ITT: mentally ill superhero’s and what disorder they have
Pic related has high functioning autism
ITT: mentally ill superhero’s and what disorder they have
Pic related has high functioning autism
Legion (though is he really a hero?) has schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder and asperger's syndrome.
Multiple personality disorder
>Pic related has high functioning autism
I think the only story where they came out and said it was the tangentially canon Year One, so despite writers post-Waid amping up that aspect more and more, I don't think it's actually confirmed.
What's her disability Yea Forums?
Ted Kord has historically suffered from bulimia and other eating disorders.
Bi Polar, both Hank and Nadia
Hank Pym is bipolar, IIIRC
Obsidian has schizophrenia.
Thom Starman does too.
Clinical depression
Steve Rogers - PTSD
The inability to stay on her own fucking board.
Actually it's called D.I.D now.
Fuck, where to begin?
PTSD, depression, OCD, paranoid schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, possibly a mild case of Peter Pan syndrome.
What else?
She's a feminist
batman sucks
Since when?
fucking daddy issues
>falling for the "depression is real guyz" meme
Addictive Personality
Arsenal and Iron Man can be added due to their addictions
Narcissism and missing the lobe that involves fear and causes prudence
For real or just fan perception?
If it was unintentional it fooled most of the readers.
Riri with autism or as a villain makes a better story
Do you think there's actually good story potential in Riri's attitude about wanting to be challenged because of who/what she is and not realizing the difference between propoganda and actual social issues?
Animal hoarding
Autism is not a mental illness, thank you
Waid's run made it explicit
Yes, chemical imbalances in your brain are completely fake. Just think harder!
Survivor guilt
Oedipus Complex
that's just animal husbandry
Nothing, he's just a greedy, evil fuck that thinks is some tortured hero.
PTSD, of the side of the Empire State Building.
Depression, most probably. But sometimes I wonder if he isn't just bipolar, because fuck if he doesn't seem to have mania episodes as well.
Alcoholism. Narcissism. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Sexual Addiction.
Nope. Perfectly normal.
He's also a control freak as far as I remember.
True. But Pre-Retcons it was just something he developed due to stress while he was an adult.
>Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Not really. If that were the case he never would've turned the company in a Fortune 500 or been such a good boss and inventor. He just likes the adrenaline.
>Sexual Addiction.
Actually not. 616 Stark at least. Ultimate Stark is a sex addict, but not mainline Stark. It was always the main contrast with other Playboys. He's looking for comfort and companionship, but the women always die, become villains, cuck him or leave him. He's just unlucky, but he's not a sex addict.
That he is, but does it count as a "mental illness"? Might as well add that he holds a grudge and lets the anger cook and build up.
When it reaches a certain level, it does, I think.
Oh yeah. Forgot about that.
>True. But Pre-Retcons it was just something he developed due to stress while he was an adult.
Doesn't matter. He is has addictive personality disorder, which leads to the sexual addiction as well. He has been shown, multiple times, going from woman to woman.
It ended up with the death of Steve Rogers. So yes, it does.
>When it reaches a certain level, it does, I think.
I guess.
But he doesn't have a sexual addiction. I told you, Ultimate Stark does, as he's fucking models, his assistants, everyone. 616 Stark is different. He's simply trying to establish a proper relationship but they all end far too soon and in tragedy.
You can argue him being evil post-CW since that's how writers tend to treat him in their stories now days but he's hardly greedy and if you think he isn't tortured in some way then I doubt you've read any of the comics.
Please don’t let King find this thread. Or maybe he’s already here...
>You can argue him being evil post-CW since that's how writers tend to treat him in their stories
I'm mostly memeing.
>now days but he's hardly greedy
Yeah, but that's not a good thing. It makes him less complex.
>and if you think he isn't tortured in some way then I doubt you've read any of the comics.
I know, I know, I just prefer the Knauf era and have a soft spot for the Kaminski stuff, so the recent stories relaly rub me the wrong way, since they're bad retellings of the O'Neil/Micheline/etc, eras.
This man clearly has extreme anger issues.
For real. Ewing has been leaning onto that angle and Zub gave her severe PTSD with a Thanos assault.
>Riri with autism or as a villain makes a better story
No Meyer, sociopathic people aren't evil by default. Stop pushing this shit.
Quick Rundown on this qt ginger?
You got it right!
>made a weapon that can destroy all realities
>lol I bet he has autism!
