No waifus

>No waifus

Fucking dropped

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Other urls found in this thread:



this is why waifufaggotry should be a bannable offense

Cancer killing cartoons

You fucks sound like a bunch of SJWs whining about the male gaze. Just give me a character I can fap to, just a single one. Not even Adorabat has a fappable design and I'm quite particular to loli bait

What makes Adorabat nonfappable?

Go back to your little horse cartoon.

Tiny chicken legs with no boobs and weird anatomy. Should have made her a wolf or cat or something actually fuckable then a bat

Glad I wasn't the only one feeling this. It feels like the creator is a massive faggot or a SJW judging by the lack of cute girls. Even fucking steven universe has great waifus

Yet 2 great husbandos.

Imagine the fucking thoughtprocess of your average animator pitching their shows nowadays
>I already have a cool cartoon but how do I get as many views as possible to not get shut down after one season... I know, I'll add a girl to the cast

Guess the feminisation of cartoons and girlpower getting stronger is the waifufags fault afterall

Seems like the show is SJW #WOKE trash then, refusing to give us good cheesecake but shoving in fujobait and implying that the cat/bagder dude are gay

a waifufag and a samefag

how pathetic

Do you also hate ATHF for the same reason, by any chance?

>finally get a cartoon that isn't feminist grill-power garbage
>suddenly Steven Universe is a positive example

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Didn't even bother to watch it for the same reason

"""Ironic""" shitposting is still shitposting, underage virgin manchild.

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>Even fucking steven universe has great waifus

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Why would I bother to watch a cartoon that doesn't interest me?

>ITT: Tasteless faggots who think only with thier dick.

so Yea Forumstists were the cancer killing cartoons all along

Why bother commenting instead of enjoying some 2d thots, then?

Good, the only thing worse then waifufags are shippingfags and I don't want you fuckers ruining this show (or any show really)

I'm watching it now. It's not bad. Thanks Yea Forumsmrades.

>Low Test faggot detected
I mean I don't even like the show, but it does provide good fap material
Judging by how badly Mao Mao is doing in it's ratings...
What a idiot. SJWs are the ones that are purging cute girls from my cartoons and replacing them with manface dykes and flat cardboard chests


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There will be catgirls in the future, so calm your erection now furry.

i came here to discuss, not to kek

I'll probably watch the episodes that his sisters show up in. In fact I would have probably watched the entire show if they made Adorabat a lot sexier

>SJWs are the ones that are purging cute girls from my cartoons and replacing them with manface dykes and flat cardboard chests
>Finds SU characters good waifus

Stage 3: Bargaining

>complains about SJWs replacing cute girls with dykes
>faps to steven universe

You dont have any base to complain about "sjws ruining cartoons"
SJWs were the ones who tried to balance shit by including girls which is at an all time record high for 5 years now, you literally agree with the SJW policy, just for different, more brainless reasons. Then one cartoon for kids boy action like in the olden days comes along and you shit your pants because you cant fap to it, using SJWs as the scapegoat even though they do the exact opposite.

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>Judging by how badly Mao Mao is doing in it's ratings...
the episodes released way before the TV premiere

>No waifus
Absolute pleb

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>Judging by how badly Mao Mao is doing in it's ratings...
It's cleaning shop on the app. Television ratings are quickly becoming irrelevant to executive decisions.

Since the OP made an extremely low quality thread and is choosing to needlessly antagonize people using idiotic arguments that consist of buzzwords, it's painfully obvious that he is a troll and deserves to be treated as such. Report this thread and all of his posts as much as possible. Remember, as a Yea Forumsmrade it is both your duty and responsibility to maintain the well being of our community.

I don't understand why any of you keep replying to this deranged virgin instead of reporting him and moving on. I know the mods won't do anything about it, as usual, but try not to give the OP any attention.

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What can I say man, Lapis and Peridot does things to my dick. I also enjoy fantasizing about completely mind breaking the main cast and converting them from being dykes to mind broken slaves with the power of my dick. I think that Sugar is the rare SJW that actually likes to draw sexy female characters. It's not like I watch the show anyway, just like to fap to a few of it's characters
No, SJW introduce boring ugly looking dykes. SU is literally the only SJW cartoon that has a few decent looking waifus in it. But what do I know, I mainly watch anime

Honestly? I won't be surprised if the mods don't do anything about the thread.

>more girls in my cartoons! more girls in my cartoons!

SoiGoy much

>I think that Sugar is the rare SJW that actually likes to draw sexy female characters. It's not like I watch the show anyway, just like to fap to a few of it's characters
I think you fapped yourself stupid to off-model fan porn. The actual designs in the show are terrible.

