shouldn't come up with titles right before bed
Nighty night
>Would The Crusaders already be formed
>Would GG meet each of the individually first before they make a group and exclude her from it?
GG first learns of The Crusaders from the Glories in the SOS tower. Her and Girl Glory are "work buddies" (I think someone named her Annabelle(?), but thinking on it now, it seems a bit on the nose...)
I'm thinking Audrey's already done the "rejection" story with the Crusaders before this one.
This whole thing is supposed to be a "all the kids are here" comic.
So at the very least, Audrey is supposed to be at the park as a civvie. She probably runs into Girl Glory at the park and learns all the details about what a miserable pile of secrets they're embroiled in.
>Kid Valor is as arrogant as he is chivalrous. I find it hard to imagine him snooping in any subtle way
Doug snoops. Glory scouts.
Rad scans.
Boy O' War plans.
Kid Valor smashes every brick, crate and candelabra in route to Roy Chancy's castle to finally put and end to the generations old battle between the Valors and Chancylvania. (j/k... maybe...)
I'm thinking every one of the Crusaders has a personal beef with Chancy the Clown King.
- Rad and Glory, being US sanctioned heroes, suspect him of having ties with former Nazi food scientists on the lam.
- Valor and Boy O'War may have "history" with Chancy, personally.
- Doug either had a personal beef on behalf of his hard-boiled detective mentor... or is just a really big fan of the Pot Roast and Spatzle combo meal.
They storm the place at night after closing. Audrey meddles thanks to Glory's tip-off. Maybe Iris and Billy are stalking GG for some reason and follow along. Maybe Betty is working the park part-time as well?
Kid Valor is literally storming the castle with the crusaders. It's right there in the drawing.
>Kid Valor is literally storming the castle with the crusaders. It's right there in the drawing.
The drawings are mostly just suggestions.
Everything is subject to change.
But in my opinion I'd prefer if KV left the snooping to his other teammates. He's probably by far the worst snooper of the bunch. He's more of a "HAVE AT THEE, FOUL FIEND" all caps kind of character once the armor is on and the sword unsheathed. 404 Chill not found.
>With classmates like these, who needs enemies
>New girl, old foe
I liked these 2
The Crusaders have yet to be introduced in any script. They just kind of "are" right now. That's why I'm saying this could be the best way to introduce them.
Just have them show up and ruin things while GG is trying to investigate.
But having them all show up at once would be too much probably, which is why I suggested introducing them one by one.
>I'm saying this could be the best way to introduce them.
Just introduce them in the Crusaders "Try Outs" prompt that got them created in the first place.
That sounds... overwhelming to write
I wish luck to anyone who tries to tackle that
It's what was asked for, but it's about 20 years too soon for an "everyone is here" episode.
Dexter's Lab needed an entire 2 seasons before getting to one of these.
How'd that one go again? They didn't let her in because they thought she was a bully for constantly tripping them when it was her boobs getting in the way?
That's what I remember, but I don't think I put it in the pastebin since it was never formed enough.
>How'd that one go again?
She's too ordinary.
It never developed beyond the request to remake this cover but with Golden Girl.
All development of the Crusaders was springboarded from this.
The pic is pretty funny since all of those characters, save for Superboy, have long since been forgotten.
Makes me think The Crusaders don't have much of a career ahead of them.
No wonder, the crusader consist, or better originated from the than popular kid books.
Rad Lad = Sci-Fi books, Flash Gordon and similar
Kid Valor = Knights = Excalibur and King arthur, Prince Valiant
Doug Infinite = Adventure and detectives, Dick Tracy, Tintin and boyscout heroes.
Boy O`War = Rome and sandal stuff, Ben Hur, Spartacus and heroes empowered by greek gods
Great Glory = Cowboy stuff, Masked Rider, Zorro
These genres are not that popular since the 70s or 80s. Most got replaced by action stars. Or evolved that you need to differ between the old and current stuff.
Sci-Fi went from pulp to today Sci-Fi drama.
Arthur knights evolved into fantasy.
Superheroes survived unchanged and dominate the landscape.
a lot of heroes have been introduced into the DC comics universe since Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl. Also in it's heyday Legion was one of the most popular comics out.
I think it'll take considerable work to fill out the Golden Girl universe to such a degree so, at least for the time being, I think the Crusaders are safe for now.
Correct. And even the Legion sometimes gets back into the spotlight.
