Victor and Valentino

So after many episodes and examination, I can say that this show...kinda fucking sucks.

I mean, if you ONLY cared about the two main characters, then this show is good for you. But if you actually wanted to see some depth, background or lore given to the world around them, then you are in for a -long- wait because the writers is this show seemingly could not give a fuck less about it.
Yes they have some awesome stuff like the Star Beast in that one episode- that was cool as shit. But if you wanted to know any more? Welp, gonfuck yourself because now we’re on something else that’ll also be cool but never talked about again. And it’s like no one ever actually learns or reacts to anything in a past episode. You can show the entire series out of order and it wouldn’t make a single bit of difference to their “development” as individuals.

Okay, so maybe they’re going for “mundane” fantasy where magic is there but no one gives a shit because you still have a 9 to 5 job. Then why don’t they fucking act like it?
They talk to a fucking Skeleton butnhave trouble accepting that monster and the under world exist? They literally visit a garden dimension in their neighbors house, just sitting there- and no one reacts at all to this? It’s so inconsistent with this I don’t even know what to do here.
The other characters are amazing and drip fed to the viewers but you’ll only ever see them pop up once before they’re gone behind the MCs again. Jeez.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Victor a shit, but Val is pretty great. It's too bad the writing generally sucks.

I mainly only watch for Xochi.

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I can easily overlook most of that stuff but I need Victor to be improved. He's usually bearable when he's bouncing off of Charlene's eccentricness or when there's actual plot like in the 2-part underworld episode but I don't get this obsession with making him such a whiny brat.

And yeah, if the show didn't focus SO hard on him it wouldn't be so bad. And damn it, these writers need to learn how to write plots that AREN'T Victor's fault.

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>these writers need to learn how to write plots that AREN'T Victor's fault

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Go watch amphibia instead

The idea that the show was going to be a parade of MesoAmerican fantasy was exciting and the designs have been great, but everything else is mediocre. The pilot short on Youtube has them romp through a montage of fantastic beings and ends with them stoked to learn the town isn't what it seems.

The first official episode has Victor and Valentino discover a god trapped in their grandmother's basement. Their reaction during and after is blase and void of any questioning. Every episode after has been like that.

What kind of cue is the audience supposed to take from that?

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Unironically this. That show knows how to write likable characters and how to do proper worldbuilding.

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I had high hopes for V&V out of all the upcoming shows and Amphibia was at the bottom of my list of exceptions. That got reversed fast.

I didn’t even like the pilot much. Victor is just a really annoying character. I don’t know if an ongoing story arc would’ve helped this show, if we have to put up with Victor being an annoying shit

The third time I've reformatted this post.
Victor is shit, Valentino is boring. Minor characters are more interesting.
Monsters have no fangs or grit. Devil from the board game gone to soon.

mexican here, knew it was gonna fail since the pilot, it has very interesting ideas but they all fall flat and that fucking chicano author doesnt even know the difference between tacos and chalupas

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Yeah, it's pretty fucking awful. Still only watching it for cute or lewd screencaps of Vic and Val.

I just don't understand how incompetent the writers on this show have to be to not produce anything interesting. You can only make a show this bad on purpose.

>Go watch amphibia instead
It's okay, definitely leagues better than this show, but Sasha and Grime are the only two really good characters while the main cast is kind of standard. So things are looking great for season 2 as long as they're included heavily.

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Probably my biggest gripe with the show is just how bland everything is.
There aren't really any jokes, so it's not funny.
With a few exceptions the monsters are pretty much a non threat, so there's rarely any real stakes.
Vic and Val themselves aren't that interesting, either.
They just don't seem to care about the supernatural stuff that happens around them.
And if they don't care why the fuck should I care?
It's just so frustrating because there are some good ideas buried underneath all the mediocrity.

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I don't like Victor, don't really care about Valentino and most of side characters I quite enjoy. Especially Charlene and Xochi.


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Everyone likes Charlene and Xochi. I can't figure out why.

Xochi has an ass. I’ve seen that kind of ass in person before. It’s understandable.
The idea of an ass like that on a woman that would be sexually aggressive and pursuant to a man is intriguing.

Xochi is cute in a mature way and has a uncaring personality that hides something a little more fiery.
Charlene is just weird, but a screen munching kind of weird that's very entertaining whenever she's around.
Plus they both have really good VAs as well.

Being attractive is all it takes for people to consider a character "interesting", when in reality nothing in this show is interesting.

>thought i was going to like victor more
>valentino ended up being the obvious choice

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Any new episodes come out?

lol no. V&V is more surreal and has better monsters than that predictable safespace piece of shit.

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Eh, I like the characters in Amphibia more in general.
In Vic and Val the only ones I like are Charlene, Xochi, and Guillermo, and they barely show up.
I don't even like the MCs, they're just not that interesting or entertaining.
I'm liking pretty much everyone in Amphibia so far.
Anne and the Plantars are pretty fun to watch, especially together.
Shit, I didn't think I'd like Hop Pop but he's quickly becoming my favorite so far.
And even the residents have their own little quirks that make them enjoyable.

Yeah, the monsters aren't as out there as they are in V&V, but I don't feel like they need to be with Amphibia.
It's an anthropomorphic frog world, so the monsters are giant versions of real life frog predators.
That's fine with me.

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>V&V is more surreal and has better monsters than that predictable safespace piece of shit.

Looks like you haven't watched Amphibia. Characters have died in Amphibia on screen, hell, even main characters have been about to die and played full straight. Amphibia is a world full of death, and death is actually a real force in Amphibia. Characters act with both respect and fear about the danger around them. Characters care and have a reaction everytime something attacts them.
But in V&V, well, as said, "they just don't seem to care about the supernatural stuff that happens around them, and if they don't care why the fuck should I care?"

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>every few episodes someone just straight up dies
I love it.
Shit, Anne herself has a body count of at least 4.

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>that shot of the heron with bloody toad remains in its beak
How the FUCK did they get away with this? This is Disney, right?

It wasn't even that graphic. Stop over-exaggerating.

>stork eats a random toad warrior
yeah I saw that when it came out, big deal.

my problem with Amphibia is that it's set in a fantasy land but the MC stays at the boring town having monster of the week plots instead of exploring the far more interesting world. Victor & Valentino go on adventures and meet creatures all the time, it uses its setting better than Amphibia and I don't care for a toad being eaten by a bird. go back to your thread, you're not gonna convince me that fucking Amphibia is better than V&V.

>it uses its setting better than Amphibia
You know, that's something i see Amphibia has been doing better that V&V, the wolrdbuilding in Amphibia is great, yeah the focus is almost always in Wardwood (The Town), but they've been showing us the wolrd of Amphibia all the time, the creatures, and how civilization works in said world. The wolrdbuilding in Amphibia is subtle yet consistent. and no condescending at all, and i like that, making the audience think about it.
And calling ther shit out of Amphibia about the Monster of the Week is kinda poinless here, we're talking about V&V where Monster of the Week isn't take like a danger but like just an occurrence.

