wow guys... It's do eeep
Wow guys... It's do eeep
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This actually won an animation award or some shit
I'm not even a toonfag but the animation was sloppy in this
Not a single animal gives a shit about another species
Why are humans an exception?
What a fucking chad
Its because all the other animals are to dumb to see how they affect the balance of nature. If a species is to successful theyll over indulge in their food sources/natural resources and negatively change the environment for their own longterm survival.
Humans are smart enough to understand the effect we have on our longterm environment and can curb our behaviors and manipulate nature through science to increase our longterm survival passed what natures balance demands.
We are the gods of this planet and its our natural right to manipulate it to our needs, however the balance is far more delicate then we assumed, and we can impact the planet on a greater scale then we knew, so now we need to be smart about how we impose our will or we will make our home less comfortable, and potentially even dangerous for ourselves.
Best example is bees. Fuck bees. But bees pollenate shit, so their important. Either we save the bees to save ourselves, learn to pollenate, or make the bees work for us.
The difference is, before humans, relationships between animals were stabilized through natural selection; other animals may not give a shit, but they don't have to because they already have a system millions to billions of years in the making. With the addition of humans and our self-aware advanced intelligence, we can inflict more damage just by sheer volume of consumption, and obviously natural selection can't readjust fast enough to our actions, resulting in extinctions and ecosystem damage that are irreversible. Our conscious, self-awareness comes with a responsibility; we may be able to take as much as we possibly can from nature, but does that justify us to do it to excess and destruction? Our abilities are an advanced exception among other animals, so even though we may be the product of nature, that still doesn't give us the right to pillage and destroy for gluttonous gains. We can, and we do, but we should possess the restraint to preserve nature (within reason; humans are still animals that need resources, too) for the benefit of the entire animal kingdom.
What a Chad.
So you agree that we need to manage the countryside. So why are you trying to ban pest control shooting?
People here will laugh and call him a Chad. But I'm just waiting for the complete environmental collapse in a few decades from now
The fact that we're at this point right now is proof enough that it was meant to be like this. We are the masters of the nature, not the other way around. Nature serves us.
> complete environmental collapse
yeah caused by the chinks, not by some boomer eating meat and driving a car
But if they portrayed him as a chink or pajeet instead of a goofy white man it would have never gotten all the praise
It’s both you coward. Face up to what you have done, and stop consuming cheap Chinese products like the drone you are
Fuck off with your neo white man's burden shit. Nature is responsible for killing of the 90 percent of species that went extinct, Humans aren't responsible for nature, we are nature.
God I hate these “I’m so woke to humanity having issues” animations. They all either fit into the same 3 categories
>Humans taking and not giving back
>Humans becoming mindless automata
>Humans being cruel and not showing any love
In some cases it’s a combination of two or all three of them.
Can these fucks be original for once and stop making the same shit? Or are they that uncreative they keep ripping off of each other?
>Nature serves us.
Nature is going to bounce of off the face of the earth like a basketball within like 3 decades.
>it is a CRISIS
>you NEED to submit to endless controls on how you live your life
>no time to think!
Wow just like in the '90s
>a few decades from now
as has been said for continuous decades. do the world a favor and kill yourself NOW
You are amerifats, don't you?
>I-I LOVE subsidizing renewable energy programs for chinks and poos that have absolutely no enforcements to make them actually research while I live in a 12 square foot dwelling and also subsidizing housing and giving jobs to north african "refugees"
>a-at least I'm not m-m-m-murican
do you have a loisence to be posting here, m8?
Nature is a tool. Don't fuck your tools up.
Where the hell I mentiobed chinks por pajeets, you retarded inbreed?
>Not a single animal gives a shit about another species
Here retard