How well to Kid Valor and Boy O' War get along?
Are any of them still in the hero line of work by the time of GGu?
They are different side of the sword&sorcery coin.
Kid Valor is the generous, heroic hero. Boy O`War is the avenging, furies hero.
While Kid defeats a villian call it a day, Boy wants him to suffer as the victims.
They always disagree how to deal with tasks and villians.
Like Venus and Mars!
Kid Valor strikes me as the one who is too serious and takes things too far while Boy O' War is the one who can call it a day.
Up to now, my impression of Kid Valor is an overly formal, stuffy, smug-full-of-himself lad who at the same time is at least competent enough to pull off some of what he boasts. I don't see him as being generous at all since nothing has suggested such.
Kid Valor
Sure he is, he is like the knight from king arthur. He is generous.
But dont confuse "being generous" with laid back or nihilistic. If the honor is serviced justice or reinstuted its ok to him.
Kid Valor is more the englishman while Boy O`War is more the irish/bravehearth type. He would like to squish the enemy if angry or dont mind the end justifies the means mentality.
I think the word you're searching for is "chivalrous."
I'm still only able to imagine Kid Valor as the prep school jock who you want to see have his teeth knocked out and Boy O' War as the public school jock who still has better prospects in a sports career.
They do, I made one the other day.
"I'm sorry, Golden Girl, but we cannot admit you into The Crusaders! All our physical tests prove that (as a heroine) you have not developed enough!"
Oh, I like that
An alternative would be "Your hero resume just isn't filled out enough."
>I think the word you're searching for is "chivalrous."
>How well to Kid Valor and Boy O' War get along?
Begrudgingly competative mutual respect not-yet-but-eventually besties.
>I'm still only able to imagine Kid Valor as the prep school jock who you want to see have his teeth knocked out and Boy O' War as the public school jock who still has better prospects in a sports career.
This guy gets it.
They're both still "heroes" so they're not *quite* as bad as all this, but still this is the general distinction between the two.
Neither are mean-spirited. Neither are sadistic "anti-heroes" (those don't exist!).
Kid Valor is polite and well-mannered but direct and straight-forward. He's not an idiot but he's definitely more checkers than chess. He helps old ladies cross the street and helps kittens out of trees... but he never tips! Bears a strong animosity for monsters-- they don't belong in this world.
Boy O'War is kind of a prick. He fights his foes with a constant barrage of wise-cracks in addition to his arsenal of battle weapons. A strategist, he always prefers to be 3 steps ahead of his opponents and has contingencies for his contingencies-- this is especially useful for his exploits with the ladies as he's often seen courting several at a time!
They both have pretty high opinions of themselves. BoW is more likely to let you know it, however. (In jest, of course... but still.)
>too serious and takes things too far
This is Code-compliant comicbook storytelling. Moral ambiguity is not allowed here. Our heroes are just, as are their actions and the only proper outcome is that the monsters are destroyed and the law-breakers are sent to prison. Our Crusaders occasionally disagree on the means, but never the ends when it comes to fighting crime.
This is preferable. Otherwise we're just doing the SOS joke again almost verbatim.
I like this characterization
So Kid Valor and Boy O' War would be "You're a credit to your race." at times?
Feels like every compliment they could give would feel backhanded even if it were sincere.
Valor is the more sincere of the two, but yeah.
Girl Glory does a lot of ear-pulling on her team.
They'd likely would have disbanded a week after the team was assembled were it not for Doug Infinite being a chill, zen-like voice of reason type keeping everyone tempered and focused on things that matter most.
Now someone just needs to take all of that and turn it into a script.
But that's work and we don't do work here
Oh, that's such a good plan
I nominate you to write it
Your just so good with words
Fine. Here's something on the fly.
Let's see, the basis of this is that interview. We assume that's the cover page which spoils the ending. Is that what we're going for?
Panel 1
Audrey as Golden Girl is looking up at some office building.
Narration: Recently, I've received an invitation.
Panel 2
We see the outlines of the crusades striking some group pose
Narration: An invitation to join The Crusaders! They're an up-and-coming group of heroes my age who some are saying could become the SoS of the next generation!
Panel 3
GG has entered their HQ/training facility and admiring how much stuff they have when Girl Glory appears
G3 (Great Glory III): "Golden Girl! Good to see ya! Come on up!"
Panel 4
Shot of Girl Glory shooting her guns
Narration/EXPOSITION block: Girl Glory, successor to Great Glory! With her supernatural marksmanship no target escapes his sight!
