Darla is for speed

Darla is for speed

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>young black girl
>doesn't ever shut the fuck up
I hate this trope so much

It's not a trope when it's the reality.

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>Shazam'd Darla

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Wait, are each one of them supposed to represent one of the traits of the name?
Everyone seemed to do everything to me.

Green - stronger
Purple - faster
Black - smarter
I don't know what is unique about Mary and Jr though.

Freddy got Flight

Mary is just female Shazam

>Mary is just female Shazam

I thought the smart one was the blue one

How does the rabbit use Shazam powers if it can't talk?
Also, is it still called hoppy the marvel bunny?

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That's what I thought too. I got that list from Wikipedia, maybe it changed for the movie, although It seemed appropriate considering how knowledgeable Eugene was in his kid form.

Freddie is flight and Mary will be 'wisdom' but I guess wisdom is kinda nerfed for movie Shazam

Girl Urkel

>black character's power is speed
What did they mean by this?

I'd say at least it's not lighting again but you know.

He probably says Squeak and gets the powers of a groups of gods with those letters. Which gods should they be Yea Forums.

They would probably be rabbit gods.
What kind of names do rabbit gods have?

She was cute. I honestly thought she would be annoying but the little brat won my heart in her first two minutes.

>When you've been a good girl all year and now you want to be bad

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So, does the Marvel Family only have one type of power for everyone that's not Billy? That's kinda lame.

>tfw she's sexy as hell but a devout Christian so she would have no compatibility with me
Fucking sucks

Aphrodite and Eastre (Anglo-Pagan goddess of spring) where associated with rabbits due to them being symbols of fertility.
The moon Goddess Itxell(Mayan) and Selene(Greek) where also depicted with rabbits due to the Rabbit in the moon.

Attached: goddess_ixchel_[1].jpg (800x400, 32K)

Darla is for starring in the MCU Lunella Lafayette/Devil Dinosaur movie. She'd be dead solid perfect.