No Camp Camp thread

>no Camp Camp thread
Let's fix that.

New episode's about Preston, and it's his first real spotlight episode (R&J 2 doesn't count.)
Mega for lazy bums and poorfags:!G9kEBa4I!JTXRuQCCl9rHF126T6VBSw
And Season 3's being uploaded to Youtube:
Also, someone posted the script reading from the RTX panel (not the whole panel, though. Lazy bastard):
Also, here's something completely unrelated:

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Other urls found in this thread:!G9kEBa4I!JTXRuQCCl9rHF126T6VBSw

>RT doesn't pay its employees
>First membership is bullshit and they consistently remove old content so you're paying to not even be able to watch everything
>RT site is trash so you're literally at a disadvantage for watching it there with your paid membership
>They have discontinued multiple Apps so watching their content is a chore
>barely streamed any of RTX
>canceled both London and Sydney RTX

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My body is ready

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>they consistently remove old content
This is the first I'm hearing about this, what have they removed?

It sucks that I love this show so much that I'm paying these fuckers a subscription.

He's talking about Day 5 I guess? They temporarily pulled it from their site because they got a deal to air it on a TV channel that required exclusivity, it'll be back up at some point

Day 5 looks like shit, so it wasn't really a big loss, even if it's temporary.

One hour bump

Day 5 was actually pretty good IMO, one of the few RT shows worth watching on its own merits

I really want to see day 5, I've only seen the 1st episode.

Half hour bump

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It's out bois

>>canceled both London and Sydney RTX
Who cares?

It's up!G9kEBa4I!JTXRuQCCl9rHF126T6VBSw

It wasn't a super funny episode but I still liked it, it was good to see Preston finally get some focus/development

Definitely meta from the writers' perspectives too

It was alright. It was just a bit too predictable. The best parts where Preston´s hallucinations.

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yeah. i'd give it a 6/10. it was mediocre overall (except for the hallucination scenes, those were great) but there wasn't anything that stood out to me as "this is horrible." just sorta... eh.
>written by kirk johnson
oh, that's why it's mediocre. he's written all of the lackluster episodes this season.


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Apex comedy

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So you thought they were done with the Hitler jokes huh?

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yeah, it was nice to see they kept it.

Forgot to crop
I like this one where space kid can't eat the popcorn

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Preston was using Harrison's hat for his play

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>My obscure ship gets more fuel

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Oh good catch
I'll give it a 7/10
Preston is definitely somebody who needed a spotlight episode. Also I'm glad we got to see another side of David. I get being a camp counselor is his dream job, but I've always wondered about what he did after highschool. I loved the mirror gag, especially that shot where Preston leaves and his reflection is still there.

>max is happy
I didn't really like the episode but this is enough for me.

Did anybody understand the French in the episode and is willing to say if they’re translatable jokes or not?

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I was curious about that as well

I'd check the subtitles on the site but they're not there yet

God I miss Preston's old voice.

Same. His new one actually sounds too 'good' to fit the character imo

This. The old Preston voice was so amateurish and over the top it fits perfectly into the kind of character Preston is. The current Preston voice is too professional for the teather wannabe Preston is.


>new episode's about Preston
ok see you next week.

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>David went to clown school
Uh, that explains a lot.

Also, this episode was mediocre, but it was also full of funny background events. It's like the writting was so meh the animators decided to have a blast at making funny shit with what they have.

The ending song for the episode was fire.

Doesn't Nikki say something along,
"That's not what whacky camp counselor sounds like in my head."
Wonder if that was a joke on the V.A

Why did he have the kabuki facepaint?

Probably throw people off in the trailer for the season

Not just that, but sounded legitimately fucking unhinged. The part were he's talking to himself would have been legit creepy with the old VA.

>Dolph just being there the whole time

Also I liked this episode more than Nikki's episode

Yeah, it's like he's trying to much instead of being a natural at his role.
i didn't want to hear a psychotic boy, i wanted to hear an actual (kinda loud) boy actually falling slowly into madness. The hallucination scenes would have worked so great with the former Preston voice actor.

Too bad Rooster Teeth fucked him over. I think he had every right to quit.

Why did he leave?

They gave his passion project the axe

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Nomad didn’t do as well as they thought so they cancelled it without giving it one more chance.

It wasn't even a full Season

Well that's just terrible. Nomad was the best thing they had.

I think he left when it was cancelled, but RT still aired the season out. It ends on a cliff hanger, which feels like one more kick while your down than a finale

>Nomad was the best thing they had.
Let's not get carried away here, it was overwhelmingly mediocre with small spots of kino like the flashback episode. Plus it getting cancelled lets us have 18 episode Camp Camp seasons so I'm all for it

How many of those do you'll think will be two parters?

Who's getting carried away? RT has like three good shows. I'm assuming three because I'm sure there's one I don't know about.

RT has plenty of good shows: Nomad was not one of them.

I liked Lazer team. Pretty funny in Lazer team Colton Dunn has super speed and in superstore his character is in a wheelchair.

Also in Superstore Nichole Bloom plays an airhead and in Lazer Team 2 she plays a scientist.

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Any cute Nikki moments?

I'm trying to remember. She talks, but it's just blends in with the crowd. Not like swimming episode where she steals Max's hat.

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And stole Max’s heart as well. Anyone that clever and mean would.