What the FUCK
Who at DC thought this was acceptable?
What the FUCK
Who at DC thought this was acceptable?
Someone just finished MGS3.
Bump for context, OP.
Retarded edgy Harley/Joker shit.
DC is a one trick pony with their bull shit bat wank-fest.
DC will be gone soon. Very soon.
Lol no it won't, you marveltard.
pretty hot desu
Not even a Marvel-tard.
Actually, I hate to see DC go, but it's headed that way.
It's time to quit blaming Marvel's success on DC's failures.
Fanboys, like yourself, are largely to blame.
You point out every flaw in Marvel, but fail to see the fatal flaws DC has incorporated.
It will be quick when it happens.
Anyway, I don't mind bumping this thread, so all can say the retarded shit DC has put out.
Fuck your fake outrage bullshit.
These "DC will die" posts have become as retarded as Yea Forums's Nintendoomed memes.
that was actually censored after colbert lost his mind about bat dick.
the original had harley fully show her breasts .
thats why you still can see the nipple outline
God I wish that was me
>the original had harley fully show her breasts .
post it
Are all DC comics so dark and super edgy or is just Batman comics?
i dont read comics
was it rape?
>i dont read comics
im here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it
Do the writers for DC browse Yea Forums? Is this a response to the "rape the Joker" meming?
What the FUCK is going on here this is the OPPOSITE of what I told you to do Bats
do you tell that to your parents too?
Pretty sure the whole point is how fucked up it is. Why is /pol/ so fucking stupid?
>Rent free
>colbert lost his mind about bat dick
how is mocking black label losing your mind
Marvelfags are all retards, simply.
>was actually censored after colbert lost his mind about bat dick.
fucking puritans. why amerifags are so afraid of nudity/naked people?
Just imagine the smell boys
>dat sweat
>dat leather
>dat b.o
>dat cheap perfume
>dat shampoo
It's from a series on DC black label by Brian azzarello. Its supposed to be edgy and grimdark, the mainline batman series arent (as) dark or edgy
Wait, did she cut off her own tits?
Nigga, are you blind?
Lol I was so focused on scars on her chest I didn't even see
Not him but she could have sewn her breasts back on
I met Azarello at a Con last October and I asked if issue 2 had been delayed for similar reasons as to why Damned #1 was censored and he said yeah. He told me that Harley was meant to have an exposed breast but it was covered up hastily, you can see how it doesn't really fit
i love how he never replied
That’s dumb, why do these puritans freak out about nudity in media that’s meant clearly meant for older audiences.
have sex
They still think comics are for kids
I still think that Azzarello should have made a backup plan in case things went south with the book. It was obvious that he knew that making the book show Bruce's dick was gonna cause some controversy. The fact that he didn't prepared for that show how capable as a writer he is.
user, that's gross
God I wish that were me
yeah i want to be catwoman too
>didn't hear about this until now
>google the page
Huh...I thought Bruce was supposed to have the canon biggest dick in DC.
its intent was to be edgy and "mature"
kind of why i think they put hellblazer in it or its becasue of the whole bats x constantine thing azzarello has
the real question is why did DC feel they needed to censor her tits. The original art shows tits.
same reason they removed batcock from digital versions
it hink its maybe why
Just imagine being ravished by batman
Colbert just made a bunch of dumb jokes. If Didio had any brain cells he would have gotten on the show and talked about how Black Label is uncensored adult prestige content. But nope, instead of getting ahead of it they let the news roll all over them
Isn't that his mom?
>not posting the uncensored version
it's a blue board user
this is based on a bangbros video,
it was that one, where they ended up fucking.
Can anyone explain the ending? Is this just some 2deep4u "Batman and joker are two sides of the same coin" bullshit?
Nobody can explain clearly the ending, since it was rushed and lazily written. It is not the ending Azz wanted nor planned. The ending doesn't make sense with the story.
Why did it seem like Constantine wanted to fuck Batman
>"Alfred I... I don't feel so good."
azzarello has a weird way of trying to ship batman and constantine together he wrote an entire arc on it with a character loosely based on bruce wayne
It's the same person doing them, they're Tommy Ladderbro's posts.
That's not on Didio. Pamela Lifford had just recently been placed in Diane Nelson's role and freaked out about all this press about Bat-Dick, so that led to the censorship and stuff.
No. Nothing will ever top Nintendoomed.
If you assume Batman became the Joker at the end of Batman: Damned, then you can pretend that the entire Azzarello Hellblazer run takes place after, only this time Stanley W Manor really is Bruce Wayne.
Haven't read it, but it insinuates that Batman was the Joker..
>Batman was the joker
Batman didn't survive, maybe Harley didn't either. Bats was dead and the only thing keeping him tethered to the living world was his guilt over the jokers death.
Yeah, it's shit.
underrated post
i don't think the official one has been shown uncensored.
only edits.
It's an adult comic user. There must be gore and rape at some point, right?
Because showing guts to kids is ok, but somehow nipples are worse.
What is it about Colbert that triggers you people so much?
This shit is legitimately hilarious considering how Sony's handhelds do so shit in the west that they die almost a decade before they do so in Japan and even when the big N's home consoles shit the bed they manage to outsell Sony every time.
And now in the latest turn of events you have Sony censoring their weeb games - their only redeeming quality over the competition - and Nintendo, fucking "Family friendly" Nintendo - coming out with a statement about how they're gonna stop censoring games on their systems and releasing more otaku pandering shit.
He's a libtard.
He used to be entertaining, and now he's not.
Disappointment is one of the strongest feelings.
>funny man on TV talked bad about my president!
Man you guys have some real thin skin.
Anybody got an explanation as to why Harley has autopsy cuts? That's not scarring, as you guys seem to think: the fucking STAPLES are still there, holding her closed.
There's plenty of gore and rape on regular DC though
>funny man
What did azzerello mean by this
We don't know. You got to ask Azzarello. He always has weird ideas for character's designs. Maybe it was supposed to tie in with the story idea that he originally pitched to DC before it got censored and changed.
I did. There's nothing wrong with any of it.
well for one he forced dc to censor a comic.
one the other hand he constantly lies to push far left agendas
Nice try Liefeld.
people are saying theres going to be a follow up book.
It's because when you give people enough rope they wind up hanging themselves and encouraging others to do the same.
You'd be surprised how much disappointment can be brought from letting go of a policy or two
Someone post the fucking nude scan already you worthless retards
>he forced dc to censor a comic
No he didn't.