Bait so low you don't deserve a picture
Ur gay
ADD, depression, anxiety rooted in insecurity that manifests as intense arrogance (only I can do this and it must be alone because i’m a dramatic bitch who shouldn’t rely on anybody), low self esteem, some form of PTSD, sex addiction, depersonalization/derealization disorder, alcoholism/addiction problems, robophilia, chronic egotistic assholery that is largely a front in the conceal don’t feel school of mental illness It’s why he’s such a favourite of mine. What a mess.
That's just being catholic
Hugo Strange has Peter Pan disorter? Since when?
Wasn’t it also implied to have been hereditary as well as something that was just normal for him growing up? His alcoholic dad also forced him to drink as a child.
Yeah. Like I said, retcons ruined it. It was supposed to be a man succumbing under pressure and finding the strength to get back up. Instead it became “hurdur abusive dad”. If Tony started drinking when he was 8, and started drinking like a fish since he was 15, his puberty would’ve been so fucked up he would’ve stayed a 5’7” manlet with a recessed chin, a weak heart that’d give out after the first sign of exercise and a tiny dick, not to mention that he’d have remained brain damaged and certainly wouldn’t have finished MIT or done all the stuff he’s done. It’s a stupid retcon that I never liked.
>literal Tumblrwhale creating her “perfect DAMAGED” Husbando
Jesus, you Tonyfags are embarrassing. It’s a good thing I’m a StarkChad, unlike you lot.
2 personalities. the "bad" one is a detective
None of them are mentally ill.
Shouldn't you be making your Green Lantern thread and jerking off to your red head fetish and racism right now, Starkfag?
Nah, I have more fun triggering you with my mere presence.
Autism isn't sociopathy.
Nah, I'm not triggered. I just feel pity for you and your life.
Nah, he just has a ridiculous amount of calm and confidence that he can disregard any danger to himself and others
He's an adrenaline junkie who's self-assurance about his skill combined with his narcissism borders on delusional egomania. I mean, he empathizes with others but has little tact.
Also, Sonic gets scared of stuff. How do you explain his aqua phobiaand his fear of commitment
He’s an antihero like Punisher
Are you sure?
Name his disorder, Yea Forums.
Depression isn't real. It's just people being lazy fucks.
He's a living curse and needs to commit suicide.
Peter Parker wrote this.
Nha, Pete's too hung up on "responsibility" and "MUH UNKUL BEN" guilt to do the sensible thing and end his fucking misery.
Actually it's severe Dissociated Identity Disorder given the number of people in that head, mixed with fits of aggressive brought about by childhood trauma from a abusive father
Remind me: How many Hulks are booked in Banner's head so far?
What about Speedy and Red Arrow?
I know they don’t have anything like Arsenal does, but do they have anything at all?
bad role models.
Oh lol I suppose that’s true
I meant like drug addictions though
also kleptomania
>You can argue him being evil post-CW
pre cw too. the crossing happened
Not everyone who suffers a trauma develops ptsd
Not everyone who's socially awkward has autism
Not everyone who feels down has a depression
Borderline Personality Disorder
Aquaman exists
Not everyone who suffers a trauma starts running on the rooftops wearing spandex
Not everyone who's socially awkward builds LMDs to appear in public
Not everyone who feels down tries to kill themselves in elaborate way
"Shit life syndrome"
It's an often misdiagnosed condition.
Where should I start.
I would actually say that it's more likely that we're slowly building a world that many of us have no place in, and these people, finding no place for themselves, are doing the only thing they can: they lay down, get comfy, and they wait to die.
The voices in his head were retconned to come from Madcap living in his head. He mostly has symptoms of ADHD.
Wasn’t Starman’s mental issues self-inflicted?
Avoidant/Schizoid Personality Disorder.
The whole brain cancer thing probably isn't helping him out too much either to be honest.
>thinks 616 Stark isn’t a huge mess and waifus a version of him that hasn’t existed in 60 years because your autism registers any human weaknesses as character bashing or tumblrshit
Just enjoy Ults Stark if you want him to be less damaged and more ‘muh chad’. I like fucked up 616 Stark.
But she fucks guys.
Waifuism, like me. For the same girl: Gwen Stacy.
some kind of dependency disorder, he has a need to be the martyr to his detriment
Ult!Stark is too much of an unrealistic Chad and a swallower character. I like flawed 616 Stark. I just don't like pussy-whipped modern Stark.
No, she doesn’t.
From the top of my head
>Robert Bruce Banner (the normal persona)
>Savage Hulk (the angry brute most know)
>Guilt Hulk
>World Breaker Hulk
>Devil Hulk
>World War Hulk
>Planet Hulk
>Professor Hulk
>Joe Fixit
Do I have that right so far?