Hahaha man you have bad taste

How about this - v & vs chars are terrible compared to amphibias. So even if what you’re saying is true, it’s all moot.

>Amphibia isn’t better than VaV
Oh, no no no no...

Characters always come first, user. We need to actually care about the MCs before getting invested in their adventures. I don’t give a shit about Victor—in fact, I hate him—but Anne, Sprig, and Hop Pop are really lovable and endearing protagonists.

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>go back to your thread
Hey, the thread is about how bad V&V is, actually; talking about better current shows seems to be on topic about OP's point.

Why would anybody watch V&V when you can watch El Tigre?
Yeah, both are complete shitshows, but the MCs in El Tigre are actually funny and interesting characters you ended caring about.
It help the fact El Tigre was created by mexicans and not chicanos (unlike V&V), so El Tigre feels more like a wacky over the top tribute to mexican culture instead of a condescending pandering to mexican culture.
And even if El Tigre was a shitshow, they knew that and played with it, giving us a great cartoon at the end. After all, if a cartoon is funny to watch, it's making its work right.

>We need to actually care about the MCs before getting invested in their adventures.
I liked them better when they were in Gravity Falls.

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>but they've been showing us the wolrd of Amphibia all the time
how exciting.

Please explain to me how they're anything alike.

How his showing the world your characters reside in a bad thing?

>’Anything is Gravity Falls if I squint hard enough.’

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>mfw I realize you WEREN’T shitting on El Tigre
Based Jorge is Based

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Yeah, you see, there is this rule in entretainment, it's called "show, not tell". Telling the audience about the show premise is boring, showing them with actual images and scenes makes it interesting.

>How his showing the world your characters reside in a bad thing?
imagine if Aang was told of all the kingdoms and cities in the world of Avatar but he never goes to these places. that's what Amphibia is doing and I say it's boring because it is.

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how long are they planning on just talking about those exciting places tho?

>imagine if Aang was told of all the kingdoms and cities in the world of Avatar but he never goes to these places. that's what Amphibia is doing(...)
Except you're lying, 'cause even if Wartwood is the main location, the Plantar have been in several different locations around Amphibia.

MC, annoying sibling and old man.
even if the Plantar's personalities are just a little different, they're still playing the same role as the Pines.

i mean, Bizarre Bazar was an interesting nomadic location.

HP is nothing like Stan, the fact they're both old is just incidental.
Sprig is nothing like Dipper, the fact the're boys are incidental.
Polly is NOTHING like Mabel, the fact they're both girls is just incidental.
There is no archetype to put Anne in this shitty Pines analogy.

You're trying to much with that bait, bruh.

Ps. yeah i'm ignoring the actual analogy in the bait, that one makes even less sense.

and then they go back to Wartwood, instead of being a continuous journey like in Avatar. it would certainly help Amphibia's narrative if Anne were to explore the land to find a way to return to earth.

in V&V and Amphibia both characters go outside the town on occasion and find creatures. V&V has a leg up on this by having supernatural monsters and other worlds. Amphibia is just the boonies.

>and then they go back to Wartwood, instead of being a continuous journey like in Avatar.
Oh yeah, just like in V&V, right.

read the entire post

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>it would certainly help Amphibia's narrative if Anne were to explore the land to find a way to return to earth.
Yeah they went to the Archives (another interesting location btw) to read comics, right...

They went to the Bizarre Bazar to look about information about the Calamity Box. In case you think they went there just for fun.

But they have been travelling to different areas to find a way back home for Anne.
Yeah, they usually go back to Wartwood at the end of the day, but they still traveled.
And they -did- finally make it to the mountain pass, but it was still frozen over so I they couldn't pass through them just yet.

And Amphibia may just be "the boonies" but it has more charm and intrigue than most of the places Vic and Val have been to.

aaand by the next episode she's back at Watwood, ready for another inane town plot. boooring.

>ready for another inane town plot.
Just like V&V, right. Oh wait, this time is for real.

Sounds like Vic and Val, don't it?

Man you can't play this "the always went back home at the end of the episode" when you're defending a show that does that too.

Having a main location is basic to most shows. Heck, do you remember when the Aang gang stayed in Ba Sing Se for an entire arc?

What this show is missing is more Charlene and Xochi.
And much, much better writing.

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Charlene is just another pandering in a sea of pandering.
And El Tigre played the Goth Loli pseudo trope better.

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yeah they jump from the town to the otherwordly skeleton world or the lost city of skateboarding kids, the Amphibia equivalent would be Anne going to the spa. so exciting.

plus in Monte Macabre there's Charlene and Xochi so it's already better than Wartwood lol

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ITT: a cartoon that you only watch for the fetish fuel

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>chosing the spa over other locations in Amphibia (like de Dandy Lion Inn by example) for the analogy
Looks who's the one cherrypicking, uh?

i'm not saying V&V has no interesting locations, but that having no interesting MCs makes having interesting location completely poinless.

Everything is a fetish if we are horny enough.

>a fish out of water character that doesn't care about returning to her own world

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>plus in Monte Macabre there's Charlene and Xochi so it's already better than Wartwood

We have Loggle, Wally, Maddie, the Sundew (Felicia, Ivy, Sylvia), Mayor Toadstool and Toadie, Mrs Croaker and Archie the spider, The Plantars, Anne herself. Yeah, if you wanna play that card, sorry, but having just two interesting characters (and yeah, you're right, Charlene and Xochi are interesting), isn't enough.

>doesn't care about returning to her own world
see and and try again, you're getting close to makes V&V looks interesting.

>two thicc sassy girls vs a bunch of frogs and a sticc

Monte Macabre here I cum

Literally the only positive that VaV has over Amphibia is a fuckable character. The best that the latter has is Felicia Sundew, but even I’m aware that that’s a stretch.

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And here it is, you watch V&V just for your waifus. How surprising...

I actually feel bad for this guys. But I’ll say it again. Anne and the Plantar’s are infinitely more likable than v&v so none of this debate even matters.

The saddest part is i wanna talk about El Tigre, but user keeps comparing V&V with Amphibia, i love Amphibia yet i don't think Amphibia is bad enough to compare it with V&V (El Tigre isn't bad enough too, but at least there are more material to compare both El Tigre with V&V).

>you only watch because waifus
you can find waifus in any show, it's as incidental as it gets.
you can go and want to fuck a frog all you want user, you do you.

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Yeah, the actual top-tier waifu in Amphibia is Sasha, a human. In case you're looking for a waifu-excuse to watch the show.

Also, you're missing the point, isn't the same watching a show and getting waifus, and forced to watch a show JUST for the waifus.

a sticc waifu won't save boring ol' amphibia from being boring and unfulfilling.

I blame the relevance issue that always happens.
V&V and Amphibia are recurring cartoons.
Everyone knows that V&V is watered down and defanged for the soft audience and by a Chicano with no roots to his culture.
Comparing El Tigre to V&V is comparing a Tiger to a Paper Mache Imitation.