Panel 5
They're getting off of the elevator
G3: "It'll be great having another girl on the team, these boys are a piece of work."
Panel 6
They enter some council room that has Kid Valor, Boy O' War, and Doug Infinite at their judges table with the Xs
Next Issue: GG VS The Crusaders where she fights each of them in training matches and fucks their shit up by accident every time.
Is that what you wanted? Is it a shit start? Feel free to tell me your own ideas, I am all ears.
Last thread, someone made a proposal for a Frankenstein themed character. I consider this to be a noble pursuit, for I love monster girls and Universal Monsters.
>supernatural marksmanship
Glory's aim isn't being assisted by ghosts. please reconsider your word choice.
>no target escapes his sight!
Girl Glory (female)
>GG VS The Crusaders where she fights each of them in training matches and fucks their shit up by accident every time.
I've never actually read the Superman comic this is based off but is this really how you guys want this story to play out?
I thought this was more of a "challenge them each at their individual areas of specialization and fail because of boobs" kind of deal?
Being rejected because they lost and call hax really makes them out to be unlikeable assholes.
Is she really not being assisted by ghosts? I mean, we've never specified how it works. Is it not the spirits of her ancestors guiding her bullets?
And that's why I didn't continue, because I DON'T know how anyone wants it to go down. My first impression of The Crusaders is that they are kind of a bunch of cunts and since no one has really developed them outside of their summaries, I don't have much to pull from.
And I'm not even basing it off of the Superman comic, I just made it all up on the fly.
No, it was more great spirit eagle eye marksmanship. Not ancestral ghosts.
So what's a better word than supernatural?
And are you sure you weren't confusing the definition with paranormal?
>Last thread
Did you not take the hint of what these threads really are about?
I'm not the user who was using "supernatural." Her blurb uses "mystical." It's Native American Mystical powers.
>her partial Comanche bloodline allowed her to tap into the same mystical Eagle Eye sharpshooting power as Great Glory I and II.
Mystical marksmanship, got it.
I think it turned out pretty neat.
>So what's a better word than supernatural?
I like "uncanny", personally.
>great spirit eagle eye marksmanship
First I'm hearing of it. Kinda sounds more like a Grand Glory thing. Is that a kind of thing that can be taught to someone adopted?
She's like a niece or a cousin I thought. There is a blood relation.
I don't know what you mean
>She's like a niece or a cousin I thought. There is a blood relation.
There is a distant blood relation to Great Glory 2, but it's unspecified. I'm fine with niece.
>Mystical marksmanship
Nice, unintended alliteration. Always a plus.
I want to fuck Colette.
What are my options?
I'm kind of disappointed in myself I didn't think of supernatural sharpshooter in the first go.
But oh well.
So, how does the boys challenging GG to prove herself come about? The stay-in-the-kitchen shit won't work since the SoS are all ladies.
They say she's too ordinary or not filled out enough or whatever and G3 issues the challenge? What are the trials? Is there one for each? Would it just be one panel gags for each?
Hand-t-hand combat with BoW only for him to trip because he bumps into GG's boobs?
Arm wrestling with Doug only for the boobs to keep him from being able to pin her? (Ouch!)
Some sort of mechanical test with Rad Lad like disarming a bomb? I can't really think of a boob gag here.
I can't think of one for Kid Valor since, in my mind, he's still too similar in skill set to BoW.
At the end of it they accuse her of playing dirty?
old and busted.
new hotness.
Find an average looking /fit/ girl willing to cosplay as her
I have no drawing skills so i just started connecting lines together.
lurk moar
But actually, read the past thread, and read through this thread. Maybe learn the difference between /coc/ threads, WOYA threads, and HYWC? threads.
this thread is barely alive, how do you actually give a single fuck?
I've read throught the threads, this character was proposed last week, there was a few replies based on the concept, I like it too, so I did my own sketch to continue the conversation.
>Maybe learn the difference between /coc/ threads, WOYA threads, and HYWC? threads.
How are we gonna get new scripts, art and characters if we don't let anons propose ideas? This thread is like a toy chest, an user propose a character, I'm playing with the concept.
yeah i don't get it either
Well if the thread persists, maybe I'll see more feedback or just ideas for the crusaders script.
It's like a thread having a subject is a new concept, or something. And no, those just look like some OC shit. You're missing a "c" on the front there.