I remember when I was heard of the show though that one Yea Forums post with Mao Mao having huge honking tits. Such a disappointment to know that they wasn't a single waifu in the show itself. I feel you OP

Listen here pal im as horny as the rest of you fags are on a daily basis. Maybe even more so at times.
But i dont need every single piece of media that i consume to be riddled with cheese cake to get anything out of it.
When was the last time you enjoyed somthing with out your dick taking over and determining your enjoyment.
Is your idea of a fun day just looking at lewds and porn?

It's summer. There are underage b& dipshits here who haven't figured out there's more to life than having boners.

What a bunch of faggot. I merely stated my reason for dropping the show and reasoned that it the show had included some waifus, it would greatly enhanced the show for me and many others. It would easily help the rating too. They already have Adorabat, just make her grow up a little and get sexy. But noooo, you need a safespace to keep people from giving you constructive criticism about MUH FUJOBAIT CARTOONS

>SJW introduce boring ugly looking dykes
which you find appealing judging by the fact you can take SU shit up your mouth
>But what do I know, I mainly watch anime
yeah explains how you think adding countless girls to a show is a good thing.
SJWs were the ones who started making girlpower popular again, including SU, OKKO, Amphibia, Hilda and pretty much everything nowadays. Girl representation is high as fuck because idiots like you eat it up. But keep screeching how its not your fault and SJWs being totally your now needed boogeyman

>Fuckin safespacers man
>Also please improve everything to appeal to my boner
>W-what do you mean you dont agree

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If she actually looked like that in the show, I would have watched it so hard

>not wanting more cute waifus
What a faggot

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t. pornaddicted effaminate cuck, just like his japanese demigods

sex sells, jews sell, goyim consumes

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>I mean I don't even like the show, but it does provide good fap material. Steven Universe
>replacing them with manface dykes and flat cardboard chests. Steven Universe
How can one man contradict himself so easily in 1 post?

t. low test soiboy

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>tr/a/nny no uing

If wanting to fuck my waifu makes me a tranny, it's still a thousand times better then a faggot like you

Despite the complete and utter faggotry in this thread, Mao Mao is a genuinely fucking terrible show.

Yeah, the male main character isn't even voiced by a woman. That's how you know it sucks.

Mao Mao desperately needs better worldbuilding. The main trio are very likable but the townspeople are soulless and boring. It feels so empty and repetitive.

>a cartoon is only worth anything if I can wank to it because I'm extremely lonely

Look at the lesbian and laugh. Go fap to your deformed stick figures, faggot.

>unlike me
>a high test alpha male
>who jerks off to 2D images of children and horses

Disagree on the townies. They're intentionally simplistic, especially since they're just extras, but when they talk they reveal interesting quirks that win you over. Like that unusually bloodthirsty Mail Mole.

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I feel like he just wants to make something fun and not worry about waifushit.
Not everything has to appeal to your dick.

>lack of cute girls
>one of the main characters' names is literally a pun on adorable
Cute and sexy aren't synonyms. When a woman calls a baby cute, she isn't thinking "damn, I wanna fuck that baby."

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Does On Demand count? I'm catching up

Peg leg is sexy

Mao Mao is a hot guy

>breaking news from the show grown ups watch because they hate themselves

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You mean you didn't fuck your mother as a baby?

>WWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Baby no like cartoon with no pretty girl!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

Awwww! Does someone need a widdle nap?

Not everyone is a low test soiboy like you faggot

CN execs are gonna be more interested in what generates the most views on their app. Using their app produces data they can sell to advertisers, they don't own the data created by cable views and other VoD services.

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Needing sexual content spoonfed to you in children's cartoons because you lack the masculine aggression to proactively find smut or sex for yourself is not a sign of high test.

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user, stop thinking with your dick.

Look. I get it. I like sexy women, too. But if a creator doesn’t want to draw any, they have every right, too, and their work won’t necessarily suffer as a result. There exist more aspects to any work than sexuality. Furthermore, if literally everything was sexy, I’d be horny all the time, and doing nothing but sit around and jack off is only good in theory. Every post you’ve made has made you look like a petulant child who wants every cartoon under the sun to cater to his libidinous whims, hence why no one is taking you seriously.

Go take a cold shower.

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>literally every single show on CN has a male MC
>still not enough for you faggots
Just admit the only thing you like is dicks and you don't want to look at anything that doesn't have a dick.