Bad news, we don't see much of her.
Good news, her episode comes next week!
More bad news, it's the last episode of the season, and we'll probably be on hiatus for a long, long time.

And you came back to the start of your story arc. Congrats, user, you're a full circle V&V fan.

>two thicc waifus won't save boring ol' victor and valentino from being boring and unfulfilling.

Possible goodbye, user

comparing El Tigre to V&V is useless because Tigre is a full blown gag cartoon while V&V is more plot centric and character driven.

come the fuck on, user, the extremely stylized artstyle of El Tigre should tip you off.

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>the extremely stylized artstyle
How chingados is that a bad thing?

>while V&V is more plot centric and character driven, but is handled badly

I think dumb-uck is just pointing that out, not shitting on it.

>while V&V is more plot centric and character driven.
Even if comedy was it main tool in its storytelling, there was a plot in El Tigre, and characterization play a huge part in the worldbuilding, plot, and even the comedy itself.

Try again, i think i'm almost close to love V&V.

>V&V is more plot centric and character driven
Kek, Victor and Valentino is also a gag cartoon. But you are right about it having more character-driven, moralistic stories.

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Aww, she’s got little eyelashes. That’s cute.

Aww, she’s got big ol’ tiddies. That’s cute.

Now that's what's carring the show, eldritch titties!
Congrats, now i wanna watch this show for real.

A gag cartoon that can't land a joke to save its life.

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Just watch the one episode. I put in the whole series in the background while studying for shit and some episodes just feel like a chore.

I thought Val was fat Dipper

how many monster of the week and townie shit did it take to get to those "lore" episodes, user?
and how much are you willing to bet they'll be back to more of the former next week?

Charlene and Xochi are the only redeeming qualities of the show, and since they don't get much screentime I will stick with the r34 of them

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That's for the best.
The the series doesn't seem to show any signs of getting significantly better anyway.

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why are Amphibiafags so sensitive about their cartoon being compared to Gravity Falls?

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Lorefagging destroys a good story. Plot is good when it's subtle yet constant.
Now, for the actual reply, end of episode two.

Read this Also, wasn't comparing to Gravity Falls part of the social media marketing of V&V?

It’s not like they’re bad. Yeah they’re cheap on the lore episodes but I’d rather have better episodes overall than a rushed plot that ends up smelling its own farts. (Fucking Voltron I swear.)

Both shows are fine.

>took 18 episodes to get back to Sasha
lmao nice try.

Cause the main character is Sasha, right... Wait, you're right somehow, Sasha is the main character (Source: Yea Forums)

And again, lorefagging is for morons.

>lorefagging is for morons
is that why Amphibia had "lore" in the second episode like pointed here?

Amphibia is for morons confirmed.

Lore means nothing if storytelling isn't interesting, and storytelling is as interesting as the characters that play said storytelling.
Locations and worldbuilding is nothing if your MCs are shit. You can have the greatest story ever, but if the protagonist is somebody viewers can't like, then there is no point.
Just two interesting secondary characters isn't enoug. Character desing can be the best, but at the end that just mean that, and end burying great ideas and great artwork under bad execution.

Come the fuck on, give me actual reasons to watch V&V.

Having subtle lore and lorefagging are different aspects of the same thing. It's all in the execution.

I wanted to like it but for me it is just going to be another forgettable cartoon that I only remember because there was a goth loli with thick thighs.
The previews and visual style have turned me away from that one pretty hard desu. It looks so fucking bad and bland.
Kind of like Victor and Valentino without the waifus.

Victor is just so annoying to hear, his voice actor is awful. How they react and do things is just so bluh, I watched every episode and goddamn were they generic. Also how they elderly abused their grandma in one episode lol. I just wrote two fics of the brothers banging and moved on. Valentino is cute but bland oh well, coulda been better.

(cont) Like, subtle lore is what made Gravity Falls interesting. The moment they started lorefagging shit went downhill till hit rock bottom.

>I just wrote two fics of the brothers banging and moved on.
wait what now!?
Why did you write fanfics about characters you don't like?

It's ok, there are a lot of people who don't watch some series 'cause the artwork.
i personally prefer to give a chance to every show no matter if the artwork trigger me off. Sometimes you can find something actually interesting in a bad looking media.

It also goes to dark places, The episode where they stayed in the Inn run by cannibal frogs and they see the barn filled with the Snails(vehicles) of their previous victims. is fucked up. Also this fucked up thing, is more disturbing that anything in V&V and that show bases its monsters in Aztec mythology.

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You know what's my biggest issue about V&V?

It's mediocre. It's not bad, and i can see why some people could like it, but at the end of the day it's just mediocre.
Bad media have no option but being bad, there are always a reason a bad media is bad (not enough money, shitty porpaganda, some bad head in the production staff, etc.). But mediocre media fucking pisses me off 'cause it means there is actual potential in the mediocre, yet people behing the media don't care about doing a great work, they just care about making a product.
i could laugh at bad media all day, but mediocre media is nothing, just an empty space, a void of talent, a wasted potential.

stay mad lorefags

>snail with a sign that reads "just married"
Man that was fucking sad.
Also that's two episodes with cannibalism as a common occurrence.
The one with the bullfrog inn and the mud monsters that turned out to be regular frogs that just happened to eat other frogs.
You really can't go anywhere without risking getting eaten in their world.

As a Mexican I almost feel this show is offensive. There's no genuine heart or appreciation for the culture like there was in El Tigre or even Mucha Lucha. It just feels like some white guy trying so hard to convince everyone he's Mexican.

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>That scene in the mud monsters ep with all the empty little buckets
>The hibernation episode were everyone's saying farewell cause one frog always gets eaten.

Literally no one is safe, frog or tadpole.

>give me actual reasons to watch V&V
It’s got beautiful backgrounds, I’ll give it that much.

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V&V monsters > Amphibia monsters.
it's obvious, while Victor and Valentino fight gods and otherworldly creatures, Anne tussles with the wildlife.

Well said, user. Victor and Valentino’s mediocrity is fucking infuriating.

wow you wrote and explained a lot about nothing.


They should make a cartoon about "las Poquianchis" for sure, what could be better?

>the barn filled with the Snails(vehicles) of their previous victims

>snail with a sign that reads "just married"
Fuck, I must’ve missed a fuckton of other little details in other episodes, too. This is partly due to Disney shitting out episodes nonstop and my motivation to watch them in the middle of the night when they release. Pic related was another case of a “show-don’t-tell” shot that completely slipped past me until I saw it brought up in a thread.

I probably only remember 60% of the content we’ve seen so far. I’mma have some fun rewatching Season 1 during the year-long hiatus.

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"HELP ME VAL, MY (insert stupid bullshit here) IS TURNING INTO A MONSTER AND IT'S MY FAULT: The Series

It kinda surprises me that a show which would offer Interesting Supernatural subjects of Mesoamerican lore gets its ass handed to it by a show with a girl who gets transported to a fantasy land with Anthropomorphic frogs and some mystical atmosphere. V&V doesn't live up to its promises but Amphibia does deliver where it succeeds where V&V tends to fail at. It kinda reminds me if France won the battle against Mexico in Puebla. Get it because of Frogs. I wish someone could edit this and Replace with Anne on the left and Victor on the right. With Anne saying "My Show put up with better background and proper character introduction than your Beaner Ass will ever do"

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Mexican-American here, and I agree with you. Mucha Lucha and El Tigre had a lot of heart to them, and I could enjoy both. On the other hand, I couldn’t even make it past episode 1 of V&V, the culture gags felt forced.

>Anne is Thai
>Victor and Valentino are american
what a retard

I like the way they look and like I said Valentino is cute. Also, some art on Pahael got to me and I needed to write something. it's on ao3 if ur curious

Did you completely miss the part where user said he was using the lame “Frogs” nickname for French people? Also, I believe it’s implied that Monte Macabre is somewhere in Mexico.

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So you care about Fighting Mystical Creatures and otherworldly beings than conquering being in the wild, Let me tell you that facing real-world issues, and living in wild environment is a lot harder than fighting fictional creatures that don't exist.

Possible goodbye, user.

>the one that gets chosen that year is polly
>if anne wasn't there the plantars would be down one family member
No one is safe indeed.

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kek, the thread for the finale is gonna be fucking hilarious

Mexican-American, Same here.

it's a cartoon, user. none of this shit is realistic. the only true here is fighting mystical creatures > fighting wildlife in a storytelling context.

>wow you wrote and explained a lot about nothing.
Duh, that's the point, mediocre is nothing.

A bad piece of media can make you disgusted, angry, laugh ironically, whatever.
It can leave an impact, make you feel -something-.
If something is just -average-, well. That's it.
It's not bad, it's not good, it's just there.
You get nothing out of it.

This show is only good for Charlene and Xochi - and sometimes the antics of Maria Theresa vs. Chata. Too bad none of these actual characters (not caricatures like our MCs are) can save this show.

Also, remember - this show loses major points by not taking the folklore it bases itself around and actually giving it the sharp teeth and claws said folklore is otherwise universally known for, too.

My advice - GO. WATCH. AMPHIBIA. Also, if you must - look up R34 of Xochi and Charlene and complete your weekend already, m8.


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Too bad MCs don't make up to the mystical creatures premise...

Now that's a point in favor of V&V. i'll give you that.

>four new episodes just released
>this whole thread is nothing but shitting on the show
So THIS is the power of mediocrity

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>But you are right about it being that:
>It's Driven by very crappy and/or boring MCs
>It Can't tell a reasonably decent story to truly it give itself weight
>Its Morals are forced as all hell, like that of a preschool show

FTFY oh so fucking hard.

Unfortunately our two protagonists aren't entertaining in any way so I don't care who or what they fight.

I miss that Chupracabra and that Lechuza. I need more R34 of those 2 sexy monsters, dammit!

I can say the same thing about Amphibia being uneventful for having the majority of its episodes take place in wartwood instead of exploring the world. yeah, who'd wanna see Anne having adventures beyond the shitty town? nah, gonna have to wait for the season finale.

>V&V think their summer is oging to be boring
>turns out monsters and weird creatures are out to get them!
just how dense are you

Stop. Fucking. Baiting.

Amphibia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V&V.

And with that: Go cry me a fucking river. I know you are, since you've been told off like mad by now.

>I can say the same thing about Amphibia being uneventful for having the majority of its episodes take place in wartwood instead of exploring the world.
Man, read the entire thread, you can't play that card anymore. You keep bringing that argument over and over, even when everybody else here (like the 3 or 4 anons beside you here) told you how wrong you are. Damn how dense you are.

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The problem is that V&V rarely even seem bewildered by all the weird shit they encounter.
It's often more of an inconvenience than a bizarre threat.

I don't have any strong feelings for them either way. I like Valentino but he doesn't work well because the dynamic with Victor is so terrible that any potential he would have is completely lost. I liked the Underworld 2 parter. It felt like it had some decent stakes. So many eps deflate any real tension before they even confront anything.

If you told me that was Val's sister that we never knew about I'd believe you.

Also usually there's an user that would make a thread with megas of the new episodes.
I guess even he couldn't be bothered to give a shit anymore.

It's so stupid, this thread isn't about how good Amphibia is but about how bad V&V is, yet that one V&V fan keep bringing Amphibia into the potic, like V&V has something to prove over Amphibia. Man, if you wanna talk about how good V&V is, do it, try it really hard, and without mentioning other cartoon. This thread is literally about how bad V&V is, so yeah, let's talk about V&V.

tell me if I'm wrong, user. but didn't Anne get transported to the fantasy frog world and instead of finding a way to go back to her own world and explore the fantasy frog land, she instead stays at a bumpkin town and lives with a farmer family to have frog slice of life episodes? are you seriously implying than a fantasy trek wouldn't be more interesting than mundane farmer life?

I'll keep saying Amphibia is dull because it squanders its potential with boring plots. deal with it. you can dislike V&V as main characters but one thing the show is not is uneventful.

damn i need some drink rn

>but didn't Anne
Do you like V&V? Then talk about it, and stop saying the same shit about Amphibia over and over fucking moron.

Fucking dense piece of shit.

Let the liquor find you.

I should know - the liquor found me and I feel great.

>one V&V fan
V&V isn't perfect, no way. but better than Amphibia? oh yeah, a lot of new shows are better than Amphibia, not just V&V.

Too late, i'm already drinking.

Nobody likes V&V, user. Unless it's the R34, then that's alright.

Letting this become an Amphibia thread would be best solution.

>waah don't be mean to Amphibia
thin-skinned faggot.

i get it, i get it, you have some fixation over Amphibia, sorry about that. Can we talk about V&V now?

Good boy. Get yourself hammered - this gonna become an Amphibia thread soon enough.

>waah don't be mean to Victor And Valentino

Fanfagging is a two way streed, bruh

Can't even spell "faget" right!

there's no new episodes yet. what are we gonna do? exaggerate one insignicant scene from to show to make it look more nuanced than it really is like here

yeah i'm done about this stuff, i just wanted reasons to try to watch V&V, giving it another chance, and all i got is even more disgust about V&V. Bye, i have some vodka to drown myself in.

There was a thread about literally shitposting and shit that got bump limit in less than 24 hours. Do i need to say what cartoon that thread was about?...
You can talk about a good cartoon, you don't need new episodes, fanwork and memes can do it for the lack of content. Good cartoons produce material to talk about even with no new content.

I'm glad the liquor has found you, user. Drown those sorrows away. And then watch more Amphibia.

just saying
it's very telling how they're burning the entire season in just two months

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A month and a week.
Now that I legit have a problem with.
I'm sure it's because it has something to do with how streaming services are ran and the disney app or whatever.
Still, what the fuck?
At least they're not dumping the entire season in one day.