>implying the protagonists will be sexy just because they're female
Will you just fuck off to Yea Forums already? You can have all the fat tiddy anime grills you want there.

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We don’t give a shit who the mc is
We don’t watch cartoons solely to fucking fap to them and if you do go to /aco/ or something

I literally just need her to have the eyelash thing going on or ANYTHING design wise that says "this is a girl". A freaking flower adorning one of her ears for example would make her approximately 200% more fappable.

The people who can fap to characters with 0% sex appeal AND 0% femininity can probably fap to anything if you draw googly eyes on it.

And for the record she's an adorable character. Shame it took 3 episodes to figure out she's a girl ALL thanks to her being referred to as a "she".


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Not the most experienced with streaming shit so I have to ask, does watching through the Roku version of the CN app help?

why taint a perfectly good show to accommodate some little horny bitch too dull witted to enjoy a show without some cartoon bimbo to wank at?
If you're that horny visit rule34, we don't need your kind here.

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You're expecting it to be self aware, waifufags are never self aware.

>we don't need your kind here
Exactly, but the mods banned me for reporting this piece of shit.

This feels like that thread about the new turtle in the IDW TMNT comic.

The bat is a fujo

This image is adorable, lets make this shit show into a thread with pics of the characters instead.

That's unfair.
This brainlet is clearly just wasting a thread o bitching that he can't wank at a cute kid show, the bastard doesn't deserve a thread.

Season 2 when?

The mods are clearly looking out for him, or at least the currently active one is, probably because he agrees with this mouthbreathing shitposter.

Fuck off Yea Forumsumblr and stop fucking trying to tale away our cheesecake

Yes, Roku is an app portal, and while they collect data themselves, accessing a VoD service through it is the same as accessing it through a computer or smartphone.

Anybody got the image where the gang is wearing snazzy outfits? It had Mao Mao in a zoot suit.

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hell I realise that mao mao is archer for kids (the character no the show)

Not the one I was looking for, but I haven't seen it before and I like it.

steven universe does have plenty of women

he should watch that instead

oh then you mean this one

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but it's ok because steven universe is always off model



That's the one

We live in a world SJW are making it so that females can't be sexy anymore and you fucking faggots are just enabling it

>watching that shit instead DC SuperWaifus 54
kill yourself OP

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Faust made the best show in the last decade user, just watch it

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That show is fucking awesome. So many waifus

I would fuck that so hard.

>he can't enjoy a show unless he can beat his meat to pixels

Unironically have sex.

incels don't like femoids retard

>yeah I fap to mah lolicon protags every day, I can grow a neckbeard in fuckin 3 days cause I got so much fuckin test unlike u guys u faggots, your policy is not to have as much women as possible in your shows? Fuckin sois
this is the thread summary
OP is a fag as usual

Nah, OKKO is always off model and it actually works because that becomes the show's "style." SU gets grating because it keeps bouncing back and forth, so it's like noticing the constant swapping back and forth between letterboxes and no letterboxes in Dark Knight Rises. Once you notice it, it's impossible to not be bothered by it.

Some absolute madlad already made an Adorabat onahole.

we don't give a shit about cartoons not pandering to our dicks because A) we can get laid irl B) have anime and porn to fall back on and C) actively want western cartoons to focus more on writing and other stuff instead of tiddies because we enjoy a change of pace every now and then in contrast with the vanilla pool that is anime
Besides that, faggot (You) can't even name 5 dyke cartoons while I can actually name you 10 cartoons that rely on waifub8 so chill your ass
Also its a kids show and its hyper autistic to have demands for more tiddies there

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>fucking faggots are just enabling it
Unlike you, a true warrior who fights the dreaded Es Jay Doubyas by shitposting on obscure Chinese Simulator Forums.

People who have never had sex don't even recognize waifubait a lot of the time because potential waifus don't fit into the narrow and puerile archetype of what the media convinced them is attractive. Pic related is unironically hot af, but if you described her with words, she would seem like a collection of tropes teenage boys find unappealing.

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True, no one should attack anything on 4chins.

>implying they won't have some femme fatale literal cat burgaler as a rival

Literally not once did I say or imply that you shouldn't attack anything on 4chins.
Bitch and moan about stuff all you like, just pointing out that it probably won't achieve anything. Therefor sperging out about people "enabling" something while you yourself just shitpost on the internet in order to counter the "enablers" is also kinda ineffective and dumb.

Adorabat is cute though

>it's the SJW fault!!!1!
Can you confirm that the author originally actually wanted to implement cute girls waifu fapbait, but was prevented from doing so by the SJW culture?