Just finished Watching the newest V&V eps and I agree, its boring as fuck in most cases. Val is a nerdling who's always going on about how right he is, loves basedboi shit, and apparently his choice in women are just himself in drag. Vic is probably a Mexican version of Cartman only with a way more annoying voice, and even if the world they live in is aware of the supernatural things going on, you'd at least want them to expand on that part instead of just going "Gee Val, that was some crazy shit that just happened there. Let's never talk about this again."

This is where amphibia shines, because they at least have an ongoing plot to and a reason for doing what their doing: Anne has to find her way home unaware Sasha and Marcy are looking for her/are in the world too. Also, Anne is a perfect mix of both character types. She's not a goody-two-shoes, but she's also not a fucking brat who whines. She's just a regular kid who has regular issues she was dealing with back on Earth. Also, SHE FUCKING FIGHTS TOADS AND GIANT BUGS MORE THAN THE MCs OF A SUPERNATURAL FANTASY SERIES WHERE THERE ARE GHOSTS AND VAMPIRE BATS AS THE NORM. What happened with talking about their stepdad? What about the fact Chata was one of the undead? This show sadly has no set plot yet and it's already been past 20 episodes of pure bland nothingness!

I still watch V&V just to see if the story goes anywhere, but Amphibia just delivers the goods in story, characters and writing. And I'm someone who despises Disney nowadays, so that's saying something.

>TFW you realize Just said this to merge some F-annes in here hoping to post some Anne x Xochi porn

It's weird how they kept some things from the pilot but not others.
Like V&V already know Achi, but the skelten bros, their step dad, Chata being a spirit.
None of that's brought up

>Victor & Valentino
lol where did you get that impression? V&V don't have a magical box , they just live in a strange town where monsters lurk. they're not using a magical box a tease for lore that comes too late.

mindless overgrown bugs are not the same thing as reality warping creatures, get that right. also, if I wanted to watch a good cartoon about a girl fighting wildlife, I would just wait for Owl House and Infinity Train

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>owl house
I don't have hope.
I barely did before, but that teaser was incredibly underwhelming.

>finding magical creatures
>living with a witch
>going to magic school

better than frogs

Let me guess: Valentino gets a crush on a girl who is basically just him in a dress?

>girl fighting wildlife
>Infinity Train


I want to fuck Chata and Maria Theresa.

>Sabrina Cotugno is on staff
Yeah, it's not going to make it.

Yep, turns out, that she’s actually a monster that’s trying to eat him.

>creator wrote for PPG reboot
>"It's not Mexican gravity falls I promise!"

No wonder the Mex-Files are so boring. So much wasted potential, too.

Who knows?
I didn't think much of Amphibia's premise but I was pleasantly surprised.
There's just so much shit surrounding Owl House I just don't have any faith in it.


>Maria Theresa

new episodes when? getting tired of shitting on Dullphibia.

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She's on the show? lol, r.i.p.

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Chata is somewhat understandable.

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>She's not a goody-two-shoes, but she's also not a fucking brat who whines.

This. I like Valentino and can tolerate Victor, but they're painfully one-dimensional. Everything they do reinforces their respective "Follows the Rules" and "Brown Bart Simpson but more annoying" cliches.

>Anne x Xochi porn
Good taste

Sylvia x Maria Theresa porn when

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Charlene X Maddie too?

I feel the should could be a lot better but for some reason I enjoy it
I think I have bad taste or I personally feel that the show is authentic enough to recgonize that it is in fact a Mexican culture show and I'm a huge fan of anything mexican culture and hispanic culture period.

I'm just gonna say I have weird tastes

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I was thinking Charlene and Polly but that's even better.

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>lol where did you get that impression?
From the pilot that was suppose to be the basis of what the show was suppose to follow. Have you watched it?
>V&V don't have a magical box , they just live in a strange town where monsters lurk. they're not using a magical box a tease for lore that comes too late.
Who the fuck said they needed a magical magguffin to have a plot or lore? They could just have talked more about their family history, or how the hell they're step siblings and the show never uses that as a way to convey a story. We know goddamn well Chata knows about all this mystical stuff, otherwise she wouldn't have it in her home, so why not EXPAND upon that?
>mindless overgrown bugs are not the same thing as reality warping creatures
>reality warping creatures
Where the hell have you seen reality warpers in this fucking show? We just saw a vegetarian Chupacabra, an owl lady who coddles kids until their adults in diapers, and a flamboyant fox spirit who only does mildly annoying pranks. All of which were just either just mild annoyances or non-threatening disappointments. the darkest the show has been so far has been "The collector", Los Cadejos, and Love at first bite. Yet it still feels like a let down when these things are never expanded upon to build up a universe. My point is that at least anne actually stands her ground and can put up a fight more than chubboi and Mexican Cartman. That show has actual action at almost every turn and looks good doing it, V&V downright soft and edgeless.
>Owl House and Infinity Train
How brave of you to come out and admit you have shit taste. You're doin owl house fags proud.

Are there any MEGAS for the latest episodes? They released on the cn site

Just finished the newest four episodes, and the Guillermo one was easily the most memorable one. It's surprising how creepy yet oddly interesting they made that kid. He's the exact kind of side character a show like this needs. Those twins can die in a fire though.

>YWN suck the plant juice off of the fingers of your friend's mom

I just use Kimcartoon with an adblocker


As if the title and the first two minutes weren't obvious enough.

>Those twins can die in a fire though.
>hating Ronalda
How dare you, she's precious.

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>pilot and final show are different
oh please no say it ain't so

>Who the fuck said they needed a magical magguffin to have a plot or lore?
Amphibia does. otherwise what's the point of Anne living in a fantasy frog land if all she's gonna do is spend time at a shitty town? she could've gone to her grandparents farm and not much would've changed.

>Where the hell have you seen reality warpers in this fucking show?
first episode, brainlet.
also, the creatures that Vic and Val encounter are certainly more dangerous and interesting than a mantis and a bunch of overgrown birds. reimagining mesoamerican folklore as sci fi monsters is way more interesting and imaginative than having Anne acclimate to frog life.

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Amphibia didn't create the magical macguffin trope tho. You can complain about that without mentioning amphibia. We got it already, your fixation with Amphibia is going nowhere. It's ok if you wanna trash all over Amphibia, keep doing it, but at the end of the day this thread is still about how bad V&V is.

btw Victor and Valentino is still way better that SCI, i'll give you that if that makes you feel better.

It isn't like it matters anyways, even SVtFoE at its worst is better than SCI.

wouldn't be the only one. I mean how many times have Anne or Sprigs defeated the monster of the week with a callback?

>the creatures that Vic and Val encounter are certainly more dangerous and interesting

They oughta to be, but unfortunately aren't.

Compare Love at First Bite and A Night at The Inn. Both monsters boil down to "pretends to be nice but turns out is trying to eat them", V&V with vampires, Amphibia with cannibals. Part of what makes The Inn stand out more lies in how the villains are depicted. Seeing all those snails in the barn was a great touch, and they didn't even need to show the cannibals doing anything. It let's us imagine the bad ends ourselves.

SCI is better than both Amphibia and V&V. I'm just using it as an example of changes between pilot and final product.

SCI > V&V > Amphibia

Newest ones aren’t there though

>Dat spoiler

Only if you're implying Susie > Charlene > Maddie

>Val is an architecture oldfag.
sounded a bit too Yea Forums incel

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>SCI is better than both Amphibia and V&V.
Damn and i though i have bad taste...

A bit of a problem when the side characters catch your interests more than the main ones.

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>Love at first Bite has Val sail to a creepy swamp house and meet the family from Texas Chainsaw Massacre

fucking based, more scary than anything Amphibia has done yet.

>sail to a creepy swamp house and meet the family from Texas Chainsaw Massacre

No joking i though you were talking about the Amphibia's Inn episode. Eh.

that's every background character in every show. shallow enough so you can autistically fill in the gaps to create a character that suits you.

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I'll readily admit a mexican vampire version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre sounds based af, but the execution is just as if not even more important than the concept. V&V just doesn't deliver on that front.

>Amphibia ripped off V&V
for shame frogfags

I hate Victor's VA.
>VA does a fake laugh while trying to sound like a kid and failing
>not even a fake laugh as in faking laughter, literally just says "ha ha ha ha"

The concept was great, but the execution didn't live up to it. They really could have done more with the "made out of snakes" bit

Gravity Falls didn't have to change much from its pilot to the final product, and Summer cuck island's pilot was so hated on for being too depressing they had to change the premise for the official show, it made sense there and still kept all the important concepts, so yeah, V&V is crap for not keeping in what would have given viewers an actual plot to follow, fuckwad.

>Amphibia does.
V&V is not the same as Amphibia. The box is the plot device that gives Anne a reason to look for answers, meanwhile As far as the show is right now, Vic and Val could start learning more about the family history, expanding upon how they came to this point. Welcome to the underworld was a good attempt at telling us more about the extended family, we could have used more episodes like that to learn more about the main characters without some magic Journal/Wand/music box.

>Gay fox spirit who uses magic to pull juvenile pranks and is seen in only one episode is more interesting and dangerous than Grimes and the toad army, who went as far as to break Anne's arm in a fight.
>Giant Birds and Mantis still more dangerous than Vegan Chupacabra and Motherly Lechuza
How much is Diego paying you to shill these lies?

>V&V created basic tropes that have been used for years in general media
damn how dense you are.

Next you'll tell me Shit for the Weak is better than Glitch techs.

how easy to bait are you?

well whatever "shit for the weak" is didn't get cancelled before airing.

Yeah that part threw me off. I was expecting her to just dissolve in the water or something but NOPE SNAKES! It would have helped if they gave her braids to establish snakes as her theme or something, with the side-benefit of making her not look like Valentino with glasses. Or even if that's what they were going for, have her act like she wearing a second skin, or make the family molt when they reveal their true selves.

>Grimes and the toad army, who went as far as to break Anne's arm in a fight.
Anne's arm didn't get broken (or Anne's arm recovered way to quick for a broken arm)... the Toad was actually trying to crush Anne's skull (and almost did it), No jokes, no sidewaying the subject, a toad soldier was about to kill the main character in a scene played completely straigh.

Please tell me V&V have something like that, asking for real here, i'm now drunk enough, try to change my mind to give V&V another chance...

i dunno, you tell me, you're the one crying about how Amphibia have more fans than V&V all this time.

Fucking this. This is a perfect example of show, don't tell. V&V at almost every point has to spell it out of you and it pretty much gives it away with just the title card alone.

Anne got hit with a spiked mace and walked out with a broken arm. great logic for such a "hardcore" show.

Eh, it all depend. i have seen real people suffer even more damage and walk like nothing happened.

(cont) my point btw is the fact Anne got hit by a spiked maze is incedental to how good or bad the show is.

Only thing so far was Vic was being posesed by a dark wolf to jump into a volcano, but only because he was being a fucking annoying brat to Val again causing them to go on the earen in the first place.

So... the risk on that scene was caused by the MC?

>Doesn't realize when someone is shitting on Craig of the creek
>Still thinks Glitch techs is cancelled
Does anyone know the difference between "halted production" and "canceled"?

Btw i'm not saying that's a bad thing, even the best shows have cases of MCs causing troubles.
i actually wanna know if they learned something from the situation they created...

Pretty much.

Just that brothers shouldn't hold grudges even if they rightfully should, and then it's forgotten about the next day. Again, shit writing, wasted potential.

Have you seen "The Collector" episode? It probably comes the closest. The motw is a nice mix of creepy and threatening.

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>"just a bowling ball, a mop and other assorted items oddly arranged in the corner"
>choosing who to eat with playing cards
geez we SAW that, they didn't have to TELL us

>the stable with the snails
>the jars full of teeth
they all serve the same purpose.

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With Glitch Techs, it's hard to say. Its renewal for a second season will be dependant on how well season one does, but the entire staff (save for the creators) were fired out of the blue after finishing their work.

is autocorrect fucking up your spelling, phonefag?

Just what i feared... *sigh*

Hmmm when i see people asking about reasons to watch V&V i've seen people naming "The Collector" as an actual reason to. Maybe i could check it out. Thanks for actually giving me a reason to try to watch this show.

>and then it's forgotten about the next day. Again, shit writing, wasted potential.
sounds like Amphibia and Anne forgetting about her box.

>sounds like Amphibia and Anne forgetting about her box.
Except they went to the Archives and Bizarre Bazar looking for information. Also Anne can't do that much 'cause the Mountain Pass is still frozen, hell, they even go check it out in case it got unfrozen earlier. So yah, nice try with that bait, you totally got me.

>that laundry chute scene with Polly
of course shitphibia rips off the shitty Halloween sequel.

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And Victor and Valentino ripped off El Tigre's mustache episode, so what's your point? References are not equal to ripping off.

At this point all you have are shitty baits. So bad is your show you have to reduce any argument to baits?

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They all shared the same purpose, but the snails drove the point home in how long they've done this and how fucked up it really is. I highly doubt it would have been as disturbing of an episode without it.

>Anne saying she never gets used to all the frog bones laying around everywhere.
Amphibia never stop feeling dangerous, You can't even go fetch tomatos without being eaten by Audrey 2.

That's a shame. And I doubt whoever else is put in charge of it if it gets another season knows what the fuck he's doing.
The hell are you talking about?

I liked this episode, the old house gave me Chainsaw Massacre vibes.

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So much reading

Dem asses

To be fair, I'll take a month and a week, over dumping all the episodes in a single sitting. At least this way we have a good chunk of content per week and the conversation doesn't fizzles out after in just a couple of days, like it happened with Voltron.

and learned nothing.
>Bizarre Bazar
Anne doesn't get a chance to show it to the weird snake/lizard and ends with Hop Pop burying the damn thing.
seriously, do you enjoy being teased this much?