I'd rather have a qt doggirl who constantly tries to kidnap Mao Mao because she misunderstood the concept of cat burgling.

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stop falling for bait guys

>Lapis and Peridot does things to my dick.
Yeah mine too, when drawn by someone who wants to do things to my dick. In show they are the same titless freaks you were complaining about earlier.

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peridot has tits in the show ya normie.

yes, look at all those tits, you can just see the cleavage.

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She looks like a sleazy downs syndrome teacher.
Stop it with your ugly art style, John K. I never once tapped to What A Cartoon 's lineup or Tex Avery or Disney's attempts at girls. I didn't even fap to 90s DC, still too stylized for me.

I was busy capping it to actual attractive art styles used by Fox Kids' studios. I'm talking Fantastic Four, X-MEN, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, Diabolik, B.A.D. stuff which actually had meat, muscles, shapes and carried their weight properly.

Meanwhile you were jacking it off to Billy & Mandy, The Simpsons, The Jetsons, The Flintstones, DeeDee, Dexter's mom like a chump. You don't understand good art style because you never grew up with it.
Go fap to your stick figures, bobbleheads and downs syndrome anime girls.

>some retarded Waifutard getting BTFO

Yea Forums can be good sometimes

Actually end yourself.

>I breathe the same air as the people who unironically think like this

>I inhabit the same planet as these people as well

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You’re a future tranny I can tell.

>Stop it with your ugly art style, John K.
lolwut. The guys who did Ollie & Scoops threw shade at John K for Cans being late and sucking ass while their crowdfunded cartoon was on time and objectively better.

Ignore the angry troon and discuss
Mao Mao.


>6 Episodes in
Is Mao Mao just motivated by his deep seated insecurity and inferiority complex?

Literal cumbrain

you can see her tit bulge in some scenes you autistic samefag.

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>Fapping to a bulge
Now who's autistic?

i dont fap to this image user, i fap to other shit, but it proves my point.

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Shitty cartoonists hate other shitty cartoonists.
Why do you never hear of Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney, Warner Brothere, Saban, Foxkids, French creative visions ever interacting with the low life of Nickledeon and Cartoon network?

You'll never see Don Bluth and Craig McCracken acknowledge each other's existence let alone find themselves in the same picture.

>"peridot doesnt have tits!"
>screenshot implies otherwise
>"your an autist jerking to cartoon titties"

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meant for

>No waifus
the fit horse lady is kinda cute

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When was the last time a Canadian cartoon got more than one season?
(Outside of Total Drama that is)

>he doesn't enjoy oversatirized bodys
lolling at you retarded 3d anatomy fag

if that bulge is enough to imply tits then you'll probably jerk to arnold schwarzenegger in a sweater as well I assume

>no waifus
>has abysmal ratings

damn it all makes sense now

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except peridot isnt built like an austrian body builder with huge pectoral muscles, why are you reaching so hard to avoid the conclusion that she has breasts?

yeah people are stupid and will eat anything up as long as it has qts

I dont
they just look very much like nothing and that means you'll probably fap to fat dudes mantits or something as long as they look feminine enough


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Go fuck yourself

barely any dudes are built like this irl, and theres a reason the ones that are get called traps. she pretty clearly has tits, which refutes your earlier statement, i dont get why you keep bringing up other shit that is irrelevant to the topic.

Underage posters AND trolling outside of Yea Forums is against 2 rules.

I’m so glad waifufags will never breed so their retard genes can die out with them.

nah nigga, waifu niggas has existed since ancient times, they aint dying out anytime soon.

You can’t honestly tell me the waifufag in this thread has ever had sex.

So it's a disease? We need to find patient zero!

i think patient zero is long dead by now
they dont need to reproduce. their like faggots, they just appear.

Well the fact they will die alone is at least reassuring.

I debuts on the app, the ratings are low because everyone has already seen it on the format that generates data CN can sell to advertisers for more than they'd make selling adspace for a new cartoon. It's doing well enough on the app to continue existing and if it goes viral and actually gets good ratings on television, it would unironically be the most financially successful cartoon on the network in a while for selling data with guaranteed value instead of discounted commercial slots for an new show initially.

Initial app premieres are the future of cartoons, advertisers would rather pay for data they know they can use than ad space on something they're not sure will get them good exposure.

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there are plenty of characters, but degenerate waifu fags - always without exception - require moms and/or underage

note to self, maomao posters are the easiest to trigger.

best waifu

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Mao Mao’s definitely got some personal issues in there. It really shows in episode 7.

Mao Mao is cute.