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This user gets it

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My problem with Victor is that he is an unlikable brat. Think about Bart, he is as much as a brat as Victor but the episodes often put him on situations where an authority figure wrong him first so it doesn't feel as mean spirited. Vic is just an asshole to everyone around him.

>Maddie was a snake legion
chalk up another badass monster that's not a giant bug.

Well yeah, that's the point, i prefer a funny show with smart yet sometimes dark humor, and subtle lore. i wanna get answers, yeah, but i don't wanna be spoonfed like a moron. They're trying to get answers, you can't deny that, every try is a good try, even if they got nothing, 'cause it means at least they're actively doing something about it.

>"you ruined my fedora"
>even says M'Lady
fucking based

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so you do like being jerked around. enjoy yourself, then.

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Is she based on some old legend? A monster made out of Snakes seem to specific.

i love how every argument user has said against Amphibia in this thread could be used even more effectively against V&V. It's like user love to shoot their own feet.

And at the end the V&V user has done a shitty work at making me interested in V&V at all. Congrats.

Or we could watch both shows and just like what we like.
No body? just me?
Is this a majora's Mask reference

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>watching multipleshows at the same time

Are you crazy!! That sounds insane!!

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Let's just get back to what's most important in this thread, shall we?

>Sylvia x Maria Theresa porn when
Good choice. Can Chata join in for some hot, wet angry sex with Maria while Sylvia and Hop pop watch?

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How smart is Valentino?

Apparently he writes and has a publisher. I liked the episode with the Hippie who might be Quetzalcoatl.
But there should be a special punishment for people who gives draw the Feathered Serpent with wings. Why do artist always get that wrong?

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So insane that I might just do it at this very moment!

But really, why did Summercampfag have to make a big deal out of it? Amphibia and V&V are enjoyable in their own ways. I just think Amphibia has more going for it because it has a goal. Vic and Val is right now at this point a S.O.L with supernatural elements thrown in. And unless a serious reoccurring threat shows up to change the status quo, or go over the boys' family history and their dad, it will remain that way.

Doesn't make sense for him to fly without wings.

gotta dumb it down for burgers. feathered serpent must mean it has wings.

Don't you mean for chicanos?

user, I like the way you think.

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kids and bras are always welcome.

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Quetzalcoatl is a giant serpent god with feathers instead of scales. I'm pretty sure something so absurd doesn't need wings to fly.

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Truly a show that doesn't give a shit about censors.

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Sal was cool.
now we need a crossover preferably fucking.

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Yeah, giving Quetzalcoatl wings to fly nullify a lot about the whole FUCKING CORPOREAL GOD it is.

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i'm glad more shows are giving no shit about censorship these days.

We need a crossover with Zelda I wouldn't be surprised if V&V meet an unfortunate fate.

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she's based on the Matlazihua, a woman in white who abducts men at night. here they made her a snake woman and added the texas chainsaw massacre family because snake people = Leatherface

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>"make my first time special"
you might be onto something.

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How was the new episode?

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I miss Mexiconnie. where did she go?

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Are you sure? the snake people and the weakness to water and music seemed too specific to just be a random thing, Specially when this show already showed La Lechuza and The Zotz.

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Where is it? I’m not seeing nothing.

The Freak... how long has he plagued mankind?

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It has like 5 good episodes.
and only good music is the intro...

I think its makes sense because its a kid.
Kids do stupid shit ALL the time

>Expected to hate HopPop
>He is my favorite character

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The big backpack with masks. Man i don't even watch this show and i noticed that too.


Look at Its a skinny guy with a giant backpack covered in masks.

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>Kids do stupid shit ALL the time
Kids can do stipid shit and be still likeable. By example, Sprig (since you guys like to talk about Amphibia a lot) does stupid shit all the time (i won't forget the whole Sylvia issue), yet he's still likeable as heck.

Attached: sprig boi.png (3192x3720, 2.24M)

best sister

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so it's just your subjective opinion. ok.

It's also in universe, everybody loves Sprig but Mrs Croaker (yet Sprig still have almost no friends (seems to be like Clarence, you know, everybody in universe loves Clarence yet he has just two actual friends)).

You can get mad at me for using Amphibia as example, it's ok, i knew somebody was about to get mad at that...

>Kids can do stipid shit and be still likeable.
Just remember all the stupid shit you did and other kids did, or remember online lobbies. Kids did a lot of stupid shit while being unlikeable.

I miss Clarence

>Victor hits Ronaldo in the ass with the wooden bat

no other cartoon today would do this.

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>Kids did a lot of stupid shit while being unlikeable.
Again, that doesn't mean OTHER kids do stupid shit and are also unlikeable, If you were a trash kid, well, that doesn't nullify the fact other stupid kids were more likeable over you. Sorry 'bout that i guess.

Pretty sure Equestria Girls did that, and played the whole scene not just as joke but as some kind of kinky fetish... yeah, it was weird. Very cursed topic, i know.

Fuck off and stay off deepfags

Guillermo's Gathering > Go with the Flow > Love at First Bite > Aluxes

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Summarize for me. I need to be spoiled here.

>I don’t care about lore, I just want to watch boring episodic shit and burn my brain cells fags.
Jesus F-ing Christ, I don’t know or care what you fuckers want sometimes, this thread has become horrendously cringey and filled with butthurt fuckeads, how nice.

You're expecting anything V&V to NOT be cringey? WTF is wrong with you??
Lurk harder.

Despite Yea Forums's hateboner for it, I'd gladly take another season or 2 of that over this slowly meandering along and winning nobody over, tbqfhwy, user.

He meant that this isn’t the typical v&v hating thread, this become an amphibia vs V&V thread.

where is this screenshot from? it's not from the 4 episodes released today.

...And that's even worse, especially knowing which show is considered more worth people's time around here.

yeah, the one with the loli

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Both shows have lolis. And are thus worth people's time.

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The penultimate redpill is realizing that Amphibia and V&V are both boring

It's so formulaic, it reminds me off Regular Show in how the episodes are structured.

>Main duo goof off
>They find some magic thing and then play with it
>Abuse it too much then supernatual shit happens, big monster or other dimensional guy wants to destroy everything based on their goofing off
>universe is about to die and they somehow find a fix at the last minute
>Back to goofing off

It's just the same shit over and over and over again.

I really thought this show was going to suck, like another Billy Dilly styled disaster. turns out to be pretty good.

I really do not like any character in Vic and Valentino. Everyone seems like an angry asshole most of the time. No one is really likable in any episode.

Everything is boring if you're pedantic enough.

I'm guessing some of those clips are from future episodes?
I'd certainly remember any scene with Charlene in it.

She is stuck in the small frog town until the winter ends and the ice in all the surrounding mountains trapping her there thaw. So they at least gave a reason why she is just having random nonsensical adventures around town

the problem wiht Amphibia is the horribly formulaic show structure. the characters are fine.

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watched one episode and it was the room cleaning one and wow is this show boring and I hate the voice actors.

Pretty weird they never acknowledged what the statues really are. They just kind of let it go.

>Guillermo's Gathering
Chata makes Victor and Valentino attend Guillermo's birthday party. The boys try to get party favors as proof they went while dealing with the weird party games.
>Go With the Flow
Chata invites that one magic hippy guy to stay with them when he loses his house. Victor and Valentino try to find ways to drive him away when he starts crowding their personal space.
>Love at First Bite
Valentino gets a crush on a girl who acts weird. They date and her behaviour hints that she's not what she seems.
Victor finds a magical crown that brings the small statue decorations in Chata's house to life under his command. He uses his newfound powers to show up Valentino at a LARPing session.

>horribly formulaic show structure
Victor and Valentino kinda has the same problem

This show doesn't lack for bigger women.

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somewhat, I find the episodes in V&V to be less predictable than in Amphibia or Loud House, so a surprise is always welcome. I also prefer the creatures in V&V, they're just more "out there" design wise. the biggest difference, though is that V&V doesn't tease you with the promise of lore the same way Amphibia does.

to give an example, in Bizarre Bazaar, the whole music box plot is cut short for the race thing. that's a borderline tease and it isn't even the first time it happened. In Victor and Valentino there's Don Japaleno's monster codex which has been used before by the main characters and they don't forget about it. that's how the mcguffins should be handled IMO.

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So basically Gravity Falls but shit?

More like Mexican Fairly Oddparents.

Shut your bitch ass up user

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Dammit, she's fucking cute!
Can we just have a show about her and her family?

Goddammit, why?

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>no Pineapple x Valentino R34

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There are some Apocalyptic implications on Don Jalapeño's book tittle. For those who knows what the 6th sun means.

Because no one will make real fanart of this show.

And thus the thread flew off the rails

So, when do we start discussing how Xochi is clearly a lesbean?

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When Valentino gets his heart broken by the reveal.

They actually share the same biological father. But I do agree; I wish the show would delve into more of their familial history (and lingering drama).

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How much of the pilot carried over? They introduced/threw Achi in out of nowhere, but the boys didn't know about the Underworld until the episode proper.

i never go to new cartoons with high expectations, exclusively when it come to CN

The average consensus seems to be that Victor and Valentino is mediocre, but is it still watchable?

Watchable and that's literally it.
There are a few shining moments like Charlene or Guillermo's scenes, but for the most part it's just painfully, painfully average.

Literally just the basic premise, the dog, and the fact that Vic and Val are half-brothers. Everything else seems to have been retconned.

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>But if you actually wanted to see some depth, background or lore given to the world around them
please stop being such an autist

>Spencer Rothbell’s outline turns out the best
Like clockwork.

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I liked Guillermo's freaky Giger aesthetic

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>only good music is the intro
That’s a damn lie. One of the few good things about this show is the music. Don’t diss on Arturo Rodriguez’s sweet guitar tunes.

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What are the chances this show will actually address Victor and Valentino’s possibly shaky bond as half-brothers?

This pic is pretty much me in a nutshell.

So, you’re admitting that you enjoy Victor and Valentino?

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They should have made it Mexican Courage the Cowardly Dog

>Chata as a mix of Eustace and Muriel, demanding and grouchy but can be sweet
>Pineapple is a big tough guy but is easily spooked by the supernatural
>But Charlene loves supernatural and spoopy stuff

Attached: Victor and Valentino S01E17 - It Grows.mp4_snapshot_07.50a.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Whenever Charlene shows up, whenever V&V actually get along, Guillermo's pretty good too.
Backgrounds are pretty nice.
The monsters may not be as cool as they could be but it's still nice to see them.
The writing's admittedly pretty shitty, but I still somehow enjoy it.
I just can't bring myself to hate it.

Fair enough. I also tolerate the show enough to keep up with new episodes, and you made some good points.

But don’t forget about Xochi. The show is also at its best whenever she’s on screen.

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Is Pineapple a boy or a girl?

What do you think?

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Struck a nerve, bigot?

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The thumbnail makes that box looks shopped.

The sad part is is that I could see this show actually being GOOD if they took this exact route, too.

You're still a child-molesting freak, Misha.

It must hurt to be in a minority like this, doesn't it?

I don't think this show will delve into issues that require more than eleven minutes to resolve.

Why does this reminds me of the Stonetoss comic.

i give it a try because of valentino kek

Fuck, I hate that you’re probably right.

>cartoons can't be cartoons anymore. they have to have some deeplore shit

sometimes, R34 IS the better option, m8.

...And I HATE THAT. I'm OK with my cartoons being BOTH Fun and Serious, thank you very much.

Maybe this ship will appear on some shota drawfag's radar.

I don't want lore, I want a story. Victor and Valentino is eleven-minute segments of clanging on pots and pans while making a funny voice.

Unf, Xochi so hooooot my GAWD

I concur

That'd be fine if the show was actually funny or entertaining.
It's a fucking borefest.

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I want Valentino to just give him a black eye.

Based Mexican and Mexican Americans

Calm down, son. It’s just a drawing.

Ain’t you that same guy that I spoke to from the BCG thread?

F-Annes, where y’all at?

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Waiting for the new episode so I can experience Maddie's inevitable heartbreak.

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>into the king of chubby shota

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>shit writing and pacing destroys a good show
This is some textbook stuff here guys. We got an industry classic prussian the place.

In the Sasha thread.

You and the rest of South America.

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It just hit me that her fat little legs remind me of Kanna from the Dragon Maid anime.

>half-naked Clarence
>no farmer's tan
Looks like someone in South America didn't do their research

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>Annoying Sibling
>and old (wo)man

Attached: It's like I'm seeing double!.png (557x666, 182K)

Yea but isn't this just standard cartoon character archetypes?

we can dig deeper (eh, do you get it? Dipper...)

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b r u h

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Chubby shota lovers fap to this?


Ah, I understand now.

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go away, pedo scum

bump, haha

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Dem ass

Dropping the TV-PG rating altogether was a big mistake.

I keep watching this just cause I'm a big fan of mesoamerican culture, and some of the character designs are actually fun, like the skater kids, but the writing is bare-bones. Hopefully it gets better in case of a new season

Fabien Mense and the background artists are the ones keeping this show watchable.

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Zach Bellismo (Long Gone Gulch) Just announced on his twitter feed, vic and val are getting a 2nd season.

Fabien Mense is too good for this show

oh god, please no

Shit, have it straight from CN's mouth, as well.

The Fungies! looks highly uninteresting.

Watch the pilot.
It's squishy baby marshmallow tier and makes me want to hurt something.

Not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe it will improve with a second season.

That's the hope.
The expectation is that it'll be more of the same.

>all this talk about new episodes without providing a mega
For shame